The Heavenly Teachings sent through Swedenborg to the humanity of this planet should be available to all people on Earth.
For this purpose it is necessary to translate from the Latin original into all languages of the planet, and the translation should be done by professionals translators living people. For example, if there are 300 languages on the planet, then we need 300 translators from Latin into the language of the people who live on this planet. Example Albanians, we need a correct translation of all books (both published by Swedenborg himself, and unpublished by him (theological and pre-theological period) from Latin to Albanian. And the same applies to all languages of this planet. And the translation should be the most literal from the Latin original without distortion. Word for word. And without interpretations. These people translators should belong to the people whose language they translate and be specialists of the highest class in knowledge of the Latin language.
This also applies to the Word (i.e. to those books which Swedenborg refers to the Word as having inner meaning).
In the same way, as stated above, we need translators of the people who will translate from Hebrew and Ancient Greek into the language of that people. Example translators of the people from Hungary from Hebrew and Ancient Greek into Hungarian. And so it should happen with all languages. If there are 300 languages, then all 300.
Also all these translations from these three languages (Word from Ancient Greek and Hebrew and Swedenborg’s book from Latin) should be in two versions . Say in Romanian . Translated from Latin into Romanian and from Hebrew and Ancient Greek into Romanian. And the other version is a lined translation from Latin to Romanian, where there is a text in Latin of some book of Swedenborg and at the bottom of the text is a lined translation in Romanian and the same with the Word. Hebrew and at the bottom of the Romanian text is a lined translation and the same with the Word in Ancient Greek.
This whole volume should be freely available for reading and downloading for all people of this planet. There should be a site on the Internet for this.
Also in each country where this translation will be on the site in electronic form, there should be a center where these books will be printed in the form of paper books and should be sold for a symbolic fee to anyone who wants.
Example the country of Japan and there is a center where all these books are printed in paper form in Japanese from Latin, Hebrew and Ancient Greek plus printed originals with Japanese liner notes. All this should be done by top class professional Japanese translators.
The same applies to all other countries and languages.
A huge amount of work. For example, something similar has been done by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who translate the Bible into all the languages of the world.
This must happen in order for candles of spiritual light to be set up by a network all over the planet, which is mired in spiritual darkness.