Aaron (Aharon). Aaron d. the doctrine of good and truth, 6998, 7009; the truth of doctrine which proceeds mediately from the Lord, 7009; the Lord as to good: shown, 9806; the external of the Word, the Church, and worship, separated from the internal: illustrated, 10397.
Moses d. the Word in the internal sense; Aaron d. doctrine therefrom, when they are named together, 7089. Moses d. the internal law or truth; Aaron d. the external law or truth, 7382. Moses d. the internal; Aaron d. the external, 10468. Aaron d. the doctrine of truth from the external sense of the Word, and Hur d. truth of that doctrine, 9424. The sons of Aaron d. Divine Truth proceeding from Divine Good, 9807. The priesthood succeeded from Aaron to his sons, because they rd. the Lord as to Celestial Divine Good; consequently the celestial kingdom is a kingdom of priests: briefly shown, 9946. The priesthood of Aaron, his sons, and the Levites d. the work of the Lord’s salvation in successive order, 10017. Aaron and his garments r. the higher heavens, thus the celestial kingdom, and his sons and their garments r. the lower heavens, or the spiritual kingdom, 10068.
Abel (Abel). Abel d. charity, 342, 354.
Abib, The Month (Abib mensis). Abib d. the beginning of a new state, 8053, 9291.
[Abide, To. See To DWELL.]
Abihu (Abihu). See NADAB.
[Ability. See MIGHTY and POWER.]
Abimelech (Abimelechus). Abimelech, because he d. the doctrine of faith, also r., in the supreme sense, the Lord, 3393, 3401; those who are in the doctrine of faith, and regard truths in cognitions, 3392; the doctrine of faith that regards rational things, 3391, 3397, 3447.
The king of the Philistines d. doctrinal things, 3365, 3391. The king of Gerar d. the doctrine of faith that regards rational things, 2504, 2509, 2510.
[Abodes. See MANSIONS.]
Abomination (abominatio). Abomination d. the separation of perverted things from goods, 6052; infernal foulness and defilement, 7454. [The abomination of desolation d. the state of the Church when there is no love and no charity, 2454:4, 3652.]
Abortion (abortus). See To BRING FORTH.
[About. See ROUND About.]
Above (supra). What is interior is expressed by that which is higher, 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325. Lower things may be seen from higher, not contrariwise, 8237. To look above and below self, 7814-7821. See CHARITY.
[Abraham (Abraham). See under ABRAM.]
Abram (Abram). Abram knew not Jehovah, 1356; was an idolater, 1356, and worshipped the god Shaddai, 1992; is unknown in heaven, 1834:3, 1876; but when he is named the Lord is understood, 1989.
What Abram s., 1732, 1741. What Abram the Hebrew s., 1702, 1741. Abram r. the Lord in that state and in that age, 1989; the common stock of the Church where the Word is, 3778, and the genuine Church, 4206, 4207. Because by Abram the Lord is rd., by him many things are rd., 1965, 3245. Abram was called Abraham, the letter H being inserted from Jehovah, so as to r. the Divine of the Lord, 2010.
Abraham knew not Jehovah, 7194; worshipped other gods, 3667:2; in the first state, worshipped other gods, 2559.
Abraham d. the Lord in that state, 2501; also the Lord’s Divine Human; when, 2833, 2836; r. the Lord, and more besides, 3245; rd. the Divine of the Lord, which is the Father, and the Divine Human, which is the Son, but the Divine Human from eternity, 3251. Jehovah the God of Abraham d. the Divine of the Lord, which Abraham r., 3439. Jehovah the God of Abraham thy father d. the Lord, that from Him is good, 3703. Abraham r. the Lord’s Human as to Good; Sarah r. the Lord’s Human as to Truth, 2172, 2198. Abraham and Keturah r. the Lord’s Divine Spiritual, 3236. The sons of Abraham by Keturah r. the Lord’s Spiritual Kingdom with derivations, 3239-3242.
The fathers of the Jews, as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, worshipped each his own god, 5998. See JEW. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worshipped the god Shaddai, 3667:2. If the historicals were the Word, apart from the internal sense, many, such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, would be esteemed as saints and as gods, when yet there is nothing more in them than in others, in the other life, 3229. When Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are named in the Word, the Lord is understood, in heaven, and as to the Divine Itself and the Divine Human: shown, 6804.
What is rd. by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the supreme sense, or in the Lord; and what in the representative sense with man, 6098. Abraham s. the Lord’s Internal Man, and what Isaac and Jacob s., 1893. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob d. the Lord, and the Lord as to the Human not yet made Divine, 7193; the Divine Life together, thus the Divine Itself, the Divine Rational, and the Divine Natural, 4615; in the supreme sense, the Lord; and, in the relative sense, internal and external good, 6276; heaven and the Church: illustrated, 10445; r. three things in the Lord, which are one, and three things in the Church, 6185. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob d. the Lord as to the Divine Itself and the Divine Human, 6847. A covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob d. conjunction by means of the Divine Human of the Lord, 6804. The seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob d. the goods and truths of heaven and the Church, 10445. What to swear by Abraham, Isaac, and. Jacob s., 6589. To sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob d. to be with the Lord; and to come to Abraham’s bosom d. to be in the Lord, 3305:7. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob buried in the land of Canaan s. regeneration and resurrection, because the Church was there, 6516.
[Abrech (Abrech). Abrech d. adoration, 5323. See KNEE.]
Abscesses (apostemata). Abscesses in the cavity of the breast; who c. to them, 5188. See WOUND.
Abstract (abstractum). In heaven they think and speak by abstract things; why, 4380e, 8343, 8985, 9007. See PERSON.
Abyss (abyssus). Abyss d. those who are in lusts and falsities, 18; temptations, also hell, 756, 845. Abysses, in that they are waters in plenty, d. truths of faith in abundance, also falsities from lusts; thence the hells: shown, 8278; temptations: shown, 8278:3; the hells as to falsities; and depths d. the hells as to evils, 8279. See also DEPTH. The abyss lying beneath d. scientifics which are in the natural, 6431.
Accident, By (fortuitu). See FORTUNE.
Accurse, To (devovere). To accurse d. casting out from the Church, and an extirpation of falsities from evil, 9193.
Acknowledge, To (agnoscere). It is one thing to know (scire), another to acknowledge, and another to have faith, 896. [See also under SCIENCE.]
Acquainted with, To be (nosse). See To KNOW and To COGNIZE.
Acquisition (acquisitio). What acquisition s., 1435, 1717, 1851. Acquisition d. those things which are acquired; thus scientifics, truths, and goods, 1435, 1851, 4105, 4391, 4487, 6017; the scientific from which a man thinks, 1435; good and truth in general, 4391; truths acquired, 6017. Acquisition d. truth, and substance d. good, 4105. Acquisition d. the good of truth, and purchase d. truth, 4487.
Act, To (agere). Reagency is from agency, 6262. The conjunction of good and truth illustrated by agency and reagency, 10729:2. See REGENERATION.
Action (actio). See To ACT.
[Active. See To ACT.]
Adam (Adam). See MAN (homo). That the history of creation in the first chapters of Genesis is made-up history is illustrated from various things therein, 8891:2. Adam’s nakedness is explained, 9960:19. See NAKEDNESS.
Add, To (addere). ‘God hath gathered my reproach, and Jehovah will add another son,’ from which words Joseph was named, d., in the supreme sense, the Lord as to the Divine Spiritual; in the internal sense, the Spiritual Kingdom, or the good of faith; in the external sense, salvation, also fructification and multiplication, 3969:4.
[Adhere, To. See To CLEAVE.
Adjure, To. See To SWEAR.
Admah and Zeboim (Adma et Zeboim). What Admah and Zeboim s., 1212.]
Adoration (adoratio). Adoration is described, 1153:2. There is no adoration unless there is charity, 1150. To fall upon the face was a mode of adoring with the ancients; why, 1999. [See also WORSHIP.]
Adornment (ornatus). Adornment d. holy truth, also the Divine in externals: illustrated, 10536; shown, 10540.
Adullam (Adulla). Adullamite d. truth which is from good; in the opposite sense, falsity which is from evil, 4816, 4854.
Adultery (adulterium). See also HARLOT. Everyone can know how impious adultery is, if he would think about it as a case of his own wife being thus deceived, 2733:3. The mercilessness and religious condition of adulterers, 2747. Adulterers wish to obsess men, 2752; are cruel, 824; excite pain in the loins and genital members, 5059, 5060. The greatest adulterers, when they apply themselves, induce pain in the periostea everywhere and heaviness in the stomach, 5714. Adulterers do not fear Divine and human laws, but they fear blows, 2748. How filthy their ideas are, 2747, 2748. Adulteries are also destructive of society, since all adulterers are in the love of self, 2045:2. Marriages are most holy, but adulteries are most profane, 9961:4; they are profane and from hell, 10174. They who take delight in adulteries do not believe those things which relate to heaven and the Church, because it is from the marriage of evil and falsity, which is infernal, 10175.
When anyone commits adultery on earth, heaven is closed against him; his character hereafter, 2750. Adulterers cannot come into heaven, 2747, 2748. It is impossible for them to enter into heaven, 827; they cannot approach to heaven, and adulteries are contrary to conjugial love, the laws of both kingdoms, and order, 2733:2. An adulterer approaching towards heaven rejected, 539. By accustomed blandishments adulterers insinuated themselves into societies, but were rejected, beaten, and at length associated with their like in the hells, 2753. Angelic bliss and felicity communicated to adulterers become nauseous, painful, and stinking, on which account they cast themselves together into hell, 2749.
Concerning the hells of those who have lived in adulteries and lasciviousness, see HELL. In their hells they love dirt and excrements, 2755. Concerning those who are most filthy; their filthiness is unmentionable; their character and hell, 5722. Adulterers are in the excrementitious hells, 5394. The most deceitful adulterers beyond others, are above the head: they ensnare by means of innocence and mercy; their hell is the most grievous, 2754. The hell of cruel adulterers is under the right foot, where those are who are of the Jewish nation; from experience, 5057. A body of adulterers which sends out investigators who report that they are against conjugial love, good and truth, and the Lord, 2751. Adulterers who are in contraries are they who ensnare in conjugial love, by means of love, friendship, and kindnesses; concerning whom from experience, 5060. The very grievous punishment of those who have communion of wives, 2756. One who by adulteries and whoredoms extinguished the desire for marriage and the procreation of offspring; his punishment, 2746. With the lascivious who have not extinguished the desire of procreating offspring there is heat, 2757. The hell of those from the Church who have lived in faith separated from charity, and in a life of evil, is under that of adulterers; the reason, 8137:2.
Adulteries d. the perversions of truth and good, 3399; adulterations of good, and whoredoms d. falsifications of truth; this is from representative things, 2466, 2729. To commit adultery (adulterari), whoredom (moechari), and fornication (scortari), d. to pervert those things which relate to faith; thus to apply the Word to the confirmation of evils and falsities; in the internal, representative sense, to worship idols: shown, 8904. Prohibited degrees s. profanations of various kinds, 6348:2. The dog Cerebus d. a guard lest anyone pass over from the heavenly delight of conjugial love to the opposite, 2743, 5051:2. See DOG.
[Adversary. See ENEMY.]
Afar (longinquum). To see from afar d. to perceive remotely, 4723. To stand afar off d. remoteness from internals, thus from good and truth: shown, 8918. To bow oneself from afar off d. humiliation, also adoration from the heart, and then the influx of the Lord, 9377. See also NEAR.
Affection (affectio). See also LOVE, CHARITY. Affection is that which is continuous of love, 3339:8. What the delight of affection is, 3933e. See DELIGHTFULNESS. Celestial affections are altogether incomprehensible and inexpressible, 3339:2, 3857:3. Every affection contains in itself things innumerable; concerning which things; and the affection is the whole man, 3078, 3189. To one affection there are many subordinate affections, and these in an incomprehensible form, 3189. The quality of the love and affection of a man is known from the end; concerning which subject see 3796:2.
There is an affection of good and an affection of truth; what the distinction between them is, 1904, 1997. The quality of those who are in the affection of good, and that of those in the affection of truth; the distinction, 2425:2, 2429:2. There is an affection of rational truth, and that of scientific truth, 2503. The first affection in the natural man is not that of genuine truth, but the affection of this truth comes afterwards, 3040. What the genuine affection of truth is, and its nature; and what the affection of truth, not genuine, is, and its nature; the distinction, 8993:3. Affections, when they ascend or are elevated towards the interiors, become gentler, and other spiritual affections are substituted, 3909. The affection of truth appears to be from truth, but it is from good, 4373. All affections are bonds, and they are external and internal, 3835. Those who are in truths without affection, [who are man-servants,] and those who are in truths from affection, who are maid-servants; the distinction between them, 8994:3.
Affections are what excite truths and falsities, 2480e. The celestial angels form to themselves lights of affections, and then of ideas, from the affection of good and truth in the Word, 2157, 2275. Conjunction is made by means of affections, 3939. The conjunction of truth with good is made by means of affection, 3024. By means of affections the implantation and conjunction of the love of good and truth are effected: illustrated, 4018. Truths are nothing without affections: illustrated, 3849. The affection of good is adjoined to truth in the natural man by the Lord, with man, and, through the affection of good, truths are produced, and so falsities and evils are removed, 3336:3. Affection is insinuated by means of refusal, 4366, 4368. Truth without affection does not enter, still less inhere, 3066. Affection always adjoins itself to the subjects which are implanted in the memory, and is, together with them, reproduced, 3336:2. Heavenly freedom is from the affection of truth and good, and infernal freedom, from the affection of falsity and evil, 2873. See FREEDOM. To imitate affections, as if they were heavenly, from the proprium, is infernal, 10309.
All affections have gestures corresponding to them, 2153. Affections are sd. by little children, girls, young women, and daughters, but with a difference, 3067.
Affinity (affinitas). There are affinities of love and faith, 917. There are consanguinities and affinities relating to heavenly loves, 2739. With all things in man there are consanguinities and affinities, 2508, 2524, 2556. If men recognised and perceived what good is, they would then first know innumerable things: namely, the proximities of good and truth, such as they are in heaven, 3612. Societies in heaven are situated like consanguinities and affinities on earth, 685. All consanguinity in heaven is from good, and proceeds therefrom, 3815. Consanguinities and affinities in the other life take place according to good, 4121. To contract affinities d. union, 4450.
Affirmative (affirmativum). The affirmative of good and truth must be the first thing of man’s regeneration, 3923. There must be the affirmative of truth before the influx of good from the Lord can be received, 3913e. They who consult scientifics concerning Divine things, if they are in an affirmative state, are confirmed; if in a negative state, they are weakened, and at length believe nothing, 4760. The learned more than the simple do this; and they believe less, because they consult scientifics from a negative state, and so deprive themselves of interior sight, 4760:4.
Affliction (afflictio). Affliction is predicated respecting truth, 4060; d. temptation, 1846, 5356; the means of arriving at good, 3864; infestation, 6663, 6851. To afflict d. to infest by falsities of doctrine; to oppress d. to infest by evils of life, 9196. By to afflict the soul is sd to compel to do good, 1947.
After (post). See also BACKWARDS. After d. near to, 5216. After thee, what it s., 2019. To go after them, when spoken of the Divine, d. to protect lest evils should flow into the voluntary, 8194. See also BACK. To be, go, walk after, d. to follow and consociate with them: shown, 9251.
Agate, Ligure, Amethyst (achates, cyanus, amethystus). Agate, ligure, amethyst, d. the spiritual love of good, or the internal good of the Spiritual Kingdom, 9870.
Age (aetas). Concerning the successive states of a man according to ages; the first is from birth to the fifth year, then there are ignorance and innocence; the second is from that age to the twentieth year, which is the state of instruction and knowledge; the third is from that age to the sixtieth year, which is the state of intelligence; and the fourth is the state of innocence in wisdom, 10225. Times, as times of a man’s age, d. states; concerning which, 3254.
Age (saeculum). An age, when mentioned with respect to the Church, d. duration to the end; when spoken of heaven and the Lord, what is eternal; it is predicated in general of every Church, in particular of the celestial Church; it also d. the world and the life there, likewise the life after it: shown, 10248. See also GENERATION.
[Aged, See OLD.
Agency. See To Act.
Agreement. See CONSENT.]
Aholiab (Aholiabus). Aholiab, who did the works, d. those who are in the good and truth of faith, 10329:4; with whom the Church was to be established, 10335.
Ai (Aja). What Bethel and Ai s., 1453, 1557.
Aid. See HELP.
[Alien. See STRANGERS.
Alive. See under LIFE.
Almonds (amygdaloe). Almonds d. the goods of life corresponding to the truths of interior natural good, 5622. Almond-shaped bowls d. scientifics from good, 9557.
Alone (solus). What to be alone or to dwell alone s., 139, 471.
Altar (altare). [See also under To ANOINT.] In ancient times heaps were made, and the altars were therefrom, 4192. The altar and the tent were polluted by the sins of the people: shown and illustrated, 10208:3.
The altar and the temple were the principal representatives of the Lord, 921, 2777, 2811; and altars primarily sd. the Lord’s Divine Human, as does the Holy Supper, 2811. Altar d. what is holy of worship, 4541; also what is built in witness and memory: shown, 8623; a representative of the Lord, and the worship of Him, as to good: shown, 9714; the principal representative of the Lord, and the worship of Him: references, 10642; heaven and the Church as to the reception of good from the Lord: illustrated and shown, 10123, 10151; the representative of the Lord as to the Divine Good; statues d. the same as to the Divine Truth, 9388, 9389.
The altar of Jehovah d. the principal thing of the worship of the Lord, 8935, 8940, 9014; they who acted from deceit or hypocrisy were to be taken from the altar and die: shown, 9014:4. All things of the altar represented and signified; concerning which see 4489:2 To build an altar d., in the highest sense, sanctification, 4558. An altar from the ground d. the principal representative of the worship of the Lord from good; but an altar from stone d. the same from truth, 8935, 8940. Ashes of the altar d. those things which are to be removed after uses; concerning which, 9723. The grate, the network, which was around the altar, d. the sensual: illustrated, 9726. The vessels of the altar d. scientific truths serving good, 9724, 9725, 10344. The foundation of the altar d. the sensual, 10028. The altar of incense, see INCENSE. The altar of the nations d. the representative of idolatrous worship, 10642:2. To enter into the tent of meeting d. to represent all things of worship from spiritual good; to come near to the altar d. to represent all things of worship from celestial good, 10242, 10245. To enter into the tent of meeting d. to represent the Lord as to worship from Divine Truth, 9963; and to come near to the altar d. to represent the Lord as to Divine Good, also as to worship, 9964.
[Alternations. See CHANGES.
Always (semper). See under To-DAY.
Amalek. See AMALEKITEl
Amalekite (Amalckita). Amalekites d. the falsities by which truths are assaulted, 1679. Amalek d. falsity from interior evil: shown, 8593; concerning those who are represented by the Amalekites further; their character, 8622:2, 8625:2.
Amazement, To be Amazed (stupor, stupescere). To be astonished (obstupescere) d. a sudden change of state, 5705.
Ambush (insidiae). See DECEIT.
Amethyst (amethystus). Ligure, agate, and amethyst d. the spiritual love of good, or the internal good of the Spiritual Kingdom, 9870.
Ammon (Ammon). The sons of Ammon d. those with whom truths are falsified; Moab, those with whom goods are adulterated, who nevertheless have been in natural good, 2468:15.
Amorite (Emmoraeus). Amorite d. evil in general; and the inhabitants of the land of Canaan were called Amorites, 6306:4; evil and falsity; whence, 1857. Amorite [and Perizzite] d. evil and falsity therefrom, 6859.
Anakim (Anakim, Enakim). See NEPHILIM [and PERSUASION].
Ancients. See under ANGEL.]
And (et). ‘And’ was used in the place of punctuation, as was also ‘it came to pass,’ 5578.
Angel (angelus). See also HEAVEN, [ARMY, and BEAUTY]. All spirits and angels have been men, 1880; they appear as men; whence, 3633. Angels are forms of love and charity, 3804:2, 9879; they are images of love and charity under the human form, 4735:2; they are of ineffable beauty, and are as loves and charities in form, 4985; they are of ineffable, beauty, because they are in the form of heaven, 5199. Those who are in hell appear to themselves, in their own light, as men, but looked into by angels, as devils and monsters; whence this is, 4533. The deceitful, looked into by angels, appear as serpents and vipers, 4533.
Concerning the spirits and angels with man, 5846-5866, and 5976-5993. See MAN (homo). With every man there are evil spirits and angels, 2887, 2888. According to the doctrine of the churches, in some measure, there are spirits from hell and angels from heaven with man, 5979:2. Angels and spirits are always present with man, 968. There are two angels with man, because there are two kinds of them: celestial and spiritual, 5978. That man may live, angels from heaven and spirits from hell must be adjoined to him, 5993. Angels are successively with infants and children, 2303. A man is governed by means of spirits and angels, from the Lord, 50,697. All changes of state with motion, as to voluntary things as well as to intellectual things, are regulated by the Lord through spirits and angels, 2796. Angels protect a man in various ways, they inspire goods, and this from love which is from the Lord, 5992; they rule over evil spirits, 1755. Angels with men do not attend, except to ends, 1645e; they bend evils toward goods, 5980. Spirits and angels perceive the interior things of man’s thought, 1931. Angels from certain societies see from causes what is with man, 4073e. Angels flow into the truths of faith with man: illustrated, 5893. See REGENERATION. Angels dwell in everyone’s affection, 3464; they dwell with those who are in the good of faith, 2268; they feel exquisitely what enters with a man, 228. In spirits and angels every sense, except taste, is more exquisite than in man, 1880, 1881.
Angels regard man as a brother, but evil spirits regard him as a vile slave, 2890. With what charity and joy those who are let in are received; they are received by angels into the heavens, and how they come into agreeable societies, 2131. Celestial angels occupy the province of the heart, and two sit at the head, when a man is resuscitated from the dead, 168-181; spiritual angels succeed them, 132-189. Angels do not forsake the resuscitated man, but he desires to depart from them, 182. Because angels love everyone, they do not relinquish a soul, but it desires to depart from them, and dissociates itself, 314-316; they are very indignant when compelled to retire, 4077.
A man, an angel, or a spirit is according to his love: illustrated, 10177. A man is in the society of such spirits or angels as he himself is; concerning which, 4067:3, 4073:2, 4077:2. Angels who are in similar good know each other as if they had been acquainted from infancy, and it is from this that truths with man acknowledge and conjoin themselves, 9079:2.
There are three heavens; those of spirits, of angelic spirits, and of angels; in each of which there are both celestial and spiritual angels, 459. The angels of the three heavens are subordinate to each other, 1752; but the subordination is not that of command, 1802. Concerning the heavenly freedom in which angels are, see FREEDOM. The whole of an angels power is from the Lord, 1752. There are angels who are nearer to the Lord and those who are remoter, or, who are interior and exterior, 1802:2. The Lord appears to celestial angels as the Sun, to spiritual angels as the Moon, 1529-1531.
Angels are continually being purified, and can never come to perfection, 4803. Evil is not separated from a man or an angel, but he is withheld from evil, and so held in good, 1581. Those who are in evil associate themselves with societies, those who are in good are adjoined by the Lord to them, 4073:2. The changes of angels’ states appear in their faces according to the societies into which they come, 4797; which things were seen, 4797. Angels appear in the heavens clad in garments 165; those who are likenesses of the Lord appear in radiance and white, after the likeness of the Lord in the transfiguration, 5530:2. Angels are veiled by a thin and suitable cloud lest they should be hurt by the Divine influx, 6849. See also FIRE.
What angels introduce beautiful dreams, 1977. The influx of angels is like streams of flaming light, 6209; it is into conscience, 6207, 6213. Conscience is from the combat of spirits and angels, 227. In temptations there are indignations and many affections, 1917. Angels were with the Lord when He fought, 1705, 1752; He had societies of spirits and angels with Him, yet He took nothing from them, but through them from the Divine, 4075. He admitted into Himself temptations from angels, 4295:3. Angels have no name, but are named from their quality as to good, 1705; and are distinguished by goods and truths, 1754. The base and filthy things of infernal spirits are turned into milder things with angels, 5981. See also SUBJECTS. Angels moderate penalties in the other life, but cannot take them away, 967. The angelic life consists in use and the goods of charity, 454.
They who are in love to the Lord and charity have angelic wisdom in them, but obscurely; they come into it after death, 2494. The wisdom of angels continually increases in the other life, yet they cannot advance far beyond the first degree, 6648. Nothing of an angel’s intelligence and wisdom is from himself, but from the Lord, 4295:2. Angels are in wisdom above that of man, 3404, 3405. There are innumerable things which are apprehended by angels, but not by men, 2786, 2795, 2796, 2802; they apprehend innumerable things of which man does not apprehend even the most general: exemplified, 3314; they comprehend and see innumerable things of which man knows not even that they are, still less what they are, 9176e. Angelic wisdom is ineffable: illustrated, and from experience, 9094. Angels are in wisdom and intelligence, and in the principles of things, and they see all things which are beneath, because they are in celestial and spiritual love, 2572:3. Thoughts and affections extend themselves far into angelic societies, 6598-6613. See To THINK. Angelic ideas are alive, because they refer natural things to spiritual, and to such as relate to man, 7847. The state of angels as to those things which relate to the memory, 2493. Celestial angels form for themselves lights of ideas, from affection, 2802; they never wish to name faith, but they perceive love, with a difference known to them, 202; with the spiritual angels it is otherwise, 203.
The speech of spirits and angels, 1634-1650. See To SPEAK and LANGUAGE. The difference of the speech of spirits, angelic spirits, and angels, 1642. The speech of angelic spirits described, 1643. The speech of angels in the world of spirits appears like the light of a flame, 1646. The case of thoughts and speech of angels is as internal things in the body are with respect to external, 3347; for ideas they have ends and uses, 1645. The speech of celestial angels is distinct from that of spiritual angels, and is also more copious, 1647; because they form for themselves lights of ideas from the affections in the Word, 2157; but the spiritual form significations of things, 2157, 2275. Because celestial angels derive all things from love, their speech is more incomprehensible than that of spiritual angels, 880e. What angels speak of among themselves, 5249e. When the wise ancients thought about God, they thought of the Divine Human, as angels do, 6876:2. The state of angels when they speak, not from themselves, but from the Lord, 1745:2. How it is with angels, when the Lord speaks by means of them, that they know not but that they are the Lord, 1925. The man of the Most Ancient Church spake with angels, but not those afterwards, they spake, but in another manner, 784. I have spoken with spirits and angels; and man was so created that he might speak with them, 5, 67-69, 1880. See TO SPEAK. Angels see nothing that is in the solar world; they have seen through my eyes, 1880; when this first happened, it was regarded as a miracle, 1880:2. Heaven and earth were so united from their first creation, 1880:2. It is dangerous for man to have heaven opened to him, 784e.
The internal sense is for angels, and to them it is precious, though of slight account with man, 2540:2, 2541, 2545, 2551, 2574:3. Many things in the internal sense come within the angelic apprehension, because angels are in the light of heaven, which do not come within man’s apprehension, because he is in the light of the world, 2618, 2619, 2629e. Because the Word in the highest sense treats of the Lord’s glorification, and in the representative sense of man’s regeneration, therefore, they who are in the Lord enter into angelic wisdom and happiness, 5688e.
The Lord as to the Divine Human is called the angel of Jehovah; the reason is that the Human Divine formerly appeared as an angel when Jehovah or the Divine Itself passed through heaven, 6831. The Lord is an angel, and is called an angel as to the Divine Human: briefly shown, 9303. The man who receives the Divine is also called an angel: shown, 10528. Many are called an angel, and named an angel, as Michael, which d. the function, 8192:3. See GOD. An angel, in the supreme sense, d. the Lord as to the Divine Human, and also the Divine of the Lord with angels and men: briefly shown, 10528. The Lord is understood by angels in the Word, but what with respect to the Lord is sd. appears from the series, 1925e. By angels are sd. the Lord, and why, 3039; and an angel d. the Divine Providence, 3039. An angel s. something of the Lord, 2821; and the reason is that angels do not speak from themselves, and do not attribute good and truth to themselves, 4085. Angels d. Divine Truth: illustrated, 8192:2. Two angels s. the Divine Human and the Holy which proceeds from the Lord, 2319. The redeeming angel is the Lord’s Divine Human, and the Lord is called an angel: shown, 6280. The Sent, as the Lord called Himself, is the angel of Jehovah: shown 6831. The angels of God met him, d. enlightenment, 4235.
Anger (ira). Anger is described as being a flame in the understanding breaking forth from the fire, when love is assailed: illustrated, 9144. Anger and evil are from man, and not from the Lord, although they are attributed to Him: references, 9306:4. When anger is attributed to God, it is with man: shown, 5798; also to the Lord, when yet it is with man, 8483; and to Jehovah; the reasons: shown, 6997:3. The love and mercy of the Lord appear to the evil as anger, when they are punished; thence it is called anger: shown, 8875. Zeal has good in it; anger, evil, 4164. Anger is predicated of evil, wrath of falsity, 6358, 6359.
Anger s. departure from charity, 357e. Anger d. to be indignant, in which there is nothing of anger, 3909; aversion; the reason, 5034; aversion and assault: shown, 5798: sadness of spirit or understanding, 5887, 5888; evil, because it is from evil, and not from good, thus not from the Lord, although attributed to Him: illustrated, 10618:2. To burn with anger, when spoken of the Lord, d. aversion on the part of man: illustrated, 10431. Long-suffering as to angers, d. to endure evils long, and the Divine clemency, 10618. The anger of Jehovah d. clemency and mercy, 6997; punishment and damnation: shown, 6997:6. The wrath of Jehovah d. the fury of lusts and the endeavour to offer violence, on the part of the evil, 8284. Wrath and anger d. resistances and also punishments; wrath is predicated of truth and falsity; anger of good and evil, 3614. Fire d. anger: shown, 9143.
Animal (animal). See BEAST [and BRUTES.
Animal, Wild. See WILD BEAST.]
Anoint, To, Anointing, Ointment (ungere, unctio, unguentum). See here what is said concerning OIL. They anointed stones, arms of war, the altar, and similar things, priests, prophets, kings, and themselves: shown and explained, 9954. They anointed themselves with common oil, and not with the oil of holiness: shown, 9954:20. To anoint d. to induce representation, 10268; inauguration for the purpose of representing the Lord as to the Divine Good, thus for the purpose of representing the good of love from Him: shown, 9954, 10285. To anoint a pillar, 3728, 4090. See PILLAR. The Anointed, king, and Divine Truth are the same, 3009. See CHRIST. The Anointed of Jehovah d. the Lord as to the Divine Human: shown, 9954:11.
Anointing d. inauguration for the purpose of representing, 9474. See also OIL. Anointing upon the head represented upon the whole Human of the Lord: shown, 10011. By anointing was represented the Divine Good, and by filling the hand, the Divine Truth and the power therefrom, 10019.
Ointment of ointment, and a dealer in ointment, 10264, 10265. See SPICE.
Answer, To (respondere). To answer, when assented to, d. what is reciprocal, 2919, 4096; whence: shown, 8340; also reception, 2941, 2957; cognition, 5255; perception, 5472. To answer and say d. thought, 6943. To answer in a cause d. to declare an opinion, and judge, 9252. A Divine answer d. the Divine Truth from which it is, 8824.
Antediluvians (antediluniani). See FLOOD.
Antipodes (antipodes). Navigation round the world cannot be comprehended by many, nor how the antipodes stand on their feet, 1378.
Anxiety (anxietas). See SAD.
Apollyon (Apollyon). Apollyon d. the reasoning from falsities which appears as if from truths, and from philosophical considerations wrongly applied, 7643.
Apostles (apostoli). The apostles believed that they were to be great in heaven, 3417:2. What is sd. by the apostles sitting upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel, 2129:2; they cannot judge any single thing appertaining to man, 2129:2, 2553:2. The twelve apostles sd. all things of faith, both its good and its truth, 3488 See TWELVE. Concerning the tribes and the apostles, it is said they are to judge, but this d. the truths which are sd. by them, 6397:2.
The disciples at first held no other opinion concerning the Lord than that which the Jews held concerning the Messiah, and, further, concerning the heavenly kingdom than that there would be sub-ordinations as in an earthly kingdom, 3857:6. The disciples of the Lord represented all who are of the Church, 3354. The twelve disciples d. all things of love and faith, as the twelve tribes, 3858:16. See also TRIBES.
[Apparel. See GARMENT.]
Appear, To (apparere). Jehovah appearing to him d. from the Divine, 3367, 3438.
Appearance (apparentia). See also FALLACY, [TRUTH, and WORD.] In the Word of the Lord much is spoken according to appearances, 589, 735, 926, 1838, 1874. Appearances of truth; what they are; adapted as if they were truths, 1832:2; examples, 3207:3. There are no pure truths with man, neither with angels, but in the Lord alone, 3207:3. The truths of man are appearances, 2196:2, 2203, 2209, 2242:2. Appearances of truth with angels, and with men who are in good, are received by the Lord as truths, 3207. The doctrine of faith is invested with such appearances as are from human conditions, 2719, 2723. Those appearances are listened to as truths which belong to doctrinals, 3364, 3365. See To APPEAR. Rational things are appearances of truth, 3368:2. Truths Divine flow in by means of appearances with angels and men, otherwise they could not at all be apprehended, 3362; they are in appearances with angels and men, because Divine things cannot otherwise be apprehended, 3364e, 3356e. Appearances of truth are and exist by means of influx from the Divine of the Lord into rational things, and therefrom into natural things, where they are presented as an image of many things in a mirror, so that those which are in heaven appertaining to the angels are presented in the world of spirits, from which are representations, 3368:3. Representations in the other life are appearances, but living, thus real, which are from the light of heaven, which is wisdom and life from the Lord; but those which are in the light of the world are relatively not real, except so far as they are conjoined with those which are of the light of heaven, 3485. Appearances of truth are of a threefold degree, 3357-3360, 3362. Appearances are the truths which belong to man; exemplified from space or place, 3387e. On the appearances of a higher degree, which appertain to the angels; from the example of eternity, which to them is a state, 3404:2. Appearances of truth of a higher degree far exceed in perfection and abundance those which are in men, 3405; those of a lower degree exemplified from the saying that some were to be great in heaven, 3417. The Lord was also in appearances, but these He put off, 3405.
[Apperception. See PERCEPTION.]
Appetite (appetitus). Appetite c. to the desire to know (sciendi) and be wise, 4792.
Approach, To (appropinquare). See NEAR, [and To COME NEAR.] To approach d. influx, 8159; conjunction, 9997, 10001; when used of the beast for the sacrifice, d. application for the purpose of purification, 10021. To approach before Jehovah d. a state of reception and application to that state; on which, 8439. To approach unto God d. to think from the faith of charity about the Divine, 6843. To approach and be near d. conjunction and presence: illustrated and shown, 9378.
[Appropriation. See under INFLUX.]
Arabia (Arabia). See KEDAR.
Aram (Aram). See SYRIA.
[Aram Naharaim. See SYRIA.]
Ararat (Ararath). Mount Ararat d. the light (lumen) of one regenerated, 854, 855.
[Arcanum. See WORD.
Archer. See under BOW.]
Architecture (architectura). How stupendous it is in the other life, 1627, 1628, 1629.
Arise, To (surgere). To arise s. some elevation, 2401, 2785, 2912, 2927, 4103; elevation, and man is said to be elevated by means of spiritual and celestial things, 3171, 4103. To arise d. elevation into a state of light, 4881, 6010; elucidation, 6010. To arise in the morning d. to be elevated to heaven, and, in the opposite sense, to be depressed to hell, 10413. See MORNING. To arise in the morning, when spoken of the evil, d. elevation to attention, 7435. To arise early in the morning d. a state of enlightenment, 3458, 3723. The interiors are elevated: see To BE ELEVATED and To ASCEND.
Aristotle (Aristoteles). On the scholastics and metaphysicians; several matters about Aristotle, 4658. Aristotle’s thought about the Supreme Deity, the Lord, and the spirit of man, 4658:4. Concerning the woman seen by Aristotle, 4658:5.
Ark (arca). Noah’s Ark. What is sd. by the ark, 639.
Joseph’s Ark. An ark, being that in which something is concealed, thus d. concealment; hence the Ark of the Testimony because the law was therein, 6596.
Moses’ Ark. Moses, when an infant, was placed in a little ark, because he rd. the Divine Law and the Lord as to the Divine Law, 6723:3. A coffer of bulrush d. what is mean, but still derived from truth, 6723, 6732.
The Ark of the Testimony. [See also Joseph’s Ark.] The Divine Law was in the ark, and the ark rd. the Lord as to the Divine Law, 6723:3. The ark d. the inmost heaven, where the Lord is: shown, 9485. The tent and the ark rd. heaven, where the Lord is, 9457, 9481:2.
[Arkites (Arki). What the Arkites s., 1205.
Arm (brachium). See HAND and SHOULDER. The body exercises its forces and powers by means of the arms and hands, 4933. A naked arm, in the other life, is of such great power, 878e. The naked arm was seen bent forward, 4934, 4935. Those in the Grand Man who correspond to the hands, arms, and shoulders, are they who are in power by means of the faith of truth from good, 4932.
Hands, arms, and shoulders are predicated respecting truth, by which are sd. powers, in the internal sense, 3091. Arms, power, 574; strength: references, 10019:6. Arms s. strength, and hands, power, 4934. Hands s. power, and arm, still greater power, 1085. The arm of Jehovah d. the Lord as to the Divine Human, 8099:3. To make flesh his arm d. to trust in himself and to what is his own, and not to the Divine, 10283:7. A stretched-out arm, when spoken of the Lord, d. Divine Power, 7205. An arm not stretched out, but bent, s. power in the general sense, 7205. When it is said, respecting Jehovah, that He stretched out the hand or arm, it d. unlimited or infinite power in action, 7673. The right hand of God, and the arm of His strength, s. the Lord as to the Divine Truth, 8281:5.
Armlet. See BRACELETS.
Arms. See WEAPONS.]
Army (exercitus). The sons of Israel were divided into armies that they might represent the Lord’s kingdom as to goods and truths, 7236. Jehovah Zebaoth, or of Hosts, was so called from Divine truths, and because He fights for man, 3448:6. Angels are called the hosts of Jehovah, also the sun, moon, and stars; and the Lord is, therefore, Jehovah of Hosts: shown, 7988:5.
By armies are sd. truths, and, in the opposite sense, falsities, because by these there is combat: shown, 3448:8. Armies d. the genera and species of good in truths, 7236. As to armies d. that they are distinct as to the quality of good from truth, 8019. The armies of Jehovah d. goods and truths: shown, 7988. The armies of Pharaoh d. falsities from evils, thus those who are in faith separated, and in a life of evil, 8138. The horses of Pharaoh and the Egyptians d. scientifics from a perverse understanding; horsemen, reasonings therefrom; chariots, the doctrinals of falsity; armies, the falsities themselves, 8146:3, 8148. War in general and weapons of war s. spiritual combats; such armies are the truths and goods by which they are fought. See WAR, BOW, SWORD, SHIELD, and ENEMY.
[Aromatics. See SPICE.
Around. See ROUND ABOUT.]
Arphaxad (Arphachschad). What Arphaxad s., 1230, 1339, 1341.
Arrogance (fastus). See LOVE OF SELF.
Arrow (sagitta). See BOW.
[Arrow-Snake. See under SERPENT.
Arsenal (armamnentarium). Arsenals s. such things as are of truths fighting against falsity, and, in the opposite sense, of falsity fighting against truths, 6661:2. See also STOREHOUSES.]
Art (ars). The arts of magicians unknown in the world, 831.
Artificer (artilex). Artificer d. one who is wise, intelligent, knowing, 424.
Ascend, To (ascendere). [See also To ARISE.] What to ascend s., 1543. To ascend refers to what is external, and d. from the exterior to the interior, 3084. To ascend is predicated respecting going towards interiors: shown, 4539, 4969; it d. elevation towards interiors, 5817, 6007; also to recede and depart; concerning which signification, 5964; to conjoin, 8760; conjunction, 9373. God ascended from above him in that place d. the Divine in that state, 4578. To ascend d. going towards interiors; to descend d. towards exteriors, 5406.
Asher (Ascher). Asher was so called from blessedness; what Asher s., 3938, 3939. See BLESSEDNESS. Asher d. the blessing of the affections, 6408.
Ashes (cinis). [See also under ALTAR.] Ashes d. falsity from the evil of lusts, 7520. Ashes of the altar d. those things which are to be removed after use, lest they should oppose other uses: shown, 9723. Cinders of the furnace d. falsities of lusts, 7519, 7520.
Ashkenaz (Askenas). What Ashkenaz S., 1154.
Ask, To, Asking (interrogare, interrogatio). Why men are asked by the Lord, when yet He knows all things, 2693; shown, 6132. To ask d. to examine, 3385; and to perceive the thought of another; the reason, 5597, 5800. Questions in the sense of the letter, in the supreme sense, d. acknowledgment, 4358; also cognition from perception, 6250. To ask Jehovah, when it relates to the Lord, d. a state of communication, 3291; to be instructed in the truths and goods of the Church and worship, 10548.
Ass, She-Ass (asinus, asina). [See also OX.] A judge rode on a she-ass, the sons of a judge on young asses, a king on a she-mule, his sons on mules, 2871:6. How the Lord’s riding on a she-ass is a sign of the highest judgment and kingdom is explained, 9212:5. What ass and she-ass s., 1486. Ass d. a scientific, 5492; the natural, 8078. Asses d. scientifics, 5958; also she-asses, 5959. Asses, when they served for riding, d. rational truth, because this was a sign of the judicial office and kingship; but asses which served for carrying burdens d. scientifics, 5741:2. To ride upon an ass d. to serve the intelligence, 7024. A bony ass d. the lowest service, 6389. The firstborn of an ass d. the mind merely natural, 8078. The son of a she-ass d. rational truth, 2781:5. What is sd. by the Lord riding on a she-ass and a foal, 2781:8. Ass d. natural truth, and mule d. rational truth: shown, 2781. What ploughing with an ox and an ass together s., 10669:5.
Ass, Wild (onager). Wild ass d. rational truth; described, 1949-1951.
Assembly (coetus). See CONGREGATION [and To MEET (convenire).]
Asshur (Aschur). Asshur s. the rational mind, 119; reason and ratiocination, 1186.
Assyria (Assyria). See ASSHUR.
[Astonished, To be. See under AMAZEMENT.]
Asylum (asylum). They who injure anyone as to spiritual life by means of falsities of religion which they believed to be truths, were rd. by those who fled to an asylum: shown, 9011.
Atmosphere (atmosphaera). Into all forms that subsist intrinsic and extrinsic forces act; inward forces are alive, outward forces are not alive, but they correspond to each other, 3628:2. They who are from the Most Ancient Church have delightful auras, 1116. The atmospheres in the other life, 1621. There are most beautiful atmospheres around infants, 2297.
Attraction (attractio). The life which is from the Lord appears attractive: shown, 8604:3. All love appears attractive, 8604:3.
Aura (aura). See ATMOSPHERE.
Authority (auctoritas). The sphere of authority belonging to a certain one born into dignity, 1507. The sphere of authority is tempered by goodness, and honour is bestowed on those who are born into authority, 1508.
Avarice (avaritia). Concerning the Jews and the robbers in the desert, 940. Concerning the sordidly avaricious and their hells; they are infested by mice, 938, 954; they are where there are excoriated bogs, 939. Into what phantasies avarice is turned, in the other life, 954. They who are in filthy avarice are in the love of self more than others, although it does not so appear outwardly, and thence they are against all good whatsoever, 4751:2. The avaricious who are in the higher part of the stomach infuse anxieties, 6202.
Avert, To (avertere). See To TURN.
Awake, To (expergisci). To awake d. to be enlightened, 3715, 5208. 5218.
Axe (securis). What is sd. by an axe to cut wood in a forest, 9011:3. See WOOD.
[Azure. See BLUE.]
Babel (Babel). What is sd. by Babel, 1283, 1295, 1304, 1306-1308, 1321, 1322. Babel d. worship whose externals appear holy, but the interiors are profane, 1182; worship in which there is the love of self, thus profaned worship, 1326; also what vastates, 1327:6. Babel d. the profanation of good; Chaldea d. the profanation of truth, thus those who have self for the end in worship; to whom worship is for the sake of self and the love of ruling, for which holy goods serve as means. Chaldea d. those whose holy things are not true, 1368, 3901:8, 6534:6.
[Babylon. See BABEL.]
Back (tergum). [See also AFTER.] The voluntary of man is presented from the back, from correspondence with the Grand Man, 8194. To go after them, when it relates to the Divine, d. to protect the voluntary against infernals, for they are from the back, 8194.
[Back. See BACKWARDS.]
Back Parts (posteriora). They who deny the Word do not see the back parts of Jehovah: shown, 10584:3. To see the back parts of Jehovah d. the external things of the Word, the Church, and worship, 10584.
Backwards (retro). [See also AFTER.] That one ought not to look away from good to truth, thus backwards: illustrated, 7923, 8516; shown, 10184. What to look from good to truth means, explained; and what from truth to good, which is the inverse, and what to look from good is, according to the order of heaven, and that then the Lord has rest, and as it were man also, 8505, 8506, 8510. He who is led of the Lord by means of good is he that lives according to Divine order, thus in the Lord, 8512.
What is implied by backwards, 248. What to look backwards, or to look back (respicere), s., 2454, 7857. To look backwards d. to turn from good in which there is the celestial, to the doctrinal of faith, and so to leave good, 5895:5, 5897:9. To turn back again to take a garment d. to turn from the good of truth in which one is to the doctrinal of truth, 3652. To go backwards d. to be in evil: shown, 10584e.
Badger (melis). The skins of badgers d. external goods, 9471.
[Bake, To. See To BOIL.]
Baker (pistor). Baker d., in the internal sense, the sensual things subject to the voluntary part; whence this is, 5078, 5082.
Balaam (Bileam). Concerning Balsam, 1343e. That there were Divine prophecies with others than the Israelites, exemplified by Balsam, 2898.
Baldness (calvities). Baldness d. that there is no truth: shown, 3301:9. See HAIR (pilus). Baldness d. deprivation of the intelligence of truth and the wisdom of good: shown, 9960:3.
[Band. See under BOND and TROOP.
Bank (ripa). What is sd. by the bank of the river, 5205. The bank of the stream d. the state of falsity, 7308.]
Banner (vexillum). When it is an ensign, 8624. See SIGN.
Baptism (baptismus). See INUNDATION. What baptism is; briefly, 2702e. Doctrine of Baptism, 10386-10392. Baptism is a sign that a man is of the Church, and a memorial that he is to be regenerated by means of the truths of faith and a life according to them, 10386-10388. The waters of baptism also signify temptations, 10389. Because baptism is a sign and a memorial, therefore a man can be baptised when an infant as well as when an adult, 10390. Baptism does not bestow faith, nor salvation, but it testifies of these, if anyone is being regenerated, 10391. Explanation of Mark xvi. 16: baptising d. regeneration by the Lord by means of truths from the Word, 10392.
How infants represented baptism, 2299. Baptism d. initiation into the Church and those things which are of the Church, and this S. regeneration and those things which are of regeneration, 4255:5. Baptism s. regeneration, for this is effected by spiritual combats, it also s. temptation, 5120:12. Washings formerly and baptism today s. regeneration by means of the truths of faith, because waters d. the truths of faith, 9088. Washing d. purification, but complete washing, or that of the whole body, which is called baptising, d. regeneration: shown, 10239. The baptising of the Lord was a representative of the glorification of the Lord’s Human by means of temptations, 10239:4. Washing the feet of the Lord’s disciples (John xiii. 5-10) is explained, 10243.
[Bar. See STAFF.
Bared. See BERED.]
Barley (hordeum). Barley d. good of the natural or external man: shown, 7602.
Barren (sterilis). What barren s.; that truths were not received, 3857. That the barren called themselves dead was because they had no goods and truths, which are sons and daughters, 3908. Barren d. no life from truth and good: shown, 9325; also the nations who are not in good, because they are not in truths, and yet desire truths that they may be in good: shown, 9325:7.
Base (basis). Base d. support, 9643; by means of the truth of faith from good, 9748. The base of the layer, in which purification took place, d. the natural: shown; the subject of the ten bases near the Temple of Solomon, etc., is explained, 10236.
Basin (pelvis). Basin d. the good of the natural, 7920; and the natural, 7922.
[Basis. See BASE.]
Basket (canistrum). See BASKET (corbis).
Basket (corbis). Basket d. the voluntary part as containing good: shown, 5144. Perforated baskets d. voluntary things without termination in the middle, 5145:2. Basket (corbis seu canistrum) d. the sensual delight, and is predicated of good, and a bowl or goblet d. the sensual scientific, which is the ultimate, and is predicated of truth, 9996.
[Be, To, Being. See ESSE.
Beam. See ROOF.]
Beams (asseres). Beams for the dwelling d. the good which supports heaven, 9634.
Bear, To (partare). To bear d. to continue in a state of good and truth, so to exist and subsist, 9500; to exist and subsist: briefly shown, 9737; to preserve, 9900.
[Bear, To. See To BRING FORTH.]
Beard (barba). Before the flood they believed that the Lord would come, but aged and bearded; thence was the religious observance as to the beard, 1124. Beards d. sensual scientifics which are ultimate truths, 9960:3.
Beast (bestia). [See also WILD BEAST.] Beasts live according to order, but not man, 6372. That there is an influx into the lives of beasts is known 1633. There is an influx from the spiritual world into the souls of beasts and into their bodies, but it is differently received; concerning which, 3646. Beasts are in the order of their own nature, and, therefore, there is a general influx into them from the spiritual world, 5850. All scientifics are in loves: illustrated from beasts, 6323. Concerning some who live like beasts which have little of life, and life was inspired into them through angels, 3647.
Man has a connection with the Lord above beasts, and thence he cannot die, 4525. The distinction between man and beasts is that man has an internal, that he can be elevated towards the Lord, can see external things in himself, can think of Divine things, and can be conjoined to the Lord, and so can live after death, 9231. How much man is above beasts, 6323:3.
Beasts of various kinds were represented when discourse with angels was about affections: beautiful animals,-tame and useful, when about good affections, and hideous, fierce, and useless when about evil affections, 3218. Beasts in the Word and rituals r. goods and truths with man; and whence this is, 2179. Beasts s. affections; evil with the evil, and good with the good, 45, 46, 142, 143, 246, 714, 715, 719, 776. That beasts d. affections is from the representatives in the spiritual world, 5198:2. That beasts s. such things as are of affection and inclination, illustrated from representatives in heaven, 9090:2. Beasts in the sacrifices sd. celestial and spiritual things, 1823; tame and useful beasts, the celestial things which are of good, and the spiritual things which are of truth: shown, 3519:2; principally in the sacrifices, 3519s. Beasts sd. goods: shown, 2180. Evil beasts sd. evil affections, 719. There are beasts that s. the voluntary things, and those that s. the intellectual things of man; what they are, 2781. That beasts sd. affections and inclinations such as man has in common with them: references; and, therefore, they were used in sacrifices: references, 9280. Man and beast d. interior and exterior evil of lust, and interior and exterior good or evil, 7424; shown, 7523. From man even unto beast d. the interior and exterior evil lusts, 7872. A beast of burden d. what is stupid and but little conscious, 9040.
Beast of Burden (jumentum). See BEAST.
Beast, Wild (fera). Beasts and wild beasts d. affections and lusts, 45, 46. Wild beasts d. what is living and good, 774; also the living; why, 841, 908; also s. ferine, 908:3; the viler things in man, 1030; the evils and falsities of the love of self and the world, thus those who are in these: shown, 9335; also the upright gentiles, because they are in falsities: shown, 9335:5. Evil wild beasts d. a lie from the life of lusts, 4729; vastation of the evil from falsity, and damnation from the evil thereof: shown, 7102:2. Wild beast of the field d. those who are in the delights of external truth, 9276.
Beauty (pulchritudo). [See also COMELINESS.] Old women who have lived well, when they enter heaven, return to the flower of their youth, and become most beautiful, 553. Everything beautiful is from good, 553, 3080, 4985. The beauty of angels, which is ineffable, is from good through truth, 4985. The beauty of angels is ineffable, because they are forms of heaven, 5199. Angels are forms of love and charity, and love and charity shine forth from their faces, in a type, 3804:2, 4735:2, 4797, 4985e, 5199, 5530, 9879, 10177:4.
What beautiful form and beautiful in look s., 3821, 4985. See FORM. Beauty d. truths from good, thence beautiful in look d. what is of faith, 5199.
Bed (lectus). Bed d. the natural: shown, 6188; the inmost; when, 7354. A bed is attributed to Jacob: shown; and when he is thought of, a bed appears in which there is a man, because a bed d. the natural, and so does Jacob, 6463s. The head of a bed d. the interior natural, 6188. To sit upon a bed d. to turn oneself to the natural, 6226.
Bedchamber (cubiculum). See HOUSE.
[Bee. See INSECT.]
Beer-Lahairoi (Beerlachairoi). Beer-Lahairoi d. Rational Divine Good born of the Divine Truth, 3194; also Divine Light, 3261.
Beer-Sheba (Beerscheba). Beer-Sheba d. doctrine, 3466; the state and quality of doctrine: namely, that it is Divine to which human rational things are adjoined, 2614, 2723; the doctrine of charity and faith, 2858, 2859; charity and faith, 5997.
[Befall, To. See HAPPENINGS.]
Beginning (principium). See PHANTASY and PERSUASION. What the beginning s., 16. He who holds false principles makes all things favour them, 362, 794. He who confirms false principles from the Word; his quality, and that ho does so easily, 589. That the persuasion of what is false makes the life of his understanding, which life is hurtful, 794, 806. That the principles of what is false prevent the operation of remains, 798. That falsities do not condemn so much, unless they are from evils, and thereby men are confirmed in falsities, 845. How it is with accepted principles; that those in them cannot even see truths, 1017. That they who imbibe false principles are vastated, 1106; they are reduced to ignorance, and afterwards are imbued with truths of faith, 1109. How direful and horrifying are the persuasions of the antediluvians, 1270. That the spheres of persuasions and principles of falsity excite confirmations of the false, 1510, 1511. The sphere of phantasies is in the appearance of a cloud, 1512. That there are three kinds of persuasions of what is false; concerning which, 1673. Persuasions of what is false from the love of self, and from the love of the world; the difference, 1675:5. That principles of whatever kind, even truths, may be contaminated by a false principle: an example concerning faith, 2385:3. That they do not suffer themselves to be persuaded against their principles; if the love of self and of the world inflates them, it partakes of a kind of fire, 2385:2. How ideas bend themselves and enter successively into persuasions, or principles of what is false; and how they are bent towards goods and truths in the regenerated, 1874, 1875. How what is false can be confirmed by many things so that it still appears as if true; and how truth is confirmed: exemplified, 2482-2490. [There is nothing which may not be infused into principles of what is false as confirming them, 2567. There is an affirmative principle, a negative principle, and a doubtful principle, 2568. There are two principles, one of folly, and the other of wisdom, 2568:4. What it is to see from principles, or ends and causes, 2572. There are two principles of thinking, the affirmative and the negative; and there is a doubtful principle before they deny or affirm, 2588:2. They who are ignorant of principles are pot able to reason, 3748. That the essence and quality of a beginning is drawn and passes into the sequents, 3939:3. The quality of those who are confirmed in the principles of what is false, 3986:4. A confirmed principle of falsity does not admit the Divine, 3986:4. What are the principles of intelligence in which angels are above men, 4318. The principles of falsity entirely overshadow truths, 4674:2. From a false principle the deductions become false in a continuous series, 4717e, 4720e. A principle is like a soul from which is the life of the rest, 4736. The principles of falsity and the delights of life therefrom cannot be cast out except by temptations, 5037. Whence are the beginnings of many diseases, 5718. Whence is the leading principle, 6047:2. What the beginning of might s., 6344. A principle so called is indistinguishable, 7236, 9002. The principles of the truth of faith are entirely without effect with man, unless the Lord insinuates an affection of spiritual love, 7342. Everyone in the other life retains the principles of faith which he had in the life of the body, 8313. The beginnings of motions and senses are in the head, 9656. What the beginnings are like, 9656. The will and understanding are in their beginnings in the head, 10044. To say what is contrary to principles confirmed through his loves, is to say what is contrary to the man himself, 10307e.
Behind. See BACK.
Being. See ESSE.]
Bells (tintinnabula). Bells d. all things of doctrine and worship which pass to those who are of the Church, 9921.
Belly (venter). What the serpent going on his belly s., 247, 248. What the fruit of the belly s., 3911. See To BRING FORTH. Belt (balteus). See CANDLE.
Bend Oneself Down, To (inflectere se). See TO BOW ONESELF DOWN.
Benjamin (Benjamin). Benjamin d. the spiritual-celestial man, Joseph, the celestial-spiritual, 3969:3; or Benjamin, faith in which is charity, or truth in which is good, and Joseph, charity from which is faith, or good from which is truth, 3969:3; Benjamin is the spiritual of the celestial, and Joseph, the celestial of the spiritual: shown, 4592:5. Benjamin d. a medium, 5411; concerning which see 5411:2, 5413, 5443; interior truth, 5600, 5631; the spiritual medium, 5639; the internal, because a medium; from the celestial of the spiritual as a father, and from the natural as a mother, 5686, 5689; as a medium, what was born after all; concerning which see 5688; new truth, 5804, 5806, 5809, 5812, 5816, 5830; a medium; why so; interior truth with respect to that in the natural with the father, 5843; a conjoining medium, and how it partakes of both, 5822; the truth of the good of the spiritual Church, which is Joseph, 6440. Joseph and Benjamin d. the uniting medium represented by the veil, 9671.
Bered (Bared). What Bered s., 1958.
Bereft, To be Bereaved (orbus, orbari). Bereaved, when it relates to the Church, d. to be deprived of its truths, 5536, 5632.
Beryl (tharschish). The beryl, the onyx, and the jasper d. the spiritual love of truth, or the external good of the Spiritual Kingdom, 9872. What Tarshish s., 1156.
Bethel (Beihel). What Bethel s., 1450, 1451, 1453, 1557. Bethel d. the cognitions of celestial things which are in childhood, 1451; good in the ultimate of order, 3729; the cognitions of good and truth, in particular the natural in which interiors are terminated, 4539. The God of Bethel d. the Divine in the Natural, thus in the ultimate of order, 4089, 4539. El Bethel d. the Holy Natural; El, the Divine: Bethel, the Natural, 4559, 4560.
Bethlehem (Bethlechem). Bethlehem d. the spiritual of the celestial in a new state; Ephrath, the same in a former state: shown, 4594.
Bethuel (Bethuel). Bethuel d. the good of the nations of the first class, 2865, 3665, 3778:2.
Betroth, To (desponsare). See BRIDEGROOM.
[Bewail, To. See To WEEP.]
Besaleel (Bezaleel). Bezaleel who did works d. those who are in the good of love, with whom the Church would be established, 10329.
Bilhah (Bilha). Bilhah, Rachel’s maidservant, s. exterior affections serving for mediums, 3849.
Bind, To (ligare). What to bind s., when temptations are treated of, 2813.
Binding Together (colligatio). See BUNDLE.
Bird (avis). Why the birds were not divided in the sacrifices, 1832. Birds are represented when angels discourse on thoughts, ideas, and influx, 3219. A vision that represented obscure and deformed birds, also others noble and beautiful, when the discourse was on the influx of thoughts, and that those who were in falsity fell down from an angelic society, 3219. Concerning the baneful flying thing with the Egyptians, 7441. See INSECT. Concerning a beautiful bird which shall signify the inhabitants of Mars, 7620-7622. See MARS.
Birds d. rational and intellectual things, 40:3, 745, 776, 991; intellectual things, thoughts, ideas, reasons, thus truths and falsities: shown, 5149, 7441; phantasies and falsities, 778, 866, 988.
Birth (nativitas). See GENERATION. Births d. those things that belong to faith, 1145, 1255; derivations of the Church, 1330; derivations, 3263; derivations, but when it relates to the Lord, d. what is from the Divine Rational, and from this, the Natural, 3279; truth, because it is born of good, 4070; truths from good, or the things of faith from charity, 4668; the rebirth through faith and charity, 5598. To be born d. to be reborn or regenerated, 5160. Conceptions and bearing are spiritual, and what things are understood, 3860, 3868. See also To BRING FORTH.
[Birthright. See PRIMOGENITURE.]
Bitter, Bitter Herbs or Bitterness (amarum, amaror seu amarstudo). Bitter herbs d. undelightful things, and the undelightful things of temptation: shown, 7854. Bitter d. what is undelightful, 8349.
Bitumen (bitumen). What bitumen s., 1299. Bitumen d. good mixed with evils, 6724.
Blacks (nigri). The avaricious, when they are excoriated like swine, from being black become white, 939. In the habitation of dragons, black spirits were seen, 950. One who considered he had lived holily without works of charity became black, 952.
Black d. evil, especially man’s proprium, 3993:5, 3994. The black cattle in the lambs d. the proprium of innocence; concerning which, 3994 4001.
Bladder (vesico). Concerning the correspondence of the kidneys, the ureters, and the bladder, 5380-5386. See KIDNEYS. The functions of those who constitute the sphincter of the bladder or urethras, 5389.
Blain (pustula). A boil of blains d. unclean things from evils with blasphemies, and blains d. blasphemies, 7524.
[Blamelessness (immunitas). Blamelessness, in the original language, is expressed by a word that also means cleanness and purity. It relates to the affection of truth, 2526.]
Blasphemy (blasphemia). They who in heart deny the Word blaspheme it: shown, 9222. The blasphemies which are from the intellectual part, and those from the voluntary, [9221,] 9222:4.
[Blast (clangor). Blast d. the truth of spiritual good, 8815.]
Bless, To (benedicere). To bless d. to be fructified from the affection of truth, 2846; conjunction, 3504, 3514, 3530, 3565, 3584; joy, 4216; that it was so done, 4309; a wish for conjunction, and fructification therefrom, 6091, 6099; foresight and providence, 6298; to intercede, 7963. To bless, when one bids farewell to one leaving, d. to wish prosperity, 3185. What is sd. by to be blessed, 981, 1731. To be blessed d. to be arranged in spiritual and celestial order, 3017. To be blessed by Jehovah d. to be enriched with the good of love, 3406. What blessed of Jehovah s., 1096 1422, 3119. Blessed of Jehovah d. Divine Good, and also Divine Truth therefrom, 3140; all good from the Lord, 8674. What blessing s., 1096, 1420, 1422. It s. love and charity from the Lord, and various things therefrom, which are consequents and increments in good and truth, 4981; prediction, 6230: shown, 6254; happiness to eternity, which is not what it is in time: illustrated, 8939; the reception of Divine Truth, and by means of it conjunction with the Lord, 10495. May God bless d. a beginning, 3260.
Blessedness (beatitudo). Blessedness, from which Asher was called, in the highest sense, d. eternity; in the internal sense, the happiness of eternal life; in the external sense, the delight of affections, 3938, 3939.
Blind, Blindness (coecus or coecus, coecitas). Blindness is predicated respecting those who are in falsities, also respecting those who are in iguorance: shown, 2383. Blind d. no faith, because no cognitions; and in the Word d. those who are in ignorance of the truth, because they are outside the Church, but when instructed receive faith: shown to some extent, 6990.
Blood (sanquis). The cruel and violent, in the other life, are delighted to see blood, 954. Blood s. violence offered to charity, and all evil, 374, 1005; what is holy, as the Lord Himself, love, and charity, 1001; the holy truth which proceeds from the Lord, and, in the opposite sense, truth falsified and profaned: shown, 4735, 6978, 7317, 7326; holy truth which relates to the good of innocence, 7846, 7877; Divine Truth of the Divine Good which is from the Divine Human of the Lord, and what is reciprocal on man’s part, 7850 (see SUPPER); Divine Truth: shown, 9127, the Divine Truth which proceeds from the Lord: shown, 9393; Divine Truth, and it is the Lord’s blood, 10026: shown, 10033:2; Divine Truth: references, 10210; the intellectual proprium; and flesh d. the voluntary proprium: shown, 10283:2.
Blood crying s. guilt, 376. By eating of blood profanation was formerly represented, 1003. Blood being demanded d. remorse of conscience, 5476. The blood of grapes d. Divine Good from the Lord’s Divine Love, 6378. The blood of the lamb d. the truth of the good of innocence, 7846. To shed blood d. to offer violence to Divine Truth from Good: shown, 9127. What the Lord’s blood shed with water s., 9127:6. Blood sprinkled upon the altar round about, and on the foundation of the altar, s. the union of the Divine Truth with the Divine Good in the Lord, 10047. What is meant by the Lord redeeming man by means of His blood, in the external, internal, and inmost sense; that it means this, that He subjugated the hells, and restored all things to order in heaven, and that otherwise man could not be saved, 10152:2; that this was done through His Divine Human: shown, 10152:5.
Blue (caeruleum or caeruleum). The angels of the planet Jupiter are clothed in blue, and blue is loved by them, 8030. Blue is twofold, from red, or flame colour, and from white, or a lucid colour; that which is from red, or flame colour, is the celestial hove of truth, or the external of the good of the Celestial Kingdom, but that which is from white, or a lucid colour, is the spiritual love of good, or the internal good of the Spiritual Kingdom, 9868, 9870.
[Bluish Purple. See PURPLE.]
Body (corpus). See FLESH throughout. What is meant by to be withdrawn from the body, or not to know whether one is in the body or out of the body, 1883. That man does not rise again in the body, but immediately after death, and then he is in a body: illustrated, 5078. The state of man’s body in the other life, as to its quality, 5079.
A man is regenerated so that external things may render obedience to internal, 911, 913. Concerning spirits who appear as corporeal; they are those who regard themselves in all and everything, 4221. The corporeal degree regarded in itself is the receptacle of sensations, thus also, together with them, it is a corporeal living thing, 5077. The corporeal life of a man appears to spirits as a black mass, but that of those who are in faith, as woody; from experience, 5865. There are spirits who appear with a gross body; they are those who have altogether persuaded themselves against the Divine, and so closed their interiors, 5991. Worldly and corporeal concerns destroy heavenly ideas; from experience, 6309. Concerning corporeal spirits, 6318.
The soul is the esse of man’s life, the body is the existere therefrom, 10823. There is a likeness of the soul and body in everything with man, 1910. All things that are in the body represent the spiritual things that are in the Lord’s kingdom, 2996, 2998. See REPRESENTATIONS. There is a correspondence of the gestures with the affections of the mind, 7596. Those things pertaining to man which pass from thought to speech, and from the will into act, thus into the body, flow according to a general influx by means of correspondences, 5862. The corporeal things of man are ruled from the general influx, 5990. There is a general influx into the actions and speech of the body, 6192, 6211. The thoughts and speech of the angels are circumstanced as the interior things in the body are, as compared with the external form of the body, 3347.
Body d. the good of love: illustrated and shown, 6135:2; the receptacle of good, 6135. To come in the body, when said of servants, d. with truth, but without delight, 8977. 8978, 8984. From the head through the neck into the body c. to the influx of the Celestial Kingdom into the Spiritual, 9913, 9914.
Body-Guard (satelles). Chief of the body-guards d. the primary things of interpretation, 4790, 4966, 5084.
Boil (ulcus). See WOUND [and BLAIN.]
Boil, To (coquere). Boiled with water d. that which goes forth from the truth of faith: shown, 7857. To boil and seethe on the sixth day for the Sabbath d. preparation for conjunction, 8496. To boil stands for the conjunction of good, and to seethe, for the conjunction of truth: shown, 8496. To boil flesh d. to prepare for the use of life: shown, 10105. Pot d. doctrine: shown, 10105.
Bond (vinculum). See CONSCIENCE. Those who are without conscience are ruled only by external bonds, 1077:2, 1080, 1835. These bonds become nothing in the other life, however one has lived according to them, 1835. What external bonds are, and that they are taken away in the other life, 1944:2; and when they are taken away the interiors rage against innocence, 2126. All affections are bonds, and they are external and internal, 3835. Unless the Lord ruled the evil by means of external bonds, they would all become insane, and the human race would perish, 4217:3. Those who are in external bonds can perform the more eminent duties well, and they do good deeds from those bonds; concerning whom, 6207:2.
Bonds d. loves; internal bonds are the affections of truth and good, external bonds are the loves of self and the world, 9096. What the bands of the neck s., 3542:4. See NECK.
Bondage (servitus). See SERVANT.
Bone (os). Concerning those in the Grand Man who correspond to the bones, 5560-5564. Those who constitute the bones have little spiritual life, 5560, 5561. They are those who have been evil, but still have the remains of good after vastations, 5561; and because these are the bones, they have general, though almost indeterminate, thought, 5562. Pains are felt in various places of the skull occasioned by falsities from lusts; whence they are, 5563. Scientifics in spiritual things are as the bones in the body, 8005.
Bones d. the intellectual proprium, thus the proprium as to truth, and, in the opposite sense, as to falsity: shown, 3812; the ultimate of the Church, thus they are representative; concerning which, 6592. By the rib, or bone, is sd. the proprium, 147, 148, 149. What bone from bones, and flesh from flesh s., 157. My bone and my flesh d. conjunction as to truths and goods, 3812, 3813. Not to break a bone of the paschal lamb d. that the scientific shall be whole, 8005.
Book (liber). The Ancient Church had the Books of the Wars of Jehovah, and of the Enunciations of the Prophets, cited by Moses, 2686. The interior memory is the book of life, 2474; because in it are inscribed the things which belong to the will, 9386:2. The book of life d. the internal, and those things which are said to be written there are from the Lord: illustrated and shown, 10505:3. To be blotted out of the book of life d. to perish as to spiritual life, 10505, 10506. To write in a book d. for remembrance: shown, 8620.
Border (limbus). [See also BOUNDARY.] Border d. the termination from good lest they be assailed and injured by evils, 9492.
[Borders. See FRINGES.]
Born, To be (nasci). See BIRTH.
Born in the House (natus donlus). What born in the house s., 1708.
[Borrow, To. See MUTUAL.]
Bosom (sinus). [See also BREAST.] The quality of those who relate to the sinuses in the brain, and those who relate to the longitudinal sinus, 4048. The bosom d. that which is one’s own, thus the proprium, and appropriation by means of love: shown, 6960:2.
[Botany (botanica). In the vegetable kingdom on earth there is nothing that does not in some manner represent the Lord’s kingdom, 1632. The celestial and spiritual things of the Lord flow into nature, and therefrom is the vegetative soul or life, 1632. A certain man skilled in botanical science, raised into paradisiacal scenes, saw shrubberies and lower gardens of immense extent, 4529. The green in the tree and in the herb of the field s. the scientific and the sensual, 7691.]
Bound (vinctus). See PRISON and PIT. What is sd. by the bound in prison: shown, 5037. To be bound d. to be separated, 5452. The bound in the pit d. the spiritual ones who before the Lord’s coming were detained in the lower earth, and afterwards were elevated into heaven: shown, 6854.
Boundary (terminus). In every boundary d. as far as truth which is from good extends itself, 8063. To enlarge the boundary d. the multiplication and extension of truth from good, 10675.
Bow (arcus). Bow d. the doctrine of truth: shown, 2686. A shooter with the bow, and darts, and arrows or javelins d. doctrine, also, in the opposite sense, [falsity,] 2686, 2709. The shooter with the bow d. the spiritual man, 2686; the man of the spiritual Church, 2709; the spiritual man, and, in the opposite sense, those who fight against him, 6422. To be slain with javelins d. to perish as to spiritual good, 8800.
Bow Oneself, To (curvare se). To bow oneself, when it is predicated respecting a lion, d. to put oneself in power, 6369.
Bow Oneself Down, To (incurvare se). To bow oneself down d. the effect of humiliation, 2153; also to rejoice, 2927, 2950; adoration, 4689. To bend oneself d. to be glad; and to bow oneself down d. to rejoice. Bending down d. exterior humiliation, and of those who are of truth; bowing down d. interior humiliation, and of those who are of good, 5682, 7068. To bow oneself down with the face to the earth d. humiliation, 6266. To bow oneself down, when spoken of the evil, d. respect from fear, 7788. He bowed himself down d. insertion for conjunction, 8663. To bow oneself from afar off d. humiliation and adoration at heart, and then influx of the Lord, 9377.
Bowels (viscera). What is sd. by the bowels and by going forth from the bowels, 1803. To come forth from the womb, and from the loins is predicated of good; but to be separated from the bowels, of truth, 3294. Concerning the correspondence of the viscera with the Grand Man, 5171-5189.
Bowl (schyphus). Bowl d. the truth of faith which is from the good of charity, and, in the opposite sense, falsity by means of what is evil, and also falsity from evil: shown, 5120:2; that which is interiorly true, 5736. Bowl or goblet d. the sensual scientific, and is predicated of truth, but a basket d. the sensual delight, and is predicated of good, 9996:2. Almond-shaped bowls d. scientifics from good, 9557.
Bowls (crateres). See VESSEL.
Boy (puer). See INFANT. The education of boys on the earth is very bad; an experience of boys fighting, to which they are incited by parents, 2309.
Boy d. innocence and charity: shown, 430; innocence,-properly guiltless: shown, 5236; the first age of the Church, 4672. Boys s. various things, here the rational, 2782; and the Divine Rational in a certain state, 2793; the simple, when they are adjoined to old men, 7661.
Bracelets (armillae). Nose-rings and bracelets were given to brides, the former to be put on the nose, the latter on the hand; and by the nose-ring is sd. good, by the bracelets, truth, and by the bride, the Church, 3103, 3105. A bracelet on the king’s arm is a significative of truth from which is power, 3105.
Brain (cerebrum, cerebellum). The operation of heaven into the brain observed; and that the left part of the brain is for rational or intellectual things, 3884. Concerning the Grand Man, and the correspondence with the cerebrum and the cerebellum, 4039-4055. All things of the brain are according to the heavenly form, 4040-4042. The circumvolutions in the brain are according to that form, 4041. Thus by means of man there is descent from heaven into the world, and ascent from the world to heaven, 4042. In the heavens there are heavens and societies which relate to the cerebrum and the cerebellum both as a whole and in part, 4045. The quality of those who relate to the dura mater, 4046. The quality of those who relate to the pia mater, 4047. The quality of those who relate to the sinuses and the longitudinal sinus, 4048. The quality of those who relate to the ventricles, 4049. The quality of those who relate to the infundibulum; and its representation, 4050. The quality of those who relate to the isthmus, and the knots of glands, 4051. They who are in the will of good, and are in good therefrom, relate to the cortical substances, and they who are in the understanding of truth, and in the affections therefrom, relate to the fibres, 4052. The right part of the brain stands for those who are in the will of good, and the left part of the brain stands for those who are in the understanding of truth, 4052. As in heaven there is a sphere of ends, which are uses, so in the brain; and there are societies which only have for their end the pleasures of friendship; respecting which, 4054. How the fibres of the cerebellum and the cerebrum have changed with respect to the face, 4326. Concerning those who relate to the viscid excrementitious matters of the brain; they enter into the chambers of the brain, even into the spinal marrow, and induce insanities and death; an experience, 5717; of what quality they are, and whence, 5717. Those who relate to the thick phlegm of the brain, 5718. See DISEASE. Concerning the viscid matters of the brain, in which there is something vital; the conscientious relate to them; respecting whom, 5724. The left part of the brain is for truths and falsities, the right part for good and evil, 5725. [See also 4052 above.] The inhabitants of Mars relate to the medium between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, 7480, 7481. The inhabitants who love cognitions, and not a life according to them, relate to the interior membrane of the skull, and they who are accustomed to speak without affection, and to substract thoughts from others, relate to that membrane made bony, 7748.
[Bramble (rhamnus). Bramble d. spurious good, 9277:4.]
Bramble-Bush (rubus). Bramble-bush d. scientific truth, 6832, 6833, 6834.
Branch (calamus). The branches of the lampstand d. the truths from good, 9551, 9555, 9556.
[Branches. See SHOOTS.]
Brass (aes). Brass d. natural good: shown, 425, 1551.
Breach (ruptura). Breach d. falsity by reason of the separation of truth froni good, and the injury therefrom: shown, 4926, 9163e.
Bread (panis). See also BARLEY, CORN, DRINK, FLOUR, FOOD, MEAT-OFFERING, WATER, WHEAT. Bread means every kind of food in general: shown, 2165; also sacrificial things: shown, 2165. What the bread and wine in the Holy Supper are, 1798:3. When a man is in what is holy of the Holy Supper, there is a correspondence with angels, 3464, 3735. Why in the Catholic Religion bread only is given in the Holy Supper, end not wine, 10040:2. See SUPPER. As the case is with truth in relation to good, so also is water in relation to bread, or drink to food, in nourishment, 4976. Bread and water are spoken of when all the goods of love and truths of faith are sd.: shown, 9323.
Bread d. the Lord’s flesh, and this is His Divine Good: shown, 3813. See FLESH and SUPPER. Bread s. the celestial and the spiritual, 276, 680, [681;] what nourishes the life of heaven; and in what manner also the life of hell: illustrated, 8410; the good of celestial love, 10686. What bread in the Holy Supper s. is the Lord, thus all the celestial things of love, therefore to love celestial food, 2165:4, 2177:7. By bread in the Holy Supper, and in the Lord’s Prayer, angels perceive the good of love, and the Lord, 3735:2. Bread in the Holy Supper S. the Lord, thence His love towards the human race, and the reciprocal love of man; concerning which, 4211, 4217:2, 4735. When bread means all kinds of good it d. spiritual life, 6118. Breads upon the table in the Tabernacle rd. celestial and spiritual love, and in that the Lord Himself, 3478. See To EAT, FEAST, and FOOD. The bread of faces upon the table d. the Lord as to celestial good, 9545. The bread of sacrifices, see MEAT-OFFERING. The meat-offering, which was bread, and the drink-offering, which was wine, sd. such things as belong to the Church, as also in the Holy Supper: illustrated, 10137. To break bread, 5405. See To BREAK. To eat bread in the sweat of the countenance d. to be averse, 276. Not to eat bread and drink water throughout forty days and nights d. a state of temptation, 10686. What to eat together in the Holy Supper s., 2187.
Breadth (latitudo). Breadths d. truths, 3433, 3434. Breadth d. truth: shown, 4482. Length d. good, breadth d. truth, 1613; shown, 9487; and illustrated by extensions in the heavens, 10179. What length, breadth, and height s., 650. Length, breadth, and height d. good, truth, and what is holy therefrom, because they are extensions with respect to the Lord, who is the centre, 4482:3. A land broad of space d. an extension of truth which pertains to the Church, 4482.
Break, To (frangere). To break bread was representative of mutual love in the Ancient Church: illustrated and shown, 5405. To be broken and a fracture d. dissipation, as also the injury inflicted on truths and goods: shown, 9163.
Breast (pectus). Breast d. the good of charity; in the supreme sense, the Divine Spiritual of the Lord, 10087. To recline on the breast, or in the bosom, d. to be loved, 10087:2; and John reclined on the Lord’s breast, because he was representing the works of charity, 10087. See WORKS.
[Breastplate. See HABERGEON.]
Breastplate, [The Priest’s] (pectorale). See URIM.
Breasts (ubera). Breasts d. the affections of good and truth:
illustrated and shown, 6432.
[Breath (spiraculum). See under INSPIRATION.
Breathing (respiratio). The breathing of the men of the Most Ancient Church was internal, as is that of the angels, the external was only tacit, 6072, 8052, 1118-1120. The most ancient people had an internal breathing, and they breathed according to their state of love and faith in the Lord, 97, 1119, 3892. It was succeeded by external breathing, and so by speech by means of words, 608, 805:3. In course of time it became external, and no internal breathing remained, 1120. Distinct choirs were perceived, who pertained to the voluntary respiration, and to the spontaneous respiration of the lungs, 3351. Of what quality the breathing of the Popes is, when they are in the Consistory, 3750:2. Concerning the Grand Man, and the correspondence of the heart and lungs, 3883-3886. See also HEART and LUNGS. The alternate pulses of the heart insinuate themselves into those of the lungs, 3884:3. There is breathing in heaven, 3884. Breathing observed in heaven, also the pulse of the heart, 3885. The respirations and pulses are manifold, according to the societies there, and their states of faith and love, 3886, 3887, 3892, 3893. There are two kingdoms in heaven, the Celestial and the Spiritual; the Celestial pertains to the province of the heart, and the Spiritual to the lungs, 3887. The influx of the Celestial Kingdom into the Spiritual is as that of the heart into the lungs, 3887. The heart and lungs rule in the whole body, and mutually flow in, 3887:2, 3889, 3890. The heart corresponds to the will, breathing, to the understanding, 3888. Concerning the correspondence of the heart with those things which belong to love, and of the lungs with those which belong to faith, 3889. An experience respecting the breathing of heaven, 3891, 3893. They who are dedicated to the voluntary respiration are distinct from those who are dedicated to the involuntary, 3893. The evil cannot breathe in heaven, but as it were suffocate, 3894. The well-disposed are inaugurated into the breathings of heaven, 3894a. The persuasive, in the other life, suffocates; an experience concerning it, 3895. See PERSUASION. The breathing of the inhabitants of Mars is internal; something respecting it, 7362.
Breathing being made d. what was undelightful and wearisome ceased, 7411. The Lord breathed into the disciples, and said, ‘Receive ye the Holy Spirit,’ is explained; that inspiration d. the life of faith, 9229. To breathe d. the state of the life of faith, and therefrom the soul and spirit, 9281. What to breathe into the nostrils s., 96, 97. See INSPIRATION.
Breeches of Linen (femoralia lini). Breeches of linen d. the external of conjugial love: illustrated and shown, 9959; also protection from the hells, 9962.
Brick (later). Bricks d. falsities which they framed, 1296; and clay d. the evil which they invented, 6669; the fictitious and false things which are injected by the evil, 7113.
Bride, Bridegroom (sponsa, sponsus). See HUSBAND, MAN, WIFE, WOMAN. The Lord is called the Bridegroom from love, which flows in from Him, 3207. Bridegroom d. the representative of the Church with the posterity of Jacob, 7047; good, and the bride d. truth: shown, 9182:5.
A bride represented the Church, and therefore a nose-ring and bracelets were given to her; concerning which, 3103, 3105. The Church was compared to a bride, and in ancient time brides were given vessels of silver, and of gold, and garments, to signify truth, good, and their adornment, which belong to the Church, 3164, 3165.
The veil, with which brides covered the face, when they first saw the bridgeroom, d. the appearances of truth, 3207. To be betrothed d. agreement, and therefrom conjunction, 8996. Betrothal d. the first conjunction, which is of the internal man without the external, marriage d. the conjunction of the external also: shown, 9182.
[Brier (senticetum). Briers and thorns d. falsity and lust, 2831:9. See THORN. Thorn and brier d. falsities and evils therefrom, 9144:6. A pricking brier d. the falsity of the concupiscences of self-love; and a grieving thorn d. the falsity of the concupiscences of the love of the world, 9144:6.
Brimstone (sulphur). What brimstone s., 1299. Brimstone s. the hell and the devastation of the evils of the love of self, 2446. The fire of brimstone d. falsity from the love of self, 2446.
[Bring, To. See To CARRY.]
Bring Forth, To, Bearing (parere, partus). Bearing and conception stand for the thoughts and the fashion of the heart, 264. Spiritual conceptions and bearing are the things which are sd., 3860, 3868. The things that pertain to bearing s. those that belong to regeneration: shown, 9325. To bring forth d. to exist, 2621, 2629; to acknowledge in faith and in act, 3905, 3915, 3919. To bear upon the knees d. to acknowledge for one a own, 6585. Bearing and to bring forth stand for fertility in doctrinal matters, 2584. See also BIRTH, GENERATION. The fruit of the belly d. acknowledgment, and also conjunction, 3911. To conceive d. to receive; to bring forth d. to acknowledge, 3919. The pain of one in labour is the greatest pain, and it d. despair: shown, 8313:2. Abortion d. when truths and goods do not succeed in their order, 9325.
[Broad. See BREADTH.]
Brother (frater). They were called brethren in the Church from good, but this was changed when doctrine succeeded to the place of life, 3803. They who are in charity are in conjunction with the Lord, and are called brethren, 4191. They are called brethren who are in truths from good; they are also called brethren by the Lord, 5409. All are called brethren by the Lord who have anything of the good of charity from Him, 5686, 5692. Formerly brethren were so called from spiritual affinity, but not so afterwards; why, 6756. Why the Lord called those brethren who were in good, 6756:5. They were called brethren, because they were from Jacob, others were called companions: shown, 6756:5. They who are together in one society, in the other life, are in fraternity, 4121.
Charity is the brother of faith, 367. The internal and external Church are brothers, the First and Second Ancient Church also, 1222. The good of the rational is the brother; truth, the sister, 2508e, 2524, 2556. The brother is so called from good, he is also the neighbour, 2360. Brother d. good, also truth, 3303; a blood-relation by virtue of good, 3815. Brothers d. goods, 4121. Good is relatively the lord, and truth, the servant; and they are also brothers, 4267. Brothers d. the truths of the Church, 6756.
The affection of good and the affection of truth in the natural man are situated as brother and sister; but the affection of truth called forth from the natural man into the rational is as a married woman, 3160. Man with brother d. the good of truth, 3459. To set before thy brethren and my brethren, that they may judge, d. judgment from what is just and fair, 4167. A man to a brother d. mutually, 4725. The conjunction of good and truth is rd. by two married partners, and by two brothers, but with a difference; concerning which, 9806:2. By father, mother, brothers, children, and many names of relationship, are sd. goods, and truths, also evils and falsities: shown, 10490. Brother and companion d. good and truth, 10490.
[Brother-in-Law. See HUSBAND’S BROTHER.
Bruchus. See LOCUST.
Bruise. See under WOUND.]
Bruise, To (tundere). To bruise and to grind d. the disposition of truths in series, and to prepare good, so that it can be applied to uses: shown, 10303. See TO GRIND.
[Brutes (bruta). Man, from his proprium and hereditary nature, much worse than the brute animals, 637:2, 3175. Why brute animals, dying, live no more, 5114:5. Some are inwardly brute animals, although they appear as men externally, 6318. Brutes act through their loves, and the affections thereof, 6323:2.]
Build, To (aedificare). To build d. to raise up that which is fallen, 153. What to build a house s., 1488. To build d. the increase of good from truth, 4390. To be built, when it relates to offspring, d. to live, 3916.
Bullock (juvencus). See CALF and Ox.
Bulrush (juncus). Bulrush d. what is mean, but still is derived from truth; and in the opposite sense. 6723.
Bundle (fasciculus). Truths with man are arranged in series, and these are sd. by sheaves and bundles in the Word: shown only by references cited, 10303. See also SHEAF. Scientifics and truths in man are arranged bundlewise: illustrated, 5881. Those things which are in minds are arranged bundlewise: illustrated, 7408. Bundles d. doctrinals, 4686, 4687; series of things in minds, 5339; series in which truths are arranged, also bindings together, 5530. See also GATHERINGS and SERIES.
Burden (onus). Burdens d. bond-services, 6660; infestations by falsities, 6757; combats, 7104; spiritual combats, 7105.
[Burial. See To BURY.]
Burn. To (adolere). See FIRE.
Burnt-Offering (holocaustum). See SACRIFICE.
Bury, To, Burial, Sepulchre (sepelire, sepultura, sepulchrum). I have spoken with those who were buried, 4622:4. To bury d. rejection, 6246; also that the state of representation was taken up by another, 3256. To be buried d. rejected, 4564; to rise again, 4621; the renewal of the Church, 6522; regeneration, also resurrection, resuscitation, and renewal, because similar things are involved, 6554. To be buried in a good old age; what it s. 1854. That Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were buried in the land of Canaan s. regeneration and resurrection, because the Church was there, 6516. Sepulchre s. resurrection and regeneration, and, in the opposite sense, damnation: shown, 2916, 2917; resuscitation; the reason; whence, 5551. To go down to the sepulchre mourning d. to die, 4785. To cause to go down in evil and sorrow to the grave d. to perish, 5832.
Bush (virgultum). See TREE.
Butler (pincerna.) Butler d. sensual things subordinate and subject to the intellectual part, 5077, 5082.
[Butter (butyrum). Butter d. the celestial, 2183; the celestial rational, 2184; celestial good; and honey d. what is happy, pleasant, and delightful, which are from celestial good, 5620:3. See also HONEY.]
Butterfly (papilio). See WORM and INSECT. A comparison of the state of the blessed, after death, with the state of butterflies, 3000. A comparison of the conjugial state with the same, 2758. A representation of the state of spirits, in their world, when they are preparing for heaven, by the changes of small worms into butterflies; respecting which; then they are in their own heaven, 8848.
Buy, To (emere). To buy d. to appropriate, 4397; shown, 5374, 5406, 5410, 5426; redemption, 6458, 6461. Acquisition d. the good of truth, and purchase d. truth, 4487. See also SILVER. What the purchase of silver s., 7999. See SILVER. Bought with silver d. what is acquired in the natural by the spiritual, 7999e.
[Buz (Bus or Buz). Uz and Buz d. various religious systems, 2860, 2864.
By-Path. See WAY.]
Cain (Cain). What Cain s., 340, 1179.
Cake (placenta). Cake d. the good of spiritual love: shown, 7978. What flour, fine flour, and cake, in the sacrifices, s., 2177. Celestial things in their own order are rd. by bread, cakes, and wafers, of the unleavened, 9993. Bread, of which was the meat-offering, upon the altar, together with the burnt-offerings and sacrifices, d. the purification of the celestial man in his inmost-cake, in his internal, and wafers, in his external, 9993, 9994.
Calah (Kalach). What Calah s., 1189.
Calf (citulus). What the heifer, she-goat, and ram, in the sacrifices. s., 1824. What the heifer of three years old s., 1825. See also OX. In Egypt heifers and bull-calves of gold were the chief idols, on account of the signification, since it is the scientific in the natural; and several things concerning the bull-calf of Egypt, 9391:7. Bull-calf d. good in the natural; in the opposite sense, when it was made an idol, the natural and sensual delight: shown, 10407. Bullocks or bull-calves d. the good of innocence and charity in the external man: shown, 9391. The sacrifice of a bullock d. the purification from evils and falsities which are in the natural man. 9990. Bullock d. the external good of innocence, the ram the internal, and the lamb, the inmost: briefly shown, 10132:12. Bullock, in the sacrifices, sd. the Divine Natural in the Lord, and therefrom the spiritual-natural with man, 2830:2.
Call, To (vocare). To call d. to be such: shown, 3421. See also NAME. To call d. presence, 7451, 7721; and afflux, 7955; also to choose, 8773. To call to anyone d. perception of the quality, 3659; influx, 6840. To call to oneself d. to will to be conjoined, 6047. To call to oneself, or convoke, d. to arrange in order, 6335. To call anyone to oneself d. presence, 6177, 7390; conjunction, and, when spoken of the Divine, union, 8761.
Call upon the Name of God, To (invocare nomen Dei). To call upon the name of God d. worship, 2724.
[Callosity. See HARDNESS.]
Calneh (Kalneh). What Calneh s., 1183.
Came to Pass (fuit). See To MAKE. It came to pass, or was done, involves a new state, 4979, 4987; and in the original language, it is in the place of a distinction, 4987.
Camel (camelus). Camels d. general scientifics in the natural man: shown, 3048, 3071; because they d. general scientifics they also d. those things in the natural man that serve the spiritual, 3143, 3145. Camel’s straw d. sensual scientifics, 3114, 4156.
Camp, To Encamp (castra, castrametari). Camp d. special things, 4364; goods and truths, and, in the opposite sense, evils and falsities, 8193, 8196; the natural, 8153; also hell: shown, 10458. The camp of God d. heaven or the heavenly order, and an encampment d. an arrangement according to that order: shown, 4236. The camp of the sons of Israel in the desert d. heaven and the Church; outside the camp d. where these are not, and hell: shown, 10038. To encamp d. application, 4396. Encampment d. the orderly arrangement of truth and good which pertain to life, 8103e; the orderly arrangement of truth and good to undergo temptations, 8130, 8131, 8155.
Canaan, Canaanite (Canaan, Canatanita). See also LAND. The antediluvians were in the land of Canaan, 567. The Most Ancient Church was in the laud of Canaan, and afterwards part of the Ancient Church, and therefrom were the representative characters of the places, and, therefore, Abraham was commanded to go thither, and the land of Canaan was given to his descendants, that the representation of a Church might be instituted with them, 3686:2, 4447:2. The Most Ancient Church was in the land of Canaan, and its remains were with the Hittites and Hivites, 4447:2, 4454. The ancient Hebrew Church was for a long time in the land of Canaan, 4516, 4517. The Church was in the land of Canaan from the most ancient time, on account of the representative characters of places, and, therefore, for the sake of the Word, 5136. The Church was in the land of Canaan from the most ancient times, and continued there, because all things there were representative, and so the Word could be written, in all particulars of which there are representatives and significatives, 6516:2.
The things in the land of Canaan were representative according to distance, situation, and boundaries, 1585:2. The great rivers were the first and last boundaries of the land of Canaan, 4116. The boundaries of the land of Canaan as the river of Egypt, and the river Euphrates, s. the extensions of spiritual and celestial things, 1866. The lowest things of the land of Canaan are representative of the lowest things in the Lord’s kingdom, 4240.
By the land of Canaan is sd. the Lord’s kingdom, 1413, 1437, 1607; the heavenly kingdom, 1607; the Lord’s kingdom, and, in the supreme sense, the Divine Human of the Lord, because this flows into heaven, and makes heaven, 3038. I spoke with the Jews about the land of Canaan, that it signifies the Lord’s kingdom, 3481. The land of Canaan d. the Lord, His kingdom, the Church, and the good of love, 3705; the Lord’s kingdom, and the Church, 4447; a religious persuasion, 5757; several things, 5757; the Church, in the idea of angels, 10568. Land d. the Church; whence; and so the land of Canaan was the Church from the most ancient times: references, 9325. The sons of Israel in the land of Canaan rd. celestial things, and the nations there, infernal things; and on that account it was forbidden to enter into a covenant with them, and they were given to the curse, 6306. What is sd. by the nations in the land of Canaan, 8054. They rd. the state of heaven, before the Lord’s advent, and after, 8054. What is sd. by the nations who were expelled from the land of Canaan, 1868. To speak the lip of Canaan d. to apply oneself to the Divine, 4197:2. The inhabitants of Canaan d. those who have adulterated goods and falsified truths, 8317. The nations there sd. the evils of falsity, and the falsities of evil: references, 9327. The nations of the land of Canaan rd. evils and falsities, which cannot be together with goods and truths, which were rd. by the sons of Israel, 9320. To be introduced into the land of Canaan d. to become the Church, 10559:3, for the reason that the Church was there from the most ancient times, 10559e. A dweller in the land d. a religious persuasion in which is evil, 10640.
Canaan, [the son of Ham,] d. external worship separated from internal, 1093, 1140, 1141, 1167.
The Jews are Canaanites, 1167, 1200. Cannanite d. evil from the falsity of evil, 6858; evil; Perizzite d. falsity, 1573, 1574. Cannanite d. the Church as to good, and Perizzite d. the Church as to truth, so long as the Ancient Church was in the land of Canaan, 4517. The daughter of a man, a Canaanite, d. evil from the falsity of evil, 4818. What the Cannanite in the land s., 1444. [See also under ABRAM, AMORITE.]
Canaanite (Canaanita). See CANAAN.
[Candle. See LIGHT (lucerno).
Candlestick. See LAMPSTAND.]
Captive, Captivity (captivus, captivitas). What spiritual captivity is, 7990. See VASTATION. A captive in the house of a pit d. those who are in the hindmost place, who are in the corporeal sensual, 7950. To be led away captive d. removal from the middle: illustrated, 9164.
[Carbuncle. See RUBY.]
Care (cura). What care and solicitude for the morrow s., and who are in it, and who not in it: illustrated, 8478:2, 8478e, 8480:3.
[Carriage. See CHARIOT.
Carry, To. See To BEAR.]
Cartilage (cartilago). Lunar spirits relate to the ensiform cartilage, 5564, 9236.
Cassia (cassia). Cassia d. inmost truth which is immediately from good: shown, 10258.
Castle (castellum). Villages d. the external Church, and castles, the internal, especially with the nations, 3270, 3271.
Cataracts (cataractae). What is sd. by cataracts, 757.
Catholic Religion (Catholica Religio). See POPE.
Cattle (pecus). See FLOCKS.
Caul (reticulum). The caul upon the liver d. the inner good of the external or natural man, 10031.
Cause (causa). The end is the all in the cause and effect, 3562. See END. Of what nature correspondence is, illustrated by end, cause, and effect; of what natures they must be relatively, 5131:2. The effect is not the cause, but it is formed and clothed that it may act as a cause in the lower sphere, and the cause must be continually in the effect, otherwise it is dissipated, 5711. The case is similar with the cause in respect to the end, 5711. The internal clothes itself with such things in the external by means of which it can act as an effect there, 6275, 6284; illustrated, 6299:2. The whole man is a semblance of his own will, and of the understanding therefrom: illustrated from end, cause, and effect, 10076:4.
Cave (spelunca). The cave of a mountain d. an obscure good, or delight, of falsity, 2463. Cave d. what is obscure; the cave of a mountain d. an obscure state of good; the cave of the field of Machpelah d. an obscure state of faith, 2935.
Cedar (cedrus). Cedar d. an internal means of purification; hyssop d. the external: shown, 7918:2.
Celestial, Heavenly (coelestis et coeleste). See also LOVE and CHARITY. Celestial defined. [What the celestial is, 9550.] The celestial is love to the Lord, and love towards the neighbour, 1824. [The celestial and the good of the Celestial Kingdom are the same, 9915.] What interior and exterior celestial things are, also what celestial-spiritual things are, 1824. [What the celestial are, 9818.]
Celestial and Spiritual distinguished. What is meant by celestial, and what by spiritual, 1155, 1577:2, 2048. The spiritual is from the celestial, 1577. There is a parallelism and correspondence between the Lord and man, as to celestial things, 1831; but not as to spiritual things, 1832. The celestial is of love or good; the spiritual is of faith or truth, 2507. The celestial is the good which flows in from the Lord; the spiritual is the truth therefrom, 3166:2. The celestial is that which is of good, and the spiritual that which is of truth, and these terms ought to be used, 4585, [9550e.] The celestial is received in the voluntary part, and the spiritual in the intellectual, 9995:3. The spiritual is the light of truth from the Lord, flowing into the rational and natural, and the celestial is the flame of good from the Lord, 3374. Both spiritual and celestial are predicated of the natural and the rational, 4980.
What the distinction between celestial and spiritual beings is, 2088, [9277, 9818;] and with the latter the difference is relatively obscure, 2708, 2715. Who are the celestial and who the spiritual, 3235; who they are, and what they are, 2669. The celestial, from the good itself and the truth in which they are, can see indefinite things; but the spiritual, because they dispute whether a thing is so, cannot come to the first boundary of their light: illustrated by examples, 2718:2. The celestial say that the matter is so, but the spiritual reason whether it is, 3246:2. The celestial say that it is so, and do not discuss about truth, as the spiritual do, 4448, 9166; so it was with the Most Ancient Church, 4448. Truth to that Church was the good of charity, 4448. [How it is with the celestial and the spiritual angels, 8827, 9277.] The celestial are from the marriage of good and truth, but the spiritual are from a covenant not so conjugial, 3246:2. and the latter are ‘the sons of concubines,’ 3246. They who have conscience do not swear, less still they who have perception, wherefore it is forbidden by the Lord to swear, 2842:9.
Celestial Angels. Celestial angels do not so much as wish to name faith; concerning whom, 202, 337. The discourse of celestial angels is heard by the spiritual as the beating of a heart, 3886. Spiritual angels are held in order by the Lord mediately through celestial angels, and also immediately, 6366. There is also order from the Lord, in the hells, and this too by means of celestial angels, 6370. [The distinction between the celestial angels and the spiritual angels, 7068, 8521:2, 9277. Celestial angels do not reason about the truths of faith, because they perceive them in themselves, but spiritual angels reason about them, whether they are so or not, 7680, 7877, 9166:2.]
Celestial Church. How degenerate the Celestial Church was in the last posterity, 310. The man of the Most Ancient Church had no externals of worship, nor could he receive them unless internal things were closed to him, 4493. The Celestial Church and the Spiritual Church had good and truth, but with a difference; respecting which, 3240. The man of the Most Ancient Church was of another and different genius from the man of the Ancient Church, 4493:3. On the regeneration of the men of the Celestial Church as to voluntary things, and of the men of the Spiritual Church as to intellectual things, 5113. The Most Ancient Church, the Ancient, and the Christian, coincide as to internals, because they are one, 4489; but the Lord flowed in by an internal or prior way with the men of the Most Ancient Church, and by an external or posterior way with the men of the Ancient, and the Christian Church: illustrated, 4489:3, 4493:2.
Celestial Degree. [What the celestial, spiritual, and natural, with man, are, 9568:2.] The celestial, spiritual, and natural follow one another, 7752, 880:2, 1096. See INFLUX. The celestial, spiritual, and natural therefrom, follow in order: illustrated, 9992; illustrated from the heavens, and from man, 10005, 10017:2. Celestial things are the head, spiritual things the body, and natural things the feet; and they thus follow and flow in, 4938, 4939.
Celestial Good. [What celestial good is, 9544.] Celestial good is formed by means of truths in order from extremes; concerning which process, 10252, 10266. What celestial good and spiritual good are, 2227.
Celestial Heaven. [They are called celestial things which are in the inmost heaven, 8945.]
Celestial Kingdom. There are two kingdoms in heaven, the Celestial and the Spiritual; and the celestial are in love, thus in a state of peace and innocence above others, 3887. The celestial pertain to the province of the heart, the spiritual to the province of the lungs, 3887. [The distinction between the Celestial Kingdom and the Spiritual Kingdom is that the external of the Celestial Kingdom is mutual love, and the internal of the Spiritual is charity towards the neighbour, and they are conjoined by a medium, 6435. Mutual love is spoken of the external of the Celestial Kingdom, and charity towards the neighbour, of the internal of the Spiritual Kingdom; 6435:3. Between the two kingdoms there is a communication and conjunction by means of angelic societies which are called celestial-spiritual, 6435:2, 8796, 8802:2.] The Celestial Kingdom and the Spiritual Kingdom are conjoined by means of charity towards the neighbour; because this is the external of the Celestial Kingdom and the internal of the Spiritual Kingdom, 5922. [Those who are in the Lord’s Celestial Kingdom have perception; but those who are in the Spiritual Kingdom have, not perception, but in its place conscience, 8081. The latter have conscience, and it is formed in their intellectual part; it is otherwise with the former, 8521:2. Those who are in the Lord’s Celestial Kingdom do not think from faith, like those in the Spiritual Kingdom. because they are in the perception of all things that belong to faith, from the Lord, 7577:2, 8521. The angels of the Celestial Kingdom receive the Divine of the Lord in the voluntary part, thus more interiorly than spiritual angels, who receive it in the intellectual part, 8521:3. The good of the Celestial Kingdom is the good of love to the Lord, and the good of the Spiritual Kingdom is the good of charity towards the neighbour, 9468, 9680, 9683, 9780.] Before the coming of the Lord, there was a Divine transflux by means of the Celestial Kingdom, and then it had power, 6371:2, 6372. The Divine Human was then presented in that manner, 6371:2; but because it was weak and inordinate therefrom, therefore the Lord came into the world: illustrated, 6373. The Divine Truth received by the angels in the Celestial Kingdom is called Celestial, 9995. Evil spirits, when they come towards an angel [of the Celestial Kingdom], flee away, because they cannot endure his sphere, 6365, 6369, 6370.
Celestial Man. The celestial man is a ‘likeness,’ 51; and he does good from love, 52. What is the quality of a dead man, a spiritual man, and a celestial man, 81. The Lord came into the world to save spiritual men, He had no need to come for the sake of the celestial, 2661. Celestial men say, ‘Nay’ and Yea,’ 2715:6. The truth which belongs to the celestial man is the good of charity, and this is called the truth of good, 6295:2. Celestial men have innate powers from good, because they are in the voluntary part, 6367. The celestial man is ‘the seventh day,’ 84-87.
Celestial Truth. What celestial truth is, [9544,] and what spiritual truth; that the former flowed from the Lord into the man of the Most Ancient Church, and the latter into those of the Ancient Church, 2069:3.
Celestial-Spiritual. What the celestial-spiritual is, [1577, 1824,] 2184:4. The spiritual of the celestial is the intermediate between the external or natural man and the internal or rational, 45856, 4592, 4594. What the celestial of the spiritual in the Lord was, which was represented by Joseph; it was that good of truth in which was the Divine, 5307, 5331; and it cannot be comprehended, 5332. [The celestial-spiritual angels, and the spiritual-celestial are represented by Joseph and Benjamin, 9671:2.] The Lord alone was born a spiritual-celestial man, 4592:3, 4594;2.
They who are in love and charity cannot speak from doctrinals, and they who are not are not confirmed By doctrinals, because they are in a negative state, 2454. Celestial things in their order are rep resented by bread, cakes, and wafers, of the unleavened, 9993. To look back d. to look from good, in which are the celestial, to doctrinals of faith, and so to leave good: shown, 5895, 5897:9.
Centre (centrum). See MIDDLE. The Lord is the common centre, and everyone is a centre of influxes in the heavenly form, 3633. The Lord from the centre, where He sets purification in action, reduces the disordered and tumultuous in the circumferences to order, 5396. Those things which are directly under the inner view are in the middle, as those under the external sight, and they are clear and delightful, 6068.
Cerberus (Cerberus). See DOG.
[Cerebellum. Cerebrum. See BRAIN.]
Cervical, Nape (cervieale, cervix). See NECK.
Chaff (palea). See STRAW.
[Chain. See NECKLACE.]
Chains (catenoe). Chains d. coherence: shown, 9852, [9879.]
Chaldea (Chaldaea). See BABEL. What Ur of the Chaldeans s.: shown, 1368, 1816. Chaldea d. worship in which is falsity, 1368. Babel d. the profanation of good, Chaldea the profanation of truth, 1368.
Chamber (camera). Concerning an obscure chamber, and the deceitful therein, that they may plot in darkness, 949.
Chamber (condave). See HOUSE.
Chamberlain, Pharaoh’s (cubicularius Pharaonis). Pharaoh’s chamberlain d. the interiors of scientifics, 4789, 4965.
Chance (casus). See FORTUNE [and ACCIDENT.]
Changes (vices). There are changes with one about to be regenerated and one who has been regenerated, 933, 935. The changes with one about to be regenerated are as cold and heat, 933; those with one who has been regenerated are as summer and winter, 935. Changes as to the state of intellectual things are as day and night, 935, 936.
Chanting of the Land (decantatio terrae). Chanting of the land d. the more excellent things of the Church, 5618.
Chaos (chaos). When a man is being regenerated doctrinals are first of all, as it were, a chaos with him, 3316.
Chariot (currus). Chariot d. doctrine: shown, 5321. Chariots which convey, and chariots with which they fight, in each sense, d. doctrinal things; but, in the latter sense, instructed for combat; and this from representative things in the other life, 8215. What wheels s., see WHEEL. What Elijah’s chariot of fire s., 2762:2. The carriages of Egypt d. doctrinals of scientifics; respecting which, 5945. The horses of Pharaoh or of the Egyptians d. the scientifics from a perverted intellectual; horsemen d. false reasonings therefrom; chariots d. doctrinals of what is false; army d. falsities, 8146e, 8148. [See also under ARMY.]
[Charities. See GRACES.]
Charity (charitas). Charity described. What charity is, 615. Charity is the ‘image’ of God, 1013. Charity is without recompense, and from affection, 3887. On doing good without recompense, 6388-8393. See MERIT. Genuine charity is described as without anything meritorious, 2371:5, 2380:4. Charity consists in performing uses, and in what else, 1038. Charity is to do well to the internal man, and with this to benefit the external at the same time: herein consists prudence, 9209:2. Charity which appears only in the external form, and is not in the internal, is not charity; but charity itself is, in the internal form, from the affection of good, 3776. Charity towards the neighbour is life according to the Lord’s precepts, 3249. What charity towards the neighbour is; from the example of a judge who punishes a wrong-doer from zeal, 4730:3. Charity towards the neighbour is the affection of good and truth; and the acknowledgment of self is nothing but evil and falsity; this is, in the internal sense, contained in the Lord’s words in Matth. xxv. 25, 4956. They who are in no charity cannot acknowledge the Lord, and if they profess to exteriorly, it is from hypocrisy, 2354:2.
The Relations of Charity to Faith. Charity is by means of faith, 393. See FAITH. There is no faith where charity is not, 654. The fruit of faith is good work, that is, charity, and this is love to the Lord, and again this is the Lord, because the internal sense of the Word is the Lord, 161, 1873. There is no genuine charity except with faith, nor genuine faith except with charity, 2839. Faith cannot be received by others than those who are in good, 2343:3. Faith can nowhere be given but in the life of faith, that is, in love and charity; from examples in the other life, 2343:5, 2349. Faith is the external of charity, and charity is the internal of faith, 3868. To live according to the precepts of faith, and according to the precepts of charity; what the difference is, 8013:2. Faith separated from charity is no faith, 1162, 1176. They who separate faith from charity cannot have conscience, 1076, 1077. Faith separated is the light of winter, and faith from charity is the light of spring, 2231:3. Faith without charity is somewhat defiled, 3870. They who separate faith from charity cast themselves into falsities and evils; and this is represented by Cain and Abel, Ham and Canaan, Reuben, and the Egyptians, the firstborn of whom were slain, 3325:11. They who do good from faith, and not from charity, are more remote from the Lord, 3463:2. The simple know what charity is, and they acknowledge it. not what faith separated is, 4741:2, 4754. Charity ought to rule over faith, not contrariwise, 363, 365. Charity is the ‘brother’ of faith, 367. Wisdom, intelligence, and science are ‘sons’ of charity, 1226. All the precepts of the Decalogue, and all things of faith, are from charity, 1798. All truths regard love and charity as their beginning and end, and they are implanted in them, 4353:3. There is a controversy respecting primogeniture: whether it belongs to faith or to charity, 2435. From various reasons it appears as if faith were prior to charity, or truth higher than good, but it is a fallacy, 3324. Several passages cited concerning faith and charity, and concerning truth and good, 3324:3.
Charity is the Essential. Charity is the essential of faith, yea, it is faith itself, because it is the self of faith: references cited, 2442e. They who make faith the essential, not charity, and who are in the good of charity, can be in the good of truth, not in such a manner as those who are in heaven, or are conjoined to the Lord, 3459. Charity, and not faith without charity, saves, 379, 389. Those who place the essential of salvation in faith, never attend to or see those things which the Lord so often spoke concerning charity and love: which passages are adduced, 1017e. The doctrinals of faith do nothing unless they have charity, because they look to it as an end, 2049, 2116. From the light of the natural sun it can be seen that good has the first place, and truth the second, 6273. Good actually has the first place, and truth apparently has, see REGENERATION and TRUTH. They who are without charity think nothing but evil of a man, and they observe his evils, not his goods, 1079, 1080, 1088:2.
Charity and Mutual Love. Mutual love is spoken of the external of the Celestial Kingdom, and charity towards the neighbour of the internal of the Spiritual Kingdom, 6435. The Celestial Kingdom and the Spiritual Kingdom are conjoined by means of charity towards the neighbour, because charity is the external of the Celestial Kingdom and the internal of the Spiritual Kingdom, 5922:2. Mutual love is from conjugial love, 2733, 2737, 2738. What mutual love is as compared to conjugial love, 2738.
Charity and Love. The difference between love and charity, 2023. The presence of the Lord with man takes place according to the state of love or charity, 904:3. Those who are in love to the Lord cannot but be in love towards the neighbour, 2227. Man of himself can know many things; respecting which, 3957; as that love to God and charity towards the neighbour make man, and make life, etc., 3957:8. They who are in the love of self, and they who are in faith separated, cannot know what heaven is, and several other things, and that heaven consists of love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour, 4776. They can look from love and charity to a doctrinal matter, not contrariwise, unless they are in love and charity; the former is to look behind oneself, and to turn back, 2454. Who are neighbours to those who are in the affection of good, and who, to those who are in the affection of truth; the neighbour, in the supreme sense, is the Lord, 2425.
The Good of Charity. The Divine Human and the Holy Proceeding of the Lord should not be violated, nor should the good of charity; who they are that violate, 2359. The Lord is present in the good of charity, 6495. The quality of those in the good of charity, and of those not in the good of charity, 2380. The reason that some do not consider themselves in the good of charity when they are, and some do when they are not, 2380:4. They who are in the good of charity receive the truths of faith in the other life, [2049:2.] See NATIONS. Adulterers are against the good of charity, and against the Lord, 2751. Falsities with those who are in the good of charity do not conjoin, but apply, themselves, 2863. The truths of faith are nothing without the good of charity: illustrated, 3849:2 The truths of faith cannot be accepted, that is, conjoined to good, except with those who are in the good of charity and love: illustrated, 4368:2. They who are in the good of charity cannot lose anything, and they remain to eternity, because by the good of charity they are conjoined to life itself and to the eternal, that is, to the Lord, 7506, 7507. It is not known by those who are not regenerated what the good of charity is, 8462. What the good of infancy, the good of ignorance, and the good of intelligence are, 2280:5. They who do good from truth, and not yet from good, are in the lowest of the Lord’s kingdom, 6396. They who do good from truth, and are not yet in good, do good from no truth, 6405; they induce disorder in the natural, because they almost close the interiors, 6406. When anyone does good for the sake of good or for the sake of truth, it is for the sake of the Lord, 9210; and this should be the head, and himself and gain should be the sole of the foot, 9210:2. To love good and truth for the sake of good and truth is to love the neighbour and God, 10310. To do good and truth for the sake of good and truth is to love the Lord above all things, and the neighbour as oneself, 10336:4.
Charity and the Church. They who are of the external Church have an internal in their worship, if they are in charity, [1083:4,] 1100. See INTERNAL. From the charity with himself each one can know whether he has internal worship, 1102e, 1151, 1153. The holy thing of worship is according to the quality and quantity of the truth of faith implanted in charity, 2190. The doctrinal phase of faith does not make the Church, but charity, 1798, 1799:2, 1834, 1844. Charity makes the Church, not faith, 809. There is not any Church where charity is not acknowledged as its essential, but rather as if it were from faith separated: illustrated, 4766. The Church is not from the truths only of faith, but. is where charity is, 5826:2. There is no Church unless the truths of doctrinal matters are implanted in the good of life, 3310. The internal of the Church is charity towards the neighbour in willing, and from willing in doing, and therefrom faith in perceiving, 4899:4. The Church is spiritual when it acts from charity, not because it says it has faith, 916. There is one Church, although several, when love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour are its essentials, 2982. The spiritual Church is everywhere varied as to truths, but is one by means of charity, 3267:2. Although doctrinals are varied, still the Church is one, if all have charity, 3451, 3452. How much of good there is in the Church if charity has the first place, and faith the second: illustrated, 6269. How much of evil, if faith has the first place, and charity the second, 6272. The Church is one if all have charity, although they vary as to worship and doctrinal matters, 1285:3, 1316. The Church would be one, if all had charity: such was the Ancient Church, 2385. The Church in the course of time recedes from charity, 1834:2, 1835. In the last times there is not faith, and then no charity, 1843:2.
Charity and the Word. The Word is vivified according to everyone’s state of charity and innocence, 1776. Those who are not in charity, but only in the knowledge of the cognitions of faith, can never see the interior things concerning love and charity, in the Word, 3416. The Word is unclosed or opened when love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour are esteemed, as the beginning; and when faith is so esteemed, it is closed up, 3773, 3793.
Charity and the Regenerate Life. No one is regenerated unless he is endowed with charity, 989. When a man is being regenerated ‘seed’ cannot take root, except by means of the good of charity, 880. The increase of good and truth with man is according to the charity in him, 1016:2. He who lives in charity receives from the Lord truth suitable to his good, 3267:3. How truth is implanted in the good of charity, when a man is being regenerated, 2189:2. The Lord fits the good of charity to truths when a man is being regenerated, thus He meets them, 2063:3. They who are in charity have a dictate and law written in themselves, and are received as citizens everywhere on earth, as in the heavens, 1121. None are saved by faith, but by the life of faith which is charity, 2228. Truths of faith do not save, but the goods of charity in the truths of faith, 2261:2. If cogitative faith, not life, were saving, all would be introduced into heaven, 6639:3. The light of the regenerate is from charity, not from faith, 854. Unless doing good is conjoined to willing good and thinking good there is no salvation, that is, unless the external man is conjoined to the internal, 3987. The reason why they separated faith from charity, and said that faith saves, 2231:3. The life of charity according to the Christian precepts saves, but not the life according to natural good, 7197. Good is not good, nor is it fruitful, until a man is regenerated, because, before this the soul itself is not in the good, 3186. To know or understand truth, to will truth, and to be affected by truth or charity, follow in regeneration, and these things afterwards continue in charity, in order, 3876, 3877. There must be innocence and charity that truth may be conjoined, 3111. Those who exercise charity from obedience are regenerated in the other life, 989e.
Charity in the Other Life. An example of one that came into heaven, who in this life lived in charity, 318. They who have lived in charity return to all their states of delight, in the other life, 823. In heaven all are regarded from charity and faith, 1258. A man, if he has lived in the good of charity, will come into all wisdom in the other life, because there is in that good those things which belong to itself, 5859:2. Intelligence and wisdom grow immensely in the other life, with those who live in charity, 1941. All are consociated in the other life according to loves: according to love towards the neighbour and to the Lord, in heaven; and according to the loves of self and of the world, in hell, 7085. All who are in heaven are kept looking to the Lord by means of love to Him, and also by charity towards the neighbour: illustrated, 9828:2. The angelic life consists in use and the good works of charity, 454. Angels communicate their good to another, so that they are willing to give all, and then more flows in for increase, 6478; but this is dissipated when it is thought of as recompense, 6478. Angels are forms of charity; which is described, 553e; they are forms of love and charity, 4735:2; from the good to which truth is conjoined, 3804:2. The odours of charity and faith are agreeable, 1519. They who separate faith from charity make charity meritorious in the other life, 2371:6. Love and faith in the spiritual world are as heat and light in the natural world, 7082-7084. Spiritual heat or love, and spiritual light or faith come from the Lord as the Sun of heaven, 7083.
Doctrine of Charity. There is a doctrinal of charity, and a doctrinal of faith, and it is obliterated at the present time; the doctrinal of charity was in the Ancient Church, and from it they knew what the neighbour was, and what the poor, orphans, widow, etc., 2417:2. Concerning the doctrinals of love and charity, of the ancients, 3419, 3420. See DOCTRINE. The doctrinals of the Ancient Church were those of charity, and their cognitions and scientifics consisted of knowing what the rituals of the Church represented, and largely what other things in the world represented, 4844:4. In what ignorance they are who are in no doctrinal of charity, 2435. What the doctrinals of charity and of faith, or of good, of the good of truth, and of truth, are, 2567. The doctrinals of charity, [4955.] See DOCTRINE. The Doctrine of Charity, 6627-6633, 6703-6712 (but there concerning the neighbour, see NEIGHBOUR), 6818-6824, 6933-6938 (see NEIGHBOUR), 7080-7086, [7178-7182,] 7255-7263, 7366-7377 (see LOVE OF SELF), [7488-7494,] 7623-7627, 7752-7762, [7814-7821, 8033-8037,] 8120-8124, [8252-8257, 8387-8394, 8548-8553, 8635-8640, 8742-8747, 8853-8858, 8958-8969, 9112-9122. The particulars of these articles are as follows:-]
The doctrine of charity was the doctrine in the Ancient Churches, 6628; therefrom they were wise, 6629; but wisdom left them, 6630. The doctrine of charity is among the things that are lost; when yet the Word is nothing else than the doctrine of charity, 6632. Because the doctrine of charity is lost, the doctrine of faith is, therefore, much alienated from the truth, 6633. Charity is not to be indiscriminately the same towards all, 6703. Love is the source of the life of man, and it is the ruling love; concerning which, 7081. It cannot be known what good is, unless it is known what love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour are, nor what truth is except from good; and it cannot be known what evil is, unless it is known what the love of self and the world is, nor what falsity is, except from good, 7178, 7255, 7366. There are two faculties, one called the understanding, for the truth of faith; and the other called the will, for the good of love; and they are conjoined; with whom they are conjoined, and with whom they are not conjoined, 7179. They ought not to be separated; what it is to be condemned, thus to have no faith or charity, 7180. It is necessary for man to know what good is, that he may know what heaven is, and what evil is, and what hell is, 7181. Love relates to good and truth, 7256. The good of love to the Lord is called celestial good, and the good of charity towards the neighbour is called spiritual good. 7257. The doctrine of love to the Lord is the most extensive and the most secret, and the doctrine of love towards the neighbour is extensive but not so secret, 7258. Because this doctrine is extensive the ancients distinguished charity towards the neighbour into classes, and gave to them names; concerning which, 7259, 7260. Those names were given to them from heaven, 7261. Their doctrine of charity taught how charity was to be exercised towards those who were in each class, 7259, 7261. Therefore, in the Word, names are such, and spiritual states are signified by them, 7262. The Word is the doctrine of charity: shown, 7262. There are two things which proceed from the Lord, Good and Truth, and they are united, so also in heaven, and they are charity and faith, in the Church, 7623, 7624. An idea of good and truth, or of charity and faith, can be formed from the sun and the light therefrom; what it is in spring and winter; and there is such a comparison in the Word, 7625. Man is a garden if these are conjoined, and is as a desert if they are not conjoined, 7626. Everyone can see from natural light that good and truth agree together, not evil and truth; and the same is attested by experience, 7627. All things relate to good and truth, so all things of the Church to charity and faith, 7752-7754. The first thing of the Church is charity, and the second, faith, 7755. The good of charity enters through the internal life, and faith through the external: illustrated, 7756. The conjunction of charity and faith takes place in the interiors of man, and good there adopts truth, 7757. Unless conjunction takes place, charity is not charity, nor is faith, faith, 7757. Faith when it is conjoined to charity is charity, 7758. The good of charity has its quality from the truth of faith, and truth its essence from that good, 7759. The good also has its quality from the abundance of truths, and their connection, 7760. Spiritual good saves, but not natural good; because spiritual good is the plane of angels, but not natural good, for it can be more easily led away into falsity and evil than into truth and good, 7761. The confidence which pertains to faith, is from love, not from faith separated, and it is not from truth, 7762. Man can look above himself and beneath himself, 7814. He looks above himself when he looks to the neighbour, his native land, the Church, heaven, and principally to the Lord, 7814, 7815, 7817. To look above oneself is to be elevated by the Lord, 7816, 8604:2. One looks to the world and self, when he looks at those things which relate to heaven, and the Lord, from behind, 7817. To look above oneself and beneath oneself is to have as an end and to love above all things, 7818. A man can love himself and the world, also eminence and opulence, but as a means to an end, and then it is good, 7819, 7820. Man is distinguished from the brutes by the fact that he can look above himself; and that to look beneath himself is to be a beast, but to look above himself is to be a man, 7821. What charity and faith are, 8033-8037. Charity is the internal affection of doing good, and the delights of life, 8033. Faith is the affection of knowing what is true and good, which conjoins itself to charity; it conjoins itself with charity by that truth which it wills to do, 8034. They who are in charity and faith acknowledge that everything of charity and faith is from the Lord, 8035. Heaven and the Church are with those who are in charity; and they are the regenerated, and those who have the new will and the new understanding, 8036. Those who are in the love of self and the world, do not know what charity and faith are, and that it is given to do good without recompense, and that this is heaven; they believe there is nothing of joy, if they are deprived of the things that belong to self, when yet heavenly joy then begins, 8037. It is believed that to give to the poor, to aid the needy, and to do good to everyone, is charity, but it extends itself wider, 8120, 8121. It is to do what is right, just, and good in every work, and in all functions: illustrated, 8121, 8122. The reason is that a man, society, the native land, the Church, the Lord’s kingdom, what is good and just, are neighbours, 8123. They who are in charity are a charity in everything they think, speak, will, and act, 8124. The life of piety without the life of charity conducts to nothing, but the life of piety with that of charity conducts to all things, 8252. What the life of piety, and the life of charity are; these consist in uses, 8253. The worship of the Lord consists in the life of charity, 8254; shown, 8255. A man remains such as the quality of his life of charity is: shown, 8256. The life of charity is according to the Lord’s precepts; that life is spiritual; to do what is just and honest, apart from the precepts, is civil and moral life, 8257.
Various. The forms of hatred and charity cannot be together, 1860. All blessedness consists of good and truth, and these cannot flow in from anything but the Lord; which is evident to everyone, from the light of reason, 2363:2. They who look to doctrinals, and not to life, do not think of the soul or the life after death, and conversely, 2454e. Who are in the affection of good, and who are in the affection of truth: passages cited, 2422, 2930:3. The quality of those who are in natural good, and that defiled by falsities; and they are Moab and the sons of Ammon, 2463, 2464, 2468. The Lord is one with the Father; the universal heaven is His; from Him is all innocence, peace, love, charity, mercy, conjugial love, and everything good and true; and Moses and the Prophets, and all the rites of the Church of the Jews, relate to Him, 2751. Heavenly freedom is love to the Lord and towards the neighbour, [2870.] See FREEDOM. Concerning the delight of the affections of good and truth or charity, it is unknown to those who are in the delight of evil and falsity, 3938:4. See DELIGHTFULNESS.
Chedorlaomer (Kedorlaomer). What Chedorlaomer s., 1667, 1685.
[Cheekbone. See JAWBONE.]
Chequer, To (tesselare). To chequer d. the work of a weaver: illustrated, 9942.
Cherub (cherub). Cherubs s. the Lord’s Providence, so that man should not enter of himself into the mysteries of faith, 308. Cherubs d. the guard and providence of the Lord, lest there should be approach to Him except by means of good, 9277:5; and lest the good which is from the Lord, in heaven and with man, should be injured: shown, 9509; also a guard lest spiritual good and celestial good should be mixed together, 9673.
Chief (princeps). Chiefs d. primary things, 1482, 2089. Chief d. primary truth: shown, 5044.
[Child. See INFANT.
Chinese (Chinenses). The Chinese were instructed that the Christian doctrine inculcates love and charity above every other doctrine, 2596e.
Chisel. See GRAVING-TOOL.]
Chittim (Kiuim). What Chittim s., 1156.
[Choice. See ELECT.]
Choir (chorus). The speech that terminates in choruses is as if rhythmical, 1648, 1649. Something concerning choruses or rounds, 2595, 2596. Concerning choirs, how they act as one, and concerning several choirs who also among themselves are one, 3350. Thus the universal heaven is one from mutual love and love to the Lord, 3350. From which it results that the more there are of them, the more distinct and perfect they are, 3350. There are rounds through which inauguration into unanimity takes place, and they are successively interior, 5182. Angelic choruses much delight the spirits of Jupiter; concerning which, 8115.
[Chorus. See CHOIR.
Chosen. See ELECT.]
Christ (Christus). [See also under ANOINT.] Christ is the same as Messiah, Anointed, or King: shown, 3008. Messiah, Anointed, and King are the same as the Divine Truth: shown, 3009; what is kingly and what is sacerdotal of the Lord are therefrom, 3009. In the internal sense by Jesus is sd. Divine Good, and by Christ, Divine Truth, by both, the Divine Marriage, 3004. By Jesus is sd. the Divine Good, 3005. By the name Jesus is sd. all in one complex by which the Lord is worshipped, 3006. By false Christs are sd. truths not Divine, or falsities, 3010. They who profess to be Christians, and do not live according to the precepts of the Lord, worship a false Christ, 3732e.
Christians (christiani). Concerning the state and lot of the nations in the other life; with respect to the Christians, see NATIONS. [The quality of Christians to-day; they are without faith and charity, in contempt, aversion, and enmity against the truths of faith and the Lord, and in intestine hatred against one another, 3489.]
Chrysalis (chrysalis). See BUTTERFLY.
Chrysoprasus (chrysoprasus). Chrysoprasus, 9868. See SAPPHIRE.
Church (ecclesia). See also WORSHIP throughout, HEAVEN, LOVE, CHARITY, FAITH, DOCTRINE, EXTERNAL, and INTERNAL. There were four Churches: the Most Ancient which was celestial, the Ancient which was spiritual, the Israelitish, and the Christian; and their times are meant by the golden age, the silver age, the copper age, and the iron age; concerning which, 10355. Concerning the revelations in these four Churches: in the first there was immediate intercourse with heaven; in the second, intercourse by means of correspondents and representatives; in the third, by the living voice; and in the fourth by the Word, 10355.
Most Ancient Church. [See also under ANGEL.] Concerning the Most Ancient Church, 1114-1125. See also CELESTIAL. Its breathing and perception therefrom, 607. The speech of a man of the Most Ancient Church was not by words, but by the face and lips; and they had internal breathing, as the angels have, 6072; their internal breathing is described, 1118-1120. The quality of the perception of the Most Ancient Church, 8952; and they have the law written in themselves, 1121. Whence were revelations, and their representatives, 1122. The Word in the Most Ancient Church was from revelation, and was written on their hearts, 2896. Representatives and significatives are from the Most Ancient Church; concerning the qualities of which, 2896. Enoch means those who collected the representatives and significatives of the Most Ancient Church, 2896. They of the Most Ancient Church are above the head, and rarely any come to them, 1115. They have beautiful dwellings and delightful auras, 1116. They are in the highest light, 1117. In what way they expected the Lord, 1123. Concerning the worse who also expected the Lord, but otherwise, 1124. The differences between a man of the Most Ancient Church and one of the Ancient Church, also of what quality the Most Ancient Church was, 597, 607. The man of the Most Ancient Church was of another and different genius from the man of the Ancient Church: illustrated, 4493:2. See CELESTIAL. The communication of the Most Ancient Church was with heaven, which was not afterwards the case with the Ancient Church, 784. With the Most Ancient Church truths and goods were inseminated in its voluntary part, but this was not so in the Ancient or Spiritual Church, 895. The Most Ancient Church saw, in earthly and corporeal things, only spiritual and celestial things, and cared not for other things, 920; and the antediluvians saw nothing except corporeal and worldly things, 920:2. The man of the Most Ancient Church had not the externals of worship, nor could he receive them, unless his internals were closed, 4493:2. The Most Ancient Church was in the land of Canaan; concerning which, 4447:2, 4454. The Most Ancient Church was in the land of Canaan, and part of the Ancient Church; and places there were representative therefrom; wherefore Abraham was commanded to go thither, and the land was given to his descendants, and with them the representative church was established, 3686:2. The Most Ancient Church, the Ancient, and the Christian agree as to internal things, because they are one, 4489. Concerning the Church of Enos; its quality, 1125.
Ancient Church. [See also above.] The quality of the Spiritual Church, or the man of that Church, 765. The Ancient Church was altogether of another nature from the Most Ancient: it was formed in its intellectual part, 640, 641, 765. Faith constituted the Spiritual Church, but not faith separated, 916:2. On the breathing of the Ancient Church, and the genius therefrom, 608. The Ancient Church was instructed by means of doctrinals, 609. The Word in the Ancient Church was from the representatives and significatives collected by Enoch, 2897. The Ancient Church had a written Word, which is lost, and it consisted of historical and prophetical parts, 2897. See WORD. This Word was Divine, similar to the Word according to the Prophets shown, 2897. There were Divine Prophetical Parts with others, as appears from the prophecy of Balaam, 2898. The Lord was the God of the Ancient Church, 6846. There were three Ancient Churches after the flood, 1327. Concerning the first Church, called Noah, 1126. Concerning the Church called Shem, 1127. A new Church was instituted by Eber in Syria, 1238. The Ancient Church being adulterated and turned into an idolatrous way, this new Church was awakened; its quality; it was in externals, 1241. Through how many kingdoms the Ancient Church was spread, 1238. Through what lands it extended, and what was its state, 2385:4. The Ancient Hebrew Church was a long time in the land of Canaan, 4516, 4517. The Hebrew Church, at the time of Abraham, altogether declined from the truth, 3031. Concerning the Ancient Church when it began to decline; how seen, 1128. In course of time the Church degenerated, 1327:2. The internals of the Ancient Church related to charity, which was to them the essential of the Church, but not to the descendants of Jacob, 4680:2. What the Representative Church was, which was with the ancients, and what the representative of the Church was, which was with Jacob’s descendants; that the former was with those who had an internal in the external, and the latter with those who had an external without an internal illustrated, 4288:2.
Israelitish Church. With the descendants of Jacob there was a representative of the Church, not the Church, 4281:2. See also JEWS and REPRESENTATION. The representative church was not the Church, 3480. The statutes, judgments, and laws commanded to the descendants of Jacob, were known in the ancient Churches; concerning which, 4449:2. The genuine state of the Church could he represented with the Jews, although they were idolaters, 4208:2. The representative things of the Jewish Church contained in them all the hidden things of the Christian Church, 3478e. In the Church with the Israelitish nation all things were representative of the interior things of the Church and heaven, 10149.
Christian Church. The Christian Church is the same as the Ancient and Jewish Churches the interior things of these are those of the Christian Church, 4772. The internal things of the Church, which the Lord taught, were known to the ancients, and He abolished external representatives, 4904:2. The quality of the Christian Church to-day, as to externals and internals; and how wicked they appear in the other life, 3489.
Gentile Church. The Church of the Lord is among the nations and the nations who are in good acknowledge many truths; concerning which, 3263:3. A new Church is established with the nations, because the old is in the state that it does not receive truth, 4747:2.
Celestial and Spiritual Church. On the Celestial and the Spiritual Church; the quality of the one and the other, 2669:2. What the Celestial Church and the Spiritual Church are; and what their differences are: references cited, 9277. Concerning the representation of the man of the Celestial Church as to the voluntary part, and of the man of the man of the Spiritual Church as to the intellectual part; concerning which, 5113:2. Spiritual Church, see SPIRITUAL. Concerning the first and following states of the Spiritual Church, and of the spiritual, when regenerated, see REGENERATION. The man of the Spiritual Church is infested, in the other life, by scientifics and falsities, and is purified thereby, so that he can be raised into heaven, 6639:2.
Internal and External Church. There is an internal and an external of the Church, 1242. There is an Internal and an External Church, 9375; references cited, 9680. What the Internal and the External Church are, 1083. The Internal and External constitute one Church, 409. The External Church is nothing, if not Internal, 1795. Wheresoever the Church is it is Internal and External, and what the internal and the external of the Church are, 6587:2. The quality of the man of the Internal Church, and the quality of the man of the External Church, 1098. See also INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, and WORSHIP. The Church includes a true internal, a corrupt internal, a true external, and a corrupt external, 1238. They who are in the External Church do not raise their thoughts higher than to the Natural of the Lord; but they who are of the Internal Church raise their thoughts higher, 6380. The internal of the Church is charity towards the neighbour in willing, and from willing in acting, and therefrom faith in perceiving, 4899:4. They who are in the externals of the Church are in the literal sense of the Word, and the Church flows in from the internal, but this becomes general therein, thence obscure, 6775. There is an internal in the worship of those who are of the External Church, 1102. There is external worship lest internal be profaned, 1327:3, 1328. Who they are and of what quality who are of the Internal Church, and who of the External Church, 7840; illustrated, 8762.
The Essential of the Church. Charity makes the Church, not faith, 809. The doctrinal phase of faith does not make the Church, but charity: shown, 1798, 1799:2, 1834:2, 1844. Life makes the Church, not doctrine separated therefrom, 4468. There is no Church from truths only of faith, and the Church is where the truths are of charity, 5826:2. There is no Church unless the truths of doctrine are implanted in the good of life, 3310. The only one doctrine of the Church is charity towards the neighbour and love to the Lord, 3445. The Church is not the Church because the Word is there, the Lord known there, and the sacraments are there, but because it lives according to the doctrine from the Word, 6637:2. The Church would be one, if all had charity, although they differed as to worship and doctrinals, 1285:3, 1316. The Church would be universal, as the Lord’s kingdom, if all had charity, 2385:4. From many there is one Church when love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour is the essential, not when faith is, 2982. The Spiritual Church is everywhere varied as to truth, but is one by means of charity, 3267:2. Although doctrinals are varied, still the Church is one, if all have charity, 3451:2, 3452. How much good there would be in the Church if charity were in the first place, and faith in the second: illustrated, 6269:3; how much evil if faith holds the first place, and charity the second, 6272. Charity actually has the first place, and faith apparently has. See TRUTH and REGENERATION. The Church in course of time recedes from charity, and produces evils and falsities, 1834:2, 1835.
Consummation and Vastation. The states of the Church are compared to times of a year and a day, and to ages, 2905. The Church is compared to the rising and setting of the sun, to the times of the year also to those of a day, as well as to metals, 1837. The state of the Church decreasing from love and light, compared with the state of a man decreasing from infancy to old age, 10134. The state of the Church is successively changed, and a nucleus is always preserved, 2422. The Church, in the course of time, becomes viler and decreases, 494, 501. The Church generally declines, in course of time, to faith, 4683, 4869. All Churches decrease from charity, even to no charity, and at length into hatred against others, 2910. There is no Church where by life and doctrine it is not acknowledged that the Lord’s Human is Divine, and so that the Lord is one with the Father: shown, 4766. Neither is there any Church where charity is not acknowledged as the essential of the Church, 4766:4. Concerning the first state of perversion of the Church, 3353, 3354. On the states of perversion of the Church; concerning which by the Lord in Matthew, 3655. See JUDGMENT. The last judgment is the last time of the Church; concerning which, 2118. Consummation with respect to the Churches; concerning which, 2243:3. The reason that hereditary evil is augmented, 2910:4. Something of the Church is always preserved; for the reason that otherwise the human race would perish, 468, 931. On the vastation of the Church, 407-411. See VASTATION. They who are of the vastated Church are removed from heaven by means of a cloudy mist, because by an inundation of falsities, 4423. It is worse with those who are of the Church and are vastated, than with those who are outside the Church; the reason; concerning which, 7554. Internal truths are not revealed until the Church is vastated, lest they should be profaned; and, therefore, the Lord then came into the world; and at this day the internal sense of the Word is disclosed, 3398:3.
Various Doctrines respecting the Church. The doctrinal of the Church, 10760-10766. What makes heaven makes the Church with man, 10760. The Church is where the Lord is acknowledged, and where the Word is, 10761. The Church is Internal and External, the one in love and the other in faith, 10762. There must be the doctrine of life which is charity, and, at the same time, of faith, 10763, 10764. Those outside a church who live well, are in communion with the Church, 10765. They who are of the Church are saved; they who are not, are damned, 10766. The Church on earth is as the heart and lungs in man, 931, 2054. There is a communication of heaven with the human race by means of the Church, because the Church is like the heart and lungs in communication with other parts of the body, 2853:3. The human race would become insane and be extinguished if there were no Church, 4545:7. Unless there had been a Church the human race would have perished; it is as the heart, 637. If there were no Church where the Word is, the human race would perish, 10452. A new Church is always established with the nations; why, 2986:3. Why the Church is restored with the nations, 1366. All men who are in the Lord’s Church, although scattered through the world, still make, as it were, one, as in the heavens, 2853:3. The Lord’s Church throughout the whole world is represented in heaven as a man, 7396. Heaven is as one man before the Lord, so also is the Church, 9276:5. Man is a Church, 4292. A man should be in the good of truth, that he may be a Church, 5826:2. Man is a Church; and wherever such are, even if they are scattered, they make the Church in general, 6637:2. The things which are in the Church generally, are with the man of the Church in particular, 9276:5. See MAN (homo). On the conjunction of the Lord with the human race by means of the good of charity, thus by means of the Church, 9276:3. See MAN (homo). The Lord is heaven and the Church, thus all in all, because He dwells there in His own, and not in their own, 10125; shown, 10151, 10157. The Church is in the internal man, not in the external without it, 10698. They are not of the Church who are in the affection of truth, and not in good, nor they who are in the affection of good from which there is no truth, 3963:2. They who are in the affection of truth, do not remain in the doctrinal tenets of their own Church, but search the Word to see whether they are true: illustrated, 5432:5. The Word ought to be searched to know whether the doctrinals of the Church are true, otherwise truths would everywhere be estimated from their soil and birthplace, 6047:2. See FAITH. Cognitions proceed, that is, the Word, before the Church can be established, 3786:2. There would be no Church unless man were spoken to by means of exterior truths in the Word: illustrated, 3857. Concerning the Churches; that they were in external truths, 3857:5. The Church beginning from truth has no other regulator than the understanding, but that which begins from good has charity and the Lord, 4672. The Word is unclosed to the Churches in their infancy, because love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour are taken as a principle; but afterwards when faith is, then it becomes closed, 3773. The man of the Church was formerly in the interior things, but to-day in the external or body, 5649:4. The Church is the foundation of heaven, 4060:4. They who are within the Church, more than those who are outside, ought to be purified from evils and falsities, because they are able to render holy things impure, 2051, 2054, 2056. The Lord came into the world that He might save the spiritual, 2661:2. On the doctrinals of love and charity, also on their representatives and significatives, 3419, 3420. See DOCTRINE and REPRESENTATION. In heaven there are lands, mountains, and rocks; concerning which, 10608. By woman is to be understood the Church, 252, 253. The Church is compared to a bride; and, in ancient times, vessels of silver and gold, and garments were given to a bride, to signify truth, good, and their adornment, which things pertain to the Church, 3164, 3165.
Chyle (chylus). Who appertain to the receptaculum and ducts of the chyle; they are of a twofold kind-the modest and the petulant, 5180, 5181. See also MESENTERY.
Cinders (javilla). See ASHES.
Cinnamon, Scented (cinnamonum aromaticum). Scented cinnamon d. the perception and affection of natural truth, 10254.
Circle (circulus). There is a circle from the hearing and sight through the thought into the will, and from the will into the effort and act; similarly from the memory through the same way, 4247:2. The process of man’s regeneration, and of the glorification of the Lord’s Human, is described and illustrated by the circle of life with man, 10057:2.
[Circuit. See ROUND ABOUT.]
Circumcision (circumcisio). Why this was performed with knives of flints, 2039e, 2046e. Circumcision was performed by knives of flints to signify the truths of faith by means of which they were purified, 2799:6. Circumcision was made, because, in the Ancient Church, the foreskin corresponded to the defilement of good, but, in the Most Ancient, to its obscuration, wherefore with this there was no circumcision, 4462:2. Circumcision is an external representative sign that they were of the Church, 4462:4. All those are circumcised who are spiritually circumcised, that is, purified from the love of self and the world: shown, 4462:3. The uncircumcised within the Church are they who are not in charity, however much they may be in doctrinals, 2049:5. They were called uncircumcised who were in the loves of self and gain, 3412:2, 3413. Everything is called uncircumcised which impedes and defiles, as an uncircumcised ear, 2056.
Circumcision s. purification from filthy loves: shown, 2039 initiation into the external things of the Church, 4486, 4493. Circumcised d. to be purified, 2632. To circumcise on the eighth day s. they ought to be purified every moment, 2044e. Pain after circumcision d. lust, 4496. The flint by which circumcision was performed, d. the truth of faith, 7044. Uncircumcised in lips d. impure as to doctrine, 7225. An uncircumcised ear d. disobedience; an uncircumcised heart d. it does not admit good and truth, 7225:2. Moses calling himself uncircumcised in lips, which is also spoken with respect to the nation of which he was the head, d. its worship, because merely external, was impure, 7245. To cut off the foreskin d. the removal of filthy loves, 7045. The foreskin c. to the most external loves,- namely, the corporeal and earthly, 7045.
Circumference (peripheria). See MIDDLE and CENTRE.
Citadel (arx, arces). See CASTLE.
City (civitas). They who build cities hide a secret thing therein, and give them, 2601. Goods and truths with man form, as it were, a city, and this from the form of heaven, and influx therefrom, 3584. See also TOWN. By city is sd. the celestial; by town, the spiritual, 402.
Civil (civilis). The civil life corresponds with the spiritual, 4366.
Clay (lutum). Clay d. good, 1300; and, in the opposite sense, evil: shown, 6669.
Cleansed, To be (mundari). To be cleansed d. to be sanctified: shown, 4545.
Cleave, To (adherere). To cleave, in the highest sense, d. love and mercy; in the internal sense, charity; in the external sense, conjunction, 3875; spiritual love, or charity, properly, observance of the precepts: shown, 3875:2; celestial love, also conjugial love, but by another word, 3875:5.
Cleave, To (findere). To cleave the sea d. to dissipate falsities, 8184.
Cleft (fissura). Cleft of the rock d. obscurity and falsity of faith illustrated and shown, 10582.
Cloak (pallium). Cloak d. Divine Truth in the internal form in the Spiritual Kingdom, 9825; in general, the Spiritual Kingdom, 9825:2. Robe with the ephod d. the Spiritual Kingdom; coat, because separated from these by the girdle, d. the spiritual from the celestial; the like is sd. by the veil in the tent, and by the neck with man: illustrated, 10005.
Closure (clausura). The closure outside the border d. the conjunction with truth from the Divine, 9534.
Cloth (pannus). The enveloping of a cloth; its quality, 964. [See also VEIL.
Clothing. See GARMENT and RAIMENT.]
Clouds (nubes). [See also under ANGEL.] What clouds with man are; they are all appearances, all ignorances, and all falsities, 1043. Whence are clouds of falsity, 1047. By clouds are represented things affirmative and negative, 3221. Spheres of thoughts from societies are represented by clouds; concerning which, 6609, 6614. Falsities from evils appear as mists, clouds, and waters about those who are in the hells, 8137:2, 8138. Even the angels are veiled with a suitable cloud, 6849. Because the Israelites were in obscurity and in falsity as to truths of faith, therefore the Lord appeared to them upon Mount Sinai in a dense cloud and in smoke, and in consuming fire, 8814, 8819. How the Lord appeared in a cloud, with angels, in a human form, and afterwards in radiance, to the inhabitants of a certain earth, 10810; and still later descended and appeared according to reception, 10811.
Clouds stand for the literal sense of the Word, Preface to Gen. xviii. [ante 2135], 4060:7, 4391:2; also shown, 6752:8; and glory d. the internal sense: also shown, 5922:6, 6343e. Clouds d. obscurity of truth, and the literal sense: also shown, 8106:2. Cloud d. the Word in the letter; density of the cloud d. in particular, the most natural, 8781. The external sense of the Word, without genuine doctrine from the Word, is sd. by obscurity of the cloud, 9430. Cloud d. the external of the Word, of the Church, and of worship; it is also called glory: shown, 10574:3. Cloud d. truth accommodated to reception, 8443. What the column of cloud s., 8106. See COLUMN. The column of cloud d. dense obscurity, thus the Word, with those who are in the exterior without an internal, 10551.
Coat (tunica). [See also GARMENT.] Coat d. that which invests something else: the truth of the natural, 3301; truth shown, 4677; Divine Truth in the inmost Spiritual Kingdom, proceeding immediately from the Divine-Celestial, 9826; the Divine-Spiritual from the Divine-Celestial, thus the inmost of the Spiritual Kingdom: shown, 9942. What the coat of the daughters of the king, the coat of the High Priest, and the coat of the prophets s., 4677:2. The coat of various colours d. the appearances of truth from good, 4677, 4741, 4742. The Lord’s words about smiting on the cheek, and about the coat, that whosoever wished for it, to him was to be given the cloak also, are explained, 9049:4. What is sd. by the Lord’s coat not being divided, is explained, 9942:13. The coat of the sons of Aaron d. the Divine Truth proceeding from the Divine-Spiritual of the Divine-Celestial, 9947, 10013. The ephod with the robe d. the Spiritual Kingdom; and the coat d. the spiritual with the celestial; thus by it the like is sd. as by the veil in the tent, and by the neck in man: illustrated, 10005.
[Coat of Mail. See HABERGEON.]
Cock, Cock-Crowing (gallus, gallinaceum). Cock-crowing is the time before morning or daybreak, and therefrom s. the first time of the beginning of the Church: shown, [6073:3,] 10134:13, See MORNING.
[Cockroach. See INSECT.]
Coffer (capsa). See ARK.
Cognitions, To Recognize (cognitiones, cognoscere). See DOCTRINE and SCIENCE. Cognitions are the truths of childhood; and they are not truths in themselves, but from the divine things which are in them, 3676. Cognitions are for uses, 6815. To recognize d. to understand, to believe, and to perceive, when and whence: shown, 10155; when it relates to God, to foresee and to provide, 5309. When it is said that God recognizes it, d. that He endows with charity: shown, 6806. [By Cognition the author means knowledge of a more interior kind than science (which see), and knowledge more intuitively perceived. Tr.]
[Coition. See To COME TOGETHER.]
Cold (frigus). What cold and heat with one about to be regenerated and one regenerated are, 933. What summer and winter are with one about to be regenerated, 935, 936. The fire of evils is turned into cold, 825, 1528. In the hells there is thick darkness, and this is from falsities; and there is cold there, and this is from evils, 3340. There is also light (lumen) there, but it is fatuous, and also heat (color), but it is as of an unclean bath, 3340; and when it Is seen in hell it is a dark mist, and that is from hatreds, revenges, and murders, which things they breathe; an experience, 3340.
[Collect, To. See To GATHER.]
Collected (collecta). The things collected d. the interior things of worship which were to be represented, 9459.
[Collections. See GATHERINGS.]
Colon (colon). Colon, an intestine. See INTESTINE.
Colour (color). Whence colour is, and what it represents in spiritual things; and on the rainbow, 1042, 1043, 1053. The most beautiful colours appear in the other life, 1053:2. Colours in the other life; whence they are and of what nature, 1624. Colours in the other life are from the modification of light and shade there, and from their variegation in whites and blacks, 3993:7. Colours in the other life are from variegation of light there, and they are modifications of intelligence and wisdom; concerning which; an experience, 4530, 4922. Colours in the other life are from the light there, and through heaven they are also appearances of truth, 4742:2. Colours in the other life derive their origin from good and truth, 9466. Colours in heaven are from the variegations of light there, and are the qualities of truth, and its appearances; and they appear from the affections of good and truth, 4677. There are colours which are not seen in the world, 1624. Colours so far as they partake of red signify good, 9467. There are two fundamental colours, white and red; whence, 9467. The coat of various colours d. the appearances of truth, 4677, 4741, 4742. The precious stones in the breastplate s. the goods and truths of heaven, from the colours, 9865, 9868:2, 9905; and whence those colours are, 9865:2, 9868:2.
[Colt. See Ass.]
Column (columna). An angelic column around me, when I was let down into the lower earth, 699. Pillars d. goods of love and faith, because they support heaven and the Church: shown. 9674. By the column of cloud and of fire, by day and by night, was rd. the states of heaven, 8108; it s. the Lord’s presence was perpetual, 8110. Column is predicated of the natural, which is like a basis to the spiritual: shown, 8106:4. A column of cloud by day d. a state of enlightenment moderated by obscurity of truth, 8106. A column of fire by night d. a state of obscurity, moderated by enlightenment from good, 8108.
Comb, To (pectere). They who place everything in adornment comb the hair; and to comb the hair d. to accommodate natural things so that they may appear handsome, 5570.
Combat (pugna). [See also WAR, and under ANGEL.] Concerning combats and temptations, 8958-8969. See TEMPTATION.
Come, To (venire). To come d. what is successive, 5505; presence, 5934, 6063; approaching, 5941, 5947; to be applied, 6117; conjunction, 6782, 6783. To come to anyone d. communication1 5249; presence, 6063, 6089. To come or enter to anyone d. presence and appearance, 7498, 7631. To come or enter to anyone, when predicated of what is matrimonial, d. to be conjoined, 3914, 3918. To come after them, when spoken of those who are in falsities from evil, d. an effort to bring on violence by the influx of falsity from evil, 8187.
Come Near, To (accedere). See To APPROACH. To come near d. presence, also perception therefrom, 3572, 3574; interior communication, 5883. To approach unto God d. to think from the faith of charity concerning the Divine, 6843.
Come Together, To (coire). The first that come together of the flock d. things spontaneous, 4029. The next that come together d. things compulsory, 4031.
[Come Together, To. See To MEET (convenire).
Come to Pass. See CAME TO PASS, AND, and To MAKE.
Come Up, To. See To ASCEND.]
Comeliness (decus). Comeliness d. Divine Truth in the exterior form, also its splendour, so too the Spiritual Church: shown, 9815.
Comfort (consolatio). There is consolation after temptation, and that is insinuated into good, 2821. All consolation is by means of good, 2821, 2841. To comfort d. to appease restlessness of mind with hope concerning anything, 3610; hope, 6577, 6578. To speak to the heart d. trust, 6578.
[Comforter. See HOLY SPIRIT.]
Command, To, Command (imperare, imperium). See LOVE OF SELF. Concerning those who excite enmities and hatreds, that they might command, 5718. No one in heaven wishes to command, but to minister: shown, 5732:2. On account of the love of commanding and of gain they subject themselves to commands, 7364. All evils are from the love of self, especially from the love of commanding: somewhat illustrated, 10038. The most ancient peoples dwelt among themselves distinguished into nations, families, and houses, and did not know commands, because they were not in the love of self and of the world; on the state of their happiness of life, 10160. There are two kinds of dominating-one is from love towards the neighbor, such is where the nations, families, and houses are, and this is the dominion of the Lord; the other, from the love of self and the world, is among men, where they are congregated into one, and such an empire is in hell, 10814.
Command, To (praecipere). To command d. influx, 5486; and, on the part of the recipient, perception illustrated, 5732 consent, 6105; a precept of the Church, 6561; lust, 7110; when used respecting the Lord, d. a law of order, 10119. To command and to say d. to reflect and therefrom to perceive, 3661, 3682. Jehovah commanded d. that it was done for the sake of the Israelitish nation, and yet only permitted: illustrated, 10612.
Communication (communicatio). There is a communication of joys in heaven, 549, 550. There is a communication of all things of thought and affection, in the other life, 1390, 1391. Communication takes place by means of real transmission, 1392; and by means of removals, 1393. See also PERCEPTION. In heaven communication of interior things is granted, 1399. There are spirits and angels by means of whom communication takes place, 4047, 4048.
Communion of the Church (communio Ecclesiae). What the communion of the Church is, 2853.
Companion (socius). Brother and companion d. good and its truth: shown, 10490. Man to a companion d. mutually, and the conjunction of good and truth, 10555.
[Company. See ASSEMBLY.]
Comparison (comparatio). Things that signify serve also for comparison with the same thing: shown, 3579:5. In the Word there are not metaphorical sayings or comparisons, but correspondences, 8989:11.
Compel, To (cogere). A man ought to compel himself to resist evil, and to do good; otherwise he cannot receive the heavenly proprium, 1937, 1947. To compel oneself is freedom, but not to be compelled, 1937:7, 1947. They should compel themselves in many things, 7914.
[Complaisance. See FLATTERY.]
Conceal, To (celare). See To HIDE.
Conceive, To (concipere). See BIRTH, To BRING FORTH, GENERATION. To conceive d. the first thing of origin, 6718.
Concubine (concubina). Maidservants from whom children are procreated are called concubines; and it was allowed to procreate children from these, that those who are outside the Church might be represented, 2868. It was permitted to those who were in externals, for the sake of representation, to add a concubine to a wife, but not to those who are in internals, and in good and truth, therefore, not to Christians, to whom it is adultery, 3246:6. It is not allowed to have concubines for wives to-day, as it was with the Jews, 9002:3. The spiritual are sd. by the sons of concubines, 3246.
Concupiscence (concupiscentia). See LUST.
Confess, Confession (confiteri, confessio). What sacrifices of confession are, 3880:8. There must be confession of sins, that man may be saved, 8387. What confession of sins is; and it must be before God, 8388. Universal confession is not the confession of repentance, 8390. To confess, from which Judah was named, d., in the supreme sense, the Lord; in the internal sense, the Word; and in the external sense, doctrine therefrom; and what further to confess s.: shown, 3880; and it d. the Divine of love and the Lord’s Celestial Kingdom, 3880; to acknowledge the Lord and those things which are His, thus this acknowledgment is doctrine from the Word, 3880; the voice of celestial love: shown, 3880:4.
Confession (confessio). See under To CONFESS.
Confidence (confidentia). [See also TRUST.] That confidence which, in an eminent sense, is called faith, is varied, and is possible even with the evil; but true confidence does not exist, except with those who are in love and charity, 4352:2, [4683:2, 6578.]
Confirm, To (confirmare). See also PERCEPTION. It does not belong to the wise man to confirm dogma, but to see first whether it is so, 4741:3, 7012. The things which have been confirmed by doctrine and life, remain to eternity; an experience, 4747:2. Falsities can be confirmed so that they appear entirely like truths, 5033, 6865:3. Perception consists in seeing what is true and what is false, not in confirming, whatsoever it be, 7680:2, 7950:2. All things can be confirmed; and it is not seen whether they are true, except by those who are affected by truth for the sake of the uses of life, 8521:2. The light of confirmation is not the light of perception, but is a sensual light such as that of the infernals, if without the perception of what is true: illustrated, 8780:2.
[Confound, To. See To DISTURB.]
Conglutluation (conglutinatio). The punishment of conglutination for the deceitful, 960.
Congregation (conqreqatio). [See also MEETING.] Congregation is predicated respecting truth, and respecting falsity, 6355. The assembly of Israel d. all truths and goods in the complex, 7830. Assembly is predicated respecting good, and congregation respecting truth, 7843. The congregation of the assembly of Israel d. those who are of the Spiritual Church, 7843.
[Conjugial Love. See MARRIAGE.]
Conjunction (conjunctio). The conjunction of the Lord’s Divine Essence with the Human is union, but that of the Lord with man is conjunction, 2021. Conjunction is of good; adjunction is of natural truth with rational, 3514. The process of the conjunction of one good with another is mutual acknowledgment, agreement, affection, initiation to conjunction, 3809, 3810. Every conjunction requires a reciprocal, thus the reciprocal is consent, 6047. [See also under AFFECTION.
Connection. See AFFINITY.]
Consanguinity (consanguinitas). See AFFINITY.
Conscience (conscientia). See also BOND and PERCEPTION, [and under ANGEL.] What Conscience is. Conscience is the intermediate between the Lord and man, 1862. Conscience is the new will and new understanding from the Lord, 4299. Conscience is the boundary where the plane or terminated influx ends in the exterior rational, or in the interior natural, so that the Divine which flows in can rest there; but perception is in the interior rational, 5145:4. Conscience is twofold: it is of good and truth, and of what is just and what is fair, 5145:4.
How and Where Conscience is formed. Conscience and dictate are from the combat of spirits and angels, 227. Conscience is in the intellectual part, 863e, 865e, 875:3. In the intellectual part the new will, which is conscience, is formed, 1023:2, 1043:4. How conscience is formed by means of the truths of faith, 1077. The Lord forms conscience by means of the truths of faith, but the conscience thereby is better in proportion as the truths of faith are more genuine, 2053:2, 2063e. Conscience is formed in spiritual good and truth, also in what is just and fair, and in what is honest and becoming, which are goods that succeed one another, 2915. Conscience is born of the truths of faith, and settles in the interior memory, where they become familiar, as those things which are in the body, 7935. Whence conscience is, 1919:2. Conscience is not possible without charity, 1919:2.
Conscience and Perception distinguished. He who has perception is acquainted with the singular of the particular, and the particular of the general truths; not so he who has conscience, 865. What the difference between perception and conscience is, 2144:2.
Kinds of Conscience. Conscience with a spiritual man is the conscience of what is right, 986e. There is a true, a spurious, and a false conscience, 1033. There is an interior conscience, which is of spiritual good and truth, and an exterior conscience, which is of what is just and fair; and there is a false conscience, when all things are done for the sake of self, 6207. There are three planes into which the Lord operates: interior conscience, which is of spiritual good and truth, exterior conscience, which is of moral and civil or just and fair good and truth, and an outermost plane for the sake of those things which are of the love of self and the world; concerning which, 4167.
Conscience and Thought. They who have conscience, and they who have not; whence they think, 1914:2. They who have conscience, have their thought from conscience, 1919:2. They who have conscience, have interior thought from the Lord; not they who have not conscience, 1935. They who have not conscience, are not rational, 1914:3, 1944:2. What thought from perception, from conscience, and from no conscience, is, 2515.
Conscience and Regeneration. There are celestial, spiritual, and natural temptation, when conscience is assaulted, 847:2. With man not regenerated there is no conscience; if there be any, of what quality it is, 977. The quality of conscience with a regenerated man; and with one not regenerated there is no conscience; and if there were anything of conscience, of what quality it would be, 977:2. If anything of anxiety is felt, when a man betakes himself to evil, it is an indication that he can be reformed, 5470:2. They who do good from natural good, and not from the doctrine of religion, cannot be saved; and these have not conscience, 6208.
Doctrine of Conscience. The doctrine of conscience, 9112-9122. It is from the religion, 9112. It is from the truths of faith according to their reception in the heart, 9113. They who have conscience speak and do from the heart; and conscience is better with the enlightened and intelligent, 9114. Conscience is the new will, and from charity, 9115. Conscience is formed by means of the truths of faith, 9116. The life of a spiritual man is from such a conscience, 9117. They are in internal tranquillity and blessedness who do according to conscience; and contrariwise, 9118. There is a conscience of good and a conscience of what is just; concerning which, 9119. Two examples respecting gain and dignity, to illustrate what conscience is, 9120. The quality of those who have not conscience: they do not know what conscience is, 9121. They who, when in the world, had not conscience, have none in the other life, 9122. Conscience is a plane or receptacle of influx of good from the Lord, 9122.
Various Particulars. Adulterers have no conscience, 827; neither have sorceresses or sirens, 8312. They who are in the habitation of dragons say that worship and the Word are to hold the vulgar in the bond of conscience, 950. The evil, in the other life, cannot be punished by means of conscience; they who have conscience are among the happy, 965. Evil genii and spirits especially endeavour to destroy conscience, 1820:2. The Lord rules man by means of conscience, and when that becomes inactive, by means of external bonds, 1835:2. They who have conscience are all in the good of charity, 2380:2. Concerning the simple in faith, who have lived in conjugial love from conscience; they come into heaven, 2759. They who have conscience do not swear, still less they who have perception; wherefore it was forbidden by the Lord to swear, 2842:9. The conscience of truth is from the good which is from truth, 4390. They who are of the Spiritual Church have a conscience of truth, 8081. They who are without conscience are in externals alone, 4459:3. The conscientious (concerning whom) correspond to the pituitary parts of the brain, 5386. Concerning the conscientious; of what quality they are in the other life, 5724. The influx of angels is into those things which belong to man’s conscience, 6207, 6213. They who are in false conscience or in external bonds, can perform more eminent duties well, and do goods according to those bonds, 6207. Merely natural men deride trouble on account of the privation of truth and good, because to them these things are as nothing: illustrated, 7217.
Consent (consensus). That truth may be conjoined to good there must be consent from the understanding and the will; when it is from the will there is conjunction, 3157:2, 3158:2.
[Consolation. See COMFORT.
Constellations. See STARS.
Consternation. See FEAR.]
Consummation (consummatio). What evil consummated is, and what consummation is, 1857. What consummation is: namely, when evil is brought to its height, thus in general or in the Churches; concerning which, 2243. What consummation is; in general it is the end of the Church, and, in particular, the end of everyone of whom it is spoken: shown, 10622. The consummation of the age and the coming of the Lord is the last time of a former Church, and the first of a new, 4535:3, 10622:3.
Contempt (contemptus). Contempt of others more than self, see LOVE OF SELF.
[Contend, To. See To DISPUTE.
Contingencies. See HAPPENINGS.]
Continually (juge). [See also To-DAY.] Continually d. all and in all: illustrated and shown, 10133.
[Contrive, To. See To PLOT.
Converse, To. See under To SPEAK.]
Convocation (convocatio). Holy convocation d. congregation, that all might be together, 7891. [See also To MEET (convenire) and ASSEMBLY.
Cook, To. See To BOIL.]
Copper (cuprum). See BRASS.
Cord (funis). Cords d. things that conjoin: briefly shown, 9777:2; conjunction: shown, 9854; indissoluble conjunction, 9880.
Corn (frumentum). [See also CROP.] Corn d. natural good, and must d. natural truth: shown, 3580. Corn d. the good of truth, 5295, 5410; the truth of good; why, and when, 5959. Provision d. the truth of the Church, 5402. Abundance of provision d. multiplication of truth, 5276, [5278,] 5280, 5292.
Corners (anguli). Corners d. firmness and strength: shown, 9494. Four corners or four winds d. all things of truth, and of good, 9642. See QUARTERS.
[Corporeal. See BODY.]
Correspondence and Representation (correspondentia et representatio). The Science of Correspondence. What correspondences are, 2763:2. How far the science of representations and correspondences excels other sciences, 4280:2. The science of correspondences was with the Orientals: shown; but it was afterwards obliterated, chiefly in Europe, 10252:6. Because men doubt respecting heaven and hell, it cannot be known what influx therefrom is, nor what correspondences are, 4322.
Correspondences, Representatives, and Significatives. The laws laid down concerning servants refer to the correspondences, representatives, and significatives, 2567:7. Concerning representatives and correspondences, 2987-3003, 3213-3227 (see REPRESENTATION), [3337-3352, 3472-3485.] Representations and correspondences are of spiritual things in natural things; this can be known from many things with man, and with which man is acquainted, 4044, 4053. All things which are in the world in its three kingdoms are representative of spiritual and celestial things of the Lord’s kingdom: references cited, 9280; and there are correspondences of all things: references cited, 9280.
Internal and External. What things in the external correspond or do not correspond to the internal man, 1563:2, 1568. The rational appears to itself to see nothing, unless the natural corresponds, 3493:3. There is a correspondence of higher things in exterior things; and in the composition of administering means there must be a correspondence: illustrated from end, cause, and effect, 5131. If there be not a correspondence, the internal appears to the external to be estranged and hard: illustrated, 5422, 5423; illustrated by examples, 5511. By means of correspondences a conjunction of internals and externals takes place, 8610. By means of correspondences heaven is conjoined with earth, 8615:2.
Correspondences, the Word, and Worship. Many things in the Word have arisen from representatives in the other life, and from correspondences, 2763. The literal sense and the internal sense of the Word correspond, 3131:2. When a man is in what is holy of the Holy Supper, he is in correspondence with the angels, 3464:2. Correspondences have the greatest force, and, therefore, the Word was written by means of pure correspondences, 8615:3.
Correspondences and Man. There is one life, and to that life correspond forms which are substances or organs that are of a quality that corresponds, and this is the correspondence of life with its organs, 3484. Gestures correspond to internal affections; concerning which, 4215:2. There is a correspondence in each organic form in the body, and in the parts of their parts, 4222; with their functions, and, therefore, with their forms, 4223, 4224; not only with the organic forms seen, but also with those unseen, by means of which there are internal sight and affections, 4224. Civil life corresponds with spiritual life: illustrated, 4366. Concerning the correspondence of man, and of all things with man, with heaven [: references cited], 10030e. There are correspondences of all members of the body with heaven: shown from the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, 10030:3; and the head corresponds to the inmost heaven, the breast and body to the middle heaven, and the legs and feet to the lowest heaven, 10030:3.
Correspondence and the Grand Man. Continuation concerning the Grand Man and the correspondence of the heart and lungs, 3883-3896. See HEART and BREATHING. Continuation concerning the correspondence with the cerebrum and cerebellum, 4039-4055. See BRAIN. Continuation concerning the Grand Man and correspondence in general, 4218-4228. On the correspondence of the general senses, voluntary and involuntary, 4326 and following. See SENSE. Concerning the correspondence of the eye with the understanding and truths, and the correspondence with light, 4403-4420. See EYE, LIGHT, UNDERSTANDING. Concerning the correspondence of sight, the eye, and light with the Grand Man, 4523-4534. Continuation concerning the Grand Man, and the correspondence of scent and the nostrils therewith, 4624-4634. General societies are what constitute heaven; and in each society are they who correspond to the Grand Man, 4625. Who they are that correspond to the mucus of the nostrils, 4627. See NOSTRILS. Concerning the correspondence of hearing and the ears with the Grand Man, 4652-4660. See EAR. Concerning the correspondence with taste, the tongue, and the face, 4791-4806. Concerning the correspondence of the hands, arms, shoulders, feet, soles, and heels with the Grand Man, 4931-4953. Concerning the correspondence of the loins and genitals with the Grand Man, 5050-5062. Concerning the correspondence of the interior viscera of the body with the Grand Man, 5171-5190. From the situation and influx it can be known to what provinces angelic societies belong, 5171. Concerning the correspondence of the peritoneum, kidneys, and bladder with the Grand Man, 5377-5396. Nothing exists in the natural world which has not a correspondence with the spiritual world: illustrated, 5377:2. Concerning the correspondence with the skin, bones, and hairs, 5552-5573.
The Lord and Man. Between the Lord and man there is a parallelism and correspondence as to celestial things, 1831; not as to spiritual, 1832. Heaven corresponds to the Lord; and man, as to all and everything, to heaven; and hence heaven is the Grand Man, 3624-3649. See MAN (homo). The Lord is the Sun of heaven, and therefrom is the light in which is intelligence, and heat in which is love, and hence correspondences, 3636, 3643.
Corrupt, To (corrumpere). To corrupt is predicated concerning those things which pertain to the understanding, thus concerning persuasions, 622. To be corrupted d. to avert oneself from the Divine, 10420.
[Cortical Substance. See BRAIN.
Cottages. See HUTS.
Countenance (vultus). See FACE. To be affected by the countenance of another is not from the countenance, but by the mind which thus shines forth, 3527. The face by its various expressions represents both man’s thought and his will, 4292:4. From the expressions of the face with the sincere the state of their interiors can be seen, 4292:4. The faces or countenances s. states of the thoughts and states of the affections, 4066e.]
Country, Native (patria). The native country is the neighbour, 6819, 6821. See NEIGHBOUR. He who loves his native country, in the other life loves the Lord’s kingdom, for it is then to him his native country, 6821.
Court (atrium). The court of a dwelling d. the lowest heaven: shown, 9741. There was an exterior court and an interior; the latter stands for the Celestial Kingdom, and the former for the Spiritual Kingdom: shown, 9741:3. The court d. the external of each heaven: illustrated, 9741:3. In the exterior court there are those who are in the good of faith; concerning whom, 9741, 9742.
Covenant (faedus). [See also under ABRAM.] The rites were signs of the covenant, 1038:8. All external rites were signs of the covenant, 2037. The covenant was made by means of internal things, 1038:6. Things were halved, and the two parts placed over against each other, when a covenant was entered into, as for instance the tables on which the law was inscribed: shown, 9416. The covenant is, in the strict sense, the ten commandments; in the broader sense, those things which were commanded from Mount Sinai, and the books of Moses; if by means of them there is a covenant, it is conjunction, which are signs of the covenant; and the covenant on the Lord’s part is mercy and election: shown, 6804:5. Because conjunction of the Lord with man is by means of the Word, it is called the Covenant; as also the law, the tables, and the ark where the law was: shown, 9396.
Covenant s. the conjunction and presence of the Lord in man by means of love, as also regeneration; covenants also rd. this, 665, 666, 1023; d. the presence and conjunction of the Lord by means of love and charity, 1038; conjunction; the Lord does not contract a covenant with man, 1864; conjunction, connection, and union, 1996, 2003, 2021; conjunction: references, 10632. The covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, d. conjunction by means of the Divine Human of the Lord, 6804. Conjunction with the Divine is rd. by a covenant from Jehovah with the people, and d. the reception of influx by means of correspondence, and conjunction: shown, 8778. To keep the covenant d. to be conjoined, when spoken of the Lord: shown, 8767. To contract a covenant d. communication, 9344.
Cover (tegurnentum). See VEIL.
Covering (velamen). See VEIL.
[Covet, To. See Lust.
Covetous. See under AVARICE.]
Cow (vacca). Cows d. natural truths, 5198; and also falsities, 5202:3
[Craftsman. See ARTIFICER.]
Create, To (creare). The distinction between ‘to create’ and ‘to make,’ 472. The historicals of creation in the first chapters of Genesis are made historicals: illustrated from various things there, 8891:2, 9942:4. In the first chapters of Genesis the institution of the Celestial Church is described, 10545. To create d. to regenerate, 16, 88e; to reform and to regenerate man: shown, 10373:2; to be anew; to form d. a quality; and to make d. the effect, 10373:2. To be created d. to be from the Divine from first to last things, or from inmost to outermost things, 10634.
[Creation, History of. See ADAM and ANGEL.
Creeping Thing. See REPTILE.]
Crimson (purpura). Crimson d. the celestial love of good: shown, 9467.
Critic (criticus). The ideas of critics appear in the spiritual world like a texture of cut-off threads, 6621.
Crop (seges). See HARVEST. Standing crop d. truth in conception: shown, 9146.
Cross (crux). The cross d. Truth Divine, which was treated by the Jews with contumely, scourged, and crucified, 2813. The passion of the cross was the last of temptation, and not according to the faith of to-day: illustrated, 10659. See LORD.
Crowd (turba). Mixed crowd d. goods not genuine, and the nations with whom are such goods, 7975.
Crown (corona). Crown d. the Divine Good from which the Divine Truth is. 9930:3.
Cruelty (crudelitas). Concerning the hells of those who lived in cruelty, see HELL. Adulterers are cruel, and contrariwise, 824. The cruelties into which phantasies are turned in the other life, 954. The hell of cruel adulterers is under the right foot, where are such of the Jewish nation; from experience, 5057; how cruelly they treated the nations, from delight, 5057. The cruel are in the excrementitious hells, and there are cadaverous things there, 5394.
Cry (clamor). Cry d. falsity, sin d. evil: shown, 2240. [The cry in Matth. xxv. 6, d. a change in the Church, 4638:4.] A cry went up to God d. that they were heard, 6802. A cry is come to God d. compassion, 6862. A great cry d. interior lamentation, 7782. To cry d. confession and acknowledgment by faith: shown, 5323; nearly effected, 5870; imploration, 6801; thought with the full intention of doing, 7119; to express indignation, 7142; intercession, 8179; supplication from grief. 8353. To cry from heaven d. to comfort, 2821, 2841. To cry with a great voice d. aversion, 375, 5016, 5018, 5027. To cry is predicated of need, 5365. Supplication from good is heard as a cry in heaven; and that from evil, in hell, 9202.
Cunning (astus). See DECEIT
Cup (caliz). See BOWL.
Cure, To (curare). See To HEAL.
Curse, To (maledicere). The Lord curses none, but is merciful to all, 1093. Cursed s. to turn oneself away from what is heavenly, and to turn towards what is corporeal, 245, 379, 1423. They are called cursed who avert themselves, 5071. Not to curse God d. not to blaspheme Divine truths, 9221. A curse d. disjunction, 3530, 3584.
Curtains (aulaea). Curtains of a dwelling d. truths: shown, 9595, 9596:3. To stretch out the heavens and to expand the earth d. to regenerate, or to give the new intellectual and the new voluntary; and the same is meant when it is said to expand the curtains of the dwelling: shown, 9596:3. The edge of a curtain d. the sphere of truth, 9606. Hangings d. such truths as are in the ultimate heaven, 9756.
Curtains (cortinae). See CURTAINS (aulaea).
Cush (Cusch, Kusch). What Cush, or Ethiopia s., 116, 117, 1163, 1164, 1166. See ETHIOPIA.
Custody, To Guard (custodia, custodire). See PRISON. To be given into custody d. rejection, 5083, 5101; separation, 5456. Watchmen and custody are predicated of the Lord, also of prophets and priests, thus of the Word: shown, 8211:5. To guard d. memory, 9149; to hold in bonds, 9096. To keep the precepts, and similar things, d. to live according to them: illustrated, 8767. To keep, when spoken of the Lord, d. Providence and guarding, 9304.
[Cut Asunder, To. See To CLEAVE (findere).
Cuticular. See SKIN.
Cutters of Wood. See HEWERS OF WOOD.]
[Dagger. See SWORD.]
Daily (quotidie). To-day and daily d. perpetual and eternal, as ‘Give us to-day our daily bread,’ 2838:4. See also DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY, TIME, and YESTERDAY.
Dainties (cupedial). See TASTE.
Damascus (Damascus). What Damascus s., 1715, 1796.
[Damsel. See GIRLS.]
Dan (Dan). Dan was the last tribe, 10335:2. Dan s. the ultimate boundary, 1710; in the highest sense, it s. justice and mercy; in the internal sense, the holy part of faith; and in the external sense, the good of life, 3921, 3923; the affirmative and the first acknowledgment of truth, thus the first thing pertaining to the man about to be regenerated, but the last of the man regenerated: shown, 3923:2; those who are in truth, and not yet in good, 6396; those who are in the ultimate of the Lord’s kingdom, because they do good from truth, and not so from good: shown, 6396.
Dance (chorea). Formerly they played and performed dances in Divine worship: shown, 8339. Dance d. truth of faith: shown, 8339.
Daniel (Daniel). By Daniel was rd. what is prophetic respecting the Lord’s coming, and respecting the state of the Church, 3652:2.
Darkness (tenebrae). See THICK DARKNESS. The light (lumen) of the evil is turned into darkness, which they also love, 1525e. The hells are said to be in darkness, because they are in falsities; and concerning the light of those who are there, 4418. Darkness is spoken of in reference to the hells, because they are in falsities, and their light is as from a charcoal fire, 4531. Concerning those who believe they are wise from themselves: they are sent into a state of darkness; an experience, 4532. See also OBSCURE and SHADE. Darkness d. falsities, 1839; shown, 7688. Darkness s. falsities, thick darkness d. evils or hatred, 1860. Thick darkness d. privation of truth and good, thus the densest falsity from evil; darkness d. privation of truth, thus falsity shown, 7711. Divine Light is thick darkness to the evil: 1861e, 6832:2, 8197:2.
Darkness, Thick (caligo). SEE DARKNESS. In the hells there is thick darkness, and this from falsities and there is cold there, and this from evils, 3340. There is also a light there, but it is fatuous; and also a heat, but it is as that of unclean baths, 3340. When one looks into hell there is a thick dark mist, and this is from the hatreds, revenges, and murders which they breathe; from experience, 3340. Thick darkness d. the densest falsity from evil, 7711. To grope in thick darkness d. to often stumble against, and not to find truth and good: shown, 7712. Darkness d. falsities, thick darkness d. evils, 1860. Thick darkness d. not only entire privation of truth, but at the same time, of good; darkness d. privation of truth: shown, 7711. Truth Divine is thick darkness to those who are of the Spiritual Church, and still more so to the Israelitish and Jewish people, 8918.
Dart (telum). See Bow [and JAVELIN.]
Daughter (filia). Daughter d. affection, also the Church of a faith in which there is good, 3963; the Church, and also a false religion: shown, 3963, 6729. By daughters are sd. lusts; why, 568. Daughters s. the affections of good and truth; daughter of Zion, the affections of good; daughter of Jerusalem, the affections of truth; thus the Celestial and Spiritual Churches, 2362. The daughter of Zion d. the Celestial Church, 9055:3. The daughters of the various nations s. the affections of evil and falsity, and their religious persuasions: shown, 3024:3. The seven daughters of a priest d. the holy things of the Church, 6775, 6788. Women, daughters, and maid-servants d. the affection of truth with respect to those who are in truths without affection; the distinction, 8994:2. By sons are sd. truths, by daughters, goods, 489-491. [See also under AFFECTION.]
Daughter-in-Law (nurus). Daughter-in-law d. the truth of the Church adjoined to good, and, in the opposite sense, the falsity adjoined to its evil: shown, 4843.
David (David). David stands for the Lord: shown, 1888, 9954:15.
Dawn (aurora). See MORNING. [Dawn d. when conjunction is at hand, 4283, 4300.]
Day (dies). See also YEAR [and To-DAY.] Day is taken for time and for state, 23, 487, 488, 493, 893:2. Day, like all times, s. state, 2788. Day d. state: references cited, 10656. A state of faith is day, and a state of no faith is night, 221. The alternations of the regenerated, as to voluntary things, are as summer and winter, and, as to intellectual things, as day and night, 935, 936. Times of the day, as morning, noon, and evening, correspond to enlightenments of intelligence and wisdom in the other life, 5672, 5962:2. In the other life there are alternations of state like those of day: namely, morning, noon, evening, and twilight, and in hell, night; which things are illustrated, 6110:3. Alternations of state in the other life are as the alternations of times of the day in the world, for the reason that they may be continually perfected, 8426:2. States succeed each other, in the other life, as times of the year in the world, 9213. States of angels are as times of the day: illustrated, 10605e. To this day, in the Word, and to-day, d. what is perpetual and eternal, 2838, 4304, 6165. To come into days d. to put off the Human, 3016. It came to pass in that day d. a state, 3462. The day is still great d. the state proceeding, 3785. Days multiplied d. change of state, 4850. From that unto this day d. continually, 6278. In that day d. what is eternal, 6298. In the whole day and the whole night d. a state of perception not obscure, and one obscure, 7680. Of a day in a day [day by day] d. continually, 8418, 8423.
Day After (postridie). See TO-MORROW.
Day before Yesterday (nudius tertius). Day before yesterday d. a former state, and past time: shown, 6983. See YESTERDAY. Day before yesterday d. a former state, 7114.
Deaf (surdus). Deaf d. no perception and hence no obedience; and the deaf, in the Word, d. those who do not know the truths of faith, and hence cannot live according to them: shown, 6989. The deaf are they who are not in the faith of truth, because they are not yet in the perception of it: briefly, 9209:4.
Death, Dead (mors, mortuum). Concerning the life of man after death, see LIFE. If man had lived the life of good, he would have been without disease; and when he became old, he would have been an infant again, but wise, and would have passed into heaven, and have had such a body as the angels have, 5726. The physical cause of disease and death are from sin, 5726:3. Man’s death is from sin, 5712. Death d. resuscitation into life: illustrated, 4618, 4621. By death, in the Word, is sd. hell and eternal unhappiness, thus evil and falsity, because they are opposite to the life of intelligence and wisdom, 5407. Death d. spiritual death: shown, 6119. In desolation an image of spiritual death is presented, which is damnation, 6119. Death d. resurrection to life, and is regeneration: illustrated, 6221 damnation, and why it is called spiritual death, when yet they live: illustrated, 9008. Death, when spoken of Aaron, d. cessation of representative things, and of conjunction with heaven, 9928; when spoken of the ministration of Aaron and his sons, d. the representative perished: shown, 10244.
The quality of a dead man, a spiritual man, and a celestial man, 81. The resurrection of man from the dead; an experience, 168-189. See RESURRECTION. They who are not in faith are dead, 290. How the living and how the dead appear in the other life, 671. To weep for the dead d. the last farewell, 4565. They who will good and believe truth have life, and are called living; and they who will evil and believe falsity have not life, and are called dead: shown, 7494.
By ‘to die’ is also sd. that a thing ceases to be such, 494. To die d. the last time of the Church, when it expires, 2908; or it is night as to truths of faith, 2908, 2912, 2917, 2923; an end of representation, 3253, 3259, 3276, 6302; also to rise again, 3326; resuscitation into life, 3498, 3505; a new representative, 5975; a new life, 6036; to cease to be, 6587, 6593; the end of a former state and the beginning of the following one, 6645; to be removed, 7021. To be killed and to die also d. not to receive, when predicated of good and truth, 3387, 3395. To place the hand upon the eyes, when a man dies, d. to vivify, 6008. To die by the plague d. to be consumed, 7507, 7511.
Deborah (Deborah). Deborah, the nurse of Rebekah, d. hereditary evil, 4563.
Decalogue (decalogus). See LAW.
Deceit (dolus). See also SIMULATION [and under ANGEL.] The hell of those who by artful deceit beguile for the purpose of destroying the soul, 830. There are differences of deceit: from premeditation, and not from premeditation, 830. Concerning deceitful sorceresses, and their hells and punishments, 831. The most deceitful are in an infernal tun; of what quality they are; and they infuse deceits subtly, nor are they admitted to men, 947. Concerning the deceitful in an obscure chamber; what they are, 949. Deceitful simulators undergo the punishments of rending, 957-960. The deceitful and hypocrites insinuate themselves, but they are then rejected and beaten, 1273. Deceitful hypocrites are understood by those who enter, not clothed in a wedding garment, 2132. Simulation and deceit were regarded by the most ancient people as monstrous crimes, 3573. Fraud d. evil opinion and intention, and that it thinks differently, 4459, 4469. The deceitful when looked upon by angels appear as serpents and vipers, 4533. The most malicious are under the heel of the foot in front; their quality, 4951. What the evil do from cunning they call prudence, 6655. To lie in ambush d. to do from the will and from foresight, 9009. Deceit d. malice from previous thought, 9013. There are deceitful genii at the back, and they are invisible, 9013:2. Deceit destroys all that belongs to spiritual or interior life, 9013:8. Poison, in the Word, d. deceit, and poisonous serpents d. the deceitful: shown, 9013:3. Deceit d. hypocrisy, in the spiritual sense: shown, 9013:4. See HYPOCRISY.
[Declare, To. See To TELL.]
Decline, To (declinare). To decline d. towards falsity, 4815, 4816.
Decorum (decorum). Truths are forms of good: illustrated from honesty and decorum; concerning which, 4574:3.
Dedan (Dedan). What Dedan s., 1172. Sheba and Dedan d. cognitions of heavenly things, that is the doctrinals of charity and faith, and those who are in them, 3240:2. Sheba and Dedan were not the great-grandsons of Ham, or the sons of Raamah, but the grandsons of Abraham by Keturah, 3240:2. Sheba properly d. those who are in the good of faith, Dedan d. those who are in truth from good, 3240:2, 3241.
Deep, Depth (profundum, prolunditas). [See also ABYSS.] Depths d. the hells as to evils: shown, 8279.
Degree (gradus). See FORM throughout. Living decorations of steps and gates, 1627. How far those things in a higher degree exceed in perfect ion and abundance those in a lower, 3405. Distinction according to degrees; what it is and of what quality: illustrated, 3691:2. There are goods and truths of a triple degree in the internal man according to the three heavens, and goods and truths of a triple degree in the external man, which correspond, 4154. Degrees are as ladders from interior things to exterior with man; concerning which, 5114:3. The interiors of man are distinct in degree, and each degree must be terminated; if not, it flows into evil in the last degree, 5145:3. Interiors and exteriors are not known, unless degrees are known, 5146:2. They are not continuous as purer and grosser, but distinct, 6326, 6465. He who so conceives formations, cannot comprehend the internal and external of man, 6465:2. See INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, and FORM. How it is with degrees in successive order: illustrated from fruits, 8603:2. Concerning degrees in successive order with man; on the present idea that they are continuous, and the idea with the ancients that they are steps, thus distinct; whence this separation, 10099:2. What degrees of altitude are; they are those which proceed from interiors to exteriors, and without an idea of these, little is known about interior and exterior things with man and in the heavens, and what they are: illustrated; and degrees consociate themselves; by experiences, 10181. To ascend by steps d. to be elevated to interior things: shown, 8945.
Delay, To (moran). See To LINGER.
Delightfulness (jucunditas). Into what qualities filthy delights are turned in the other life, 954. Delights are not denied to man, provided the interiors are good, 995. See PLEASURE. Delight is meaner as it approaches toward extremes, 996. Pleasures have their delight from use, 997. There are two delights which make a man, and such he is after death,-the delight of evil and the delight of good, 2363. The natural is regenerated by means of suitable delights and pleasures, 3502, 3512, and places are allotted there according to pleasures and delights, 3512. Combat between the delights of the natural man and the delights of the spiritual man is temptation, 3928. There are delights of the affections of evil and falsity and delights of the affections of good and truth; what the difference is, 3938. They who are in the delight of the affections of evil and falsity do not know what the delight of the affections of good and truth are, and suppose that, if they were deprived of their own delight, they would perish: shown also from experience, 3938:4.
[Deluge. See FLOOD.
Depart, To. See To Go FORTH and To JOURNEY.
Depopulate, To (depopulani). To depopulate d. to drive away from the truth, 6405, 6406, 10227:4.
Depth. See DEEP and ABYSS.
Derivations (derivationes) – Derivations are as the steps of a ladder between the intellectual and the sensual, 5114:3.]
Descend, To (descendere). [See also To ASCEND.] To descend, when predicated of God, d. judgment, 1311; when it is said of the Lord, d. to lower things, 6854. To descend also d. life, when it is similar in sense to ‘to go,’ 5637. To descend involves casting down to evil, as to ascend involves elevation to good: illustrated, 4815. See also To ASCEND. To ascend d. towards interiors, and to descend d. towards exteriors, 5406.
[Desert. See WILDERNESS.]
Desolation (desolatio). See VASTATION.
Despair (desperatio). All who are in temptations have with them a despair concerning the end, 1787. The reasons why they who are being regenerated are reduced to despair, 2694:2. By means of desperations, desolations, and temptations it is acknowledged that the whole of good and truth is from the Lord, 6144. They who are in infestations and in temptations are brought to despair, 7147. This is done by means of withdrawing truths, 7147. Something concerning the state of despair; they then suppose themselves given up to infernals, 7155e. Infestation and temptation must be brought to despair, or otherwise the use would not be served: shown from the Lord’s temptation, which was even to despair, 7166. Despair is in temptations, and then bitter things are spoken, which are then not attended to, because temptation is to the last limit of the power to resist, 8165:2. Temptations are continual despairs, and end in desperation, 8567. Despair d. the last of temptation and desolation; the reason, 5279, 5280:2.
[Destroy, To (perdere). See also DESTROYER. To destroy, when predicated respecting the Lord, d. to perish by evil, that is, to be damned, 2395, 2397. To be destroyed d. to be corrupted, 7449.]
Destroyer (perditor). Destroyer d. hell, 7879.
[Devastation (devastatio). See also VASTATION. A total devastation is the privation of everything good and true, 7947.]
Devil (diabolus). See HELL. Hell constitutes one devil, 694. What the devil is is described; and who are devils; and I have talked with them, 968. The Lord has no need of infernal spirits, because all power is from Good, 1749. See also SPIRIT.
[Devote, To. See To ACCURSE.]
Dew (ros). Dew d. truth, and especially the truth from a state
of peace and innocence: shown, 3579; the truth of peace, 8455.
Diamond (adximas). Truths of faith are sd. by precious stones, 114. See also URIM. Chrysoprasus, sapphire, diamond d. celestial love of truth, or the external good of the inmost heaven: shown, 9868.
Die, To. See DEATH.
[Diet. See FOOD.
Difference. See VARIETY.]
Dig, To (fodere). To dig d. to search after, 7343; to devise, 9085. Digging through as a thief d. to do in secret: shown, 9125.
Dig Through, To (perfodere). See To DIG.
[Dilate, To. See To ENLARGE.]
Dinah (Dinah). Dinah d. the affection of general truths, also the Church in which good is, 3963, 3964; the affection of all things of faith, 4427; and the Church corrupted, 4504.
Director (moderator). Directors d. those who most nearly receive infestations, and communicate them, 7111. Directors were those who commanded the people: shown, 7111:3.
Dirt (sordes). See EXCREMENT.
[Discerption. See RENDING.]
Disciples (discipuli). See APOSTLES.
[Discourse. See SPEECH.]
Disease (morbus). Concerning the correspondence of diseases with the spiritual world, 5711-5727. Diseases correspond to the spiritual world in the broad sense, not to the Grand Man, 5712. Diseases correspond to lusts, and they are from sin, 5712. The hells induce diseases when they are permitted to flow into the solid parts or [into the parts which constitute the viscera] of the body, 5713. Adulterers inflicted, to the greatest degree, pains on the periostea and wheresoever they go, also a heaviness on the stomach; from experience, 5714. Burning fever from collected unclean heats; an experience, 5715. Cold fever from unclean coolnesses, 5716. Concerning those who relate to the viscid excrements of the brain; they rush into the chambers of the skull, and even into the spinal marrow, and induce insanities and death; an experience, 5717. Their quality, and where they are, 5717. They who have been, in principles and life, in the purpose of ruling, excite enmities and hatred, and refer to the thick phlegm of the brain; they induce torpor and take away what is vital; concerning whom, 5718. They who condemn the Word and life relate to the vitiated things of the blood, 5719. Hypocrites induce pains in the teeth, the bones of the temple, even to the cheeks, 5720. They who have appeared, in the life, just and serious, yet have lived only a life of the love of self, in hatred against those who have not worshipped them, infuse weariness, and therefrom an infirmity to mind and body; concerning whom, 5721. Concerning the most filthy, who also induce a weariness and torpor, so that a man cannot raise himself from his bed, 5722. They who have been given up solely to sloth and indolence induce heaviness on the stomach, 5723. They who place scruples of conscience in everything induce anxieties, 5724. What the nature of a man is when he is inundated: he is indignant and lusts, 5725. If man had lived the life of good, he would have been without disease, and would have become an infant, and Would have then passed into heaven and put on a body such as angels have, 5726. The physical cause of disease and death are from sin, 5726.
Diseases d. evils of the spiritual life: shown; and they correspond, 8364. Disease d. falsified truth and adulterated good, 9324. Cures of diseases d. healings of the spiritual life, 9031:5. The Lord’s miracles were healings of diseases, and they involved and signified states of the Church, 8364:6. He is sick who is in evil; he is bound who is in falsity: briefly stated, 4958. To be sick d. the successive of regeneration, 6221.
Dispute, To Dispute (lis, litigare). To quarrel (rixari) d. to deny, 3427. Not to contend (contendere) d. to be in tranquillity, 5963. To dispute d. to contend for truths against falsities, to defend, and to liberate, 9024.
[Dissolute (dissoltitus). To be dissolute d. to be averted from what is internal, 10479, 10480.]
Distance (distantia). See PLACE and SITUATION. Concerning distance in the other life; from experience, 1273-1278, 1376-1382. Distance d. the diversity of states of life, 9104.
Disturb, To (turbare). To disturb d. consternation: shown, 9328.
Divide, To (dividere). [See also To CLEAVE (findere).] To divide d. to exterminate, 6360, 6361; to separate and also to dissipate; whence: shown, 9093. To divide unto d. a disposal, 4342, 4344. To be divided d. a separation and removal from truths and goods; concerning which, 4424.
[Divine. See LORD.
Divine Human. See ANGEL and LORD.]
Divine, To (divinare). To divine d. to know hidden things, 5748, things hidden and future, when predicated respecting the Lord, 5781. Divination, when it relates to the prophets, has respect to life; vision has respect to doctrine, 9248:2.
[Do, To. See To MAKE.]
Do Well, To (benefacere). To do well d. to gain life, 4258.
Doctrine, Doctrinal (doctrina, doctrinale). [See also APPEARANCE and WORD.] History of Doctrine. There were doctrinals of the Ancient Church; whence, 608, 609, 920:4. There is a doctrinal of charity and a doctrinal of faith, and the doctrinal of charity was in the Ancient Church, which to-day is among the things that are lost, 2417:8. The Ancient Church had doctrinals of charity; concerning which, 4955. These are at this day lost, and why, 4955. The doctrinals of the Ancient Churches were altogether other than those of to-day: namely, besides representatives and significatives, they had the doctrinals of love to the Lord and charity to the neighbour, 3419:2. Those doctrines have been obliterated at this time by the present Babylonians and Philistines, 3419:3, 3420. The Ancient Churches had the doctrinals of charity which led to life; and how much these prevailed over the doctrinals of faith, 4844:3. Their cognitions and scientifics were, to know what the rituals of the Church represented, and further what the rest signified, 4844:3. Scientifics in the Ancient Church served their doctrinals, 4964, 4966. See SCIENCE. The Philistines rejected the doctrinal of charity, thus they obliterated interior truths, 3412:2, 3413.
The Nature of Doctrine. All doctrine is of truth, 7053. Truths are not cognitions, but in cognitions, 3391. In all doctrinals which are from the literal sense of the Word, there are interior truths, 3464. What is meant by saying that doctrinals are from scientifics, 3052e. The doctrinals of scientifics are those which are from the literal sense of the Word, 5945. The special things of doctrine are confirmations, additions, and explanations, 4720:3. Doctrine from the Word should be a lamp, and the internal sense of the Word teaches it, 10400:3. What the doctrinal of good, of the good of truth, and of truth, or of charity and faith, are, 2567:10.
Doctrine and the Word. The Word is written according to the doctrines of the Ancient Churches: shown, 3419:3. Doctrine should be wholly from the Word, so that the Word may be understood, 9409, 10582. Doctrine ought to be drawn from the Word by those who are in enlightenment from the Lord, 9424. Doctrine from the Word is to be fashioned by those who are in enlightenment by the Lord, so that the Word may be understood; and who are in enlightenment, 10105:2. Doctrine is not perceived unless it is expounded rationally and sensually, 2553. By means of doctrine made by one enlightened the Word is apprehended, 10324. The sense of the letter of the Word apart from doctrine therefrom, leads into errors: illustrated, 10431. The external sense of the Word, apart from genuine doctrine from the Word, is obscure, like a cloud, 9430. With those who are in the sense of the letter, apart from doctrine, truth is not in any power: illustrated, 9410:4. The distinction between those who teach and learn from the Word, and those who do so from doctrine from the Word; that the latter understand interior things, the former only exterior, 9025:2. They who are in externals, apart from an internal, and the merely sensual, read the Word without doctrine, and believe only the sense of the letter, and draw therefrom falsity, from material, earthly, and corporeal ideas, 10582:3. The Word is upheld by genuine doctrine, 9424. The Word ought to be searched to know whether doctrinals are true, 6047:2. See FAITH. They who are in the affection of truth do not remain in doctrinals, but search the Word to see whether they are true, 5432:5. Truths of the Church are acquired by means of doctrinals and by means of the Word; when by doctrinals alone they are scientifics, then one believes those who have demonstrated them; but if by the Word, then one can acquire truths to himself from the Divine, 5402:2. They who read the Word from heavenly love are enlightened, and make to themselves doctrine therefrom; but they who do so from infernal love are not enlightened: illustrated, 9382:2. They who are in the external sense of the Word, and not in the internal, are they who make no doctrine to themselves from the Word, 9409. Genuine doctrine from the Word is the internal sense, 9430. The Lord is Doctrine Itself, 2533e; because He is the Word, 2859. The Lord is the Word, or Divine Doctrine, in a threefold sense-supreme, internal, and literal, 3712.
Doctrine and the Church. Where the Church is there should be doctrine from the Word, and indeed the doctrine of life, which is the doctrine of charity and at the same time of faith, and not of faith alone, 10763, 10764. Although doctrinals are various, still there is one Church, if all have charity, 3451:2, 3452. The Church would be one, if all had charity, although they might vary as to doctrinals and worship, 809, 1285:3, 1316. What is doctrinal does not make the Church, but charity, 1798, 1799:2, 1834:3, 1844.
Doctrine, Faith, and Charity. Doctrinals are nothing unless men live according to them; an experience, 1515. They who look to doctrinals and not to life do not think of the life after death, and conversely, 2454e. What is meant by saying that, when men are in love and charity, they ought not to look to doctrinals: namely, not from doctrinals to charity and love, but from charity and love to doctrinals, 2417, [2454.] In what ignorance they are who are in no doctrinal of charity, 2435. The doctrine of charity, see CHARITY. The doctrine of faith is the doctrine of charity, 2571e. There is one doctrine: namely, charity towards the neighbour and love to the Lord, 3445. The doctrine of faith is invested with appearances from human things, 2719, 2726. The doctrinals of faith are appearances of Divine Truth, see APPEARANCES. The doctrine of faith is celestial-spiritual, not from the rational, 2510: shown from examples, 2516:3, 2519. The Lord thought from the Celestial-Spiritual, but taught according to the apprehension of the people, 2533:2. The spiritual separate the Divine from the rational, inasmuch as they wish that those things which belong to faith should be simply believed, without any intuition from the rational; concerning which subject, 3394:2. It is allowed to those who are in an affirmative state respecting Divine truths to enter into rational and scientific truths, but not to those who are in a negative state to enter into the doctrine of faith, 2568, 2588:2.
What is meant by saying that doctrinals are removed when man is first being reformed, 3057:4. He who arrives at spiritual good has no need of doctrinal [instruction], 5997. All things relate to generals, thus to doctrinals, 6146. By ‘idols,’ in the Word, are doctrines from the external sense of the Word, without internal shown, 9424:4.
Dog (canis). The dog Cerberus d. a guard lest one should pass over from the delight of conjugial delight which is heavenly to the delight of adultery which is infernal, 2743, 5051:2. A dog shall not move its tongue d. there shall not be the least of damnation and lamentation, 7784. Dogs d. the lowest in the Church, and those who are outside the Church, also those who babble much about such things as belong to the Church, and know but little, and those who pour out abuse on those things which belong to faith: shown, 7754:3. Dogs d. those outside the Church who are in unclean falsities: shown, 9231.
Dominate, To (dominari). Dominating with men, see UNIVERSAL DOMINION [under UNIVERSAL,] and COMMAND.
[Dominion. See To COMMAND (imperare).
Done, To be. See FINISHED.]
Door (janua, ostium). The door of a tent d. entrance to what is holy, 2145, 2152. Door d. what introduces to good, 2356, 2385; introduction and communication: shown, 8989; and a door in heaven actually s. this, 8989:3. To bore an ear through with an awl to a door d. to devote to perpetual obedience, 8990. Door (ostium) of the fountains; what it s., 4861, see FOUNTAIN.
Dothan (Dothan). Dothan d. special truths of doctrine: shown, 4720; and, in the opposite sense, the special things of false principles, 4720, 4721.
Double-Dyed and Scarlet (dibaphum at coccineum). Double-dyed and scarlet d. spiritual good: shown, 4922. Scarlet d. good, double-dyed d. truth: shown, 9468.
Dough (massa). Dough, of which bread is made, d. the first state of truth from good, 7966.
Dove (columba). Dove s. the goods and truths of faith with one about to be regenerated, 870. A turtle-dove and a young pigeon s. spiritual things, 1826, 1827. Why birds were not divided in sacrifices, 1832.
Downwards (deorsum). To look upwards, and to look downwards; what is sd., 6952, 6954. See ELEVATION.
Dowry (dos). A dowry is a token of agreement and a confirmation to initiation, 4456, 9187. Dowry d. the token of agreement, and that is truth, to conjunction, 9186. It is spoken of with respect to the conjunction of truth with good, 9186.
Dragon (draco). Concerning the habitation of the dragon near Gehenna; who and of what quality, 950:2. The dragon, the old serpent, in the Apocalypse; what it is, 7293:5.
Draw, To (haurire). To draw waters d. to instruct in the truths of faith, and to be enlightened, 3058, 3071. Drawers of waters, 3058, 3071. See WATER and To DRINK.
[Draw Nigh, To. See To APPROACH.]
Dread (pavor). See FEAR.
[Dream. See SLEEP and ANGELS.]
Drink, To (bibere). Where the goods and truths of faith are treated of, to drink d. to instruct in them and to receive them: shown, 3069. To drink also d. to be communicated and conjoined, 3089; the application of truth to its own good, 5709. To eat d. appropriation of good, to drink d. appropriation of truth, 3168. To eat and drink d. information concerning good and truth: shown, 9412. To come to drink d. the affection of truth, 4017, 4018. To give to drink d. to enlighten, 3071. See also To DRAW. To make to drink d. almost the same as to drink, but involves something of the active, 3092. To give a flock to drink d. to instruct in the Word, thus doctrine, 3772. As foods and drinks nourish the material life, so goods and truths corresponding to them nourish the spiritual life, 8562.
Drink, To Give to (potare). See To DRINK, WATER, THIRST.
Drink-Offering (libamen). Drink-offering d. the good of truth, the good of faith, spiritual good, 4581; in the opposite sense, the worship of falsity, 4581:7. By setting up a pillar of stone, pouring a drink-offering upon it, and pouring out oil upon it, are rd. the progress of the Lord’s glorification, and of man’s regeneration, from truth to celestial good, 4582. The meat-offering d. celestial good, and the drink-offering d. spiritual good; in a similar manner as bread and wine in the Holy Supper: shown, 4581:4. The meat-offering which was bread, and the drink-offering which was wine, sd. such things as belong to the Church, thus good and truth: illustrated, 10137.
Drive Out, To (expellere). When used in reference to falsities and evils, to drive out d. removal, 9333.
Droves of the Herd (catervs gregis). See HERD.
Drum (tympanum). Drum is predicated respecting spiritual good, 4138. Drum d. the good of truth: shown, 8337.
Drunkeness (ebrietas). A drunkard d. one who falls into errors, and who reasons, 1072; those who are insane in spiritual things, 1072:5.
Dry (arida). Dry land, what is sd. by, 6976. Dry and drying up when predicated of waters: they s., when the waters are falsities, no falsities, but when the waters are truths, they s. no truth: shown, 8185:3. when they are predicated of trees, herbs, or bones, the contrary of that which is sd. by them is dd.; and what is meant by dry land, 8185e.
Dudaim (dudaim). Dudaim d. those things which belong to conjugial love in the truth and good of charity and love: shown, 3942.
Dumah (Duma). Dumah the son of Ishmael, 3268.
Dumb (mutus). Dumb d. no utterance; and, in the Word, the dumb d. those who by reason of ignorance are not able to confess the Lord, and to preach faith in Him: shown, 6988.
Dung (fimus). See EXCREMENT.
[Dura Mater. See MATER.]
Dust (pulvis). Dust s. what is damned, 278, 7522; illustrated and shown, 7418, 7522; also d. a grave, what is low and numerous, 7418. What ‘the serpent shall eat the dust’ s., 249. What the dust of the earth, the dust of the sea, and the stars of the heavens s., 1609. What the dust of the feet s., 1748:3. The dust of the earth d. natural good, 3707.
Dutch (Hollandi). Which of them are unseen natural, 4630, 5573.
Dwell Together, To (cohabitare). See To DWELL, [under DWELLING.]
Dwelling, Habitation, To Dwell (habitaculum, habitatio, habitare). See also HOUSE, TOWN, and PALACE. The dwellings of those who were from the Most Ancient Church are magnificent, 1116. Concerning the dwellings of angels, 1628, 1629. To dwell d. to live, 1293; to be and to live, thus a state: shown, 3384:2; a state of life, 6051. To dwell near a well d. study in the Word, 6774. To dwell with anyone d. to agree, 6792. To dwell together is from the same word as Zebulon, and, in the supreme sense, d. the Divine Itself of the Lord; in the internal sense, the heavenly marriage; and in the external sense, conjugial love, 3960. To dwell with them d. to live together, 4451. To dwell in the midst, when said of the Lord, d. His presence and influx into the good of love, 10153. To tarry d. to live, and is predicated of the life of truth with good; to dwell is predicated of the life of good with truth, 3613. Town is predicated of truths, and dwelling of good, 2712. Habitations d. those things which belong to the mind, thus those of intelligence and wisdom, 7719; the interiors, 7910. The dwelling of the Lord d. good with man, and what is in heaven, and heaven: illustrated, 8269; shown, 8309. A dwelling d. heaven, and in particular the second, or middle heaven: shown, 9594, 9634. The form of the dwelling seen in Mount Sinai d. the representative of heaven where the Lord is, 9481. To stretch out the heavens and the earth is similar to stretching out the curtains of the dwelling; concerning which: shown, 9596. Inhabitants d. the goods of truth, 2268, 2451; shown, 2712. Inhabitant of the land, when said of the nations, d. a religion in which there is evil, 10640.
Eagle (aquila). Eagle d. the rational as to truth; in the opposite sense, the rational as to falsity, or reasoning: shown, 3901. To bear on the wings of eagles d. to elevate by means of truths of faith to celestial light, 8764. Spirits who were about the earths in the universe, and were on high, were likened to eagles, not as to rapine, but as to keenness of sight, 9968, 9970.
Ear (auris). The ear is formed correspondently to the modifications of air and sound, and the eye to those of ether and light, 4523. Concerning the correspondence of hearing and the ear with the Grand Man, 4652-4660. Hearing corresponds to, and is obedience, 4653. There are those who correspond to the exteriors and those who correspond to the interiors of the ear, 4653a. Concerning those who correspond to the external ear, 4654. Spirits were observed near the ear, and within it, 4655. Those who do not attend to the sense of a subject correspond to the cartilaginous and bony part of the external ear, 4656. Concerning those who speak into the ear, or whisperers, 4657; those who speak to the right ear, 4658.
The ear d. obedience, 2542. See also HEARING, NOSE-RING, EAR-RINGS. The ear d. obedience and the will of faith: shown, 3869:8; in the supreme sense, Providence: shown, 3869:14; consent, when it is used of those who are more eminent, 6513; obedience, also in human speech, 8990:4; what is perceptive, 10061. Ears d. hearkening and perception, as also obedience: shown, 9397. To bore the ear through with an awl to the door d. to assign to perpetual obedience, 8990. Ornaments (monilia) which were fitted to the ears, or ear-rings sd. good in act, or evil in act, 3103. Ear-rings were ornaments representative of obedience, 4551. See NOSE-RING.
Ear of Corn (arista, spica). Ears of corn (aristae seu spicae) d. scientifics: shown. 5212.
[Early. See MORNING.]
Ear-Rings (inaures). See NECKLACE and EAR.
Earth (tellus). [See also LAND.] Earth here refers to all the earths in our solar system, and in the starry heaven, or in the universe, as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon, and our own Earth. Heaven is immense, and few comparatively are there from this Earth, 3631. Concerning the inhabitants of other earths, 6695-6702. It has been granted me to speak with spirits from other earths, not with inhabitants, 6695. The earths are of immense number, according to the spirits of Mercury, 6696. That there are many earths may be concluded from rational consideration: they were not created for the purpose of revolving around the sun, but that the human race and heaven therefrom might exist; and they are situated like our earth as to years, days, and moons, 6697. The starry heaven is so immense; and yet it is only a means to an end; and heaven is immense; from which it may be known that it is not from one earth, 6698. They departing from the world appear as a stream; and from this it may be concluded that myriads depart daily, 6699. Inhabitants of other earths adore the Divine under the human form, thus the Lord; concerning which subject, 6700. The spirits of various earths are separated, and only those are conjoined who are in the in-most or third heaven, 6701. There must be many earths to constitute the Grand Man; and where there is any correspondence wanting, they are fetched from the earths somewhere, 6807. It was said by the spirits of Mercury that there are in the universe some hundreds of thousands of earths, 6927. When a planet appears to spirits, in what place and at what distance it is seen, 7171. The spirits of our Earth relate to the natural and corporeal sense, 9107. Where there is an earth, there are inhabitants: illustrated from the end of creation, 9237. It pleased the Lord to be born on our Earth, and not on another; which was done for the sake of the Word, 9350-9362. See WORD. The inhabitants, spirits, and angels of our Earth, in the Grand Man, relate to the external and corporeal sense, 9360. Concerning the earths in the universe, see UNIVERSE. Spirits appear around their own earth; why: because they are of a similar genius with the inhabitants, and that they may be present with them, 9968. Concerning the earths in our solar system, see MERCURY, VENUS, MARS, JUPITER, SATURN, and MOON.
Earth, Lower (inferior terra). Lower earth; what and where it is, 4728. See LAND.
Earth, Motion of (terrae motus). Motion of the earth d. a change of the state of the Church: shown, 3355.
[Earthquake. See MOTION OF THE EARTH above.
Ease. See IDLENESS.]
East (oriens). East d. the Lord, 101, 9668; charity from the Lord, 1250. What is sd. by north, south, east, and west, 1605. East and west d. states of good; north and south d. states of truth: shown, 3708. What east wind s., 842. East wind or Eurus d. a medium of destruction, 7679; reasons: shown, 7679:2; opposite to this is the wind of the sea, or the west wind, 7702. See also WIND. The land of the east d. the good of faith, or charity, 3249. The sons of the east d. those who are in the cognitions of good and truth, and therefrom they are called wise, 3249. The sons of the east d. cognitions of good and truth: shown, 3762:3; and, in the opposite sense, cognitions of falsity: shown, 3762e.
[East Wind. See WIND.]
Eat, To (edere). The ancients, after they had decreed anything, ate together among themselves; why, 4745. To eat d. to be communicated and conjoined: shown, 2187. Similarly in the Holy Supper, 2187:3, 2343:9. To eat also d. the appropriation of evil, 4745; to consume, 5149, 5157; to be conjoined, 5643; the conjunction and appropriation of good: references, 10686. To eat d. the appropriation of good, and to drink d. the appropriation of truth, 3168. To eat and to drink d. instruction respecting good and truth: shown, 9412. By to eat and to drink, in the Holy Supper, is sd. appropriation, and what they eat worthily, and what unworthily, 3513:2. What is sd. by the sanctified things of the sacrifices, which were eaten together, 2187, 2343. To eat together and to drink in the Lord’s kingdom, 3832:2. To eat together d. enjoyment, 7849. To eat the passover together d. to be one with them, thus to be consociated, 8001. See PASSOVER. Feasts and repasts among the ancients sd. appropriation and conjunction by means of love and charity, 3596:2. See also BREAD, FOOD, FEAST, and above.
Eber (Eberus). See HEBREWS.
Eden (Eden). What a garden in Eden from the east s., 99. A garden d. intelligence; Eden d. love, 100.
Edom (Edomus). See ESAU.
Education (educatio). The education of infants in heaven; its nature, see INFANT. How very bad the education of infants on the earth is; from experience of boys fighting, to which parents incite them, 2309. In what order children are initiated into good by means of truth: first by means of pleasant things, 3502, 3512, 3518:2, 3520. See TRUTH and GOOD.
Effect (effectus). See CAUSE.
Egg (ovum). When a man is being regenerated, spiritual life proceeds, from whatever age he is then passing, as from an egg, 4378, 4379.
Egypt (Egyptus). [See also ARMY.] The Ancient Church was in Egypt, and there were among the principal scientifics there representatives and correspondences, from which they had the golden calf, 9391:8. That the Ancient Church with the Egyptians was representative appears from their hieroglyphics and magic, 7097. The Church was representative in Egypt, which d. the science of such, the natural and external, and hell: references may be seen in 10437. Because the Egyptians represented scientifics in an inverted order, and turned them into magical things, they abominated all things of the Hebrew Church: shown, 5702. The 430 years of the sons of Israel in Egypt are reckoned from the sojourning of Abram, 1502, 1847.
Egypt stands for science or scientifics, 1164, 1165; in the good sense, 1462; science, in both senses, 1164, 1165, 1186. The scientifics which are sd. by Egypt, in the good sense, are scientifics of the Church, 4749, 4964, 4966e, 6004. Why Egypt s. scientifics which are perverted, 5700, 5701. By Egypt is sd. the scientific in both senses, 9340; particularly, 9391:8; and the natural, 6147, 6252, 9391:8.
Those things are related of Joseph which took place in Egypt so that they might afterwards represent such things in the Word, 5275. The sojourning of Abram in Egypt d. instruction of the Lord in childhood, 1502. Jacob went down into Egypt s. that natural truth must be initiated into the scientifics of the Church, 6004. The Lord being led into Egypt d. that He was first initiated into the scientifics of the Church, 6750:2. They had been sojourners in Egypt s. that they were protected from evils and falsities when they were infested by infernals, 9197. What the miracles in Egypt sd, 7465. See MIRACLES. Egypt and the house of servants d. spiritual captivity, 8049. The land of Egypt d. the natural mind, 5276, 5278, 5288, 5301; infestations, 7278. The land of Egypt, with respect to the sons of Israel, where they were infested, d. the lower earth; and with respect to the Egyptians, d. the hells which are near, 7240. To be led out of the land of Egypt d. from hell, 8866. To cause to come up out of the land of Egypt d. to elevate from externals to internals, thus to be led by the Lord, 10400; in the opposite sense, to be led by themselves, 10409; thence the Egyptians had idols and calves, when they turned representatives into magical things, 10407:3. The river of Egypt d. the extension of spiritual things; the river Euphrates d. the extension of celestial things, 1866; falsity: shown, 6693. The waters of the river of Egypt d. falsities, 7307. Horses of Egypt d. scientifics from the intellectual: shown, 6125. The daughter of Egypt d. the religion: shown, 6729e; and the affection of scientifics, 6750.
An Egyptian is called a son of the wise; the reason, 7296. Why by the Egyptians are sd. those who are in the science of faith and in the life of evil, or in faith separated from charity, 7926. By the Egyptians are sd. those who are in a persuasive faith, because they are in falsities from evil in the other life, and in hell, which is the Red Sea, 8148. They who separate faith from charity cast themselves into evils and falsities, and this was represented by means of Cain and Abel, Ham and Canaan, Reuben, and the Egyptians, the first-born of whom were slain, 3325:11. They who are in faith alone and a life of evil are those who infest the well-disposed in the other life, and they are also understood by the Egyptians, 7097:3. The first-born of the Egyptians d. faith without charity: illustrated, 7039. The first-born of Egypt slain d. faith without charity damned; concerning which, 7766, 7778. The first-born of the Egyptians s. that faith, because they turned the scientifics of the truth of the Church into magical things, 7779:4. What is meant by saying that they shall borrow of the Egyptians gold, silver, and garments, 2588:16. An Egyptian man s. natural truth, 4967. Concerning the hieroglyphics and magic of the Egyptians, 6692.
Pharaoh d. the natural in general, 5160; the scientific in general: shown, 6015; therefrom also the natural in general, 6015; those who infest, 7126; Who infest by means of falsities, 7107, 7110, 7126, 7142; those who are in falsities from evil, or who are in damnation, 8132, 8135, 8138. Pharaoh, when he is also called king of Egypt, d. those who infest by means of unmixed falsities, 7220, 7228. Pharaoh, king of Egypt, d. a new state of the natural, or a new natural man, 5079, 5080; thus the interior natural, 5080, 5095. King Pharaoh d. the scientific in general, which is against the truths of the Church, and also falsity, 6651, 6679, 6683. By Pharaoh and Egypt are scientifics contrary to the truths of the Church, because the Egyptians turned the representatives of the Church into magical things, 6692. They who profess faith alone and have lived a life of evil are especially understood by the Egyptians and Pharaoh, because they are those who infest the well-disposed by means of falsities, 7317e. What the horses, riders, chariots, army, and people of the Egyptians and of Pharaoh s., 8146, 8148. See HORSE. The house of Pharaoh, of his servants and people d. each and all things in the natural, 7353, 7355, 7648. To be plunged into the Red Sea d. into hell, after the truths which belong to faith are taken away, 7039.
Eight (octo). Eight s. every beginning, because it is the first day of another week, 2044; something distinct from the former, 2866; a new thing, or the beginning of what follows, 8400; what is full and complete, 9659:3.
Eighteen (octodecem). What eighteen s., 1079.
Eighty (octoginta). When it is the same as forty, eighty d. temptations, 1963. What eighty s., 7284.
Eighty-Three (octoginta tria). What eighty-three s., 7285.
El (El). See ELOHIM.
[El Elohe (El Elohe). What is meant by El Elohe, and why the altar was called El Elohe Israel, 4402.]
Elam (Elam). Elam d. faith from charity, 1228, 1685.
Elder (major natu). [See also OLD.] The elder d. good, and the younger d. truth, 3296. Elder d. the external, because it is first learned, but younger d. internal, because it is learned afterwards, 3819.
Eleaiar and Ithamar (Eleazar et Ithamar). Eleazar and Ithamar d. the Divine Natural then, 9811:2, 9812.
Elect (electum). Elect d. what is well-pleasing, 2922. The elect d. those who are in the life of good and truth, 3755:4, 3900:4. There is no election and reception into heaven from mercy, according to the opinion of the common people, 5057:2, 5058. Choice d. the principals, 8276.
Elevated, To be, Elevation (elevari, elevatio). See To ASCEND, To ARISE, UPWARDS, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL. Man is elevated by means of spiritual and celestial things, 3171. Elevation towards the Lord actually takes place, 6952:6; concerning which further, 6954:2. The interiors are actually elevated by the Lord towards Him, and so they look upwards, but otherwise they look downwards, 6952:6, 6954:2. Concerning looking above self, and below self, 7814-7821. See CHARITY. They look above self who are elevated by the Lord, 7816. Influx and enlightenment are actual elevation of the interiors by the Lord, 10330:2. The interiors of a man look downwards or outwards from the man, but they are elevated inwards and upwards by the Lord, 10330:2.
[Elias. See ELIJAH.]
Eliezer (Eliezer). Eliezer d. the good of truth of those who are within the Church, 8651.
Elijah (Elias). What the chariot of fire and the fiery horses of Elijah s., 2762:2. The spirits of the planet Jupiter are borne away into heaven by bright horses as if fiery, as Elijah was, 8029e. What the words to Elijah and Elisha, ‘My father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof,’ s., 2762:2. Elijah and Elisha rd. the Lord as to the Word, 2762:2, 5247:6. Moses and Elias stand for all the books of the Old Testament, Preface to Genesis, chap. xviii. [ante 2135.] An explanation how John the Baptist was Elias, 7643e, 9372:10. See JOHN.
Elim (Elim). Elim d. a state of consolation after temptation, 8367. What further, 8399.
Elisha (Elisaes). Elijah and Elisha rd. the Lord as to the Word, 2762:2. [See also ELIJAH.]
Elishah (Elischah). What Elishah s., 1156.
Elohim (Elohim). Concerning El and Elohim in the singular and the plural; what is sd., and when used, 4402:4. See GOD.
Eloquence (eloquentia). The odour of the sphere of eloquence, 1514. The affectation of eloquence and learning casts a shade on matters, 6924.
El-Paran (Elparan). See PAEAN.
Embalm, To (condire). To embalm bodies after death d. to preserve lest the soul be infected by the contagion of evil, 6503, 6504, 6595.
[Embitter, To. See To EXASPERATE.]
Embrace, To (amplecti). To embrace d. affection, 3807; first conjunction of love, 4351; conjunction from the affection of good, 6260, 6261.
Embroidery and Embroidered (acupictura et acupictum). Embroidery d. what is scientific, 9688.
Emim (Emim). Emim d. persuasions of what is false, 1673. [Empire. See To COMMAND (imperare) and KINGDOM.]
Empty (inane). See VOID.
[Encamp, To. See CAMP.]
Enchantment (incantatio). See MAGIC.
End (finis). See also CAUSE. The end is the all in a cause and an effect; therefrom it is that the end makes a man happy or unhappy, 3562. An end is to a cause as a cause is to an effect; concerning which, 5711:2. See CAUSE. What the end is; and it makes the man, 10284. Ends are what make the spirit of man, 3425:2. Ends make the spiritual life of man, 5995:2. The ends of life are life itself, 5660:3. Where the end is there is what is first, 6936e. The end is in the rational, and is there as a soul, to which there is a sort of body from the natural, 3570:2. From the end all things depend, because that makes the man, 6934-6938. From the end the quality of a man’s love and affection is known; concerning which subject, 3796. All things are kept in connection and form, by regarding one end, 9828; and that end is the Lord, 9828. The end flowing from the voluntary into the intellectual makes the life of thought, 3619e. The end reigns universally, and therefrom it is in all the least things of thought and will, 6571:2; and a man is what his end is: illustrated, 6571:2. Concerning the society of many who have one end, but speak and act differently, 4051:2. The end may be one, but of varied speech, 5189. Ends may be represented by the beginnings of fibres; thoughts therefrom, by fibres; and acts, by nerves, 5189e. The end is the love, 1317, 6936. Ends are loves, from which the quality of a man may be known, 1568:2, 1571. Ends indicate what a man is: good ends that he is in heaven, evil ends that he is in hell, 3570:2. According to the end all things which are beneath agreeably correspond, 3565. Life flows into ends only, for ends are loves, and the inflowing life comes out in varied forms according to the ends; concerning which, 1909. See CAUSE. To have a thing as an end is to love it above others, and it reigns universally, and constitutes the interior life: illustrated, 5949:3. Beasts have natural ends; and men who have natural ends only have little of life, 3646:2, 3647. Man is man according to ends, 4054. Ends determine and order all things with man: good ends according to the form of heaven, and evil ends make hell, 4104:4. The end is not changed unless the state is, 1318:2. Essentials ought to be for the end, not instrumentals: illustrated, 5945:2 Essentials perish so far as instrumentals are in the place of the end: illustrated, 5949. If essentials are as the end, there will be instrumentals in plenty, 5949. The loves of self and of the world, if they are held as means to serve the Lord and the neighbour, not as the end, are good, 7819, 7820. By the Lord and the angels nothing is regarded but ends, 1317. Angels with men do not attend, except to ends, 1645e. The speech of angels has ends and uses for ideas, 1645. The Lord’s kingdom is the kingdom of ends and uses; an experience, 3645. In heaven there is a sphere of ends which are uses, from the Lord, 4054. There are those who have no end of use, but have only pleasures and friendships; concerning whom, 4054. How ends ascend, and what it is to be in externals and internals: illustrated by corporeal, spiritual, and celestial food, 4459. End, when it refers to the extremity of the earth, d. a little, 2936.
[End, Made an. See FINISHED.]
Endeavour (conatus). In good there is continually present an endeavour to restore the state in which truth is subordinated: illustrated, 3610:3. Endeavour produces acts and motions, 3748e. The endeavour in natural things is from the spiritual world, without which nothing would exist that does exist: illustrated, 5173:2. The sphere of tendencies to do evil is perpetually from the hells, and the sphere of tendencies to do good is from the heavens, and between them is equilibrium, so that man is in freedom, 8209. Ebullitions appear in the hells, which are endeavours to emerge, 8273e. Hell is in a continual endeavour to destroy heaven, 8295. Endeavour and the act therefrom act as one, 10738:4.
Enemy (hostis). [See also ARMY.] Enemies d. evils and falsities, or evil ones, 2851. Enemy d. evils, and when used with respect to the Lord, d. to avert falsities from evil, 9314; those who are in evils and falsities, 8289. Enemies and insurgents d. evils and falsities: shown, 10481. What to inherit the gate of the enemies s., 2851. See GATE. To act as a foe, when used with respect to the Lord, d. to avert falsities from evil, 9314. Foes d. falsities from evil, 9313. They who are outside the Church were called foe; haters, and enemies from spiritual disagreement, 9255, 9256.
[Engraver. See WORKMAN.
Engraving. See GRAVING.
Enjoin, To. See To COMMAND (praecipere).]
Enlarge, To (dilatare). What to enlarge s., 1101.
Enlightenment (illustratio). See DOCTRINE. Concerning the state of enlightenment: briefly, 5221:2. On the enlightenment of those who study the Word: it is different according to the state of life, 7012. Concerning those further who are enlightened, 7233:2. How it is with the enlightenment of the understanding when the Word is read: shown, 9300:4. They who read the Word from heavenly love are enlightened and collect therefrom doctrine to themselves, but they who read it from infernal love are not enlightened, 9382. See DOCTRINE. They are enlightened and receive influx, when they read the Word, who love truth for the sake of truth, thus they who hold life as an end, and not they who so regard themselves and the world: illustrated, 10548:2, 10551:2. To those who are enlightened from the Lord by means of the Word, He gives an understanding of truth, and not a belief of contradictory things; an example from the passion of the cross, 10659:3. Influx and enlightenment are actual elevation into heaven among angels, and communication there from the Lord, 10330:2. The understanding is what is enlightened. See UNDERSTANDING and WORD.
Enoch (Chanoch). What Enoch s., 401. Enoch d. those who collected the representatives and significatives of the Most Ancient Church, 519, 521, 2596e.
Enos (Enosch). Concerning those who are of the Church called Enos, 1125.
[Ensign. See SIGN.
Entangled. See ENTWINED.]
Enter, To (intrare). To enter d. communication, 6901. What to come or to enter to anyone s., see To COME. To enter and to go out d. the state of life, and the subject which is treated of from the beginning to the end: illustrated and shown, 9927.
Enthusiasm (enthusiasmus). The visions of enthusiastic spirits; what they are, and whence, 1968.
[Entire. See under INTEGRITY.]
Entwined or Perplexed (implexum seu perplexum). Entwined d. the natural scientific, 2831. Perplexed d. from what is confused, 8133.
Envy (invidia). How evil spirits envy, and are tormented, when they see the blessedness of angels, is described, 1974:2. To envy d. not to apprehend, 3410.
Ephah (Epha). Ephah is similar to Midian, 3242.
Ephah (ephah). Ephah d. good: shown, 8540. Concerning various measures mentioned in the Word, and concerning the ephah, 10262. See MEASURE.
Ephod (ephodus). Ephod d. the covering to external celestial things, the breastplate d. the covering to internal celestial things, 9477. Ephod d. Divine Truth in the Spiritual Kingdom, in the external form, in which interior things cease, 9824. The ephod stands for the priestly garment in general, and was holy above the rest of the garments, because it was external, 9824:5. The ephod with the cloak d. the Spiritual Kingdom, and the coat, because it was separated from these by the girdle, d. the spiritual and the celestial, like that which is sd. by the veil in the tent, and by the neck with man: illustrated, 10005.
Ephraim (Ephraim). Ephraim d. the new intellectual: shown, 5354. The intellectual of the Church, which is Ephraim, is the perception from enlightenment of what is true and good from the Word: illustrated, 6222. Ephraim d. the intellectual of the spiritual Church, and Manasseh d. its voluntary: briefly shown, 3969:8. Ephraim d. the intellectual of the Church, Manasseh d. the voluntary, 6222, 6238. Ephraim d. truth as to the intellectual, Manasseh d. good as to the voluntary, in the natural from the internal, 6234, 6238, 6267. Ephraim d. the man of the external spiritual Church, and Manasseh d. the man of the external celestial Church, 6296.
Ephrath (Ephrata). Ephrath d. the spiritual of the celestial in a former state, 4585; shown, 4594:3 See also BETHLEHEM.
Ephron (Ephron). Ephron d. those with whom the truth and good of faith could be received, 2933, 2940, 2969.
Equilibrium (equilbrium). In the other life there is an equilibrium of all things, 689. Equilibrium is such that evil punishes itself, 696. Equilibrium begins to hang to the side of evil, 2122e. How then societies are dissolved, 2128. The general spheres of the endeavour to do evil from hell, and of the endeavour to do good from heaven are around man; therefrom are equilibrium and man’s freedom; an experience, 6477.
Er (Er). Er the son of Judah d. falsity, 4821, 4822, 4830; he was the falsity of evil, 4832.
[Era. See AGE (saeculum).]
Erect (erectus). What to go erect s., 248.
Error (error). Error d. to be adverse, 5625.
Erudite (eruditus). See LEARNED and SCIENCE.
Esau (Esavus). Esau s. the Lord’s Human Essence, 1675. Esau d. the affection of natural good, or the good of life, 3494; the good of infancy and therefrom of life, or, what is the same, good of the natural, 3505. Esau rd. the natural good of the Lord’s infancy; concerning which; and, after this was made Divine, the Good of the Lord’s Divine Natural, 3599.
Esau d. the Divine Human of the Lord as to good, as conceived; Edom d. the Divine Natural of the Lord as to good, to which are conjoined the doctrinals of truth, 3302e. Esau and Edom d. the good of the life of natural truth, 3300. Esau d. natural good, before the doctrinals of truth are adjoined to good there, and also the good of life from influx from the rational; Edom d. the good of the natural to which the doctrinals of truth are adjoined: shown, 3322. Esau, in the opposite sense, d. the evil of the love of self, before falsities are adjoined, and Edom d. the evil of that love, when falsities are adjoined to it; both d. those who from the love of self disdain and reject truths: shown, 3322. Esau was named from being hairy, Edom from red, and Seir from shaggy, 3527:2. Esan d. the Lord’s Divine Natural Good; concerning which, 4641; and Edom d. the Lord’s Divine Human as to the Natural and the Corporeal, 4642.
Esau was meant when Isaac blessed Jacob, 3576. Esau and Jacob, after the Lord’s Natural was glorified, r. His Divine Natural as to Good and Truth, 3576:2. Jacob assumed the person of Esau for the sake of the primogeniture and the blessing, which he took away, 3659:2. See JACOB. Jacob d. the good of truth, Esau d. the truth of good, 3669, 3677.
The field of Edom d. Divine Truth of the Lord’s Natural, 4241. The leaders of Edom d. those who are in the life of evil from the love of self, 8314.
Escape, To, Escape (evadere, evasio). Escape d. deliverance from damnation by means of remains: shown, 5899.
Esek (Esek). What Esek, a well, s., 3427.
Esse (Esse). What difference there is between Esse and Existere, 2621. What the state as to Esse and as to Existere is, 3938. That the Esse of a thing is the good of love, because it conjoins; and there is no Esse where there is disjunction: illustrated, 5002. Divine Esse is the Divine Itself; Divine Existere is the Human of the Lord; and when the Divine Human of the Lord was made Divine Esse, Divine Existere is the Divine Truth which proceeds from Him, 6880. The Eternal is that which Is, and that which is temporal, respectively is not, 8939. That Esse is of the will, and Existere of the understanding therefrom, 9282. See WILL.
Essential (essentiale). Essentials ought to be for an end, not instrumental or formal things, which are subservient: illustrated, 5945:2. Essentials so far perish as instrumentals are as an end, 5948:2. The essential is not given in the nature of things, but only in the Lord, who is the Esse or Jehovah; and all things are instrumental, 5948:3. If essentials are regarded as the end, there will be instrumentals in plenty, 5949.
Eternal (ceternum). [See also AGE (sceculum).] To be and to live cannot be predicated except of the eternal, thus of the Lord, and in Esse and Living is the eternal, thus the Lord, 726. What idea of the eternal is impressed upon angels by the Lord, 1382. Man can never comprehend what ‘from the eternal’ is, thus nothing of the eternal, but angels can, because to them the eternal is the infinite as to Existere, 3404:2. There are two states: namely, the state as to Ease and the state as to Existere; the state as to Esse corresponds to space, and the state as to Existere, to time, 3938:2. In the Lord is the infinite, thus Ease, and the eternal is not in Him, but from Him, and thus Existere, 3938:3. Concerning those who think of God, what He had done from eternity, before creation; for them there are two statues which swallow them; concerning which, 8325:3. The arrangement and providence of the Lord in regenerating man are eternal, because to eternity, and all things of the Lord are eternal, 10048:2. The days of eternity d. they were of the celestial Church, thus the Most Ancient Church, 6239:4.
Ethiopia (Ethiopia). Ethiopia s. cognitions of good and truth, or of love and faith, 116, 117. Cush or Ethiopia s. cognitions of truth and good, by means of which falsities and evils are confirmed, 1163, 1164, 1166. What Sheba and Seba s., 1171.
Eunuch (eunuchus). What is sd. by eunuchs, Matth. xix. 12, 394. Eunuch d. the natural man, in particular, as to good: shown, 5081:2.
Euphrates (Euphrates). Euphrates s. the sensual and scientifics, as Egypt, 120. The Euphrates was the boundary of the land of Canaan, last and first, and d. the conjunction of good, 4116, 4117; good and truth of the rational: shown, 9341; also the pleasure arising from the loves of self and of the world, and the falsities confirming it by means of reasonings from the illusions of the senses: shown, 9341:3. What the Jordan and Euphrates s., 1585:2. The river of Egypt d. the extension of spiritual things, the river Euphrates d. the extension of celestial things, 1866.
Eurus (Eurus). See EAST WIND under EAST.
[Evangel. See GOSPEL.
Eve (Chavah). The mother of all living, 287, 290, 476.]
Evening (vespera). See DAY, MORNING, MID-DAY, NIGHT. In heaven there are evening and twilight, but not night, which is in hell, 6110:6. At the time of evening in heaven the spiritual is in obscurity, the natural in clearness, and conversely when it is morning, 8431:2. In the state of evening in the other life they are remitted into natural delight, 8452. In the heavens there are morning, mid-day, evening, and twilight, but they are spiritual and varied about each one, 5962:2. The state when there is spiritual hunger is evening, 5579e.
Evening s. the state of an expiring Church, then it is that which is followed by night; also the state of an arising Church, when the evening is the twilight before the morning, 2323. Evening in general s. visitation both of the faithful and the unfaithful, 2323e. Evening d. what is obscure, 3056, 3833; also those things which are beneath, 3197; the end of a former Church, or its vastation, and the beginning of a new Church: shown, 7844; the end of a former state: illustrated, 8426.
What evening and morning s., 22, 883. Evening and morning d. the coming of the Lord: shown, 7844:3. Evening d. a state of light and love in the external man, and morning, in the internal: illustrated from the state of angels and its variations: and shown, 10134:3, 10135. When morning involves mid-day, evening also involves twilight, 10135:4. Between the evenings d. the end of a former state and the beginning of another, both for those who are saved and for those who are damned, 7844; evening and twilight: shown, 10135. The spiritual man, whilst he is becoming celestial, is the sixth day, and the evening of the Sabbath, 86.
Evil, To do Evil (malum, malefacere). See SIN [and To DO HARM.] Evil described. No one knows what evil is, unless he knows what the loves of self and of the world are; and falsity is known from evil, 7178. It is not known what hell is, unless it is known what evil is, 7181. Evils and falsities are of many kinds and species, 7574. The kinds of evil are innumerable; and they appear before angels, 4818:6. Evil is from man, because he turns the good which is from the Lord to himself, 7643, 7699, 7710. Evil flows out from the interior or end, 4839. Evil is disjunction, and it may be known what evil is, if one studies to know what the loves of self and of the world are, 4997. Evils are those things which conceal the Lord, 5696e. The origins of evil are the loves of self and of the world; concerning which, 8318:2. The interiors of evils are filthy, however much they may appear otherwise externally: illustrated, 7046.
Hereditary Evil. Infants are not anything, but evil, 2307, 2308. There are evils with man which are his own faults, and which he has confirmed with himself, and evils not his own faults, which are brought on by others, and he has not confirmed; concerning which, 4171, 4172. Man is punished on account of actual, not hereditary, evils, 966.
Evil and Falsity. [See also below.] What and of what quality the evil of falsity is, 2408. What the evil of falsity is; from examples, 7272. Evils from falsities, and falsities from evils, 1679. Evil from the falsity of evil is from false doctrine, and this evil closes the way to the internal man: illustrated, 4818:3. Evil of life has falsity in it, and manifests itself when truths and salvation are thought about; truth also is then falsified, 8094. They are in falsity who are in evils of life, whether they know it or not, 7577:2. It is not allowed for evil spirits to speak falsities, except from evil, which is their life, 1695. Falsities from evil are heavy, and sink down like a stone: illustrated, 8278, 8279. Evils are heavy and sink down to hell, and falsity from self is not so, but falsity from evil is, 8298. Evils and falsities have no power at all: illustrated and shown, 10481.
Evil appropriated and punished. Evil is not appropriated to man if he believes that evil flows in from hell, and good from the Lord, and if he suffers himself to be led by the Lord, 4151:8. That evil is appropriated to man is because he believes that he thinks and acts from himself; if otherwise it would not be imputed, 6206. Although all things flow in, still man becomes guilty, because he appropriates evil to himself by believing that he does it from himself, 6324:2; if he believes otherwise, evil cannot be appropriated to him, 6325. Man is not anything but evil, wherefore he cannot have dominion over evil, 987. Evil has its own consummation; whence, 1857. Evil punishes itself by the law of equilibrium, 696, 967. In evil is its penalty, 1857:2; from experience, 6559. See also SIN. Evil has with it its penalty, and good its reward, in the other life, and this is the law of retaliation; whence: illustrated, 8214, 8223, 8226e. Good is conjoined with its own reward, and evil with its own penalty: illustrated from the law of order; concerning which, 9049. The evil of penalty, or of retaliation, is not from the good, but from the evil: illustrated, 8223:2. In the other life all are remitted to their own interiors, therefore into their own evils, 8870e. They who are in falsities from evil are cast into hell from the Lord’s presence alone illustrated and shown, 8265. Man casts himself into hell when he does evil from consent; next of purpose; and finally from the delight of the affection; therefrom he opens hell to himself, 6203. The evil therefrom adheres pertinaciously, 6203. The evil devastate themselves, when heaven flows in, which the Lord continually arranges; and evils and penalties are conjoined, 7643:2. The evil which enters into the thought does not injure, but that which passes into the will and the act, 6204.
The Remission of Evil. Evils and falsities remain with a man, although he be regenerated, 865, 868, 874, 887, 894. Every evil remains with a man, although he be regenerated: illustrated, 4564:2. Evils remain with a man, though they are removed: references, 10057:6. As far as evils and falsities therefrom are removed, so far truths from good succeed, 10675. Man is strongly withheld from evil and falsity, 929. Men are withheld from evil with mighty force by the Lord, 2406:2. Evil is not separated from a man and an angel, but they are withheld from evil, 1581. All evils adhere to a man after death; in one way with those who lived in them, and in another with those who are in charity, 2116. Evils are separated from goods with those who are elevated into heaven; and goods from evils with those who bring themselves into hell, 2256:2. Goods and evils with man are separated; if they should commingle, the man would perish, 2269. Good and truth from the Lord so far flow in as evil and falsity are removed, 2388:2, 2411. A man must be purified from evils that he may receive good from the Lord: shown, 10109. Man is kept in good and truth, and at the same time evils and falsities are removed, because the Lord is present in good and truth: illustrated, 8206. Man has freedom to abstain from evil, because he is kept by the Lord perpetually in that endeavour, 8307:2.
The Lord and Evil. The Lord has no power from evil spirits, but He has from Himself, because from Good, 1749. From the Lord there is nothing of evil: illustrated, 7877:3, 8632. See ANGER. Evil is not from the Lord, but from the evil themselves, 7926e. There is nothing of evil from the Divine, but from the evil themselves: illustrated, 8227:2, 8228. When the evil do evil to themselves, it appears as if it were from the Divine, but it is a fallacy, like other fallacies; concerning which, 8282. The Lord appears according to the quality of the man: as terrible darkness to the evil, and as light to the good, 1861e, 6832:2, 8197:2. Anger and evil are from man, and not from the Lord, and yet they are attributed to the Lord: references, 9306:4. Evil is attributed to the Lord, when it is from man himself, 2447:5; and exists from the perversion of life which flows in from the Lord, 6991. See ANGER. Anger and evil are attributed to the Lord: shown; for what reasons they are attributed, 6997. See ANGER. That the Lord is angry and does evil is a fallacy; when it is man who does it; the truths which explain it generally, 6071:2. Evil is attributed to Jehovah in the sense of the letter, when yet it is born of man, 7533. The ancients attributed evil to Jehovah on account of the simple: illustrated, 7632. Why the simple ancients attributed evil to God, 9010. Anger is attributed to the Lord, when yet it is with man, 8483. The internal man is closed above and opened below with those who are in evil, 9128:3; thence it is evident that evils and falsities are not from the Lord, 9128:3. The Lord turns evil into good; a representative, 8631.
Various Particulars. He who is without charity thinks nothing but evil of his neighbour, and he observes his evil, 1079:2, 1080, 1088:2. They who think evil of others are among infernals; they who think good are among the heavenly, 1680. Evil spirits cannot excite anything of evil and falsity with infants and the simple in heart, 1667:2. How much evils increase to-day may be seen in the other life from those who are of the Christian world, 2121, 2122. See JUDGMENT. At the present time goods and truths from heaven are turned in a moment into evils and falsities in the world of spirits, 2123. If good and truth form the rational and the natural, it is an image of heaven; if evil and falsity, it is an image of hell, 3513. In the other life all and each thing of life with everyone is laid open, 4633. There are evils from the understanding and not from the will, as also from the will at the same time, and those from the will and not at the same time from the understanding, 9009.
Evil d. that which is against Divine order, 4839; aversion, thus to recompense evil for good, 5746; hell, 6279; damnation, 7155. To do evil d. to permit that they should be infested by falsities and injured by force, 7165, 7168.
Exactor (exactor). Exactors d. those who compel to serve: shown, 6852; who approximately infest, and are subjects, 7111.
Exalt, To (exaltare). See HIGH.
[Exasperate, To (exacerbare). To exasperate d. resistance, 6420.]
Excrementitious (excrementitium). Concerning the exerementitious hell, see HELL. Some delight to stay in privies, 954. Adulterers in their own hells love dirt and excrement, 2755. They who have been in a delicate life conjoined with cunning are in excrementitious things, 4948. Cruel persons and adulterers are in the exerementitious hells, 5394; concerning which hell, 5394. The voluptuous and those who have had mere pleasure as an end, are under the buttocks and pass their time in dirt, 5395. In these hells there is a great stink, 7161:4. See To STINK. Dung, ordure, and excrement d. what is infernal: shown, 10037.
[Existence. See EXISTERE.]
Existere, Existence (existere, existentia). See ESSE to some degree. What the difference between Esse and Existere is, 2621, 6880. What Existere is with respect to Esse, 726e, 2621, 3061, 3938:2, 5002, 6280:3, 6880, 8939, 9282, 10555. See Esse. Ease is of the will, and Existere of the understanding therefrom, 9282. See WILL. Everything exists or subsists by means of another, thus from a first, 3627, 3628. All things exist and subsist from things prior to themselves thus from the First, consequently by means of the spiritual world from the Lord, 4523:3, 4524, 6040, 6056. Subsistence is perpetual existence, and production is perpetual creation, 3648.
Expanse (expansum). See To EXTEND and CURTAINS. The internal man is the expanse, and it is said ‘to expand the earth’ and ‘to extend the heavens,’ 24, 25. To expand the heavens and the earth is like expanding the curtains of the habitation; what: shown, 9596:5.
[Expel, To. See To DRIVE OUT.]
Expiation (expiatio). See REDEMPTION and PROPITIATION.
[Explorers. See SPIES.
Expression. See COUNTENANCE.]
Extend, To (extendere). See EXPANSE. To extend is predicated of omnipotence, 7673. See To EXPAND [under EXPANSE.] To extend the hand d. the dominion of power; in the supreme sense, unlimited power: shown, 7673.
Extended (extensum). Examples of those who deny that the spirit is extended, 444, 446.
External (externus). See also INTERNAL, CHURCH, WORSHIP, [and MAN (homo).] In its universal application. In each heaven there are internal and external angels, 4286:2. External and internal are the same as lower and higher, 3084. The internal is the lord and the external is the servant: illustrated, 10471. What and of what quality the distinction according to degrees are; thus, how it is with interior things with respect to exterior, 3691:2. Exterior things are relatively obscure, because they are general, 6451:3. Interiors are those which produce exteriors, 994:2. The external lives from the internal, but the internal puts on for itself such things, in the external, by which it may enact, in the lower sphere, the effect, 6275, 6284; shown, 6299:2. Interior things exist in exterior, and in this order, that the inmost is in the middle, and so forth, 6451:2. Exterior things ought to serve interior; exteriors were formed for this: illustrated, 5947. One thing is formed from another successively, and they do not become continuously purer; hence interior and exterior things are distinct among themselves, and succeed in order; and interior things are in exterior, 6465. Interiors cease and are at rest in exteriors, and by means of connection with them: illustrated, 9216:3. The external is more holy than the internal: illustrated, 9824:2. Good is in interior things, and truth in exterior: illustrated, 7910. Externals in heaven and with man correspond to truths: illustrated, 9959:2. A delight is baser the more it approaches to exteriors, 996. External things are farther from the Divine than internal; wherefore also they are respectively disordered: illustrated, 3855. What separates the external from the internal, 1587. What it is to see internal things from external, 1806, 1807. The interior can perceive what is in the exterior, but not contrariwise, 1914:2, 1953. The internal can see all the things which are in the external, but not contrariwise, unless there be correspondence and a medium: illustrated, 5427, 5428, 5477. Exterior things cannot flow into interior, but contrariwise, 5119. The external does not flow into the internal, but the internal flows into the external: illustrated from experience, 6322. What it is to be in externals, and what in internals: illustrated, 4459:2. What it is to be in externals separated from the internal, 10602. They who are in external truths alone are weak, tottering, and wavering; they who are in internal truths at the same time are firm: illustrated, 3820. They who are in externals separated from the internal believe nothing; why: illustrated, 10396, 10400, 10411. There is no conjunction of the Lord with the external apart from the internal: illustrated, 9380. They who are in externals apart from the internal look downwards and outwards to their own loves, 10422. These do not receive influx from the Divine, 10429. The internal is man’s heaven, and the external is his world, 10472. The external separated from the internal is hell, 10489e. All who are in hell are in externals separated from the internal, 10483. They who are in externals apart from an internal have an obscurity of faith, and falsities of faith, from material, earthly, and corporeal ideas in particular, and they believe the Word according to the letter, without doctrine, 10582.
External Man. What the external man is, 1718. On the internal and the external man, 9701-9709. See INTERNAL. What the internal and the external man are, 978. What the spiritual or internal man, and the natural or external man are: namely, the spiritual or internal man is wise from the light of heaven, but the natural or external, from the light of the world, 3167. What the internal, the interior, and the external man are, 1015. With everyone there is an internal man, a rational, which is the middle, and an external, 1889, 1940:2. The rational man is the middle between the internal and the external, 1702:3, 1707:3, 1732. There is an influx from the Lord through the internal man in the rational, and so into the scientific, 1940:2. The rational, scientific, and sensual constitute the external man, 1589:2. The external was united to the internal, but only with the Lord, 1577:3. The beauty of the external man conjoined to the internal, 1590. The ugliness of the external man disunited, when he is separated from the internal, 1598. The external man ought to be altogether subject to the internal, and to be without freedom from the proprium, 5786:2. In the external man there are things that agree, and others that disagree with the internal, 1563:2, 1568. What disunites the external man from the internal is the love of self; and what conjoins is mutual love, 1594. What is meant by saying a man separates himself from the internal, which belongs to the Lord, 1999:3; illustrated, 2018. The internal man and the external are quite distinct, and the internal lives when it is separated from the external, 5883. The internal man is in the light of heaven, and the external in shade as to spiritual things: illustrated, 10134:4. The external man is an image of the world, the internal is an image of heaven, 10156:4. The merely natural man is in hell, unless he becomes spiritual by regeneration, 10156. What it is to be in externals without an internal: the internal man is closed; his quality, and the quality of those with whom the internal man is opened: illustrated, 10429, 10472.
External Church and Worship. What and of what quality internal and external worship are, 1083. The quality of the man of the internal Church, and that of the man of the external, 1098. External worship without internal is no worship, 1094. The external Church is nothing, if it be not internal, 1795. There is an internal in the worship of those who are of the external Church, if they be in charity, [1083:4,] 1100, 1151, 1153. What it is to make internal worship external, 1175. The more profane the interiors are, the more profane external worship is, 1182. The external worship of those who do not believe in eternal life, 1200. There ought to be external worship, 1618. Concerning those who are in the internal of the Church, worship, and the Word, and who are in the external in which is an internal; and concerning those who are in externals without an internal, 10683. See INTERNAL. They who love themselves above all things, worship self as a god, 10407:2; shown, 10412. All instruction respecting the truths and goods of the Church and worship is effected by means of the external of the Word, but through those who are enlightened, 10548:2.
Various Particulars. The inhabitants of this earth are external sensual; concerning their combat with the internal sensual; an experience, 4330. Why a man ought to be in internals: illustrated, 4464. They who are in externals do not care for internals, 4464:5. Man to-day is in the external or body, 5649;4. From the internal [of the Word] what is holy flows in with those who hold the Word as holy, and celebrate the Holy Supper with sanctity, 6789:2. Answers or revelations are made in ultimates, 9905. To imitate Divine things from study and art is external: illustrated from the fantastic imitation with spirits who do so in externals, whereas in internals they are filthy and diabolical, 10284, 10286. The internal is closed by means of evils and falsities: illustrated by various things, 10492; why so with the Jews, and with the Christians, with whom; more with the intelligent than with the simple; three reasons, 10492. Last things keep prior or interior things in connection, 9828. In the ultimates of good and truth there are strength and power: illustrated and shown, 9836.
Significations involving the External. Washings d. purifications of the external or natural man: illustrated, 3147. The first and also the last sd. all and each thing, thus the whole: shown and illustrated, 10044:5, 10329e, 10335. The hair, a hair, because the ultimate, s. the whole; so the feet: shown, 10044:3.
Extremity (extremitas). From extremity to extremity d. from the first end to the last; and extremities d. all things: shown, 9666:3.
Eye (oculus). The sight of the eye is most gross and dull, 9577:2. Concerning the correspondence with the eye, and with light; an experience, 4403-4421. See LIGHT. Concerning the correspondence of the sight of the eye with the understanding and with truths; an experience, 4403-4421. The interior affections are manifested by the face, and the still more interior affections by the eyes, 4407. The sight of the left eye corresponds to the truths of faith, and the sight of the right eye to the goods of faith; the reason, 4410. The humours and coats of the eye, with their details, correspond, 4411. To whom the coat of the eye refers; an experience, 4412. A continuation concerning the correspondence of the sight of the eye and of light with the understanding and truths of faith, 4523-4534. The ear is formed correspondently to the modifications of the air and sound and the eye to those of the ether and light, 4523. The sight of the eye corresponds to the sight of the intellectual and to truths of faith, and this because the light of the world does so to the light of heaven, 4526. The sight of the eye corresponds to those societies which are in paradisiacal things, 4528.
Eye d. the sight of the understanding, thus the understanding: shown, 2701; the understanding, thus the truth of faith, and also the falsity of faith: shown, 9051. Eyes d. the understanding and faith: illustrated, 10569:2. The eye of Jehovah d. the Lord’s Divine presence in the truths and goods of faith and love: shown, 10569:2. To have the eyes opened d. dictate, 212. To lift up the eyes d. to think, 2789, 2829; to perceive, 4083; to observe, 4086; reflection, 5684. To lift up the eyes and see d. intention, 3198, 3202; perception and intention, 4339. To set the eye upon anyone d. influx, 5810. To place the hand upon the eyes, when a man dies, d. to vivify, 6008. The ear, in the supreme sense, d. Providence, and the eye d. Foresight: shown, 3869:3. See also To SEE. Weak in the eyes d. to be such as to the understanding, 3820.
Eyes, Weak in the (debilis oculis). Weak in the eyes d. to be so as to the understanding, 3820.
Faces (facies). Influx into the muscles of the face; from experience, 3631. The involuntary action of the cerebellum in former time showed itself in the face, and afterwards withdrew itself away from the face, 4326:3. With the most ancient people the face acted in unity with their interiors, and simulation or deceit was an irregular act with them, 3573:4. The speech of spirits is effected by means of changes induced on the face, 1762. The face of an angel is changed from one limit of the affections to another, which is according to the societies with which he has communication, 6604. The outer natural is an interior face in which the interiors see themselves as affections in the faces, and likewise thoughts, 5165:2, 5168:2. The face is formed so that another may know what the mind is towards himself; with the ancients the face corresponded to the interiors, and it is so with the angels, for they think nothing but good, 5695. They who are in good from the Lord, turn the face continually to Him, 9517:2. Some say the face is not the body; why, 10315. The Lord in heaven is the face of Jehovah: shown, 10579. Concerning the faces of the inhabitants of Jupiter; they are beautiful; whence; and they speak by means of the face; several things respecting these matters, 8243-8249. See JUPITER. The quality of speech by means of the face shown, 8248. There was speech by means of the face with the most ancient people; several things on its excellence above speech by words, 8249. Speech by means of words succeeded, and then the face changed, its interiors contracted, became void of life, the exteriors became inflamed, and were ready for simulations, 8250. The inhabitants of Jupiter keep the face continually forward, never downwards, 8372. When they lie down, they turn the face to the chamber, not to the wall; why, 8376.
Concerning the correspondence of the taste, tongue, and face with the Grand Man, 4791-4806. The face in general corresponds to all the interiors, 4796. With the angels all the interior affections shine forth from the face, 4796. Changes of the state of the affections appear in the faces of angels, which come forth according to the societies into which they enter, 4797. Changes of the affections were seen in the face from one limit of the affections to the other, 4797. Changes of the affections were seen in the face from infancy to adult age, and how much of infancy remained, 4797:2. Evil spirits are known from their faces, also with what hells they communicate, 4798. Spirits from another world who spoke by means of changes in the face, principally about the lips, 4799. Their faces were prominent and free, from the reason that they did not simulate, 4799. The face is contracted by simulations when they think otherwise than they speak and do, 4799. The influx of spirits into the face, an experience, 4800. The face signifies interiors, 2434; references, 9546; interiors and their changes, 4066; interiors as to affections, and therefrom the thoughts in general, 5102. By the face is signified the interiors, thus the affections, as of grace, favour, benevolence, aid, also of anger, revenge: hence whatever is in one’s self: illustrated, 9306. Because the face signifies the interiors, the ancients fell upon their faces when they adored, 1999; why they also bowed down the face to the earth, 2327. How interior things, both rational and natural, appear from the face, 3527; therefrom interior things are sd. by the face, 3527.
The face of Jehovah d. mercy, peace, good, 222, 223; Divine Good, also Divine Truth therefrom: shown, 9306:2; also punishment, evil, anger: shown, 9306:4; Divine Truth in heaven, thus also mercy, peace, and all good, 10579. The faces of Jehovah d. Divine interiors of the Word, the Church, and worship, 10567, 10568; interiors of the Church, worship, and the Word: illustrated and shown, 10579. The face of God d. the Divine Love, or with respect to the human race, d. mercy: shown, 5585. The faces of the Lord d. presence with heavenly peace and joy, from mercy, 9546. Face, when used of the Lord, d. His Divine Love: illustrated, 9936. To speak face to face, when said concerning Jehovah to Moses, d. that Divine things in the Word are conjoined, 10554. To see God face to face d. to sustain the most grievous temptations, 4299; in the internal historical sense, d. that the Lord is representatively present, 4311. No one can see Jehovah face to face and live; why: shown, 4299:4. Not to see the face of God d. that there is no pity, 5585. Not to see the face d. no pity, 5585, 5592; no mercy and conjunction, 5816, 5823. To see the face of God d. to enjoy good from mercy: shown, 5555:4. To cause the faces to shine d. to have mercy: shown, 5585:3. To lift up the face d to give peace and good, from mercy: shown, 5585:4. To hide the face d. not to have mercy, 5585:5. By the face falling is sd. changing the interiors; and what is sd. by elevating the face, 358. To cover the face when they see God d. to protect the interiors lest they be injured by the presence of the Divine, 6848, 6849. To turn the face away, when used of Jehovah, d. no mercy; but man turns himself away, 7599. The bread of faces upon the table d. the Lord as to celestial good, 9545. Over against the faces, when used of heaven or the Lord, d. eternity, 9888. He turns his faces; in the other life all turn their faces to their own loves, 10189, 10420.
Faculty (facultas). The faculty of receiving good is immediately from the Lord: illustrated, 6148.
Faith (fides). See LOVE, CHARITY, CHURCH, WORSHIP and SCIENCE. What Faith is. To know is not to believe; from experience, 4319:2. It is one thing to know, another to acknowledge, and another to have faith; what the difference is, 896. By faith is meant the truth which belongs to doctrine, which faith is apostolic; few know that it is trust or confidence, and among them there are less who know that faith is not given except in the life of charity, 3868e. The confidence of faith. See CONFIDENCE. Concerning the trust or confidence which is called faith, 9239-9245. To believe in God saves; and to believe those things which are from God, without the former, does not save, 9239. What the confidence is which is called faith, 9240; according to the learned, 9240. Those who are in charity and love to the Lord have confidence, not those who are in the loves of self and of the world, 9241. There is no confidence with the evil in the crises of life and death, although there appears to be, 9242; nor is there faith, which is to believe truths which are from God, 9243. Confidence or faith in the Lord is expounded, 9244. They have faith who do good works: shown, 9245. The confidence which belongs to faith is not confidence, but it is from love; and it is not from truth that it is said that a man is saved by means of merit whatever his life had been, 7762. Trust pertains to love by means of faith, 8240. Why they adjoin the fruits of faith, and say that faith is confidence, when yet a spurious confidence can be given in evil, 4683:3, 4689:3. That which makes faith spiritual is the affection of good and truth, 8078. Faith is charity as to essence, 9783. Faith never becomes faith before a man wills those things which belong to faith, and from willing does them: illustrated, 9224. What the good of faith and the truth of faith are, explained, 9224, 9230:2. How the case is with this-that the things which belong to faith are to be believed simply, and that the natural man does not comprehend them: illustrated, 9300:4.
Kinds of Faith. With respect to faith, there are scientific, intellectual, and saving faith, 30:2. There are spiritual things of faith, rational things of faith, and scientific things of faith, 2504:2. See also DOCTRINE. Faith merely natural is sensual faith, the faith of miracles and authority; it is not from the Lord, but the truth of innocence, if any be therein, is, 8078. Persuasive faith, see PERSUASION. The quality of persuasive faith is described, 2343:6. Something concerning persuasive faith, 3427:4. They have no faith who live evilly, but something persuasive; what this is is described, 3865:2. Concerning the light of those who are in a persuasive faith, and yet have led a life of evil, 4416. Concerning persuasive faith: it is with those who are in evil of life; it is described, 8148:2. Concerning persuasive faith, 9363-9369. There are those who believe the Word and the doctrine of the Church, and do not live according to them, 9363. They believe, not for the sake of an end of serving the neighbour, but for the sake of gain, honours, and fame for learning, 9364. They who aspire after great things, and desire many, are in a stronger persuasive faith, 9365. But they believe, when they are in the fire of the love of self and the world; and otherwise they do not believe, but deny, 9366. They do not know, nor do they care whether things are true or false, and more than other things they defend faith alone, 9367. They recede, if they are deprived of gain, and faith vanishes after death, because it is not rooted within, 9368. They are described by the Lord in the Word by means of those whom He knew not, because they are workers of iniquity, and by means of the five foolish virgins, 9369.
Faith in connection with Charity. What charity and faith are, 8033-8037. See CHARITY. How it is with faith in respect to charity, and what faith without charity is; from various comparisons, 8530. Faith is the external of charity, and charity the internal of faith, 3868. Truths of faith are nothing apart from the affection of good: illustrated, 3849. Truth desires good, that is, to do good, and is conjoined to good: illustrated, 9206:2; also shown, 9207. Faith never exists except where charity is 654. There is no faith unless it is from love or charity, 724. There is no faith in the last times, because there is no charity, 1843. The doctrinals of faith accomplish nothing, if they have not charity; for they regard this as an end, 2049:4, 2116:3. Charity is not genuine unless there be faith, nor is faith genuine unless there be charity, 2839. Concerning the conjunction of good and truth, or charity and faith, and the quality of man when they are conjoined, and his quality when they are not conjoined, 7623-7627. See CHARITY. Faith lives from charity, or truth from good; and good has its own form, thus its quality, from truths: illustrated by a fibre in which is spirit, and a vessel in which is blood, 9154:2. Charity is the brother of faith, 367. Charity ought to dominate over faith, not the reverse, 363, 365. Afterwards charity exists by means of faith, 330, 393, 598. Concerning the primogeniture; there is a controversy whether it belongs to faith or to charity, 2435. From various reasons it appears as if faith is before charity, and truth before good, but it is a fallacy, 3324. Good is actually the first-born, though truth is so apparently, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930. See REGENERATION and TRUTH. Because the spiritual are in obscurity, they put faith in the first place, and good in the second, 6256. How much of good there would be in the Church, if charity were to be put in the first place, and faith in the second: illustrated, 6269:2; how much of evil, if faith be put in the first place, and charity in the second, 6272. From natural light alone it can be seen that good is in the first place, and faith is apparently. See TRUTH and REGENERATION. What is the fruit of faith? Charity, which charity is from love to the Lord, thus which is the Lord, who is the internal sense of the Word, 1873. In heaven all are regarded from charity and faith, 1258. The quality of love and faith is perceived, 1394. Unless faith is conjoined to good, it either becomes no faith or is conjoined to evil, whence there is profanation, 6348. Spiritual good cannot be conjoined to those who are only in the truths of faith, and not in the good according to them, because they are as concubines; for in them the marriage of good and truths does not take place; why, 8981, 8983:2. They who are only in truths of faith, and not in the good according to them, are in the ultimates of heaven, and constitute the skin, 8980. Truth is not given without good, thus not faith without love: illustrated from representatives in the other life, 10194; and faith and love walk step by step, 10201. Good and truth, or faith and love must be conjoined to be anything: illustrated, 10555. The understanding is that which receives truths of faith, and the will that which receives good of charity: illustrated, 9300:2. Many passages cited concerning faith and charity, and concerning truth and good, 3324:3.
Faith without Charity. Faith separated from charity is no faith, 1162, 1176. Faith without charity is no faith, [2325,] 2417; its quality is described, 7039:2; references, 8093; besides those things which follow, 8093. Faith without charity is something deified, 3870. Faith alone without charity is dead: the error of the Church, 5351:3. How it is to be understood that faith without charity is damned, 7766, 7778:3. The faith which is not according to the life perishes, 2228:2. As light without heat produces nothing, so the truth of faith without the good of love produces nothing, 3146e. When faith is antecedent in hearts, Divine Truth is rejected, 4673. Certain false doctrinals are from faith alone, 4721:2. There are several errors from the doctrine of faith alone, 8313. Into what errors they slide who place salvation in faith alone; and in what blindness they are, 8765:2. Errors from faith alone, 9224:3. Doctrinals concerning faith alone destroy charity: illustrated, 6353:2. Whence it is that faith alone is accepted as a principle; it is the evil of life: illustrated, 8094. Men are led into many falsities, 8094:2. They who have separated faith from love suppose it is mere thought, or scarcely that, when it is the cognition of all things, and obedience, 36. They who separate faith from charity cannot have conscience, 1076, 1077; they cast themselves into falsities and evils; and this was rd. by means of Cain and Abel, Ham and Canaan, Reuben, and the Egyptians, so that their first-born were slain, 3325:11. They who are in faith alone appear to be in light, but it is winter light, which is turned into darkness, thus the mind is turned into stupor, when they approach towards heaven, 3412:3, 3413. They who are not in charity, but only in the science of the cognitions of faith, can never see in the Word the interior things which concern love and charity, 3416. The Word is unclosed when love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour are assumed as a principle; but when faith is so assumed the Word is closed up, 3773. They who are in faith alone cannot know what heaven is; and several other things, 4776; they interpret the Word wrongly: illustrated, 4783. They who are in faith alone and in the life of evil also infest the upright in the other life, and are meant by the Egyptians, 7097:4; they infest the upright, 8096:2; they do so in the other life, and are in obscurity; what their qualities besides are, 8313:4. They who are in faith alone, when they read the Word, see nothing but confirmations, and do not see other things, 8780:3. They who establish faith alone, separate good from truths, and are, therefore, in darkness, 9186:2. The reason they acknowledged faith alone was that they did not know that all things relate to truth and good, and that there are two faculties in man, understanding and will, 9224:3. The simple know what faith is, and acknowledge it, not what faith separated is, 4741:2, 4754. Where they who are in faith alone dwell in the other life, 8096:2, 8099:2.
Faith and the Church. Charity makes the Church, not faith, 809. Charity constitutes the Spiritual Church, not faith separated, 916:2. The doctrinal phase of faith does not make the Church, but charity, 1798, 1799:3, 1834:2, 1844. There is no Church unless the truths of doctrinals are implanted in the goods of life, 3310. Out of many there is one Church, when charity is the essential, not when faith is, 2982. The Church is not from the truths of faith alone, but from charity, 5826:2. There is not any Church where charity is not acknowledged as the essential of the Church, as is done by faith separated, 4766:4. They who make faith the essential, not charity, can be in the good of truth; but they are not so much in heaven, or conjoined with the Lord, as are those who are in the good of charity, 3459. Those who do good from faith, and not from charity, are farther from the Lord, 3463:2. They who make faith the essential, which is easily done, and yet are in the good of life, are in the Lord’s Spiritual Kingdom, 3242. Men deny the internal sense, because they make faith the essential of the Church, and they call goods the fruit of faith, when nevertheless love to the Lord is the tree of life, charity and good works are its fruits, and faith and the things belonging to faith are the leaves, 3427:2. Faith taken as the essential of the Church has many errors with it; concerning which, 4925. The fruits of faith are the fruits of good, which is of love and charity, 3146. The Most Ancient Church was not willing to hear about faith, 4448. See CHURCH. Truth in the Ancient Church is the same as faith in the New, 4690. The Church beginning from faith has no other regulator than the understanding, but that which begins from good has charity and the Lord, 4672:2. In the course of time the Church turns away from charity to faith, and at length to faith alone, 4653. Worship from good is true worship, and that from truth without good is only the external act, 7724. Holy worship is according to the quality and quantity of the truth of faith implanted in charity, 2190. Concerning the fact that all things of the Church refer to charity and faith, and concerning the conjunction of faith with charity, 7752-7762: particulars may be seen under CHARITY.
Faith and Salvation. All regeneration is effected by means of the truths of faith, 2046. That a man may be regenerated there must be truths of faith, and they must enter together with the genuine affection for truth; then when the truth of faith is reproduced, the affection is reproduced, and vice versa: illustrated, 5893:3. The truths of faith are implanted in charity when a man is regenerated, 2189:2. It cannot be wondered at that faith saves, but faith is never given except in the life of faith: namely, in love and charity, 2343:3, 2349. They who are in faith are saved if only good is in faith, 2442. The confidence which is called the faith that saves, cannot be given except in the good of life, 2982:2. Faith without charity cannot be given at all, 7342e. Charity saves, not faith without charity, 379, 389. They who place the essential of salvation in faith, do not even see or attend to that which the Lord so often said concerning love and charity, 1017. There is no salvation by means of faith, but by the life of faith, which is charity, 2228:2. The truths of faith do not save, but the goods which are in the truths; and the acknowledgment of truth cannot be given, thus neither faith, unless one be in good, 2261:2. A man is not regenerated by means of truth, but by the good of truth, 2697. Man is to be regenerated by means of the truths of faith, and also by amendment: illustrated, 9088:2. The reason why men have separated faith from charity, and said that faith is saving; and yet faith separated is as the light of winter, and faith from charity as the light of spring, 2231:3. If cogitative faith were saving, all would be introduced into heaven; but because the life opposes, they cannot, 4674:3. They cannot be admitted into heaven by reason of their thinking only, and because they are instructed, though the life of evil opposes, 2401. With those who hold as a principle that faith alone is saving, truths themselves are contaminated false principles, 2383; nor do they suffer themselves to be persuade because it is against their principles, 2385. The reason why men have lapsed into the falsity that faith alone saves; and in what manner they thereafter confirm themselves, 4730. They who have persuaded themselves that faith alone saves, and yet have lived evilly, infest the upright in the other life by means of the general things of the Word, 7127. Such make works nothing, however much they call them fruits, 7127:2. Where their hells are, 7127:3. Truths of faith are falsified in the first place, when it is declared that faith without charity saves, even at the last hour of death, 7779:2. Not faith, but the life of faith, or the fruits of faith save, 4663:2. There are acts of faith which save: illustrated, 4721:3. The difference between truths and goods of faith with those in the Church who are saved, and with those who are damned: illustrated, 7506:2, 7507. There is no conjunction of the Lord with the truths of faith, with anyone without life according to them, 9380:2.
Correspondences relating to Faith. Concerning the correspondence of the sight of the eye and of light with the truths of faith, 4523-4534. Heat and light in the natural world correspond to love and faith in the spiritual world; a comparison, 7082-7084. See CHARITY. To believe, in the historicals of the Word, is to have faith, in the spiritual sense, 6956, 6970. Faith separated from charity, or faith alone, is described by means of Cain, Ham, Reuben, Simeon, and Levi, the Egyptians, Philistines, Tyre, and Sidon, 8093:2. They who have professed faith alone, and have lived a life of evil, in the other life accept falsities, and infest the upright, and these are especially meant by Pharaoh; where Pharaoh r. those who infest by means of falsities, 7317, 7502:2, 7545. Hebrew servants d. those who are of the external Church, because they are only in the truths of doctrine, and freemen d. those who are of the internal Church, because they are in the affection of charity, 8974:2. They who do good from the obedience of faith, and not from the affection of charity, are servants respectively, 8987, 8988, 8991. See OBEDIENCE. Washings formerly, and baptism s. regeneration by means of the truths of faith, because waters are truths of faith, 9088:2.
Various Particulars respecting Faith. Faith is, by means of love, from the Lord, and faith is the lesser luminary, 30-37. The celestial angels do not even wish to mention faith, but say a thing is so, or it is not so, 202; the spiritual angels speak of faith, for the confirmation of goods and truths, 203. They are not opened towards the interiors who are not in faith, that they might acknowledge and believe, 301-303. Concerning the vastation of faith, see VASTATION. Faith is compared tonight, 709. The odours of faith and charity are pleasing; concerning which, 1519. The heavenly kingdom is for those who have faith in the Lord; also what faith is,-it is faith which is of charity, 1608. They who are in the good of charity receive the truths of faith in the other life. See NATIONS. A man ought to do good and think truth from himself, that he may receive the heavenly proprium and heavenly freedom, 2882, 2883, 2891. See PROPRIUM and FREEDOM. The conjunction of the truth of faith with good, in the rational, is effected by means of affection, 3024. The spiritual separate the Divine from the rational, even so much as to wish that those things which belong to faith should be simply believed without any rational insight; on which matter, 3394. Truth cannot be fully received when there is incredulity, and incredulity ruling limits and confines it, 3399. Concerning those who depend on the faith of others, 4047. The evil can receive truths which belong to faith: illustrated, 4180:2. The truths of faith cannot be accepted, that is, conjoined to good, except with those who are in the good of charity and love: illustrated 4368:5. Concerning some who perceived the truths of faiths, but live evilly; in the other life they abuse the truths of faith for the purpose of dominating; the quality of such is described, 4802:2. The truths of faith appear as if procured by man, when yet faith flows in, 5664a; but it is one thing to know, another to believe them beforehand; the worst can also do it, 5664a:3. Unless the truth of faith becomes the good of truth by means of willing and doing it, it conduces to nothing; it is dissipated in the other life, 5820. Scientifics and truths which are not believed, are rejected to the ultimates, so that they are the lowest, 5886. In spiritual things a beginning is to be derived from the truths of faith, not from scientifics; if they are derived from these, the man is led into falsities and denials, 6047:2. A commencement is to be from the doctrinals of the Church, then the Word is to be scrutinised from the affection of knowing truth, otherwise every truth would only be from the soil and its native place; and afterwards it is allowed them to corroborate them by means of scientifics, 6047:2. They are in no faith who are in evil, 7778:2. There is no faith with those who are in evil, but only a knowledge of such things as belong to faith, 7766, 7778:2 They who are in evil and in faith by means of science, within are still in falsities of their evil, 7790. No one can be in the truth of faith who is in the evil of life: illustrated, 7950:2. To live according to the precepts of faith, and according to the precepts of charity; what the difference is, 8013. The things that belong to faith ought not to be extinguished unless after a full inspection, 9039. Many of the learned who are in truths of faith, and others, are in hell, while others who are not in truths, but in falsities, are in heaven; the reason is that the first are not in good: shown, 9192:2. The fruits which are called fruits of faith are principal, and first and last, because they are the end: shown, 9337. Truths of faith from love are alive; concerning which, 9841:4. Why the Lord so often asked about faith when He healed the sick; the reason is that the first of all things is the acknowledgment of the Lord, and that power is His: shown, 10083e.
Fall, To (cadere). To fall d. to be conquered, 1689; to pervert, 9086; to be closed up, 10492. To fall upon the faces was the rite of adoring in the Most Ancient Church: shown, 1999. To fall backwards d. to recede, namely, from truth, 6401.
Fallacies (fallaciae). [See also APPEARANCE.] Fallacies and falsities are from a general idea, and with the spiritual man; whence, 865. There are spirits who love fallacies, nor do they believe that there is any appearance, 1376. Situation and place in the other life are appearances, and they are fallacies, 1376; that they are appearances, 1377-1379; that they are fallacies, 1380. Illusions of the senses in natural and in spiritual things; what they are and of what quality; from examples, 5084, 5094:3; in like manner, 6400:2. They who are in truth, and not yet in good, are in fallacies, 6400. There are fallacies in spiritual and in natural things; from examples, 6948:2. When the evil cause evil to themselves it appears as if from the Divine, but it is a fallacy, like other fallacies; concerning which, 8282.
Falsity (falsum, falsity). See also FALLACIES, BEGINNING, and SCIENCE. Varieties of Falsity. Falsities are of a twofold origin, 1212. Falsities are of a threefold origin, 1188. There are three origins of falsity,-from the doctrine of the Church, from the illusions of the senses, and from the life of lusts; and this last falsity is the worst: illustrated, 4729. There are innumerable hinds of falsity, 4822. Falsities and evils are of several genera and species, 7574. There is a twofold kind of falsity-it is produced from evil, and it produces evil, 2243. The kinds of falsity are those which are from evils, and those which produce evils, 1679:2. Falsity of ignorance and falsity of lusts, 1295. Falsity from evil and falsity not from evil: references, 9304. Concerning the falsity which is from evil, and the falsity which is not from evil, 10302. There are falsities which agree with the good of the Church, and falsities which do not agree; concerning which, 9258. Concerning falsities and truths from evil, and falsities and truths from good; their qualities; also references, 10109.
The Connections of Falsity. Every falsity is from evil, 8311:2. Those who are in evils cannot do otherwise than think falsities: illustrated 7437:2. Evil of life has falsity in itself, which falsity manifests itself when truths and salvation are thought about; then truth itself is falsified, 8094. Truths with those who are in evil are falsified, because they are led to evil; but falsities with those who are in good are rectified, because they are led to good, 8149. What and of what quality the evil of falsity is. 2408. What the evil of falsity is; from examples, 7272. They are in falsity who are in evils of life, whether they know it or do not know it: illustrated, 7577:2. It is not allowed for evil spirits to speak what is false, except from evil, which is their life, 1695. With man falsities form a connection, and make the life; and they ought to be eradicated, and truths implanted by the Lord in their place, and these will form a connection so that a man may be regenerated, 9256:3. Falsities with those who are in good do not conjoin, but apply, and afterwards are separated, 2863. Falsities and truths cannot apply and conjoin themselves, except by means of intermediates, which are fallacies and appearances such as are in the sense of the letter of the Word, 7344. Falsity is not appropriated to those who are in good (but to those who are in evil), because they apply it so that it agrees with good, 8051, 8149e. Truth is not truth except from good; and falsity, when from good, is received as truth, 4736. Falsities are not false with those who are in good, but with those who are in evil, 8311. Truths from good are not commingled with falsities from evil: illustrated, 9298:2.
The Operation of Falsity. From a false principle flow falsities in a continual series, 4717, 4721:2. Falsity of religion produces evil, but only with those who are in evil, 8318e. How harmful the persuasion of falsity is, 794, 806. They who are in the persuasion of falsity are bound interiorly, 5096. The sphere of persuasions, and of principles of falsity excite confirming falsities, 1510, 1511. Falsities may be confirmed so as to appear altogether as if true, 5033. That which is falsified is truth applied to confirm evil; falsity is that which is against truth and good, 8062. Examples of the falsification of truth; what is therefrom, and how, 7318. Falsified truth stinks grievously, 7319. Reasons why it is permitted the evil in the other life to falsify truth, 7332. Falsities do not condemn as evils do; it is otherwise with those who confirm themselves in falsities, 845. Evil spirits cannot excite anything of falsity with infants and the simple in heart, 1667:2. Truths exterminate falsities, and conversely falsities exterminate truths, 5207; and falsities and truths cannot be together, 5217. Truth prevails immensely over falsity: illustrated, 6784.
The Removal of Falsity. So far as evils and falsities of evil are removed, truths from good succeed, 10675. Evils and falsities remain with man, although he be regenerated, 865:2, 868, 887, 894. Man when he is regenerated has many falsities mixed with truths, which are arranged in order when he has been regenerated and acts from good, so that then truths are in the midst, and falsities are rejected to the lowest circumferences; conversely with the evil, 4551, 4552:2. The falsities with those who are of the Church are more grievous than with others, 7688.
Various Particulars respecting Falsity. Falsity from evil appears in the other life as something hard, but truth from good as something soft, 6359. Falsities from evil appear like mists, clouds, and waters about the hells; concerning which, 8137:2, 8138, 8146:2. Why it is permitted infernals to reason from sheer falsities, but not from falsified truths, 7351. What it is to reason from sheer falsities; examples; it is when truths are altogether denied, 7352. It is undelightful to the infernals to reason from sheer falsities; but delightful to reason from truths falsified by means of fallacies and appearances, 7392:2, 7699. They who are in hell cannot do otherwise than speak falsities, 7357. From the Nephilim there was a direful false persuasive with those who infested before the Lord’s advent, 7686. Evil is as it were heavy, and sinks down to hell, and falsity is not heavy of itself, but from evil, 8298. Falsifications of truth which are sd. by whoredoms, come to pass in three ways; concerning which; and evil falsifies them, 10648:2.
Family (familia). In the most ancient time there was a distinction between houses, families, and nations, 470, 1246. The reason why they dwelt so distinguished, 471, 483:2. What families s., 1159, 1215, 1216, 1254, 1261. Families d. the goods and truths of good, 3709. The families of Israel d. goods of truth, 7916. They rd. the heavenly societies, 7836:2, 7996, 7997. Thus they rd. consociations in heaven, 471 483:2. See HOUSE and TRIBE.
Famine (fames). Famine d. scarcity of cognitions, 1460; defect of cognitions, and of truth, 3364, 5277, 5279, 5281, 5300; defect of cognitions, and desolation of truth: illustrated, 5360, 5376; desolation as to those things which belong to the Church, 5415; desolation from the lack of spiritual things, 5576, 6110; defect of good, 5893; vastation of good: shown, 7102:2. Famine shall consume the lands d. despair from the defect of truth, 5279. Famine prevailing d. despair, 6144. In the spiritual world, as in the natural, when food ceases to be in use, they come into famine, 5579. To hunger d. to desire good from affection, 4958. See THIRST, FOOD, BREAD.
Fashion (figmentum). The fashion of the thought of the hearts s. that there was no perception of good and truth, 586.
Fat (adeps). See FATNESS.
Fate (fatum). See PREDESTINATION.
Father (pater). See also MOTHER, Son, and DAUGHTER. With respect to the Lord. The Lord is acknowledged in heaven as the Father, because they are one and the same, 15, 1729. The Lord, in the Word, is called the Father, 2005. When the Lord was in the world, He made His Human Divine Truth, then He called the Divine Good the Father, 7499. The Lord’s Internal was the same as Jehovah His Father, to which the Human was united, 2004, 2005. The angels acknowledge no other Divine than the Divine Human of the Lord, because they can think about it, and love it; not so about the Divine which is the Father: shown, 10267. What the Father and Son in the Lord are: shown, 2803. The Father is the Divine Good, and the Son the Divine Truth, 2803. The Divine Good of the Lord is called the Father, in the Word, and the Divine Truth is the Son: shown, 3704. The Lord is the Father, when a man exercises his judgment, and the natural father no longer as before, 6492.
With respect to Man. Man receives an internal from the father, and an external from the mother, 1815. The external is said to be the father of the internal, as Jacob is of Joseph, because the progress of instruction takes place from exteriors to interiors, 5906.
Signification of Father. Father d. good, 5902. Fathers d. goods, and those who were of the Ancient Church, 6050; in the good sense, those who were of the Ancient and Most Ancient Church: shown, 6075; the ancients who were in good and truth, 8055. Father is also spoken of the external of the Church in which is an internal, 4700; the Ancient Church: illustrated, 6846. Father d. good: shown, 3703:3; and mother d. truth: shown, 3703:2; and in the opposite sense, evil and falsity, 3703:20. Father d. the Church as to good; and mother, the Church as to truth, 5581. Father d. the Lord as to Divine Good and the Good therefrom; and mother d. the Lord as to Divine Truth, and the Truth therefrom, 8897. What is general is the father in the beginning, but not afterwards: illustrated, 6089. Fathers and fathers of fathers d. from ancient time, 7649. By father, mother, brother, children, and by several other names of relationship are sd. good and truth, or evils and falsities, 10490. To return to the Father, where it is spoken of the Lord, is to be united to the Divine, 3736. Father in the heavens d. good from the Divine in the heavens: shown, 8328. Jehovah the God of Abraham thy father d. the Lord, that good is from Him, 3703. The God of the father d. the Lord, because He was the God of the Ancient Church, 6846e. The God of the fathers d. the Divine of the Ancient Church, and that is the Lord, 6876, 6884. The house of the fathers d. a particular good: illustrated, 7833, 7834. What to come to the fathers in peace is, 1853. What to be gathered to the fathers, or to the peoples, s., 3255. See SOCIETY. How the case is, in the internal sense of the precepts of the Decalogue, respecting honouring parents, 3690:5.
Father-in-Law (socer). Father-in-law d. good from which good conjoined to truth exists, 6827:2, 8644.
[Fatherless. See ORPHAN.]
Fatness (pinguedo). By fatness is sd. the celestial, 353. Fatness d. the good of love: shown, 5943. Fat (pingue) d. delightful, 6409.
Fat (adeps) d. good: shown, 10033.
[Favour. See GRACE.]
Fear (timor). They who are in evil and falsity are in fear, 390, 391. Concerning those who are vastated by means of fears, 4942. The evil have respect for the Divine from fear, 7788. Divine Truth terrifies, not Divine Good: illustrated, 4180. They who are in the hells are in terror before truths from the Divine: illustrated and shown, 9327:3. In all worship there is holy fear; concerning which, 2826:13. Holy fear is in love, and without that fear love is as it were insipid, and has variety; and fear is with those who are neither in celestial nor spiritual love, 3718. Holy fear is also veneration and reverence. 3719. The fear of God with those who are in external worship without internal, is fear; with those who are in spiritual worship it is love with holy fear; and with those who are in celestial worship it is love with holy reverence, 5459. Fear is a common bond, and holds the upright and the evil in bonds; but there is a great difference in the fear: with the upright it is holy fear, and with the evil it is fear of punishments, 7280. The quality of holy fear; and that it is according to love, 8925.
Fear s. various things, because it arises from various causes; here drawing back, 5647. Fear also s. to disbelieve, or not to have faith and love, 2826:14. Fear d. a holy alteration, 3718. Fear of God s. worship, and indeed worship either from fear, or from the good of faith, or from the good of love: shown, 2826. To fear d. what is holy, 5534; when used concerning temptations, fright, 8162; and desperation, 8171. To fear God d. to keep truths from the Divine, 6678. The dread of Isaac d. the Divine Human of the Lord; whence, 4180. The terror of God d. protection; and evil spirits cannot approach to heavenly societies, for the reason that they are in awe of God, 4555. To tremble, when it is said concerning the earth and people, d. holy fear at the presence of the Divine with those who are about to receive truth and good, and terror with those who do not receive, 8816. Consternation d. commotion, 5881.
Feast (convivium). See also SUPPER [and FESTIVAL.] Feasts, suppers, and repasts were with the ancients for the sake of consociation by means of love, and for instruction; but the purposes of feasts to-day are turned into the contrary, 3596:2, 7996. Feast d. dwelling together: shown, 2341. Feasts and eatings together amongst the ancients sd. appropriation and conjunction by means of love and charity, 3596:2. See also To EAT and BREAD. Feast d. the initiation for conjunction, and this was sd. by feasts amongst the ancients, 3832, 5161. The paschal supper represented consociations in heaven, 7996, 7997.
[Feed, To. See SHEPHERD.]
Feel, To (palpare). To feel d. the inmost and all of perception, 3528, 3559, 3562. What to feel the thick darkness s., 7712. See THICK DARKNESS.
Female (femina). See WOMAN.
[Ferment. See LEAVEN.]
Festival (festum). There were three festivals instituted on account of deliverance from Egypt, also on account of the deliverance of spiritual things from damnation by the Lord, 7093. See SABBATH. The three festivals were the festival of the unleavened, the festival of weeks, and the festival of tabernacles, 9294:4. These three festivals signified deliverance from damnation, thus also regeneration by the Lord, in its order, 9286, 9294:4. The festival of the unleavened, or paschal cake, was on account of deliverance from falsities, 9286, 9292e. Concerning the festival of weeks, or harvest: it was on account of the implantation of truth in good: shown, 9294:2, 9495. The festival of tabernacles, or gathering the fruits of the earth, was on account of the implantation of good: shown, 9296. To hold a festival d. worship from a glad mind: shown, 7093. Festival d. worship of the Lord and thanksgiving, 9286, 9287.
Fever (febris). Fever burns from unclean heats collected together; an experience, 5715. A cold fever is from unclean colds, 5716.
Fibre (fibra). [See also BRAIN.] Ends are represented by the beginnings of fibres; thoughts therefrom, by fibres; and acts, by nerves, 5189e. See NERVE. How it is with truth and good at the same time, or faith and charity: illustrated by the fibre in which is spirit, and the vessel in which is blood; also how good derives its own form, thus its quality, from truths, 9154:2. See FAITH.
Field (ager). Field s. doctrine and what belongs to doctrine, 368. Field d. the Church as to good, 2971; the Church, 3766, 7502; the good ground, 3500; what is religious, 4440, 4443. Fields d. the exteriors, when they are also mentioned with courts and houses, 7407. A field is the Church as to good, or the good of the Church; and a vineyard is the truth of the Church, 9139. Field d. the whole human race as to the reception of truth in good, so also the Church and the man of the Church, and the good with him: shown, 9295:3. To meditate in the field d. to think in good, 3196. A man of the field d. the good of life from doctrinals, 3310. What is sd. by the seed in the four kinds of earth, in the parable, 3310:2. To come into the field d. the study of the good of life, 3317. To go into the field to hunt d. the endeavour of the affection of good to procure truth, 3508. The seed of the field d. nurture of the mind, 6158. Herbs of the field d. the truth of the Church: shown, 7571. In the field of another d. good not of the same family, 9141. When a house is celestial good, then a field is spiritual good; and when a house is spiritual good, then a field is spiritual truth, 4982.
Fifteen (quindecim). Fifteen d. few, 798, 813; as much as is sufficient, 9760.
Fifteenth (decimum quintum). Fifteenth d. what is new, or the beginning of a following period, 8400.
[Fifth, To Take a (quintare). To take a fifth d. to make remains, 5291.]
Fifty (quinquaginta). Fifty d. what is full, 2252, 9623, 9624. Chiefs of fifties d. intermediate primary truths, 8714.
Fig-Tree (ficus). The fig-tree d. natural good, 217, 4231, 5113.
Fill, To (implere). To fill the hand, 10076:8, 10493. See HAND. To fill after Jehovah d. to do according to the Divine Truth: shown, 10076e.
[Fill the Hand, To. See under To ANOINT and To FILL.
Filth See DIRT.]
Fine, To Fine (mulcta, mulctare). To fine d. amendment, 9045. To repay d. amendment, 9087, 9097; and restitution, 9097; the corresponding penalty, 9102.
[Fine Linen. See LINEN.]
Finger (digitus). Finger d. power: shown, 7430. The fingers s. the same as the hand: shown, 10062:5.
Finished (absolvit). Finished d. that which is successive, 3093, 3102.
Fire (ignis). See FLAME, HEAT, [and under ANGEL and ANGER.] There are two origins of heat, or fire, it is from the sun of the world, and from the sun of heaven; and the latter fire is meant in the Word, and is love in both senses, 5215:2. Love is spiritual fire, and life is actually from the heat therefrom: illustrated, 4906. The fiery vital principle with man is from love, 5071:2. Vital heat is love, and is meant by sacred fire, in the Word; and infernal loves are meant by the fire of hell, 6314. The sacred fire of heaven, and the fire of hell, are fires of life, which are of loves, 7324e. See HEAT. The Lord appeared to the people of Israel on Mount Sinai according to their quality, thus in smoke, cloud, and thick darkness: illustrated, 6832, 8814, 8819, 10551. See LOVE. The Lord appears to each one according to his love: as a creating and renewing fire to the good, and as a consuming fire to the evil, 9434:3, It is said ‘a consuming fire,’ because so heavenly love appears to the wicked, 934e. Concerning the fire and smoke which appeared to the people on Mount Sinai, 1861:10. How great is the Divine Ardour of the Lord is evident from the fire of the sun there; and if that fire, or love, should fall into anyone, even into an angel of the inmost heaven, he would perish, 6834, 6849. The angels are, therefore, veiled with a thin suitable cloud, 6849. Concerning heat in hell, see COLD. What the fire of hell is, 1861:6. Eternal fire is the fire of concupiscences, and torment therefrom: illustrated, 5071; it is not torment of conscience, nor elemental fire, 5071. Infernal fire is the love of self and the world, and every concupiscence therefrom, 10747. Evils appear sometimes as a coal fire, 1527, 1528; it is turned into cold, 1528. How the will communicates its fire to the understanding: illustrated, 9144:2. The inhabitants of Mars know how to make liquid fires, from which they have light in the times of evening and night, 7486. There is cold and heat with one about to be regenerated, as summer and winter with one who is regenerated, 933, 935, 936.
Fire s. love and charity, 934; lusts and hatreds, 1861:2; temptation, 7861; anger: shown, 9143, 9144:2; evil, but then smoke d. falsity, 2446:3; Divine Love; and flame d. Divine Love also, likewise Divine Truth proceeding from the Divine Good of the Lord: shown, 6832:3. Fire and flame, in the opposite sense, d. filthy loves: shown, 6832:8. Fire d. the evil of lusts, hail d. falsity; fire is mentioned where hail is: shown, 7575. What a column of fire by night s., 8106. See COLUMN. Fire of sulphur d. falsity from the evil of the love of self, 2446. Burning of fire d. evil from the love of self, 1297. Burning d. hurting the good of love, 9055. The remainder of the paschal lamb left till the morning to be burned by fire d. a state mediate to the end by means of temptations, 7861. To burn upon the altar d. the uniting of the Divine Human of the Lord with the Divine Good, 10053. Roasted by fire d. good from love: shown, 7852. Fire-offering to Jehovah d. from the Divine Love, 10055. To kindle d. to consume truths and goods by means of lusts: shown, 9141:2. To be parched by the east wind d. to be full of lust, 5215:2. See also HEAT and FLAME.
[Fire-Pans See VESSEL.]
Firm, To Make (obfirmare). See To HARDEN.
First (primum). First d. the beginning, 7887, 7891, 7900. Last and first d. what is perpetual; in the highest sense, what is eternal, 4901. First and last s. all things and each thing, thus the whole: shown and illustrated, 10044:5, 10329e, 10335.
[First-Born. See under PRIMOGENITURE.]
First-Fruits (primitiae). What first-fruits were given from, 9223. First-fruits sd. that all truths and goods must be ascribed to the Lord: illustrated and shown, 9223.
Fish (piscis). Fishes s. scientifics: shown, 40, 991; scientifics, which belong to the natural man, 40, 991.
[Fist. See under HAND.]
Five (quinque). Five s. a few, 649; also disunion, 1686; some, or some part, 4638:3; or few and something, also remains, like ten; and what they are, from its relation to numbers from which it is shown, 5291:2; much, like ten, 5708, 5956, 9102; remains, 5894, 6156; all things of one part, 9604; as much as is sufficient, 9689. Five, when it relates to what is long and broad, d. the same as equally, 9716. To the fifth year, when it refers to age, d. a state of ignorance and ignorance most external, 10225.
Five Hundred (quingenti). See NUMBER.
Flag (alga). Flag d. the false scientific: shown, 6726.
Flame (flamma). See FIRE and HEAT. By the flame of a sword turning itself is sd. self-love, 309. The love of good is rd. by flame, and truths by lights, 3222. Fire d. the Divine Love of the Lord; and likewise flame; and flame d. Divine Truth proceeding from the Divine Good of the Lord: shown, 6832. Flame, in the opposite sense, d. filthy loves: shown, 6832:8. A flaming object of various colours was seen, by which was sd. celestial love, 7620-7622. See MARS. Light in the inmost heaven is flame-coloured, because in good; but in the middle heaven it is of a dazzling white colour, because in truth, 9570:2.
Flank (armus). Flank d. inmost good; whence: shown, 10075.
Flattery (assentatio). See also SIMULATION. The sphere of flatterers induces a listlessness with respect to serious and good things, 1509. Flatterers are the cause of injury; they constitute the sphincter of the bladder, or the urethra, and correspond to the stench of urine, 5388.
Flavour (sapor). See TASTE and TONGUE.
Flax and Linen (linum et lintea). Flax and linen, with which the angels are clothed, and Aaron when he ministered in the holy place, d. truth of the exterior natural: shown, 7601. Flax d. external truth, 9959.
Flee, To (lugere). To flee d. to be separated: shown, 4113, 4114, 4120; horror, 6950. To be a wanderer and fugitive d. not to know what is true and good, 382.
Flesh (caro). See also BODY, BREAD, and SUPPER. The most ancient people did not eat flesh, 1002.
Flesh s. the vivified proprium, 148, 149:2, 780; in the supreme sense, the Proprium of the Lord’s Divine Human, or Divine Good; in the relative sense, man’s voluntary proprium vivified from the Proprium of the Lord’s Divine Human, or the celestial proprium; and, in the opposite sense, man’s voluntary proprium, which in itself is evil, 3813; the voluntary of man, therefore concupiscence, 999 man’s proprium; thence evil, the will, and concupiscence: shown, 8409; when predicated of man, d. man’s proprium: shown, 10283; when predicated of the Lord, d. the Divine Good of the Divine Love: shown, 10283:14; the Divine Good of the Divine Love, which is from the Lord’s Divine Human, and man’s reciprocal, 7850; the Divine Good, and blood d. the Divine Truth, in the Holy Supper, because they are from the Lord: shown, 9127:2; also the good of truth, 6968; every man in general, the corporeal man in particular, 574, 1050:3; every man, 1050:3. All flesh d. every man: references to the Word, 10283e. The flesh of the sacrifice d. the evil of love: illustrated, 10035; still it rd. what is holy in externals, when it was eaten: illustrated, 10040; rd., in particular, spiritual good, the meat-offering, which was bread and cakes, rd. celestial good, 10079e. My bone and my flesh d. that they are conjoined as to truths and as to goods, 3812. Flesh of a quail d. good of the external or natural man, or delight, 8431. Spirit d. life from the Lord, and flesh d. life from man: illustrated, 10283:13.
Flocks, Flock (greges, grex). See also OX. Flock d. domestic natural good, 3518; also s. not good, 1565; interior doctrinals, 3783. Flocks and herds d. goods; from representatives and correspondences, 6048; flock and herd d. good interiorly and exteriorly: illustrated and shown, 10609. Flocks d. internal good; herd d. external goods, 8937; flock d. rational good, and herd d. natural good, 2566; flocks d. good interiorly natural, herd d. good exteriorly natural, 5913. A shepherd is one who teaches and leads to the good of charity; the flock is one who learns and is led to the good of charity, 343. What is sd. by folds cattle, of flock, 415. Droves of flock d. of the Church and doctrinals, 3767, 3768. To water the flock d. to instruct in doctrine from the Word, thus doctrine, 3772. Cattle d. truths and goods before regeneration; flock d. goods and truths after regeneration, 9135. Cattle d. goods of truth, 6016; truths from which is good, 6016, 6045. From an ox even to an ass d. all exterior goods and truths; even unto cattle d. all exterior goods and truths, likewise interior truths and goods, 9135.
Flood (diluvium). Concerning the antediluvians who perished; their qualities from hereditary condition, 310, 805. The qualities of the antediluvians who perished, who were evil, 560, 562, 563, 570, 581, 586, 6072, 660, 805, 808, 1034, 16732. These antediluvians dwell under a misty mountain, where their hell is, 311, 581. At length the antediluvians had no interior respiration, so they suffocated, 1120. Concerning the same antediluvians; from experience, 1265-1272. Concerning the antediluvians less evil, 1124, 1265. The hell of the antediluvians under a misty rock is described, 1266. How cruel they are there, 1267. I was conducted thither, and spoke with them about the Lord; and they persuaded themselves that they were gods, 1268. Some were sent into the world of spirits; what their influx was, and how direful their persuasions, 1270, 1271. They were thrust down again by an infant, 1271. How their women were clothed, and their children went before them, 1272. They who are vastated by the Church are separated from heaven by means of a cloudy mist, which is an inundation from falsities, 4423:2.
What a flood s., 660, 662. What an inundation, or flood is; from experience, 5725. A flood and inundation of waters s. temptations and desolations, 705, 739, 790.
[Floodgates. See CATARACTS.]
Flour (farina). What is sd. by fine flour, flour, and cake in the sacrifices, 2177. Fine flour and flour d. truth from good: shown, 9995. See MEAT-OFFERING, BREAD, WHEAT, BARLEY, CAKE, and SACRIFICES.
Flour, Fine (simil ago). What is sd. by flour, fine flour, and cake in the sacrifices, 2177. Fine flour and flour d. truth from good: shown, 9995. See FLOUR.
[Flow In. To. See INFLUX.]
Flower (flos). The flowers of a tree r. the state near regeneration, 5116. Flowers d. scientifics of truth: illustrated and shown, 9553.
Fluctuation (fiuduatio). Temptation being over there is a fluctuation between truth and falsity, 848, 857.
Fly (musca). See INSECT.
[Flying Thing. See BIRD and INSECT.
Foal. See Ass.]
Fodder (pabulum). Fodder d. the good of scientific truths, 5670. Straw d. scientific truths of the natural man, fodder d. their goods, 3114. To give fodder to the asses d. to reflect upon scientifics, 5495; and to instruct concerning good, 5670.
Foe (inimicus). See ENEMY.
Food (cibus). There is celestial, spiritual, and natural food; what each is, 56-58. How foods succeed each other in order from the celestial, 1480. How ends ascend was shown by the nutrition of the body, or corporeal, spiritual, and celestial food, and their correspondence: demonstrated, 4459:6; moreover what it is to be in externals and internals, 4459:6. Food, in the other life, is everything which comes forth from the mouth of the Lord, 681. Spirits have not taste, but in its place the appetite of knowing, which is their food, 1973, 1974. The spiritual food of man is to know, 3114. See also BREAD, To EAT, FEAST. Spiritual food is science, intelligence, and wisdom, 4792. Spiritual foods are cognitions: shown, 9003. Spiritual food is that which nourishes the mind, and as things pertaining to intelligence and wisdom: illustrated from experience, 5576. As food and drink nourish the natural life, so good and truth nourish the spiritual, 8562. In the spiritual world, as in the natural, when foods have performed their use, hunger ensues, 5579. The inhabitants of Jupiter prepare food, not for the taste, but for the use; and they who prepare it only for the taste, are in luxuries, pleasures, and obtuseness of mind, 8378.
What food s., 1695. By food is sd. celestial and spiritual food, 680. Food d. celestial and spiritual good: illustrated and shown, 5147; those things which nourish the internal man, or soul, thus goods and truths; in general all things that are of use: shown, 5293; truth adjoined to good, 5340, 5342; the good of truth, 5410, 5426, 5487, 5582, 5588, 5655. Sustenance by means of food and drink d. the influx of good and truth through heaven from the Lord: illustrated and shown, 5915.
Foot (pes). To wash the feet was customary with travellers and sojourners, 3148. Concerning the correspondence of the feet, the soles, and the heels with the Grand Man, 4938-4952. They who are natural, thus natural things, correspond to the feet, soles, and heels; from experience, 4938; they dwell under the feet and soles, 4940-4951. The things which are under the feet of God are the ultimates of the Word, and are called the place of His feet, and the stool of His feet: shown, 9406.
Feet s. natural things: shown, 2162:2; the natural, 3761, 3986, 4382. What washing the feet, and what the stool of the feet, s., 2162:10. To wash the feet d. to purify those things which belong to the natural man, 3147; was also an act of charity, and of humiliation, 3147:8. To wash the hands and feet d. to purify externals and internals, 10239-10241. He lifted up the feet d. elevation, when predicated of the natural, 3761. To lift up the hand d. power in the spiritual, and to lift up the foot d. power in the natural, 5327, 5328. What ‘to the foot of the work’ and ‘to the foot of the children’ s., 4382, 4383. What the great toe of the foot s., see THUMB, [10063].
Footstool (scabellum pedum). What footstool s., 2162:8. Footstool d. the truth of the Church, as in the literal sense of the Word, 9166:5.
Forces (vires). See STRENGTH.
[Forces, Intrinsic and Extrinsic. See ATMOSPHERE.]
Forehead (frons). Forehead d. celestial love: shown, 9936; and also frontlets; in the opposite sense, infernal love: shown, 9936:4.
[Foreign Resident. See LODGER.
Foreigner. See STRANGERS.]
Foresight (praevidentia). See PROVIDENCE.
Foreskin (praeputium). See CIRCUMCISION. The foreskin corresponds to the obscuration of good in the Most Ancient Church, and the defilement of good in the Ancient; circumcision was therefrom, 4462.
Forest (sylva). When the angels hold discourse on those things which pertain to intelligence and wisdom, paradises, vineyards, forests, and meadows are represented, 3220. Forest d. a religious system, also the Church from science: shown a little, 9011:4.
Forget, To (oblivisci). To forget d. habit from delay, 3615; removal, 5170; illustrated, 5278, 5352.
[Forgive, To. See To REMIT.]
Form (forma). See DEGREE. Concerning heavenly forms, 4040-4045, 9877. See HEAVEN. Scientifics are arranged in a heavenly form when a man is in heavenly love, 6690. Goods and truths with a man who is regenerated, are arranged in a heavenly form, 6690, 9877, 10303. Good reduces truths into the heavenly form, 3316, 3470:2, 4302:3, 5704:2, 5709, 6028. Good forms man into the image of heaven; evil, into the image of hell, 3513:2, 3584. See GOOD, HEAVEN, HELL. Love arranges scientifics in a form agreeable to itself, 6690. Truths are the forms of good: illustrated by honesty and decorum, 4574:2. A discourse with a philosopher on forms; that in man one form is from another, 6326; and that operations of the mind are variations of form under changes of state: illustrated, 6326. One thing is formed from another successively, and they are not continuously purer; thence interior and exterior things are distinct among themselves, and succeed in order; and interior things are in exterior, 6465:2. He who does not conceive of formation, cannot comprehend the internal and external of man otherwise than that when one dies the other dies too, 6465:2. Inferior thought circulates according to the form of the cineritious substance of the brain; and the superior forms which are in heaven are incomprehensible, 6607. The form of the habitation seen on Mount Sinai was representative of heaven, where the Lord is, 9481.
Beautiful in form d. as to essence, and beautiful in look d. the beauty therefrom, 3821. Form d. essence; and look, existence therefrom; thus beautiful form is the good of life, and beautiful look, the truth of faith, 4985.
[Form, To. See To CREATE.
Fornication. See under ADULTERY.]
Fortune (fortuna). See also To PROSPER. Fortune is from the spiritual world; various things concerning which. 6493; from experience therefrom, 6494. The all of fortune is from the Divine Providence of the Lord in the ultimates of order: briefly, 5049e. Fortune is Providence in the ultimate of order, 6493, 6494. The ancients expressed chance by saying that God made it come to hand; and why, 9010. There are spiritual spheres around man: illustrated from those things which are ascribed to fortune, 5179:2.
Forty (quadraginta). Forty s. the duration of temptation of every kind, from the fact that the Lord suffered Himself to be tempted, 730, 862. Forty d. temptations, 2272, 2273e; what is plenary: shown, 9437. Wilderness, when forty, whether years, or months, or days, are added to it, d. a state of undergoing temptations: shown, 8098. Forty-five d. some conjunction, 2269:2. Four hundred d. the same as forty, 1847.
Foundation (fundamentum). [See also under ALTAR.] Foundation d. the truth of faith from good: shown, 9643:2. The foundation of the altar d. the sensual, 10028.
[Founder (conflator). What a founder s., 9852:2, 10406:4.]
Fountain (fons). Fountain d. the Word, doctrine from the Word, and truth as also ‘well’ does: shown, 2702; pure truth; and a well d. truth less pure, 3096. The Word is called a fountain and a well of living waters, 3424. See WELL. The door of the fountains d. entrance to truths, thus the literal sense of the Word, which affords entrance, 4861.
Four (quatuor). Four d. union, because it is from pairs, 1686; what is full, 9103; conjunction and marriage, 9601, 9674. What fourth generation s., 1856; fourth there d. the same as four hundred, 1856. The fourth of a hin d. as much as is required for conjunction, 10136, 10137. Third and fourth sons d. the truths in a long series and their conjunction, 8877; falsities and evils therefrom: illustrated, 10624.
Four Hundred (quad ringenti). Four hundred d. the same as forty, 1847, 2966e. By four hundred years is sd. the duration of vastation; and by four hundred shekels, the price of redemption, 2959, 2966. Concerning the four hundred years which the sons of Israel are said to have been in Egypt, when it was only a half of those years, 2959:2. The duration of the sons of Israel in Egypt was not more than two hundred and fifteen years, thus a half of four hundred and thirty: shown, 7985; and from the going down of Abraham into Egypt was four hundred and thirty years, and these years were so designated on account of the internal sense, 7985. Four hundred men d. the state and duration of temptation, and therefrom the conjunction of good with truths, 4341. Four hundred years d. the duration of vastation or infestations, 7984:2. Thirty and four hundred years d. the coming of the Lord, when the spiritual were saved, 7986.
Fourteen (quatuordecim). Fourteen, or two weeks, d. an entire period, 4177. Fourteen days d. a holy state, 7842, 7900.
[Fowl. See BIRD.]
Fracture (fractura). See To BREAK. [Fracture in the feet or hands rd. those who were in perverted external worship, 2162:12.]
Fragrant (ordoratus). See NOSE, BREATHING, SCENT.
Frankincense (thus). Because odour corresponds to perception, therefore frankincense, incense, and odours in ointments were made representative things, 4748:2. See also SPICE and INCENSE. Frankincense d. ultimate truth from celestial good: briefly, 9993:5; the truth of faith: shown, 10177:11; inmost truth, thus spiritual good, 10296.
Fraud (fraus). See DECEIT.
Freedom (libertas). [See also ANGEL.] What freedom is. What freedom is, and what slavery is; freedom consists in being led by the Lord, 892, 905; and servitude consists in being led by hell: shown, 9096:2, 9586, 9589-9591. What heavenly freedom is, and what infernal freedom is, 1947:3, 9589, 9590.
Freedom and Compulsion. To compel oneself to do good is to be free, 1937, 1947. In such compulsion and in every temptation there is freedom, by which means a man is granted by the Lord a heavenly proprium, 1937, 1947. On the compelled state; of whom, 8392. Faith and charity are implanted in freedom, never in compulsion, 8700:3.
Freedom, the Will, and the Proprium. Everything which is from the will appears free, 3158:2. The external man ought to be, without freedom from the proprium, subject to the internal: illustrated, 5786:2.
Freedom and Equilibrium. Man is placed, by means of spirits from hell, and by means of angels from heaven, in equilibrium, thus in freedom, 5982. There is a general sphere of endeavours to do evil from hell, and a sphere of endeavours to do good from heaven, about a man; thence there are equilibrium and man’s freedom, 6477. There is a sphere of endeavours to do evil from the hells, and a sphere of endeavours to do good from the heavens, between which there is equilibrium, so that man may be in freedom, and can be reformed, 8209.
Freedom and Regeneration. All reformation is effected by means of freedom, and no one is compelled by the Lord, 1937:5, 1947. With out freedom there is no conjunction of truth with good, thus no regeneration, 3145, 3146. Truth cannot be conjoined to good, thus a man cannot be regenerated, except in a free state, 3158:2. All reformation and regeneration are by means of freedom, and cannot be by compulsion, 4031:2; and compulsion is harmful, 4031:3. Repentance is effected in a free state, and in a compelled state does not avail, 8392.
Freedom and Worship. All worship must be from freedom; a representation, 1947:4. True worship must be in freedom, 7349. Worship must be from freedom, that anything may be appropriated to it, 10097.
The Action of Freedom. Man is carried in both directions, through the utmost freedom, by means of opposite delights, in conjugial love, 2744. Spirits rule a man with absolute power, and as a slave, but angels gently by means of freedom, 6205. If man were in a state to believe that all good and truth are from the Lord, and all evil and falsity from hell, he would be granted peace, and would be in freedom itself; concerning which, 6325. It is the natural that is left in freedom, not so the rational, 3043:2. The Lord also left the Natural in freedom when He made His Human Divine as to Truth, 3043:3. It is in man’s freedom to desist from evil, because he is kept by the Lord perpetually in that endeavour, 8307. It is given to man to act from freedom according to reason, and so it is left to him to do evil, that good may be provided for him; concerning which matter, 10777.
The Doctrine of Freedom in its Series. Concerning man’s freedom, 2870-2893, 9585-9591. All freedom pertains to some love or affection, 2870. Infernal freedom pertains to the love of self and the world, heavenly freedom to the love of the Lord and love towards the neighbour: thus the love of good and truth, 2870. The infernals do not know any other freedom than that which belongs to the love of self and the world; if they lose that they have no more life than a recently born infant; an experience, 2871. They who enjoy heavenly freedom, or freedom from the Lord, wish to communicate their bliss and happiness; concerning communication, 2872. Infernal freedom is as distinct from heavenly as hell is from heaven, 2873; and freedom is the life of everyone, 2873. The quality and difference of freedoms; further, the distinction, 2874. Man is introduced into heavenly freedom by means of the good of life, in which is implanted the truth of doctrine, 2874, 2875. What is done in freedom is conjoined; what is done in compulsion is not conjoined, 2875. Because no one can be reformed, except by means of freedom, therefore freedom, so far as appears, is never taken away from anyone, 2876, 2881. Unless a man has freedom the affection of good and truth cannot be insinuated into him by the Lord, 2877, 2878; thus no regeneration could be effected, 2877, 2878; and because the root of good and truth is in the inmost of man, 2879. Nothing appears as man’s own but what is from freedom, therefore that man may receive a proprium he is introduced by means of freedom, 2880. All worship is from freedom, none from compulsion, 2880. If men could be saved by compulsion, all would be saved, 2881. A man has stronger freedom in the combats of temptations, than outside them, 2881. No one has, or had, heavenly freedom from himself, but from the Lord, not even a man when in integrity, 2882; that a man may have heavenly freedom he ought to think truth from himself, and to do good from himself; but still he ought to know and acknowledge that they are from the Lord; the angels are in such acknowledgment and perception, 2883, 2891. The freedom pertaining to the love of self and the world is altogether slavery, and yet it is called freedom, 2884. All think and will from others, thus successively, so each and everyone from the First of life, who is the Lord, 2886. Evils and falsities have connection with the hells, truths and goods with the heavens, 2886. Man would have nothing of life if spirits and angels were not with him, 2887. All life flows in from the Lord, comparatively as the light of the sun flows into objects of the earth, 2888. Spirits have no life until the former life, which is of evil lusts and false persuasions, is extinguished, and then they first have life, 2889. Evil spirits consider man as a vile slave; angels, as a brother, and keep him in freedom, 2890. He who lives in good, and believes that truth, good, and life are from the Lord, can be gifted with heavenly freedom and peace; but he who does not so believe is carried into lusts and anxieties, 2892. All evils and falsities are from hell, and goods and truths from the Lord; and this may be known and is known to everyone, but still they do not believe it, 2893. All freedom is of the will and love, and it manifests itself by means of delight, 9585. Servitude consists in being led by hell, and freedom in being led by the Lord, 9586, 9589-9591. The Lord leads man by means of freedom, 9587. What is inseminated in freedom remains, and what in compulsion does not remain, 9588. Concerning heavenly freedom, and infernal freedom, 9589, 9590. Free-will consists in doing from the will, 9591.
Significations. Hebrew servants d. those who act from the obedience of faith, or from truths alone, and not from corresponding good; but lords, or freemen d. those who act from the affection of charity, 8987, 8990:2. See OBEDIENCE.
[Freemen. See under To OBEY.]
Friendship (amicitia). In what mutual love is distinguished from friendship; somewhat, 3575:5. Concerning the societies of friendship in the other life; they take from others all the affection for truth and good; and on their sad lot; concerning which, 4054. Concerning the societies of friendship; they carry away delights from others, 4804. Concerning the society of interior friendship; concerning which from experience, 4805.
Fringes (fimbriae). Fringes d. the extremes where the natural is; and fringes of the cloak d. the extremes of the Spiritual Kingdom: shown, 9917.
Frogs (ranae). Frogs d. reasonings from falsities: shown, 7351, 7352, 7384.
Frontlets (frontalia). See FOREHEAD.
Fruit (fructus). What the fruit of faith is, in the internal sense, 1873. The fruit of faith is the fruit of good, which is that of love and charity, 3146. See FAITH.
Fruit d. the works and goods of charity: shown, 7690; good: shown; and these are the first and the last, because the ends: shown, 9337. Fruits of the ground d. the works of faith without charity; and what the fruits of works without charity are, 348. What fruit of the belly s., 3911. See BOX. Fruit of the tree d. the cognitive of good, 7690. Tree d. the cognitive of truth, 7690. To be fruitful s. goods; and to be multiplied, truths, 43, 55; to be fruitful is predicated of good; to be multiplied, of truth, 2846, 2847. To fructify is predicated of goods; to multiply, of truths, 913. To fructify s. the goods of charity; to multiply s. the truths of faith, 983.
[Fugitive. See To FLEE and WANDERER.]
Full (plenus). What a full state is, 2636, 7839; when used in reference to good, 7839. Fulness of times d. the end of the Church, 2905e. Fulness d. all, and abundance, 6297.
[Full, To the. See To SATISFY.]
Furnace (fornax, furnus). Furnace d. lust: shown, 7519. Cinders of the furnace d. falsities from the evils of lusts, 7519. The furnace (furnus) of smoke d. the densest falsity, 1861. See also OVEN.
Future (futura). To foretell future things belongs to the Lord alone, 3698. Spirits who have been solicitous about future things, appear in the stomach, 5177. These induce anxieties therefrom with man; anxieties therefrom as if from the stomach, 5178, 5179.
Gad (Gad). Gad was named from ‘troop’; what it s., 3931, 3935. See TROOP. Gad d. works from truth, and not yet from good, 6404; they who are in external works, 6405:4.
Gain (lucrum). Gain d. every falsity from evil, which perverts the judgments of the mind: also shown, 8711.
Galbanum (Galbanum). Galbanum d. the affection of truth in the internal man, 10294.
Galeed (Galeed). The heap placed by Jacob and Laban; what it s., 4196, 4197.
Gall (fel). Who they are that c. to the pancreatic, hepatic, and cystic ducts, 5185. Who constitute the gall-bladder, 5186, 5187.
Ganglia (ganglia). Concerning the correspondence of the ganglia in the body. The quality of those who correspond to the isthmus in the brain, and to the ganglia in the body; they speak dissimilarly, but think similarly, 5189.
Garden (hortus). The ancients had holy worship in gardens and groves, according to the kinds of trees there; but when the groves were worshipped, it was prohibited: shown, 2722:2, 4552:3. Waters and rivers are described where gardens and plantations are mentioned: shown, 2702:14. What the garden in Eden from the east s., 99:2. The garden s. wisdom, Eden s. love, 100. What the garden of Jehovah, and the garden of God s., 1588.
Garment (vestis). [See also ANGEL and COAT.] The angels appear clad in garments, 165; according to truths: shown, 5954:2, [9216:2]; whence it is: illustrated and shown, 9814. They are clothed according to truths, in the other life; thus the intellectual is that which invests the voluntary, 9952. Celestial things are not clothed, but spiritual and natural things are, 297. [Rational things and scientifics are like a body, or clothing, to the spiritual things, 2576.] The garments of spirits are without splendour, but the garments of angels are, as it were, from splendour illustrated, 5248. The vestments of the Lord became as light, when He was transfigured, 9214:4; also that Peter would be girded, and not go whither he would when he was old, 9212:8. The punishment of laceration is that they become as a garment, 956. The truths of faith are compared to garments, 1073. All clothes derive their signification from those parts of the body which they cover, 9827.
Garments d. truths: shown, 5954:2; illustrated by representatives, and shown, 9212:3, 9215; from representatives in the other life; concerning which, 10536; references, 10563; truths relatively lower: shown, 2576:8; sensual truth. 9158; the exterior, thus also the sensual, 9212:2; lower scientifics, 6918; lower things, for the reason that they cover higher things; also truths, because they cover good; and this from the representative in the other life, 5248; also a witness and testification, see 5019, 5028. The garment of the Lord being divided, but not the coat, s. truths being dissipated by the Jews explained, 9093:5. Aaron’s garments of holiness were representative of the Lord’s Spiritual Kingdom adjoined to the Celestial Kingdom: illustrated, 9814, 10068. See EPHOD, CLOAK, COAT. Shining white garments as of fine linen d. truths from the Divine; concerning which, 5319. What being stripped of garments s., 1073. What is sd. by those who entered not clad with a wedding garment: deceitful hypocrites, 2132. To rend garments d. mourning over truth destroyed and lost: shown, 4763. To change garments was a representative that holy truths were to be put on; therefrom also there were changes of garments: shown, 4545. Changes of garments d. truths initiated in good, 5954. That they spread their garments (vestimenta) when the Lord entered Jerusalem, is explained, 9212:6; also what not to patch an old garment with a new s., 9212:7. What gold, silver, and garments borrowed from the Egyptians s., 6914-6918. See GOLD. Cover d. the natural, 6377; and a veil d. the intellectual, 6378. To put on d. to induce a state of truth from good, 9952.
Gate (porta). See DOOR. The living decorations of the steps and gates, 1627. There are two gates; the lower where infernals are, the higher where angels are; and they open into the rational mind, 2851:2. The rational mind is compared to a town, which the evil assault; and when they come to the gate, it is immediately closed, 2851:3. ‘They shall inherit the gate of the enemies’ was a betrothal vow; but how it was explained by the wise of the Ancient Church, and how afterwards, 3187:2. The gates of hell, and of enemies are openings from the hells: shown, 10483:2.
Gate d. the ultimate in which order ends, or the natural man, 3721. Gates also d. an entrance into heaven: shown, 10483e. The gate of a town d. the doctrinal which leads to truth, 2943. The seed shall inherit the gate of the enemies d. that charity and faith will succeed in the place where evil and falsity first were: shown, 2851. To go out of the gate of a town d. to recede from doctrine, 4492, 4493.
Gather, To (colligere). To gather, when used concerning good, d. to receive, 8467, 8472.
[Gathered Things. See COLLECTED.]
Gatherings (collectiones). Gatherings d. series, 5339; also bindings together and bundles, see BUNDLE.
Gaza (Assa). What Gaza s., 1210.
Gehenna (Gehenna). Concerning Gehenna; what things are there, 825, 826. See HELL. Concerning a city called ‘The Judgment of Gehenna,’ 942. The home of dragons near Gehenna, 950.
General (commune). Concerning the particular and the general, 2384. There must be a general in order that there may be anything particular and singular, 4325e, 4329:4. Particulars insinuate themselves into general affections, and flow therefrom, 9202. See also UNIVERSAL. Generals are so called from particulars, and particulars are insinuated in order into generals, and singulars into these; and such is the progress from exteriors to interiors: illustrated, 4345:2. Generals are insinuated with those who are being regenerated, in which are particulars and singulars, which go forth successively, 4383. In all things and each thing the general precedes, and particulars are insinuated into it, 5082. Generals may be filled with innumerable things, 7131. When a man is being reformed, generals are first arranged in order, and removed, then particulars, 3057:3 There are series of subordinate things under their generals, according to the angelic societies, with the regenerated, 5339. Generals have their receptacles, in which they are, 5531. All things are referred to a general, in order that they may be kept in form, and generals to more generals, and the most general universal is the Lord: illustrated, 6115. Generals ought to be known, that singulars may be apprehended, 4269. The angels know and perceive only the most general things of truth, 4383e. Not even generals can be known to eternity, 6618. All things ought to be referred to generals, thus to doctrinals, 6146. The general is the father of the internal at the beginning, but not so afterwards: illustrated, 6089. What a man is in general that he is in singulars, 917:2; that he also is in the most singulars, 1040:2, 1316. Higher things are in the ultimate, as in their general, 3739. He who has perception is acquainted with the singulars of particulars, and the particulars of generals; not so he who has conscience, 865. Fallacies are from a general idea, 865e.
Generation (generatio). See BIRTH. Generations pertain to faith, in the internal sense, 613; and to charity, 2020, 2584; to those things which belong to faith and love: references, 10144, [10204.] Truths and goods with man are as generations, and as families, and so forth, 9079. Generation d. those things which belong to faith and charity: shown, 6239. Generations d. those who are of the Church, 10212. Those things which pertain to generation, as conception, gestation in the womb, bringing forth, etc., d. things relating to regeneration, 9042. According to the generations d. according to the order in which a generation is begotten and succeeds; concerning which, 9845. In generations d. in all and everything of this Church, 10282.
What the generations of an age s., 1041. What the fourth generation s., 1856. Generations d. eternity, and are predicated of the spiritual; but eternity, of the celestial: shown, 9789.
Genitals (genitalia). Concerning the correspondence of the loins and the genitals with the Grand Man, 5050-5062. These societies are distinct from others, 5053. What they are it was not granted to know; the reason, 5055. See SEMINAL VESSELS, WOMB, TESTICLES. Concerning the nakedness of the genitals and loins, 9960. See NAKEDNESS. The genitals c. to the marriage of good and truth, 4462:2.
Genius (genius). See also SPIRIT. The worst and most deceitful genii are in an infernal tun; with what subtle deceit they pervert thoughts; and they are not admitted to man, 947. Evil genii or spirits fight against man’s loves, thus against his life, 1820:2. The quality of genii in the other life, and where they are with respect to spirits, 5035. Of what quality spirits are, and of what genii are: illustrated from experience, 5977. Of what quality genii are: that they are from interior evil, and are distinguished from spirits; which distinction is described, 8593. Further concerning these genii; their quality, 8622:2, 8625:2.
[Gentiles. See NATIONS.]
Gerar (Gerar). What Gerar s., 1209, 2504. Gerar d. those things which belong to faith, 3365, 3384. The men of Gerar d. the spiritual of the first class, 3385. The valley of Gerar d. lower truths, 3417.
[Gerar, King of. See ABIMELECH.]
Gershom (Gersohom). Gershom, the son of Moses; what he s., 6795, 6976; d. the good of truth of those who are outside the Church, 8650.
Gesture (gestus). [See under AFFECTION.] All the affections have gestures corresponding to them, 2153. Gestures c. to affections, 4215:2, 5323.
Gibeonite (Gibeonita). What a Gibeonite s., 3058e.
Gift (donum). See PRESENT.
Gilead (Gilead). Gilead was within the land of Canaan this side Jordan, and was the boundary there, and d. good which is sensual, or agreeable when a man who is being regenerated is at first initiated: shown, 4117, 4124. Gilead d. exterior good, 4747. Mount Gilead d. the good which is conjoined first, 4117.
[Gins. See TRAP.]
Girdle (cingulum) [See also ZONE.] The girdle of the loins d. the external bond containing all things of love and faith therefrom: shortly explained, 9341:6; the good of the Church, which concludes and keeps in connection the truths therein: shown, 9828:3. The girdle of the ephod d. the external which gathers together, 9837. A belt, or girdle, d. a general bond so that all things may look to one end, and be kept in connection: illustrated and shown, 9828, [10199:4.] A belt, when it refers to a coat, d. separation from externals, 9944. To be girded d. to be in order, and prepared to receive and act, 7863.
Girls (puellae). [See also under AFFECTION.] Such as have been made prostitutes have an instructor with them, 1113. Girl d. affection in which is innocence, 3067, 3110; the affection of truth, 3179; expressed by another term, the truth of good of the Church: shown, 6742. Girls also d. subservient affections, 3189; ministries, 6731.
Give, To (dare). The father gave, when it relates to the Lord, d. that He Himself gave to Himself, 3705e.
Gladness (laetitia). See Joy.
Gland (glandula). The quality of those who relate to the isthmus in the brain, and the glandular clusters, 4051, 5189.
Glory, Glorification (gloria, glorificatio). [See also under ANGEL.] What glory is, 1419. Human glory is an end for the sake of itself, Divine glory is an end, not for the sake of itself as from itself, but for the saving of the human race; also He desires humiliation: shown, 4347:2, 4593:3, 5957, 7550. The Lord desires glory for the sake of man, and not for His own sake: illustrated, 8263. The Lord desires worship and glory from man for the sake of man, and this is His glory: illustrated, 10646. Heavenly glory does not consist in dominating; the words of the Lord are explained, 9039:2. Glory is predicated of the Lord’s Divine Human as to Divine Truth, thus of the Divine Truth which is from Him: shown, 5922:4. Glory is attributed to kingship, because by it is rd. Divine Truth, 5922:4. Glory relates to the Divine Truth and faith therefrom, 8267. The glory of Jehovah is Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord, as it is in heaven, thus the interiors of the Word: shown, 9429; the internal of the Word, the Church, and worship, because it pertains to the light in heaven, which is Divine Truth, 10574.
Glory stands for the internal sense of the Word, clouds for the literal sense, Preface to Gen. xviii., [ante 2135.] Clouds d. the literal, or external sense of the Word; and glory, the spiritual, or internal sense: shown, 5922:6. Glory d. intelligence and wisdom, which are in Divine Truth, 4809; the spiritual heaven, 5922; the presence and advent of the Lord, and the Lord as to Divine Truth: shown, 8427.
The union of the Internal and External Man of the Lord is glorification, 1603:2. The process of the Lord’s glorification is described and illustrated, 10057:5. The glorification, or unition in the Lord was not made at once, but successively, 2033. The state of the Lord’s humiliation, and the state of His glorification; what the difference is, 1999:2. See LORD. Glorification and glory, where used respecting the Lord, d. the unition of His Human with his Divine, which was in Himself: shown, 10053:2.
A general glorification of the Lord was heard in heaven, and seen by means of radiation; concerning what and whence it was, 2133. What to glorify the Lord is, 8261:2.
To be glorified in Pharaoh and his army d. their immersion into hell and their being drenched by falsities, as by waters, from the sole power of the Lord, 8137, 8138, 8188.
Go, To (ire). See To JOURNEY.
[Go Away, To (abire). To cause to go away d. to dissipate, 8201
Go Backwards, To (ire retro). See BACKWARDS.
Go Down, To. See To DECLINE and To DESCEND.]
Go Forth, To (exire). See To JOURNEY. To go forth d. to flow in, 5333; to be removed, 5696; removal, 7463; sending forth and presence, 7124; to be separated, 7404. To go forth and to proceed d. to be his; that is, to present oneself before another in a form accommodated to him: shown, 5337. To go forth to meet d. reception, 7000.
To go out (egredi) d. to be separated, 6100; to think from evil to falsities, also from evil into act, 7437. To go out of the gate of a town d. to recede from doctrine, 4493.
To enter and go forth d. a state of life, and of a matter which is treated of from beginning to end: shown, 9927. What to proceed, when used respecting the Divine, d. with men and with angels, 9303. See GOD.
Go In, To (ingredi). See To ENTER.
Go Out, To (egredi). See To Go FORTH.
[Go Up, To. See To ASCEND.]
Goat (capra). She-goats d. goods of truth, 3995, 4006. He-goats d. truths of good, 4005. What the heifer, she-goat, and ram s., 1824. He-lambs and she-lambs sd. the innocence of the internal, or rational man; kids and she-goats, innocence of the external, or natural man, therefore their truths and goods: shown, 3519, 7840. What the wool of she-goats s., 9470. See WOOL.
Goat, He- (hircus). He-goats d. those who are in the truth of faith, and some charity; in the opposite sense, those who are in the doctrine of faith, and not in the life, 4169:4, 4769. A he-goat of the she-goats d. natural truths, or truths of the external man, from which are the delights of life; also he-goats d. external truths from delights, and those who are in faith separated: shown, 4769; thence those who are in externals, 4769.
Goblet (poculum). See BOWL [and BASKET.]
God (Deus). [See also ANGEL.] The Origin of Polytheism. Because the ancients added some qualification to the name of Jehovah or God, it thence came to pass that afterwards they worshipped a number of gods, 2724e. They made to themselves several gods from the names by which the Lord was distinguished in the Ancient Church, according to the diverse effects of the Divine, its attributes, and goods and truths, 3667, 4162:2. The ancients distinguished the one God by various names, according to those things which are from Him, and therefrom their posterity worshipped a number of gods, 5628.
The Names God and Jehovah distinguished. Why it is said ‘Jehovah’ and why ‘God,’ 709, 732, 1096:2. Called ‘Jehovah’ from essence, but ‘God’ from power; thence several are called ‘God’ or ‘gods’ 300. God is spoken of from power; Jehovah, from essence, 3910. ‘God’ is used where Truth is treated of; ‘Jehovah,’ where Good is the subject, 2586, 2769, 2807:2, [2810,] 2823. God is spoken of when spiritual truth and good are treated of, but Jehovah when celestial good is, 3921:3. Why the Lord, in the Word, is called ‘God,’ 2001. The Lord is called ‘God’ when truth is treated of, and power from truth: shown, 4402:5. The Lord is called ‘El,’ in the singular, and ‘Elohim,’ in the plural, where truth and power therefrom are treated of: shown, 4402:5. The gods of the nations are called ‘gods’ where falsity and power therefrom are treated of, 4402e. The Lord is called ‘Lord’ from Divine Good, and ‘God,’ ‘King,’ and ‘Master’ from Divine Truth: shown, 9167:2.
Various Particulars. Angels are called ‘gods’ from truths and goods which are from the Divine: shown, 4295. Angels, from truths, thus truths, are called ‘gods’: shown, 4402:5, [7268:2.] The human race is such that men worship anything of which they have an idea of perception, and in which is the Divine; and the Lord also came into the world on that account: illustrated, 4733. Christians in the other life speak of one God, but think of three; gentiles, however, adore the Lord only, 5256. Concerning those who think about God, what He did before creation; at the end of the universe there are two statues which swallow them up; concerning which, 8325:2. No idea of the Divine can be had apart from the idea of the Human, thus apart from the Lord, 8705:4. The ideas of angels about God, the Trinity, and proceeding are altogether other than those of men; the Lord to them is the only one God; it is also illustrated by three things with an angel, 9303:4. To acknowledge one’s God is the first thing of religion, 10112.
Significations. God d. Truth, 4287, 7010; in the supreme sense, the Divine above the heavens; in the internal sense, the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord, 7268; truths, and thence angels are called ‘gods’ and ‘Elohim,’ in the plural: shown, 7268:2. Gods d. truths, and, in the opposite sense, falsities, 7873; angels and truths, because they d. receptions of Divine Truth from the Lord: shown, 8301:2. God also d. Divine Order, because Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord makes order, and it is called ‘God,’ 8988. Strange gods d. falsities, 4544. Strange gods, graven and molten images, and idols d. those things which are from one’s own intelligence, which therefore have no life in themselves: shown, 8941:8. All that God said, do d. the Lord’s Providence, 4101. God doeth d. Providence, 5264. God being with them d. the Lord’s Divine Providence, 6303. God led d. Providence and the Divine auspice, 8093, 8098. What ‘that God must be always before the eyes’ s., namely, that the fear of Him, or love reigns universally: illustrated, 5949:4. The God of Israel and the Holy One of Israel d. the Lord: shown, 7091:4. To be to them for God d. to receive the Divine, 7208. To be for God, when used respecting the Lord, d. presence and His influx into Truth, 10154. None like Jehovah the God d. the one God and none beside Him: shown, 7401. There shall be no other gods before the faces of the God d. truths ought not to be thought of otherwise than from the Lord, 8867. I am Jehovah the God d. that all the good of love and the truth of faith are from the Lord, 10158. What ‘to make a likeness, or resemblance of those things which are from the Divine’ means, 8870-8872. Gods of silver and of gold d. falsities and evils in the internal form, 8932. The word will come unto God, when it means unto the judges, d. scrutiny by means of truths: briefly shown, 9160. The Lord Jehovih d. Good Jehovah! 9167:3. Angels d. truths Divine, 8192:2.
Gods (dii). See GOD.
Gog (Gogus). What Gog s., 1151:2.
Gold (aurum). See also SILVER. The ages were called Gold, Silver, Copper, and iron Ages by the ancients, from correspondences; concerning which ages, 5658:2.
Gold d. the good of wisdom, and of love, 113; the good of love: references, 9874. Gold d. the good of innocence, and it appears golden in the other life, from influx; an experience, 5658:3. Gold d. good, and silver d. truth, 1551, 1552. Gods of silver and of gold are falsities and evils, in internal form: shown, 8932. The gold, silver, and garments borrowed from the Egyptians d. scientific truths and goods taken away from evil spirits, and delivered to those who are of the spiritual Church: shown, 6914-6918. Gold d. good; gold of Uphaz, celestial good; gold of Ophir, spiritual good; gold of Sheba and Havilah, good of cognitions; and gold and silver of Tarshish, scientific truth and good, 9881. To overlay with gold d. to found upon good, 9490. To make of gold d. the representative of good, 9510. To be enclosed in gold d. to proceed from good, 9874.
Gomer (Gomer). What Gomer s., 1151, 1153-1155.
Gomorrah (Amora, Gomorrha). What Gomorrah s.: briefly, 1212, 1663, 1682, 1689. Sodom d. the evil of the love of self, and Gomorrah d. the falsity therefrom, 2220.
Good (bonum). Its Source, and What it is. Man of himself can do nothing good, nor think truth, 874, 875:4, 876. See PROPRIUM. To believe that good is from self, and to merit salvation, 4174. See MERIT. All good and truth are from the Lord, 1614, 2016e; and so far as a man believes that they are from Him, so far he is in His kingdom, 2904:2. All good and truth are from the Lord, not from self: illustrated, 4151:3. All good is from the Lord: shown, 9981. It is with good and truth as it is with offspring: they are conceived, are in the womb, are born, and grow up, 3298; and these are states of progress, or of the conjunction of good and truth, 3308. Few know what good is, and what truth: and they are only the regenerate, 3603:3. If it were known and perceived what good is, then first innumerable things would be known, as also the proximities of good and truth which are in heaven, 3612. Good is conjunction; and it may be known what good is, if one is studious to know what love to God and love towards the neighbour are, 4997. No one knows what good is, unless he knows what love to God, and love towards the neighbour are; and he cannot know what truth is, except from good, 7178. Good is of a twofold origin: in the will, and in the understanding; concerning which, 6065. Good consists in doing good from good, or willing to do good; the good of truth consists in doing, or understanding good from truth, or from the understanding, 4169. Innocence makes good to be good, 2526. Genuine good is from the truths of the Word: illustrated, 9404:2 Good is the life of truth, 1589:2. Good must be the all in all things that they may be, 9550, 9568:4, 9574.
Varieties of Good. There are innumerable genera and species of good and truth, 3519:2. The genera and species of good are innumerable, yea, indefinite: illustrated, 4263. All goods with man are varied, but from the varieties one is formed by the Lord, 3986:3. All goods in heaven are varied. 7833, 7836:3. There are three kinds of good, which constitute the three heavens; concerning which, 10270. Goods follow in order from the Lord, by means of internal good, and thence by means of the external good of the inmost heaven, and therefrom by means of the internal and external good of the middle heaven; thus from inmost things to outmost, 9741:2. What the difference is between the good of infancy, the good of ignorance, and the good of intelligence, 2280:2.
Natural Good. What natural good is, and what natural truth, 3167e. Natural good is not human natural good, but is that which is given by the Lord, 3408. Natural good is of a fourfold kind natural good from the love of good, from the love of truth, from the love of evil, and from the love of falsity; and children receive inclinations to these hereditarily from parents, 3469:3. Natural good is not spiritual: the former is from parents, the latter from the Lord by means of regeneration, 3470:2. Domestic natural good is derived from parents; the interior from the father and the exterior from the mother, 3518. The distinction between good of the natural and natural good: the former is from the Lord, the latter from parents, 3518. How natural good is reformed by means of regeneration, 3470:2. Natural good is from the order of things therein, 3508. Natural good, or its delight serves first as a medium for introducing truths in order, principally when a man is being regenerated: illustrated, 3518:2. Domestic natural good with the Lord, after it had served as a medium, was rejected, 3518:2. Good and truth of the natural are formed from good and truth of the rational by means of influx, 3573, 3616. Concerning good and truth natural-spiritual, and not spiritual, 4988, 4992. See NATURAL. Concerning natural good not spiritual, and spiritual good, or the good of religion, 5032. See NATURAL. Natural good is altogether other than spiritual good; spiritual good is the plane of angels, and natural good is not so; and in that they are easily led away into evil and falsity, 7761. Man can perceive natural, moral, and civil good, but not spiritual good: illustrated, 3768:2. The quality of those who are in natural good, and defile it with falsities, 2463, 2464, 2468:2; they are Moab and the Sons of Ammon, 2468.
Rational Good. Good with the regenerate has with it much of worldly things, which are tempered, 2204. Good flows into the rational by an internal way, but truth is united therein by an external way, 3030. Good flows into the natural by an internal way, truth by an external; but they are conjoined in the rational, 3098. Good of the rational flows into good of the natural immediately, and into natural truth mediately, and this is sd. by ‘Isaac loved Esau, and Rebekah loved Jacob,’ 3314, 3573, 3616, 3969:2, 4563:4. Truth is initiated into the good in the rational, according to the quality of the instruction, 3141. If good and truth are what form the rational and the natural, they are an image of heaven, if evil and falsity, they are an image of hell, 3513. Truths and goods inmostly exist in the natural, from the good of the rational, 3576. Rational truth without good is morose; it is described, 1949-1951, 1964; but the rational when from good; its quality, 1950:2.
Spiritual and Celestial Good. Celestial good and spiritual good; what the difference is, 4581. What celestial good is, and what spiritual is; the former relates to love to the Lord, the latter to love towards the neighbour, 2227. The good of infancy is not spiritual good, but becomes so by means of the implantation of truth, 3504. Good is not spiritual good before truth is conjoined to it, and then it becomes good, 3951. External goods are delights; they are so far good as they have spiritual good in themselves: illustrated, 1951:2. Spiritual good consists in willing good to another from no reason of self, but from the delight of affection; and no one can come to that, except by means of regeneration from the Lord; concerning which, 4538:4. Spiritual good is truth in its essence: illustrated, 10296. Spiritual good and truth, which are just and equitable, also honest and seemly, succeed each other in order; and upon them conscience is founded, 2915. Celestial good is formed by means of truths, in order from outmost things; concerning which process, 10252, 10266, 10269.
Divine Good. The Lord is Good Itself and Truth Itself, 2011; shown, 10336:2; because He is infinite: shown, 10619. The Lord is Divine Good, and from It is Divine Truth, as the sun, from which is light, 3704, 4577, 8241. The Divine Good of the Lord is simply one, because it is infinite; it is distinguished into celestial and spiritual, which is from dissimilar reception, 10261. Divine Good flows into truths of every kind, but it is of the greatest importance that the truths are genuine, 2531:2. Divine Truth is order, and Divine Good is the essential of order, 1728. Divine Good raises all into heaven, but Truth condemns all to hell, 2258:2.
Good and Truth. Why a distinct idea is not formed between good and truth, 2520:2. Man can with difficulty distinguish between truth and good, because between thinking and willing, 9995:2. All things and each thing in the universe relates to good and truth, and thence to the will and understanding in man, 5232. All things relate to good and truth, which are according to order, and to evil and falsity, which are contrary to order, 7256. All things relate to good and truth, 4390:2; or to evil and falsity, thus to the will and understanding, 10122. There is nothing that does not relate to truth and good, 4409. There is nothing in the universe that does not relate to good and truth, 3166:2. From various reasons it appears as if faith were prior to charity, or truth before good, but it is a fallacy, 3324. With the spiritual man truth is apparently before, and higher than, good, 3325, 3330, 3336. See TRUTH. Good is the elder son, or first-born: illustrated from the state of infants, 3494; man without that good would be a wild beast, 3494. See PRIMOGENITURE and INFANT. Truth is apparently in the first place when a man is being regenerated, but good is first when a man is regenerated, 3539:3, 3548, 3556, 3570, 3576:2, 3603:3, 3701, 3995:2, 4977e. The quality of the state when truth is in the former place, and when it is in the latter, 3610:3. Good is the first in order, and truth is the last, 3726. When inversion takes place with a man who is being regenerated, namely, when good is in the first place, then there is temptation, 5773. There is in good a continual endeavour to restore the state, so that truth may be subordinate: illustrated, 3610:3. Good is relatively lord, and truth the servant, and they are also brothers, 4267. Truth is the form of good, 3049; illustrated, 4574. Truth cannot be given without good, because truth is a variation of form, and good is delight therefrom, 5147:2. Truth perceives in itself the image of good, and in good the very effigy of itself, from which it is, 3180. Truths are as the fibres, which form good, but which are led and applied to the form from interior good, 3470e. Good produces truth in the natural, almost as life produces fibres in the body, 3579. It is with truth and good as it is with a fibre in which is the spirit, and as a vessel in which is the blood illustrated, 9154:2. Good from the Lord flows into truth, when those things which belong to the love of self and the world, or the lusts of evil and the persuasions of falsity, are removed, 3142, 3147. Good cannot flow into truth so long as a man is in evil, 2388:2. Good and truth are conceived together, but good gives life by means of truth, and both are called the soul, 3299. Good acts by means of truth, 4757. Good has its own quality, thus its own form by means of truths: illustrated from living things, 9154:2. Good implanted by the Lord by means of truths is compared with seed: and illustrated, 9258:2. It is with good and truth as it is with seeds and ground: the seeds are from the rational, ground is in the natural, 3671. Good reduces truths to order, 3316. Truths are arranged in order in goods, when they are according to truths in their order in the heavens, 4302:2. Good arranges truths into the form of heaven, but evil arranges falsities into the form of hell, 5704. Good and truth with the regenerate are arranged in a heavenly form; the best in the middle and so successively, 6028. Good is varied in all and everyone by means of truths, and from truths it receives its quality: illustrated, 3804. Good becomes varied from truths, so that in no case is it altogether alike, 4149:2. Good and truth not genuine serve to introduce genuine truths and good, 3974. Truths and goods are mediums which serve to introduce genuine truths and goods, and are afterwards relinquished, 3665, 3690:2, 3974:2, 3982:2, 3986:5, 4145. Concerning mediate good; it serves to introduce genuine goods and truths, 4063:2. See REGENERATION. Truths ought to be insinuated into good, that it may be good, and they are insinuated by means of affections: illustrated, 4301. Truths not genuine are insinuated into good; and what truths, 3470:3; and then a man has pain from combat, 3471. Truth has its own good, and all good its own truth: illustrated, 9637. Good acknowledges its own truth, 4358. Truth is with man in the same proportion and degree as good is with him, 2429:2. Good is manifold, and yet it appears as one; and societies of spirits and angels correspond to it, 4066, 4067:2. In one good there are innumerable truths, 4005:3. Truth is multiplied only from good, 5345; concerning which multiplication, 5355. Good multiplies truths around every truth, and makes it as a little star, and also multiplies them successively by means of derivations, 5912. Goods and truths are of a threefold degree in the internal, according to the number of the heavens; and similarly in the external man, which correspond to them, 4154. See DEGREE. Good is reproduced with truth, which enters with the affection of good; and conversely, 4205:2. It is good that acts, and when truth reacts it is from good, 4380. How the reciprocity and reaction of truth into good is from good: illustrated, 5928. There are goods and truths which look inwardly, and others which look outwardly; and man is such that he can look above himself, or to the Divine, and below himself, or to self and the world, 7601, 7604, 7607. See CHARITY. What it is to look from good to truth, and from truth to good. See BACKWARDS. Truths make the quality of good, because truths become goods when they become of the life, 6917. Truth becomes good, when man wills it and does it, 7835. Of what quality truths must be that they may become good, is described, 8725. What the quality of truth is with regard to good, and what it is without good; from various comparisons, 8530. Concerning good and truth – which are of the Lord, and those which are not of the Lord; concerning which, 7564. The Lord has nothing of power from evils, but from Himself, because it is from good and truth, 1749, 1755. Good is born with a man, not truth, on account of hereditary evil; but still truth adheres to good with some power, 3304:2. ‘Lives’ is spoken of, in the plural, because there are two faculties of life: the will which has to do with good, and the understanding which has to do with truth; and they form one life when the understanding is of the will, or truth of good, 3623. They are not of the Church who are in the affection of truth, and not in good; also who are in the affection of good from which there is not truth, 3963. The affection of truth appears to be from truth, but is from good, 4373. Truth is not truth except from good; and falsity when it is received from good is as truth, 4736. Truth is to good as water to bread, or drink to food, in nutrition, 4976. Good does not appropriate to itself truth, but the good of truth, that is, use, 4984. Truths are applied by means of good, and under good, 5709. To claim to oneself good and truth, see THEFT. Truths lead to good: illustrated, 6044. They who are in truth are rigid; they who are in good are tender, 7068. Good and truth are taken away from the evil, and given to the good: shown, 7770. Good gives the faculty of receiving influx from the Lord, not truth apart from good, 8321:2. Truths appear undelightful, when communication with good is intercepted, 8352. The Lord flows immediately into good, and mediately into truth, 10153. Several references cited where faith and charity, and truth and good are treated of, 3324:3.
Good conjoined to Truth. Concerning the marriage of good and truth from which is conjugial love, see MARRIAGE. Concerning the initiation and conjunction of truth with good, see TRUTH. The conjunction of good with truths, 4353. See REGENERATION. The ancients instituted a marriage between the affection of good and the affection of truth, 1904. There is a marriage of good and truth in all things and each thing, 2173, 2588. Good acknowledges its own truth, and truth its own good, and they are conjoined, 3101, 3102. Good knows its own truth, and truth its own good, 3179. Good makes for itself the truth to which it may be conjoined, because it does not acknowledge anything else for truth than what agrees, 3161. Truth desires good, that is, to do good, and is conjoined to good: illustrated, 9206:2; shown, 9207. Good and truth are in a perpetual endeavour to conjoin themselves, 9495. Good and truth must be conjoined to be anything: illustrated, 10555. The conjunction of good and truth illustrated by means of action and reaction, 10729. See also REGENERATION. How good is conjoined to truth: illustrated by the influx of good into the cognitions of truth, 4067, 4096:4, 4097. Before truth is received and conjoined to good, confirmations as it were precede and effect, that they maybe believed, 4364:3. Truths cannot be accepted, thus not conjoined to good, except with those who are in the good of charity and love: illustrated, 4368:5. There must be innocence and charity that truth may be received and conjoined, 3110. Truths are not conjoined to man, except so far as he is in good, that is, unless they are of the life, and they are not conjoined to the affections of evil: illustrated, 3834:2, 3843:2. When truth is deprived of life from self, it is then conjoined to good, and receives by means of it life itself, 3607:2. Truths are conjoined to good, when they are learned for the sake of the use of life, 3824. Truth is conjoined to good when a man is in charity, 5340e, 5342. Truth is conjoined to good, and good to truth; the process, 5365:2. When truths are conjoined in good, progress is made from generals to particulars and singulars, 4345:5. Between good and truth there is a close conjunction, 5807; illustrated, 5835. The affection of truth is from good, and one is conjoined with the other, 8349, 8356. Good and truth conjoined become as if they were one body, and an image of man: illustrated, 8370. Falsity can never be conjoined to good, nor truth to evils; from experience, 3033. There is the most exquisite exploration and precaution lest truth is conjoined with evil, and falsity with good, 3110, 3116.
The Good of Truth. What the good of truth and the truth of good are; the one is the inverse relatively to the other, 3669. The good of truth is the inverse relatively to the truth of good in the beginning, but afterwards, when a man is regenerated, they are conjoined: illustrated by example, 3688:2. The good of truth in its first existence is truth; an example, 3295. The good of truth is truth in the will and act, 4337:2, 4353:3, 4390. Truth, when it passes into the will, become the good of truth: illustrated, 5526. The good of life pertains to the will, the good of truth to the understanding, and the good of doctrinals to science, 3332:3. Who and of what quality they are who are in the good of truth, 3459, 3463.
The Relation of Good to Regeneration. The first state of those who are being regenerated is that good and truth are from themselves, in which opinion also they are left for reasons here given; but when they are regenerated they believe that these are from the Lord angels perceive it, 2946, 2960, 2974. Before a man is regenerated he regards good from truth; when he is regenerated he regards truths from good, 6247. So far as good and truth from the Lord flow in, evil and falsity are removed, 2411. So far as good and truth are removed from man towards the interiors, so far he is in evil and falsity, 3402:2. When a man is being regenerated influx from the Lord is into the good of the internal man, and by means of good into the truth in the natural, 4015. They who are being regenerated are elevated from sensual things; concerning that elevation, 6183. The natural must necessarily be regenerated, so that the influx may be by means of the internal, 6299:2. They who are being regenerated undergo many states, and always enter more interiorly into heaven, and come nearer to the Lord; concerning which, 6645:2. There are two states of the man who is being regenerated: the first is that they may be led by means of truth, the other that he may be led by means of good, 8516:2, 8643, 8648, 8658. The spiritual man when he is being regenerated proceeds from doctrinals to the good of doctrinals, from this to the good of life; and when he is regenerated, contrariwise, 3332:2. Regeneration is effected from truth to good, which is ascent, and from good to truth, which is descent, 3882. Regeneration is effected by means of spiritual and angelic societies; concerning which, 4067;4. Good is not good; nor is it fructified, before a man has been regenerated; because prior to this there is not in good the soul itself, 3186. A man cannot come into heaven until he is in a state to be led by means of good, 8516:3, 8539:2. See REGENERATION. Man as an angel is not separated from evil, but is withheld from evil, and kept in good, 789, 1581. Angels are perfected to eternity, and yet they cannot advance far beyond the first degree, 6648. The affection of good pertains to life, and the affection of truth is for the sake of life, [2425:2,] 2455.
Various Particulars. It is not known what heaven is, unless it is known what good is, 7181. The one only good that reigns in heaven, and makes heaven, is the good of the Lord’s merit, and righteousness: shown, 9486. There are infernals who think evil concerning others; and celestial ones who think good, 1680. Everyone ought to do good, as it were, from self, not to let his hands hang down, 1712:2. Everyone ought to do good and to think truth from himself; and otherwise he does not receive heavenly freedom, 2882, 2883, 2891. Man ought to compel himself to do good, 1937:4, 1947. Good and truth increase immensely in the other life with those who are in charity, 1941. What the affection of good, and the affection of truth are, 1997. Goods and evils with man are altogether separate; if they were mixed together he would perish, 2269e. What it is to be judged from good, what from truth; the Lord never judges anyone but from good, 2335:2. Heavenly freedom relates to the affection of good and truth; and infernal freedom, to the affection of evil and falsity. See FREEDOM. Use makes it good; but what the use is that is the good, 3049. All beauty is from good, 3080. Both the celestial and the spiritual Church have good and truth, but with a difference; concerning which, 3240. Affection always adjoins itself to things which enter the memory, and they are reproduced together, 3336:2. The affection of good is adjoined to truths in the act, in the natural with man, by the Lord; and by means of the affection of good they are reproduced, and so falsities and evils are removed, 3336:3. To know good and truth is not to have them, but to be affected with them from the heart, and not from the love of self and the world, 3402:3. There are innumerable mediums treated of in the internal sense of the Word, 3573:2. Goods and truths form as it were a city, and this from the form of heaven, and from influx therefrom, 3584. With the evil, good is changed into evil, and truth into falsity, when they descend from heaven, and conversely, 3607. Collateral good of the common stock is such as it is with the nations, 3778:2. All consanguinity in heaven is from good, and it progresses therefrom, 3815. Goods with man are mixed with evils, and truths with falsities, but such evils and falsities as are not contrary to good and truth illustrated by examples, 3993:8; but the goods and truths are in the middle, their evils and falsities at the circumference, 3993:13. To-day there are no cognitions of good and truth, wherefore men cannot easily comprehend those things which are spoken of, 4136:2. What truths of good are, 4385. Love and reverence from the internal towards the Lord are testified by means of doing good, and to those who are in good, 5066, 5067. To-day there is a dispute about the highest good, and no one knows that it is the good of charity without an end of self, 5365:4. They who are in good in the other life are in the faculty of becoming wise: illustrated, 5527. Between internal and external good there must be conjunction, or otherwise it perishes, 5841. In the good of charity there is the all of wisdom, and in this he comes after death who has lived in that good, 5859. Truths seek life in scientifics, and good in truths, 6077. The evil dare not assault good, for so they would be tormented and cast themselves into hell, but they are permitted to assault truth, 6677. Good is that which is by means of heaven, 6720. Good in which there is falsity (if it be ignorance) is accepted; innocence is in it, and a good end, 7887. The delights of the affections adhere to truths, and truths are according to the affections which they excite, 7967. Good from the Lord has heaven and the Lord inmostly in itself, and good from the proprium has hell within itself, 8480. Heavenly good vanishes to the degree that concupiscence increases, 8487:4. The quality and quantity of good in the other life are made visible, 8533. Truth is formed with man according to the uses of life, 9297:4. Concerning the sphere of good from the Lord around heaven and the societies there, 9490, 9534. See SPHERE. All things are from good: illustrated, 9667. Good reigns universally in the heavens, 9832. How the goods of love succeed in the heavens, 9873. Good is implanted in man from infancy, that it may be a plane for receiving truth, 10110. A man is his own truth and his own good, 10298. To do what is good and true for the sake of what is good and true is to love the Lord above all things, and the neighbour as oneself, 10336:4. Man is such as he is as to good, not as to truth without it: illustrated, 10367:2. A man is led by the Lord to good by means of truth, and truth becomes good when it becomes of the will or love, 10367:6. See REGENERATION.
Significations involving Good. Good to look upon d. that which pleases by its form, thus what is easily received, 3388. What ‘not to speak to anyone from good to evil’ s., 4126. The good of the new will is the Lord’s habitation with man, and the truth of the new understanding therefrom is the tabernacle: illustrated, 9296:3, 9297:2.
Goshen, Land of (Gosahen terra). The land of Goshen d. the middle, or inmost in the natural, 5921, 6028, 6031, 6068; the Church, 6649.
Gospel (Evangelium). The Gospel is an announcement concerning the Lord, His coming, and those things which are from Him; thus the whole Word is the Gospel, 9925:2.
Governor (praefectus). To set over (praeficere) d. to arrange in order; governor d. general things, 5290. See CHIEF.
Grace (gratia). The celestial acknowledge mercy; the spiritual, grace, 5982. The celestial implore the Lord s mercy; the spiritual, His grace, 981:2. Who speak of grace, and who speak of mercy, 2423. They who are more remote from the internal speak of grace, not of mercy; and this is from the love of self, 5929. To find grace in the eyes is a form of insinuation that it may be well received, 6512. To find grace in thine eyes is a form significative of the affections of the matter, which is treated of, 6178.
Grace with those who are in evils and falsities d. fear: illustrated, 6914. To find grace in the eyes d. inclination, 3980, 4455; to be accepted, 4975a. To be gracious, when used respecting the Lord, d. to give spiritual good; to show mercy d. to give celestial good: illustrated and shown, 10577.
[Graces (charites seu gratae). The Graces d. the affections of good; concerning which, 4966:2.
Grand Man. See MAN (homo).
Grape (uva). See VINEYARD, VINE, WINE. Grape d. charity; and wine, faith, 1071:2. Grapes s. the good of the spiritual man, thus charity, 5117:2; d. the goods of charity, 5119; in the supreme sense, s. the Divine Good of the Lord, which belongs to those who are in His Spiritual Kingdom, and thence, in the relative sense, they s. the good of charity, 6378:2, 9144:7. Clusters of grapes d. the truth of spiritual good; and grapes, the good of celestial truth, 5117. No grapes in the vine d. no interior, or rational good, 5117:4. Grapes in the wilderness d. rational good not yet made spiritual, 5117:5. The internal goods of charity are grapes, and the external goods are figs, 5117:5. The blood of grapes d. celestial good from Divine Love, 5117:8; the good of love, and, in the supreme sense, the Divine Good of the Lord from His Divine Love, 6378.
Grapes, Cluster of (botrus). Cluster of grapes stands for charity, or what is holy, 1071. See GRAPE. Clusters of grapes d. the truth of spiritual good; and grapes, the good of celestial truth, 5117. The cluster of grapes for eating stands for the good of charity in its commencement, 5117:6.]
Grass (gramen). See HERB. Mowers of grass, 1111.
[Grate. See SIEVE and ALTAR.
Grave. See To BURY.]
Graven Image (sculptile). See IDOLS. Graven images d. those things which are from the proprium, and which wish to be adored as Divine shown, 8869. Graven images, molten images, strange gods, and idols, d. those things which are from one’s own intelligence, and which have no life in themselves, 8941. See what graven image and molten image s.: shown, 10406.
Graving, To Grave (sculptura, sculpere). Graving on stones d. the memory, therefore it is impressed on the life: illustrated, 9841, 9842. Graving of a signet d. a heavenly form; concerning which, 9846. To grave d. to imprint on hearts, 9931.
Graving-Tool (caelum). To form an idol with a graving-tool d. from one’s own intelligence, 10406.
Great (magnum). Great is predicated respecting good; numerous, respecting truth, 2227. What it is to be great in heaven, and what to be least, 3417:2.
[Greater. See ELDER and LESS.]
Greatest (maximus). [See also LEAST.] To wish to be greatest is not heaven, but hell, 450, 451; the least is greatest, who is most happy, 452, [1419.] The Lord did not fight so that He might become greatest in heaven, 1812:2. That the least is greatest in heaven d. that nothing of power and wisdom is from self, 4459:4.
Green Thing (viride). Vegetable and green thing s. the meaner things of delights, 996. Green thing d. the sensitive of truth: shown, 7691.
[Grief. See PAIN.
Grind, To. See MILL.]
Ground (humus). See also LAND. How ground is distinguished from land, 1068. Ground d. the Church from the reception of seed, and their birth, and land d. the Church from the nation there: shown, 10570:4. Ground s. the Church and something of the Church, 566; d. the receptacle of truth, 6135; the mind (mens), 6141; the external man, because seeds are implanted in it, 268; s. heresy, 377. Ground is in the external man, 990. The rational is whence seeds of good and truth are, and the natural is where ground is, 3671. What to till the ground s., 345.
Grove (lucus). The ancients had holy worship on mountains and in groves on account of their representation, but after they worshipped the external things and worship was made idolatrous, it was prohibited: shown, 2722. They also made to themselves graven images of the grove, 2722:3. The Ancient Church held worship in gardens and groves under trees, according to their representations, 4552:3. Grove s. doctrine, 2722. Groves d. doctrinals and the things which belong to intelligence, in both senses: illustrated, 10644.
Grow, To (crescere). To grow into a multitude d. extension from the inmost, 6285.
[Guard. See BODY-GUARD.
Guard, To. See CUSTODY.
Guile. See DECEIT.]
Guilt, Guilty (reatus, reus). Guilt d. the blame, and imputation of sin and of trespass against good and truth, thus all sin that remains, 3400. Guilty d. in fault, and so in imputation, 5469.
Guilty (reus). See GUILT.
[Gum. See RESIN.]
Gyre (gyrus). See CHOIR.
Habergeon (lorica). Habergeon d. what is strong and secure from injury, 9916.
Habit (habitus). Things which induce habit with a man, enter from the external memory into the internal, 9723.
[Habitation. See DWELLING.]
Hagar (Hagar). Hagar d. the life of the exterior man, and means a sojourner, 1892, 1909; the affection of the cognitions of truth, 2691. See MAIDSERVANT.
Hail (grando). Hail and rain of hail d. falsities from evils, and thence a curse, and also the vastation of truth and good: shown, 7553. Hail d. such falsities as destroy the truths and goods oft he Church, 7574.
Hair (capillus). See HAIR (pilus).
Hair (coma). See HAIR (pilus).
Hair (crinis). See HAIR (pilus).
Hair (pilus). See also To COMB, [and BALDNESS.] The prophets were clad in a hairy coat; and why, 3301:2. See also NAZARITE. Angels appear becomingly arrayed in hair (coma), 5569. Women who have made everything to consist in things becoming, appear with their hair spread over the face, which they also comb, 5570. They who have been merely natural have no face, but in its place something long-haired (crinitum), 5571. Concerning the Dutch that are merely natural, and such as believe nothing respecting spiritual life; and they also have something long-haired in place of a face, 5573.
Hairs. the natural as to truth: shown, 3301. Hair s. this because the natural is as the excrescences from the internals, just as hair is from the ultimates of man, 3301. Hair d. the truth of the natural perverted, and falsity: shown, 3301:7; the natural; and to poll d. to accommodate, and to reject the unbecoming: shown, 5247. Long hair (crinis) and hair, because it is the ultimate, s. the whole: shown, 10044:2. Concerning the correspondence of the hair (capillus) with the Grand Man, 5569-5573. Baldness d. no natural truth: shown, 3301:9.
Hair, Grey (canities). Grey hair d. the last of the Church: shown, 5550.
Hall (dimidium). The half in a shekel d. all things, because it was ten gerahs; concerning which, 10221. Half of a number d. as much as is correspondent, also as much as is sufficient, and something, 10255.
Halt, To Halt (claudus, claudicare). To halt d. to be in good in which as yet there are no genuine truths, but still general truths, in which they can be insinuated, and such as do not disagree with genuine truths; thus the halt d. those who are in good, but not genuine good, on account of ignorance of truth, in which good are the gentiles who live in mutual charity: shown, 4302. The halt also, in the opposite sense, d. those who are in no good, and therefrom in no truth: shown, 4302:8. There is a difference between halting and being halt, 4302:8. To halt upon the thigh, in the internal historical sense, d. that goods and truths were destroyed, 4314.
Ham (Cham). Ham s. those who separate faith from charity, 1062, 1063; d. the Church corrupted, 1076. What further Ham s., 1140, 1141, 1162. What is the difference between Cain and Ham, 1179:2. They who have separated faith from charity cast themselves into falsities and evils; and this was rd. by Cain and Abel, by Ham and Canaan, by Reuben, and by the Egyptians, whose first-born were slain, 3325:11.
Hamor (Chamor). Hamor, the father of Shechem, d. the origin of interior truth from a Divine stock, 4399, 4454. Hamor, the Hivite, the father of Shechem, d. interior truth from ancient time 4431. Hamor d. the good of the Church with the ancients, 4447; life; and Shechem d. doctrine, 4472. Hamor and Shechem were slain, because they accepted externals, 4493:5.
Hand (manus). See RIGHT HAND. Power, thus the hand, is predicated respecting truth, 3091. Hands are predicated respecting good, because all the power belonging to truth is from good, 3563. To place the hand upon the head in blessing is from an ancient ritual, because the head is where the intellectual and voluntary are, and the body where act and obedience are, 6292. See also POWER, SHOULDER, and ARM. Concerning the correspondence of the hands, arms, and shoulders with the Grand Man, 4931-4937. They who correspond to the hands are they who are powers by means of the truth of faith from good; thus the hands d. powers, 4932.
By the hand is sd. power, and therefrom confidence, 878. Hand d. the will, 8066; power, and is predicated respecting truths from good, and whatever is with man, thus the whole: references are to be seen, 10019; the proprium, 10405. Hand, when spoken of respecting Jehovah, d. omnipotence, 878:3; thence was the rite of laying on hands, 878:7. Hand d. power proceeding from the Divine Rational of the Lord, thus the interior power; rod d. power proceeding from His Divine Natural, thus the exterior power, 6947. Rod d. the power of the natural; hand d. the power of the spiritual, 7011. The arms with the shoulders, hands, and fingers d. powers, 7518. What the thumb of the hand, and the fingers of the hand s., 10062. See THUMB and FINGER. The work of the hands d. what is from the proprium: shown, 10406:11. The right hand of Jehovah d. omnipotence, and is predicated respecting the Lord as to Divine Truth: shown, 8281. The hand of Jehovah against anyone d. plague, punishment, also vastation, 7502. A high hand d. Divine Power: shown, 8153. Under the hand of anyone d. at the disposal, 5296. With a strong hand d. all force and power, 7188, 7189. In the strength of Jehovah’s hand d. from the Divine Power of the Lord, 8050; also a strong hand, 8069. Under the hand d. under view, 9035. In the hand d. what is with him, because what is in the power is with him, thus himself; thus to sit on the right hand of the Father, when used respecting the Lord, d. the Father Himself, 9133. To sit on the right hand d. a state of power, 3387:4. See RIGHT HAND. To sit on the right hand of God d. omnipotence, 7518. To raise the hand d. power in the spiritual; to lift up the foot d. power in the natural, 5327, 5328. To send by means of the hand d. mediately, 6996. To speak by means of the hand of anyone d. by that means, or mediately: shown, 7619. To stretch out a hand or rod towards heaven d. turning to, and the approach of heaven, 7568, 7572. To spread out the palms, when done for another, d. intercession, 7596. To stretch out the hand d. the dominion of power; in the supreme sense, unlimited power, and also to stretch out: shown, 7673. To lay the hand upon the head of the beast which was to be sacrificed d. what is representative of the reception of Divine Good and Truth, 10023. To lay the hand upon anyone or anything d. its communication, transference, and reception of the thing which is treated of: shown, 10023. To place the hand with anyone d. obedience, 9249. To place upon the hollows of Aaron’s hands d. the acknowledgment that it is the Lord’s, 10082. To give into his hand d. to confide, and as much as is in his power, 5544. To fill the hand d. to represent the Lord as to truth, 9955; what is communicative and receptive of Divine Truth from the Lord, 10493; purification from evils and falsities: shown, 10076:8; what is representative of the Lord’s Divine Power, in the heavens, by means of Divine Truth proceeding from the Divine Good of the Lord, and what is communicative and receptive of it there: shown, 10076; another state of the Lord’s glorification, 10076. Filling the hand d. inauguration to represent the Divine Truth from the Divine Good of the Lord, and therefrom power: illustrated, 10019. The hollows of the hands d. full power, 10082. The fist d. full power by means of truth from good, and by means of falsity from evil: briefly shown, 9025. To wash the hands and feet d. interiors and exteriors, 10241. Of that which came into the hand d. those things which are of Providence, thus Divine things, 4262.
Hand Left. See LEFT HAND.
Handles. See HOOKS.
Handmaid. See MAIDSERVANT.]
Hang, To (suspendere). Hanging was on account of evil, and stoning on account of falsity, 5156e. Hanging on wood d. rejection and condemnation: shown, 5156. Hanging before the sun d. the penalty of profanation, 10652e.
Hangings (tapetes). See CURTAINS.
Happenings (contingentia). Happenings d. all things from Providence; and they belong to Providence, 5508.
Happiness of Heaven (felicitas caeli). See HEAVEN. Heavenly happiness consists in doing good without recompense, 6388; shown, 6391, 6392. Heavenly happiness is from heavenly loves, and is internal, 6408. It consists in activity, and not in idleness, 6410. How great the happiness of heaven is, and whence it is, 10722, 10723, 10724. See HEAVEN.
Haran (Charan). What Haran s., 1430. Haran d. external good, 3691. Laban in Haran d. the affection of external, or corporeal good, properly, collateral good of a common stock, 3612.
Hard (durum). Falsity from evil, in the other life, appears as a hard thing, but truth from good as what is soft, 6359.
Harden, To (indurare). To harden d. obstinacy, 7272, 7305. To make the heart heavy d. to make oneself obstinate from falsity; to make the heart stubborn d. from evil, 7616.
Hardness (callus). How the hardnesses of the memories appear in the other life, 2492. Pains are felt in various places of the skull, from falsities which are from lusts, 5563.
Harlot (meretrix). See ADULTERY. Girls who become prostitutes have an instructor with them, 1113. Harlot d. falsity, 4865. Adulteries d. adulterations of good, and whoredoms d. falsifications of truth: shown, 2466. See ADULTERY. The falsifications of truth, which are sd. by whoredoms, are effected in three ways; concerning which, 10648:2. Whoredoms d. falsifications of truth; shown, 10648. To commit whoredom d. at first illegitimate conjunction, and afterwards profanation, 10652.
Harm, To Do (malefacere). Not to do harm, when it is predicated respecting the Lord, d. not to be able to hinder, 4078.
Harmony (harmonia). Every one thing is from many things, and indeed from the harmony of many things; but such as the harmony is, so is the one thing, 457, 687.
Harp (cithara). By the harp, the pipe, and the stringed instrument are s4. the spiritual things of faith, 418, 419, 420. Harp is predicated respecting spiritual good, 4138.
Harvest (messis). Harvest d. the state of the whole human race as to the reception of the truth of faith in good, also a similar state of the Church, and a similar state of the man of the Church, and a similar state of good: shown, 9295:3. The harvest of wheat d. an advancing state of love and charity, 3941. See WHEAT, BARLEY, FIELD. Concerning the festival of the first-fruits of the harvest, 9294, 9295. See FESTIVAL.
Hasty (festinum). See QUICKLY. [Hatchet. See AXE.]
Hatred (odium). See LOVE OF SELF AND THE WORLD, and HELL. As love constitutes heaven, so hatred constitutes hell, 693, 694. Concerning the hells of those who live in hatred, see HELL. Concerning those who have hatred of one another in the other life, 5061. In hatred there is murder of man, 10102, 1011. The spheres of those who are in hatred is poisonous, 1512. Man, from the delight which is in hatred, does not believe it is infernal, 1860. The forms of hatred and of charity can never be together, 1860:2. They who have hatred towards anyone, although without cause, recur to it in the other life, and there breathe his destruction; from experience, 5061.
Hatred d. aversion, and when predicated respecting the Lord it d. mercy: shown, 3605; contempt and aversion, 4681, 4684. To have hatred d. to reject, 6558.
[Haughtiness. See ARROGANCE.]
Havilah (Chavilah). What Havilah s., 115.
Hazel (corylus). Hazel d. natural truth, 4014.
[Hazor, Kingdoms of (Chazoris regna). What the kingdoms of Hazor s., 3048:6.]
Head (caput). To place the hand upon the head in blessings was a ritual from ancient time, because the head is where the intellectual and voluntary are, and the body where the act and compliance are, 6292. When a man is being resuscitated two angels sit by his head, 172-174. Celestial things constitute the head; spiritual things, the body; and natural things, the feet, 4938, 4939. The head in the Grand Man is the inmost, thus the celestial heaven; the body is the middle, thus the spiritual heaven; and the feet are the ultimate, or natural heaven, 5328.
The head d. the interiors: illustrated and shown, 9656; the whole man: shown, 10011, 10044; the truth which a man makes of his own faith, thus the truth of faith: shortly shown, 9166:7; the interiors; and the body d. the exteriors: illustrated, 6436. The head, when used in reference to months, d. the principal, because the first, 7827, 7828. What the head of the month s., see MONTH. The head of the serpent d. the domination of evil, 257. The head of the ladder d. heaven, 3700. The head upon the legs and upon the midst, in sacrifices, d. from inmost to external, 7859. From the head through the neck into the body c. to the influx of the Celestial Kingdom into the Spiritual Kingdom, 9913, 9914. See NECK. Anointing upon the head rd. upon the whole Human of the Lord; and concerning the anointing of the head in inaugurations, 10011. To lift up the head d. what is provided and concluded; and whence it was a form of judgment to life or to death: shown, 5124; d. what is concluded from what is provided and what is foreseen, 5155-5162.
[Head-Tire. See MITRE.]
Heal, To, Healing (sanare, sanatio). See DISEASE. To heal d. to restore and to preserve from evils, 8365. Healings of diseases, in the Word, d. restitutions of spiritual life: shown, 9031.
Heap (acervus). [See also under ALTAR.] In ancient times they had heaps; and afterwards altars in their place, 4192. Heap d. good, 4192; truth and good received, 9145. Standing corn d. truth and good in conception, 9146.
Hearing (auditus). See SENSE, SPEECH. The organic forms of spirits are not where they appear to be: illustrated from hearing and seeing, 1378. Concerning the correspondence of hearing and the ear with the Grand Man, 4652-4660. See EAR.
To hear d. to obey, and also to apperceive; it d. both: shown, 5017; to have hope, 7065; to receive from faith and obedience, 7216; to receive in the memory and to be instructed, also to receive in the understanding and to believe, as also to receive in obedience and to do: shown, 9311; to obey; and the ear d. obedience, 2542. To hear, when predicated respecting the Lord, d. Providence, 3966e; to bring the aid of mercy, 6852. To hear in speaking d. influx, so that in the highest sense it d. life, 3507; in the supreme sense, Providence in the internal sense, faith in the will; in the interior sense, obedience: shown, 3869. To hear anyone d. Divine Love, 3954. To hear, when it is conjoined with to do, d. to perceive, to understand, and to have faith: shown; and, when without to do, it d. to obey, 8361. To hear the voice of the Lord d. instruction respecting the precepts of faith, and reception, 9311. Not to hear d. not to be received, 5471, 5475. ‘God hath judged me and also hath heard my voice,’ from which Dan is named, s., in the highest sense, justice and mercy; in the internal sense, the holy of faith; in the external sense, the good of life, 3921. To be heard d. influx, 9926. The ear, in the supreme sense, d. Providence; and the eye, Foresight: shown, 3869:14.
[Hearken, To. See To OBEY.]
Heart (cor). See also LOVE, WILL, GOOD, SOUL, and BREATHING. When a man is being resuscitated celestial angels occupy the province of the heart, 170, 172, 176. Concerning the Grand Man and the correspondence of the heart and lungs, 3883-3896. See also BREATHING. The general operations of heaven with man are observed to be into the brain, the lungs, the heart, and the kidneys, 3884. The alternations of the heart insinuate themselves into the pulmonic actions, 3884:3. In heaven there is a beating of the heart, and a breathing, 3884:4. The beating of the heart, and the breathing were observed in heaven, 3885. The twofold beatings and breathings in heaven are according to the societies, and their states of faith and love, 3886, 3887:2. The discourse of the celestial angels is perceived by the spiritual angels as a beating of the heart, 3886. In heaven there are two Kingdoms, the Celestial and the Spiritual; and the celestial angels pertain to the province of the heart, and the spiritual to the lungs, 3887. The influx of the heart is into the lungs, similarly into the whole body, and is as the good of love and the truth of faith, 3887:2-3890. The heart s. to the will, and breathing c. to the understanding, 3888. An experience respecting the correspondence of the heart with those things which belong to love, and of the lungs with those which belong to faith, 3889. The communication of truth and good in the understanding and will is like that of the heart and lungs, 9300:2, 9495.
The heart d. the inmost, because it is of the will, thus of love, 7542; the will, 9113; love and the will, 10336. The heart c. to celestial things; and the lungs, to spiritual, 3635. The heart d. the life of love, and the soul d. the life of faith: shown, 9050. From the heart and soul d. from all the will and understanding, 2930:2. What to support the heart s., 2166. What to steal the heart s., 4112, 4113, 4133. To speak to the heart d. confidence, 6578. To go forth from the heart d. from the will, 8910:3. To harden and be stubborn of heart d. obstinacy, 7272, 7300, 7305. To be heavy of heart d. to be obstinate from falsity; to be stubborn of heart d. to be obstinate from evil, 7616. To be in the mouth d. what is exterior, and proceeds from truth; to be in the heart d. that which is interior, and proceeds from good, 3313.
Heat (aestus). See FIRE.
Heat (calor). See FIRE and FLAME. Heat is tempered in Mercury; it comes from the height and density of the aerial atmosphere, and from the direct or oblique incidence of the sun’s rays, not from nearness, 7177. As lights are of two origins, so also are heats of two sources, or from the two suns, 3338. There are two origins of heat, or fire: namely, the sun of the world, and the Sun of heaven; and this heat is understood in the Word, and is love in both senses 5215:2. See also FIRE and FLAME. The Lord is the Sun of heaven, and the light in which is intelligence, and the heat in which is love are therefrom; and thence are the correspondences, 3636, 3643. Heats there are loves, or affections, 3338; and as loves and affections they are from influx of the Lord’s life, 3338. Spiritual light and spiritual heat make man’s life; concerning which: illustrated, 6032. Vital heat is love, 6314. See also FIRE. The angels are in light and heat, and the more they are in these, the more they are, in intelligence and wisdom, because they are nearer the Lord, 3339. As it is with the degrees of light with man, so it is in the degrees of spiritual heat with him, 6314. From love there is heat; and love is spiritual heat; but as the love is so is the heat, 2146. They who have been delighted with the Word, have heat according to the delight, 1773. Heaven is in light and heat, hell is in thick darkness and cold, 3643. In the hells there is also heat, but like that of a filthy bath, 3340. See COLD. The evil can produce heat, but it is excrementitious, 1773:3. There is heat in the quarter where those who are lascivious, but who have not extinguished the desire of procreating offspring, abide, 2757. Mowers of grass seek heat from others, but in vain; wherefore they acquire it to themselves by means of mowing, 1111.
The sun growing hot d. increasing concupiscence, 8487. To be heated d. ardour of affection, 4018; also its effect, 4019. The first coming together d. to be heated. See also To COME TOGETHER.
Heaven (caelum). See ANGEL. Lack of Knowledge respecting Heaven. Experiences showing that men have so general an idea respecting heaven and heavenly joy that it is no idea, 449. Some suppose it is on high, and thence governs lower things, 450; some that it consists in commanding, 450, 451; some that it consists in an idle life; but it consists in active life, and in performing the works of charity, such as the angels do, 454; some that it consists in the light of glory, 455; and some that it consists in praising and celebrating the Lord; concerning which, 456. All are ignorant of what heaven is, and that it is mutual love and the joy therefrom, 537, 540, 547. Heaven is mutual love, 2130:2.
The General Doctrine respecting Heaven. The doctrinal concerning heaven, 10714-10724. Love and faith make life, 10714. The love of good and the faith of truth make the life of heaven, 10715. The Divine of the Lord makes heaven, 10716, 10721. They who receive heaven in themselves come into heaven, 10717; these will good to all for the sake of good and truth; others will evil to all, 10718. Heaven is in the internal, not in the external apart from it, 10719. In the other life the internal is laid open, so as to show whether heaven or hell is in it, 10720. Love to the Lord, and towards the neighbour, and thence faith from the Lord, make heaven with man, 10721. Love and faith have in themselves heavenly joy, 10722. In the heavens there is a communication of all things, thence so great peace, intelligence, wisdom, and happiness, 10723. They who are in the loves of self and of the world, do not apprehend that in these there is so great happiness, 10724.
Admission into Heaven. The souls of those who are good are led into heaven, some slowly, and some more quickly, 317. Two examples showing that some enter heaven immediately after death, 318, 319. Some suppose that they are to be admitted into heaven by a door, 453. They are prepared that they may be admitted, 2130:2. How dangerous it is to come to heaven, unless they are prepared; from experience, 537-539, 784:2. They cannot be received into heaven who are in a life of evil, neither can they be instructed; if they could, and received faith, all would enter heaven, 2401:4. If heaven were granted from immediate mercy, it would be granted to all, 2401:2. [Concerning some evil ones who believed heaven is granted to everyone from immediate mercy, cast down out of heaven, 4226. Heaven is not granted from immediate mercy, but according to the life, 5057:2, 10659:4.] The evil cannot even approach heaven, 1397; nor can they endure the presence of an angel, 1271, 1398. [The hells are removed from the heavens, by which means they are able to sustain the presence of Divine Love from the Lord, 4299:2, 7519:2, 7738, 7989, 8306, 9327:3.] Infernals cannot enter heaven on account of the contrariety of spheres, 10187. A certain adulterer approaching heaven was rejected, 539. What was perceived in heaven; an experience, 546. The upright are instructed in the cognitions of good and truth, before they are carried forward into heaven, 1802:3. In some instances the externals are lulled to sleep, so that they may be intromitted into heaven, 1982. How they are received by the angels, and how they come, from freedom, into a suitable society, 2131. Divine Good would elevate all to heaven, but Truth condemns all to hell, 2258:2. No one is admitted into heaven by thinking alone, but by willing and doing good at the same time, 2359, 2401:2. [The state of those who, after vastation, come into heaven, 2699:2. No one is admitted into heaven unless he has something of innocence, 4797:2.] Evils and falsities are removed from those who are elevated into heaven, and goods and truths from those who are cast down into hell: shown, 9330:2.
Happiness in Heaven. The least is the greatest, because the most happy, 452, 1419; but heaven consists in being the least, not the greatest, 452. The heavenly joys in the first heaven, only the most universal, were computed at four hundred and seventy-eight, 457. The quality of heavenly joy is described, 540, 541, 544, 545. The upright are informed what heaven and heavenly joy are, 540. They who are not such are sometimes carried into heaven, but do not remain, 541, 542. The most heavenly joy of one is small with respect to others, 543. In heaven there is the most exquisite communication and perception of happiness, 549. In the heavens there is communication of the goods of all, since heavenly love communicates all its things to another, 550, 1390-1392, 10130, 10723. Concerning the extension of love in collateral things, in the heavens, and from one into another: illustrated, 9961. In the other life all things are communicated, and received or rejected, according to loves: illustrated, 10130:2. The state of peace in the heavens is as a state of dawn and spring on the earths, 1726, 2780, 5662:2. Heaven is never closed to eternity, but the more there are therein, the more happy they are, 2130. The Lord’s kingdom is a kingdom of uses, 1103:2, 3645, 4054, 7038.
The Divisions of Heaven. There are three heavens,-the inmost, the middle, and the ultimate, or the third, second, and first, 684; and the angels there are celestial and spiritual, 459. The angels of the three heavens are subordinate to each other, but not with a subordination of rule, 1752:2, 1802. There are three heavens; and they are opened successively with man by means of life; and they are also closed with the evil, 9594. [The good of the inmost, or third heaven, is called celestial; the good of the middle, or second heaven, spiritual; and the good of the ultimate, or first heaven, spiritual-natural, 4279, 4938, 4939, 9992, 10005, 10017:2, 10068. Heaven as a whole is divided into two kingdoms: into the Celestial Kingdom and the Spiritual Kingdom, 3887, 4138.] The Celestial Kingdom is the higher heavens, and the Spiritual Kingdom, the lower, 10068. They who are in the Spiritual Kingdom are in truths, and they who are in the Celestial Kingdom in good, 863, 875:4, 927, 1023, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2256, 4328, 4493, 5113, 9596. What the difference is between the celestial and the spiritual angels, 2088, 2669:2, 2708, 2715, 3235:2, 3240, 4788:3, 7068, 8521:2, 9277. [Celestial angels are immensely more wise than spiritual angels, 2718, 9942:11. Angels of the Celestial Kingdom receive the Divine of the Lord into the voluntary part, thus more interiorly than spiritual angels, who receive it in the intellectual part, 5313:12, 6366, 8521, 9835, 9993, 10124.] The Celestial Kingdom corresponds to the voluntary, and the Spiritual Kingdom to the intellectual of man; and similarly it is in man as it is in heaven, 9835:2. [The good of the Celestial Kingdom is the good of love to the Lord, and the good of the Spiritual Kingdom is the good of charity towards the neighbour, 3691:4, 6435.] The external of each heaven is a court, thus the ultimate heaven, 9741. Heaven consists of innumerable societies, 684. See SOCIETY. All the societies of heaven have a constant situation according to their different states of life, thus according to the differences of love and faith, 1274, 3638, 3639. All the societies in the heavens, and each separate angel in a society, are distinct from each other by means of varieties of good, 690, 3241, 3519:2, 3804:2, 3986:3, 4067:2, 4149:2, 4263, 7236:2, 7833, 7836:3. The arrangement of truths with man is according to the angelic societies: illustrated, 10303:3. Heaven is one by means of the reception of the good of love from the Lord: illustrated, 9613. Heaven is immense, 1610, 1810. That the heaven of the Lord is immense, sufficing for myriads of earths, is explained, 10784. There is also infinite variety in the heavens, 684, 690, 3744, 5598, 7236:2. Even all the most distinct things are in genera and species, 775. No one has a heaven like another, but they are so arranged by the Lord that they make one, 457. In hell and in heaven there are innumerable things, 969.
The Form of Heaven. [The form of heaven is a form according to the Divine order, 4040-4043, 6607, 9877.] The quality of the heavenly form; and all societies are arranged according to it; and all the affections of good and thoughts of truth flow according to it, 9877. Why man is called a heaven, in the Word, 1900. Man is a heaven in least form, 9632:2. Man is a heaven and a Church in least form: references cited, 9279e. Man is formed to the image of the world, and to the image of heaven: references cited, 9279e, 10156:4. The internal man is formed to an image of heaven, and the external to an image of the world; and various things respecting these, see WORLD. The things impressed on the memory, with the good, are in the heavenly form, 9931. [There are just as many degrees of life in man as there are heavens; and they are opened after death according to his life, 3749:2, 9594. Heaven is in man, 3884. Heaven as a connected whole appears as a man; and thence heaven is called the Grand Man, 2996, 2998, 3624-8649, 3741-3745, 4625.] Heaven is as one man before the Lord, and also the Church, 9276:8. [In the heavens there is respiration, but interior, 3884:2, 3885.] Presence and the ideas of space are according to the affinities of truths, in the other life illustrated, 10146. In heaven to the right is the south, to the left is the north, in front is from the sun rising, at the back is the west, 10189.
Good and Truth in Heaven. A man, or a spirit is his own truth and his own good: illustrated, 10298:2. [All things in the universe, both in heaven and in the world, which are according to order, relate to good and truth, 2451, 3166:2, 3704, 4390:2, 4409, 5232:2, 7256, 9050:6, 9806:2, 10122:2. Goods in the three heavens follow in a threefold order, 4938, 4939, 9992, 10005, 10017:2.] There are three kinds of good which constitute the three heavens; concerning which, 10270:2. [Varieties in heaven exist by means of truths, which are manifold, from which is anything good, 3470, 3804:2, 4149:2, 6917, 7236:2. Varieties in the heavens are varieties of good, 3744, 4005:5, 7236:2, 7833, 7836:3, 9002:2.] Varieties of the states of good and truth in the other life are as the varieties of states of heat and light in the world, 10200. The two goods which are in the inmost heaven are the good of love to the Lord and the good of mutual love; but in the middle heaven they are the good of charity towards the neighbour and the good of faith, 9468, 9680, 9683, [9741:3,] 9780. Internal goods follow in order from the Lord through the internal and external of the inmost heaven, and afterwards through the internal and external of the middle heaven: illustrated, 9457:2, 9473. How the goods of love succeed in the heavens, 9873. Goods and truths, with a regenerated man, are arranged to the form of celestial and spiritual things, so that they may correspond, 1900, 1928. Heaven consists of forms of charity, which are angels, 553. All proximities, relationships, affinities, and, as it were, consanguinities in heaven, are from good, and according to its agreements and differences, 685, 917, 1394, 2739, 3612, 3815, 4121.
The Lord in Heaven. [The Divine of the Lord makes heaven with the angels, 9128, 9338:6, 10125, 10151, 10157.] Divine Truth from the Lord makes heaven, 9408. The Lord is heaven and the Church, thus the all of all things there, because He dwells there in His own, and not in their proprium, 10125; shown, 10151:2, 10157. The universal heaven has relation only to the Lord, 551. All things and each thing of heaven and heavenly joy are from the Lord, 551, 552. The Lord appears in heaven as the Sun, and is the Sun of heaven, 1053e, 3636, 3641, 4060:2. All light in the heavens is from the Lord as the Sun, 1053:2, 1521:2, [1529,] 3195:3, 3341, 3636, 3641, 4415, [5097:2,] 9548:2, 9684:2, 10809. The Lord appears as the Sun at a medium height before the right eye, and as the Moon before the left eye, 1053e, 1521:2, 1529, 1530e, 1531, 3636, 3641, 4321:2, 5097:2, 7078:2, 7083, 7173, 7270:2, 8812:3, 10809. The Lord appears to those who are in the Celestial Kingdom as the Sun, and to those who are in the Spiritual Kingdom as the Moon, 1521:2, 1529, 1530e, 1531, 1837. [Concerning the influx of the Lord through the Celestial into the Spiritual Kingdom, 3969:17, 6366. Those who are in heaven are said to be in the Lord, 3637, 3638.] All who are in the heavens turn the face to the Lord, and all who are outside heaven turn away from Him, 9864:2. Evil spirits seek another heaven than that of the Lord, and do not find it, 458. Concerning the sphere of Divine Good surrounding heaven and the spirits there, 9490-9493, 9498, 9499; also hell, with a difference, 9534. See SPHERE. A glorification of the Lord heard and seen in the heavens 2133.
The Conjunction of Heaven with the World. Man is so created that he can be at the same time with angels, and angels with man, 1880:2. No one can live unless he is conjoined to heaven and the world of spirits, 687: Without communication with heaven by means of the Word the human race would perish, 10452:3. The conjunction of heaven with the man of the Church, 9276:3. See MAN (homo). There was a communication of the man of the Most Ancient Church with heaven, but afterwards heaven was closed, 784.
Appearances in Heaven. How the process of intromission appears in heaven, 2130. It is a reception into angelic societies, 2130. Concerning light and representatives in the heavens, 1521-1534. The light in heaven is according to the intelligence and wisdom of the angels, 1524, 1529, 1530, 3339. [The light of heaven illuminates the sight and understanding of angels and spirits, 2776:3, 3138. The ideas of angels of the inmost heaven appear like flame-coloured light, 6615; and those of angels of the ultimate heaven are like thin bright white clouds, 6614. In heaven there is no state corresponding to night, but to twilight before morning, 6110:6.]
Significations. Heaven d. the angelic heaven: illustrated and shown, 9408. The internal man is called heaven; but the external, earth, 82, 1733. What the new heaven and the new earth s., 1733, 1850:2. The new heaven and the new earth d. the new Church in general and in particular, 2117, 2118. There are in heaven both the rich and the poor, 2129:4. As there are both the rich and the poor in heaven, how it is to be understood that the miserable and they who have suffered persecutions shall enter heaven, 2129:2. What is sd. by the door being closed, by coming too late, by lacking oil in the lamps, and by knocking, 2130:2. What ‘he was not clad in a wedding garment, and was cast into hell’ s.; it d. the deceitful hypocrites, 2132.
[Heavenly. See CELESTIAL.]
Heave-Offering (sublatio seu theruma). The heave-offering d. what is the Lord’s; and it is given to the priest, 10093:2. Heave-offerings are called things given, but they are the Lord’s, and things given to man, 10093:3.
Heavy (grave). Falsities from evil are heavy, and sink down like a stone, 8279. Evils are heavy, and falsities, not from themselves, but from evil, 8298.
Heavy, To be (ingravare). See To HARDEN.
[Heavy, To Make (aggravare). See To HARDEN.]
Hebrew Language (Hebraea lingua). See LANGUAGE and HEBREWS.
Hebrews (Hebraei). A new Church was instituted by Eber, in Syria, 1238, 1241. The Ancient Hebrew Church was for a long time in the land of Canaan, 4516, 4517. The Hebrew Church differs from the Ancient Church; and the internal of the Church cannot be so conjoined with the Hebrew Church, 4874. The Hebrew Church was another Ancient Church, 1238:2, 1241, 1343. The Hebrew nation was distinct from others in this, that they acknowledged Jehovah, and made sacrifices; besides several other things respecting the Hebrew nation, 1343. Why the Egyptians abominated the Hebrews, 5702. See EGYPT. The Hebrew language, see LANGUAGE. In the Hebrew language distinctions are made by means of And, He Said, and He Spake, 7191.
Hebrew is predicated of those who are in any way of service, 1703, 1741. Hebrew is predicated of a servant where service is treated of, 5013. Hebrew servant d. those who are in truths of doctrine, and not in the good according to them, 8974. Men of the external Church are rd. by Hebrew servants, 8977. The cuticulars were rd. by Hebrew servants, 8977. Hebrew boy d. an infant of the Church, 5236. Hebrew women d. those things which are of the Church, 6675, 6684; and also Hebrew men; wherefore, 6738. The land of the Hebrews d. the Church, 5136.
Hebron (Chebron). The Church was rd. by Hebron, before it was rd. by Jerusalem, 2909:2. Hebron d. the Lord’s Church; Kirjatharba, the Church as to truth; Hebron, the Church as to good, 2909.
Heel (calcaneum). Heel d. the lowest natural, 259. See SHOE.
[Heifer. See CALF and OX.
Height. See HIGH.]
Heir (heres). What an heir of the Lord’s kingdom is, 1799, 1802:2. What inheritance and to inherit s.; inheritance is predicated of good and of truth, but the one by another word than the other: shown, 2658. To inherit d. to have another life, and with respect to good and truth, the Lord’s life, 2851, 3672; when used respecting heaven, d. to receive heaven as an heir by means of good from the Lord: shown, 9338. To inherit and to possess hereditarily d. to have the Lord’s life, also heaven: shown, 2658:5. What to inherit the gate of the enemies s., 2851. See GATE. To receive the inheritance of heaven d. the Lord’s life, 7212.
Hell (infernum). See DEVIL [and ANGEL.] Respecting Hell Generally. Men have no idea respecting hell, 692. The reason that men have scarcely any idea respecting hell, 969; and innumerable things exist there, 969. It is not known what hell is, unless it is known what evil is, 7181. [What and whence hell is, 8232. Hell is beneath at the greatest distance from the Sun of heaven, 8306.] The hells also have a constant situation under the soles of the feet some therefrom appear elsewhere and above, but it is a phantasy, 3640. The evil and the hells are removed from heaven, because they cannot sustain the presence of the Lord’s Divine, 4299. The infernals cannot enter into heaven, because they cease to breathe, and are tortured; they also cast themselves down therefrom, 4225:2. Some strangers who had learned to counterfeit angels of light, from certain causes, were intromitted [into heaven], but cast themselves down therefrom, 4225:2. Some evil ones also who wished to be admitted into heaven, and were admitted, similarly cast themselves down therefrom, 4226. [In hell the Divine Truth is terrible, 7573.] Thought and speech penetrated towards the hells, but on the way they were changed into their opposite; good and truth into evil and falsity, 3642. In hell goods are turned into evils, and truths into falsities; experiences, 4632. [All who are in hell speak falsities from evil, 7351, 7352, 7357, 7392, 7699e. The more infernals are in falsities from evil, the more they are averse to truth, 7738. The light of heaven is thick darkness to the evil, 8197:2.] Concerning thick darkness and cold in hell, also light and heat in heaven, 3340. See THICK DARKNESS. The hells are said to be in darkness, because they are in falsities; and concerning the light of them there, 4418. Darkness is predicated of the hells, and they have a light like a charcoal fire, 4531. They who are in hell appear to themselves, in their own light, as men but when looked into by the angels, they appear as devils and monsters; and whence this is, 4533. The evil and infernals appear, in the presence of the Divine light in heaven, as they are; from experience, 4674:2. What monsters the infernals appear in the light of heaven, 5057, 5058. The whole hell appears as a monster, not a human form, and every society there appears as a peculiar monster, and similarly each individual there, 6605, 6626. They who are in the hells have an opposite position,-head downward and feet upward, 3641. They are kept bound by their lusts and phantasies, 695, 1322. Hell continually attempts to rush into man, but the Lord frees him, 987:2. Infernals never cease from infesting the upright, unless they are driven away, 6907:2. The hells never cease from infesting the upright, 7097e. [The tenacity of the infernals to infest, 7551, 7710. The hells continually infest the good, and also seek to ascend into heaven, 7926:2. The infestations by infernals, 8096:2. The hells continually endeavour to force a way up, 8273e. Who can no longer force their way out from hell, 8288e. The hells would have always prevailed, unless the Human of the Lord were altogether united to His Divine, 10655e.] The Lord fought from His own power, and fights alone in accordance with man in temptations; and man can by no means withstand hell, 1692. See TEMPTATIONS. [The Lord fights for man against the hells, 8159:2. The hells do not dare to murmur against the Divine, 10367:7. The hells were for the most part opened, when the Lord was in the world, 8273.] A region of heaven was occupied by evil genii and spirits before the Lord’s coming, but then they were expelled, 6858, 6914:2. [Against whom the hells dare not rise, 8273:3.] How the Lord withholds a man from evils lest he rushes into hell, 789. Man casts himself into hell when he does evil from consent, then from purpose, also from the delight of affection; thence he opens to himself a corresponding hell which flows in, 6203. What it is to be let down into hell, and into the lower earth; an experience, 699. The Lord never sends anyone into hell, 1683. The Divine Good elevates all to heaven, and the Divine Truth condemns all to hell, 2258:2. [Who they are that are successively carried into hell, 7465, 7502. Who they are that are in hell, 9128. The evil, before they are cast down into hell, are devastated as to truths and good; and these being withdrawn they are carried of themselves into hell, 7795:2, 8210:2, 8232, 9330:2.] Every truth and good is taken away from the evil, and they are left in evil and falsity; but it is not allowed them to increase the faculty of evil, 6977:2. Truths are taken away from the evil in the other life; the reason, 7039:2. Unless there were penalties, spirits would be held down in hell to eternity, 967. The infernals by means of punishments are drawn away from doing evils, 7188, 7280:2. What the fire of hell is, 1861:5. The freedom which belongs to the love of self and the world is from hell. See FREEDOM. [To be led by hell is bondage, 9586, 9589-9591.] The Lord rules the hells, 3642. From the Lord there is order in the hells; also by means of the celestial, 6370. A man interiorly evil makes the delight of his life to consist in doing evil, although he appears exteriorly otherwise in the world, 7032:2. [What is delightful and what is undelightful to the infernals, 7699. The spheres from the evil extend themselves far into infernal societies, according to the quality and quantity of evil, 8794:5, 8797:3. Every hell is closed round about, and is opened above, 10483:2. The hells are opened according to necessity and need, 10483:2.] All the states of man return in the other life, 823. They who think evil about others are among the infernals; they who think good are among the heavenly, 1680. Hatred constitutes hell, 693, 694. Infernals desire nothing more than to punish, and to torture, 695. Infernal spirits have incredible cunning and malice, 6666:2. Man is a diminutive heaven, and his interiors correspond to the three heavens, 9782. Sensitive life in the other life is real in heaven, and not real in hell: illustrated, 4623. Evil spirits are known from their faces, also with which hells they communicate, 4798. [Hell inflicts damnation, 7879. Who can pass through the hells without risk, 8200. What it is to have hell in oneself, 10743.] The stink in the hells. See To STINK and EXCREMENTITIOUS.
Hell’s Connection with Man. There are with man two spirits from hell and two angels from heaven, 5846-5866, 5976-5993. See SPIRIT and ANGEL. By means of a spirit a man communicates with hell, 687, 697. [The hells are always with man, and they domineer over him so far as the Lord does not remove them, 9937:3. There are about man a general sphere from hell of endeavour to do evil and a continual sphere to do good; whence are man’s equilibrium and freedom; from experience, 6477. Man’s proprium is hell with him, 8480. Man from birth and from actual hereditary life is hell in the least form, 9336:2.] The hells have deadly hatred towards man, and the delight of their life is to destroy him and his soul, 5863, 5864.
Particular hells. [There are as many hells as there are genera and species of evils, 8137:2.] The hell of those who have a deadly hatred, or the cadaverous hell, 814. Some were let out therefrom, sending an infant to me, 814; what the nature of their falling down through fire and smoke into caverns was, 814:2. They have a brazen ring, by which they are distinguished, showing that they are bound, 814:2. They are delighted with revenge, so much so that they desire to destroy the soul; they are under Gehenna where there are serpents, 815. The hell of those who are assassins, and kill by poison, 816, 817. A certain one of them attempted to murder me by a stroke through the heart and in the brain, 816. The punishment of one who killed another by poison, 817. The hell where they smite themselves with knives; the hell of those who sought to kill others cruelly, 818. Concerning a pool and its description; there are serpents, and frantic women, 819. Robbers and pirates love stinking urinous things, 820. Concerning those who are outwardly honest, but inwardly robbers; their punishment, 821. The quality of those who, in the other life, love to do injury to others, 822. The hell of adulterers who are at the same time cruel; where there are some Jews; their cruel instruments, 824. Concerning the Gehenna where there are immodest women there are something fiery and serpents; the burning is sometimes changed into internal cold, 825. Concerning the Gehenna of those who deified sanctity by adulteries; the difference from the other, 826e. They who have ensnared by means of conjugial love and love towards infants, are devastated even to the bones, 827. The punishment of those is most heavy who deflower virgins without marriage or offspring as an end, 828. Concerning the punishment of those who think and speak lasciviously, also mingling what is holy, 829. The penalty of rending of those who supposed that young and beautiful wives are for them, 829:2. Concerning the punishments and hells of adulterers, 2746-2757. See ADULTERY. The hell of cruel adulterers is under the right foot, where are such from the Jewish nation; from experience, 5057. The hell of those who deceived men by premeditated craft, with the intention of destroying the soul, 830. Concerning sorceresses and sirens, their deceits, punishment, and hell, 831. The hell of the deceitful is in a tun, outside which is a small globe; and they suppose that they trample on the universe with the feet, 947. Concerning those in a certain tun who are deprived of rationality, 948. A description of the excrementitious hells, 5394. Concerning the hell of those who act deceitfully, untruthfully, and artificially; and they relate to ulcers and abscesses in the body, 5188. The hell of the avaricious, 938-940. The excrementitious hell of those who have had mere pleasures for an end, 943. The hell of low females who give themselves up to pleasures, 944. Concerning a gloomy vault where they are who plot against others, 949. Concerning the home of dragons; who are therein, 950. Concerning those who have supposed themselves holy; their lust and anxieties, 951. Concerning the hell of the antediluvians under a misty rock, 1270. [From whom are the most atrocious hells, 8882. Which hells are behind the back, 9013:2.] Different penalties, see PENALTY.
Help (auxilium). Help, when predicated respecting the Lord, d. mercy and presence, 8652.
[Helper. See COMFORTER.]
Herb (herba). The herb of the field d. the truth of the Church: shown, 7571. To eat the herb of the field d. to live as a wild animal, 274.
Herd (armentum). See OX [and FLOCKS.] Herd d. natural goods, 2566. Flocks d. interior natural good; herds d. exterior natural good. 5913. Flocks d. internal goods; herds d. external goods, 8937. Flock and herd d. interior and exterior good: illustrated and shown, 10609.
Hereditary (hereditarium). What hereditary evil is, 4317:4. Hereditary evil is not from Adam, but from parents successively, 313, 494:2. Hereditary evil is not from the first man, but from parents successively, 4317:4. Hereditary evils are from parents and grandfathers in a long series backward, 8550. Therefrom a man from himself superadds evils, 8551. Hereditary evils increase in the generations, if men are not regenerated, 2910:4. Man is nothing but evil from accumulated hereditary nature; on which account he must be regenerated: illustrated, 3701:2. Hereditary evils to-day are more malignant, 2122. Infants are of different dispositions and inclinations from hereditary evil, 2300. Infants are nothing but evil from the hereditary quality, 2307, 2308. Infants are remitted into evils, that they may know that they are nothing but evil, 2307, 2308. Hereditary evil is a nourishment from infancy even to the new infancy, 4563:2. No one is punished on account of hereditary evils, but on account of actual evil, 966. No one suffers a penalty on account of hereditary evil, but on account of actual evil, 2308. It is not allowed for evil spirits to operate into hereditary evils, 1667:2. With those who are of the spiritual Church hereditary evils are covered and, as it were, veiled, 8806.
Good is connate in man, not truth, on account of hereditary evil; nevertheless truth coheres with the good with some power, 3304:2. Natural good is of a fourfold kind:-natural good from the love of good, from the love of truth, from the love of evil, and from the love of falsity; and children receive an inclination to these from their parents hereditarily, 3469:2. Natural good is what a man derives from his parents: interiorly from the father, exteriorly from the mother, 3518.
The Lord’s hereditary nature from Jehovah was Divine; and from the mother, evil, 1414. The Lord had hereditary evil from the mother, 1414:2, 1573.
Heresy (haeresis). Heresies are born; and how, 362. Heresies exist from this, that man is in externals, and not in internals; and he thinks about himself and the world when he reads the Word: illustrated, 10400:2. There would be no heresy if all had charity, 1799:3. There would be one Church if charity were the essential, howsoever men might differ as to doctrinal matters and external worships, 1285:3, 1316, 1798, 1799:2, 1834:2, 1844, 2385:4, 2982, 3267:2, 3451:2. See CHURCH.
[Heritage. See INHERITANCE.]
Heth, Hittite (Cheth, Chittaeus). The remains of the Most Ancient Church were with the Hittites and the Hivites, 4447:2, 4454. What Heth s., 1203. By the sons of Heth are sd. the spiritual Church; concerning which, 2913, 2986; by them also is sd. the falsity of the Church, 2913; the Church of the Gentiles, 2986, 3686. The Hittites d. truth from what is not genuine, 3470, 3620, 3621, 3622, 3686; [falsities from which there are evils, 6858. The Hittite, the Perizzite, and the Rephaim s. persuasions of falsity, 1867.]
Hewers of Woods (sedores lignorum). What hewers of woods s., 1110e.
Hide (pellis). See SKIN. A coat of hide d. spiritual and natural good, 294-296. Hide and skin d. externals: shown, 3540. Skin, or hide d. falsity in the externals, 10036.
Hide, To (abscondere). Not to conceal d. to be known, 6132.
Hieroglyphics (hieroglyphica). Concerning the hieroglyphics and magic of the Egyptians, 6692. They were from the representatives of the Ancient Church with the Egyptians, 7097.
High (altum). [See also ABOVE.] Concerning those who suppose heaven to be on high, 450. The deceitful appear on high, but they are in the depth, 1380. What length, breadth, and height s., 650. Internal is expressed by high, 2148. Interior things are described by means of high things, 4599. High d. internal, 1735. See also MOUNTAIN. High, in the Word, d. what is interior; why, 4210. High, or lofty d. heaven, thus the Divine: shown, 8153:2. A lofty hand d. Divine Power, 8153. To exalt oneself, when used of the Lord, d. to manifest the Divine in the human, 8264. To exalt the Lord, when done by man, d. worship, 8271. Height d. degree as to good, and the truth therefrom: illustrated and shown, 9489, 9773, 10181.
High Places (excelsa). Whence the custom of sacrificing upon high places arose, 796. See HIGH.
[Highway. See WAY.]
Hill (collis). See MOUNTAIN.
Hin (hin). Hin, a measure, d. the quality of conjunction: shown, 10262. See MEASURE.
Hind (cerva). Hind d. natural affection: shown, 6413.
[Hinder. See BACK PARTS.]
Hire (merces). See also MERIT. Hire, or gain should be in the last place, and not the first, and then it is well, 9180; illustrated also, 9184. The angels communicate their own good to others, so that they wish thus to give everything; and then more flows in with increase, but it is at the same time dissipated, if they think about recompense, 6478, 9174:3. They who do good for the sake of recompense in heaven, in the other life love themselves, and not the neighbour, 8002:7. See also MERIT.
Reward d. a means of conjunction; and they who are in the affection of good do not think about reward: illustrated, 3816; what is delightful and blessed in well-doing, 6388. See also MERIT. Hire, from which Issachar was named, in the supreme sense, d. the Divine Good of Truth and the Truth of Good; in the internal sense, celestial conjugial love; and, in the external sense, mutual love, 3956:2; in the supreme sense, d. from oneself, and the proprium, 3996, 3999. The hire which is mentioned in the Word d. the affection of charity, 3956.
Hireling (mercenarius). Hireling d. those who do good for the sake of gain, and who do good for the sake of recompense in heaven: shown, 8002.
[Historicals. See WORD.]
Hittite (Chittaeus). See HETH.
Hivite (Chivaeus). The remains of the Most Ancient Church were with the Hivites, 4447:2, 4454. Hivite d. interior truth from the ancients; concerning which, 4431; an idolatrous state in which is something of good, 6860.
Hoar-Frost (pruina). Hoar-frost d. truth in the form of good, 8459.
[Hog. See SOW.]
Hole (foramen). A basket bored through, and full of holes, d. what is without termination in the interiors of man: shown, 5145.
Hollow Table (cavum tabulatum). Hollow table d. the application, 9738.
Holy, Sanctuary (sanctum, sanctuarium). They who suppose themselves holy have a shining face, and are kept even to anxiety in the desire of ascending into heaven, 951. Concerning a certain one who said he had lived horny, but who did not know what the goods of charity are; finally he became black, 952. The holiness of worship is according to the quality and quantity of the truth of faith implanted in charity, 2190. Sanctification with the Jews was a veiling of the interiors, lest these should appear when in representatives, 8788:2, 8806:2. Holiness with the Israelitish and Jewish nation consisted of the holy representatives, 10149. Sacred erections, as the altar and tent, were polluted by the sins of the people: shown and illustrated, 10208:3. Concerning those who bring down spiritual things to earthly things, and defile them, 4050:4. A holy external without an internal is of no avail, but a holy external from the internal is, 10177:5. Everything holy is from the Lord: shown, 9680:3; and truth is holy so far as it is of the Lord, thus so far as it contains good in it, 9680:2. Love to the Lord is the holy thing itself, 3852. Spiritual good is called holy; and celestial good, the holy of holies shown, 10129:2. Angels, prophets, and apostles are called holy from the reception of Divine Truth from the Lord: illustrated, 9820:2.
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the holiness of the Spirit which is from the Lord: briefly shown, 3704:15. Holy Truth which proceeds from the Divine Human of the Lord is the Holy Spirit, 7499. See also SPIRIT. Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord is the Holy Spirit, 8127; places cited, 9229. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord: shown at large, 9818:8. Holiness is predicated of the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord: illustrated and briefly shown, 9820; and this is the Holy Spirit, 8302. Holiness is predicated of the Truth which is from the Lord, and the Holy Spirit is holy truth, 6788. The sin against the Holy Spirit is to deny the Lord and the Word when they have been first acknowledged, 9264.
Significations. The Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle, and in the Temple rd. the Divine Human of the Lord, and Its quality is rd. by the things therein, 3210. Things were called holy, because they rd. Divine things, 10069. Holy d. without the falsity of evil, 10302; the Divine Human of the Lord, 10359, 10360; the good and truth which are from the Lord, 10361; the good of love and the truth of faith with man from the Lord, 10361. To sanctify to Jehovah d. to ascribe to the Lord, 8042; when referring to the first-born, d. to ascribe to the Lord; similarly to cause to pass over, and to sacrifice, 8074, 8088; to represent the Lord as to the Divine Human, 9956, 9988; the influx and presence of the Lord, 10276. To be sanctified d. not to be capable of being violated, 8887, 8895; the reception of the Lord, 10128. Sanctification, with respect to those who are of the spiritual Church, d. to be led by the Lord; what is from the Lord is holy, 8806:2. The Lord alone is holy, and everything holy is from Him, and all sanctification rd. Him: shown, 9229:2. Sanctuary d. heaven, where the truth of faith is: shown, 8330; the Lord, and heaven from Him: shown, 9479.
[Holy Supper, See SUPPER and ALTAR.]
Homer (chomer). See also OMER. Homer d. full, because it consisted of ten ephahs, and also baths, 8468. Omer d. as much as is sufficient, 8468; also power, 8473. See also MEASURE.
Honest (honestum). Spiritual good and truth, civil justice and equity, and moral honesty and decorum follow in order; and upon these conscience is founded, 2915. Truths are the forms of good: illustrated from honesty and decorum, 4574:2.
Honey (mel). What honey s., 2184. Honey d. what is delightful and pleasant, principally in the exterior natural: shown, 5620; gladness and joy, 8056; external delight mingled with the delight of the love of the world, 10137; the good of love, 10530. A land flowing with milk and honey d. what is pleasant and delightful, 6857.
Honour (honor). Honours ought not to be solicited for one’s own sake, but for the sake of the neighbour, 6938. Honour d. love, 8897. Honoured above all in the father’s house d. the primary, 4476.
Hoof (ungula). Hoof d. truth from good in the ultimate degree, thus sensual truth, and, in the opposite sense, falsity of the same degree: shown, 7729.
Hook (uncus). Hooks d. modes of conjunction, 9676. Hooks and fillets d. modes of conjunction, 9749.
Hooks (ansulae). Hooks d. the faculties of conjunction, 9611.
[Hope (spes). Genuine trust is possible only with those who are in the good of charity; and genuine hope only with those who are in the good of faith, 6578e.]
Horeb (Choreb). What Horeb s., 6830. Horeb d. the Divine law, 8581; the external of worship, of the Church, and of the Word: illustrated, 10543. Mount Horeb d. heaven in the whole complex, and the mountainous country about Mount Sinai d. the external of the Word, 10608.
Horites (Chorites). Horites d. persuasions of falsity, 1675.
Horn (cornu). [See also JOBEL.] Horn s. the power of truth from good, and the power of falsity from evil, 2832:2; the horn of the altar also, 2832:8. Horns d. the powers of truth from good: shown, 10182; the exteriors, 10186. To strike with the horn d. to destroy falsity by means of the power of truth, and, in the opposite sense, to destroy truth by means of the power of falsity, 9081. The horns upon the four corners of the altar d. all manner of power, 9719-9721.
Hornet (crabro). Hornet d. the dread of those who are in the falsities of evil, 9331. See INSECT.
Horror (horror). Horror d. alteration, 3593.
Horse, Rider (equus, eques). [See also under ARMY.] A man resuscitated is represented sitting on a horse directing him towards hell, but the horse does not move from the place, wherefore the man descends and goes on foot, 187, 188. They who deflower virgins without an intention of marriage and offspring, seem to themselves to sit on a furious horse, 828. Horses are represented when the angels discourse about the intellect, 3217. There is a place where there are horses continually; it is called the home of the intelligent, 3217. The spirits of the planet Jupiter are carried into heaven by horses shining as if fiery, as Elijah was, 8029. In the earth Jupiter there are horses, but in woods, and they are large, and there is a natural fear of them; whence it is, 8381.
Horse d. the intellectual: shown, 2761, 2762. Horses, when predicated of the sensual, d. fallacies, 6400. Horses d. intellectual things, and chariot d. doctrinals: shown, 5321:3. Horses of Egypt d. scientifics from the intellectual: shown, 6125. Horses of Pharaoh and the Egyptians d. scientifics from a perverted intellectual; riders d. reasonings therefrom; chariot d. the doctrinals of falsity; army and people d. falsities themselves, 8146:2, 8148:2. The white horse mentioned in the Apocalypse d. the internal sense of the Word, and the Lord who is the Word, 2760. What Elijah’s fiery chariots and fiery horses s., 2762:2.
Riders d. those things which pertain to the understanding: shown, 6534. For a rider to fall backwards d. to recede from the truth, 6401. To ride upon an ass d. to serve the new intelligence, 7024.
[Horseman. See RIDER under HORSE.]
Hospitality (hospitium). See INN.
[Host. See ARMY.
Hot, To Grow. See To BE HEATED.]
House (domus). In the most ancient time there was a distinction between houses, families, and nations, 470. The reasons why they dwelt so distinct, 471, 4832, 1246. The blessed have various dwellings, 4622. How magnificent the dwellings of angels are; they have real dwellings, which in the world are not so, 1628, 1629. How the case is when they are changed, 1629. Seen by souls recently come from the world, 1630. They who are within the house, and more so they who are in one chamber, think as one; otherwise they who are outside: illustrated and shown, 9213:5. The rich without charity dwell first in magnificent palaces, afterwards in meaner, and at length ask for alms, 1631. See also PALACE. Man is called a house; his internal good, the father’s house; good in the same degree, the brother’s house; external good, the mother’s house, 3128.
House s. the will and the things belonging to the will, 710; the rational mind as to good and truth conjoined to it as if by marriage, 3538; the mind, whether natural or rational, 4973; the natural and rational mind, thus the man: shown, 5023; the mind, 7353; the will of good, 7848, 7929; various things, and also the memory, 9150. By a house is dd. the things belonging to the memory, 2559. Houses d. goods, also the good, 2233, 2331; also interior delights, which are goods to them, 2559. The house of his fathers d. the particular good of each: illustrated, 7833-7835. The father’s house d. hereditary evils, 5353. What to build houses s., 1488. What born in the house s., 1708. They who are born in the house d. the celestial; and they who are bought with silver d. the spiritual, 2048. He who is over the house d. that which belongs to the external Church, when he who is in the house d. the internal Church, 5640. The steward of the house d. the external Church, when the house is the internal Church, 1795. See also DWELLING, FAMILY, NATIONS. What house, and what temple s., 2048. The House of God d. the Church, heaven, and the Lord’s kingdom, and the Lord as to good; the Temple d. the same as to truth, 3720. On this account the House of God among the most ancient people was of wood, because wood d. good, 3720; and the House of God d. the kingdom of God in the ultimate of order, 3720:3. House d. celestial good, and then field d. spiritual good; and when house d. spiritual good, then field d. spiritual truth, 4982. The roof of a house d. good, because it is the higher state; the things in the house d. truths, 3652:6. What to sweep the house s., 3142. See To SWEEP. To enter the house of anyone d. communication, 5776. God made houses for midwives d. that He disposed scientifics into a heavenly form, 6690. The sons of Israel rd. heaven and its societies by means of divisions into tribes, families, and houses, [7833,] 7836:2, 7891, 7996, 7997, [8003, 8469e.] What chambers s., in various senses, 3900:6. Chambers of the bed d. interiors of the mind, 7353. To enter a bedchamber d. in himself, not apparently: shown, 5694.
[Human. See LORD.
Human Divine. See LORD and ANGEL.
Human Form. See ANGEL.]
Humiliation (humiliatio). The Lord’s state of humiliation, 1785. The Lord’s state of humiliation and His state of glorification; what the difference is, 1999:2. See LORD. The Lord’s humiliation before Jehovah when He was in the world was from the Human not yet made Divine: illustrated. 6866. The quality of humiliation, 6866. The state of true humiliation comes from the acknowledgment of self; and the profane cannot look to the Lord, who is Divine and Holy, 2327:2. In all worship and adoration there must be humiliation, 2327:2, 2423. Humiliation makes Divine worship; why, 8873. All subordination and submission must be from the First of life, so that there may be conjunction, 3091. Good and truth from the Lord can flow into the humble heart, because it recognises in itself nothing but what is evil; in the Lord, nothing but what is good; thus it is in the aversion and, as it were, absence of self, 3994. Humiliation is not required because the Lord wishes for glory, but because good can flow into a state of humiliation with man, and conjoin itself with truth, and thus the man can be regenerated, 4347:2. The Lord requires humiliation, not for the sake of self, but for the sake of man, for thus man is in a state to receive good, 5957. Humiliation solely external is different from internal, 5420. The sons of Jacob could be in external humiliation more than others, but still they were not in internal illustrated, 9377:2. But humiliation is not granted with the evil, 7640. Concerning the humiliation of the inhabitants of Mars; it is inmost and profound; and they believe themselves to be in hell of themselves, and dare not look to the Lord; and this until they are elevated by the Lord, 7478.
Humiliation, when predicated of the evil, d. obedience, 7640.
Hundred (centum). Hundred d. the same as ten, 1988:2.
Hundred d. a full state; concerning which, 2636; much, 4400; what is full, 9745. What a hundred and ten years s., 6582, 6594. What a hundred and eighty years s., 4617. [Hunger. See FAMINE.]
Hunger, To (esurire). To hunger d. to desire good from affection: shown briefly, 4958.
Hunt, To (venari). To hunt d. to teach from the affection of truth, and, in the opposite sense, to persuade from the affection of falsity: shown, 3309:3. Hunting and to hunt d. to persuade, 1178. Hunting d. the good of life from sensual and scientific truths, because such things as they take by hunting are venison, and there are arms [used in hunting]; concerning which, 3309:2. Hunting also d. truth which is from good, 3501. To go to the field to hunt venison d. the endeavour of affection to procure truth, 3508.
Hur (Chur). [See also AARON.] Moses, Aaron, and Hur d. Divine truths in order, 8603; doctrine and its truth, 9424, 10329.
Husband (maritus). See MAN (vir) [and WIFE.]
Husband’s Brother, Levirate (levir, leviratus). To stand as a levirate d. to preserve and to continue that which pertains to the Church: shown, 4834.
Huts (tuguria). See TENT.
Hypocrite (hypocrita). See also DECEIT. Who are hypocrites, 4424:2. Hypocrites induce a pain in the teeth, the bone of the temples, even into the cheeks, 5720. Hypocrites cannot perform repentance, thus their sins cannot be forgiven them, 9013:6, 9014:4.
Deceitful hypocrites are they who are sd. by those who entered and were not clad in a wedding garment, 2132. Poison d. deceit, or hypocrisy, in the Word; and venomous serpents d. the deceitful, or hypocrites: shown, 9013:3. Deceit d. hypocrisy, in the Word: shown, 9013:4.
Hyssop (hyssopus). Hyssop d. external truth, and an external means of purification; cedar d. the internal: shown, 7918:2.
Idea (idea). See To THINK and DOCTRINE, [and under ANGEL.] In one idea of thought there are innumerable things; an experience, 6613-6618; and in an idea of good and truth there is the whole heaven; from experience, 4946:2. In every idea there is an image of a man, 803:2. In every idea of thought there is the whole man: illustrated, 10298:5. Ideas with the good are opened, and wonderful things are descried, 1869. Ideas with those who are in good are opened, but with those who are in truth alone are closed, 3607:3. A closed idea of thought was seen like a black point, and an open idea was seen, in which all things led to the Lord, 6620:2. The quality of the idea of truth without good, in the other life, and the quality of its light, 2425:2. The quality of natural, spiritual, and celestial thought, 10604. The quality of forms of heavenly thought; the clear forms are in the middle, the obscure round about, and the opposite tend downwards, 8885. Man’s ideas are respectively most obscure, 2367. It is not perceived by man in the world what is being transacted in the internal man, because spiritual ideas are there; but what is in the external, 10237:3, 10240e. The ideas of the internal man are spiritual, but they appear in the external, thence man does not know them, 10551e. Angels immediately come into a spiritual idea, and a material idea is put off at the first threshold, 10568:2. The ideas of angels are turned into various representatives, in the world of spirits, and are with man when he sleeps; concerning which, 1980, 1981. Angelic ideas which were flowing into the thoughts of the spiritual, were made visible as clouds, 6614; they appeared like flame-coloured light, 6615. Ideas such as a man has about the arcana of faith, in the other life can be presented before the sight, 3310e. Ideas which are called forth from the memory have a material nature in the middle, which round about appears as a wave; but it is not so when the thought is in the sensual, 6200. Critical ideas are like a texture made of thread ends, 6621. How deified and filthy are the ideas of the thoughts of those who lived evilly, and thought evil therefrom, 6625. According to the idea of a subject, and the affection, is the understanding of that subject, 3825:2. Ideas of thought extend themselves abundantly into societies on both sides, 6599-6613. See THOUGHT. The ideas of thought with man are varied, multiplied, divided, and variously consociated, 6610. Ideas have a consociation and correspondence with societies, in the other life, 2470. Spiritual speech is effected by means of ideas; thence spirits can converse with all, 2470-2479. See SPEECH, also MEMORY. Concerning the speech of spirits being of the ideas of thought, see SPEECH and THOUGHT. The nature of the internal sense of the Word is illustrated by means of the interior and more interior idea of thought with man; concerning which, 10604:2, 10614. Doctrinals are founded upon scientific truth, and this upon sensual things; and otherwise an idea about doctrinals cannot be had, 3310:4. Every truth of the Church has with it ideas from scientifics, which, in the other life, are wont to be shown, 5510:2.
Idleness, Idle (otium, otiosus). They who have been abandoned to idleness and inactivity only, and no business, in the other life induce heaviness in the stomach, 5723. They who are idle d. they who are not sufficiently infested, 7118; [the text here reads, they who are remiss (remissi).]
Idolatry (idolatria). [See also IDOLS.] Kinds of idolatry, 1357. Idolatries are internal and external, 1205. Idolatry is external and internal; the difference, 1363, 1370. There is an idolatrous external and internal; in general the worship of falsity and evil, 4826. An idolatrous internal is of the love of self and the world, 4825:2. It is idolatrous to worship external things without internal: illustrated, 4825. The Lord was designated by various names in the Ancient Church, from which names idolatries had their own gods, 3667. The ancients designated various Divine things which appeared in effects, by various names; as also the Divine attributes; and idolatries were therefrom, 4162:2. What the lot of those of the Ancient Church who became idolaters is; thus what the lot of those who are interior idolaters is, 2605. Out of idolatry the representative Church was made, 1361. Concerning idolaters in the other life; their state and lot, see NATIONS.
Idols were of stone, wood, silver, and gold; and those of gold were the worst of all, because by them were sd. the evil of doctrine and the evil of life from the love of self, 10503. By idols, molten images, and graven images, in the Word, are sd. doctrines from the external sense of the Word without the internal, which sense is explained, from one s own intelligence, according to the inclination of the love of self: shown, 10406. See also IDOLS. Graven images, molten images, idols, and strange gods d. the things from one’s own intelligence, which thus have no life in themselves: shown, 8941. Graven images d. the things from one’s own intelligence; and molten images d. the things according to love: shown, 10406:6. To form an idol with a graving tool d. from one’s own intelligence: shown, 10406. By the nations in the land of Canaan are sd. idolatries, 1205.
Idols or Graven Images (idola vel sculptilia). The idols which the Israelites worshipped, 8932:2. What the graven image and the molten image d.: shown, 10406:6. Graven images d. the things from the proprium, which men desire should be adored as Divine: shown, 8869. Graven images, molten images, strange gods, and idols d. the things from one’s own intelligence, and which have no life in themselves, 8941. The gods of gold and silver d. evils and falsities, 8932:8. See IDOLATRY.
Ignorance (ignorantia). The spiritual, before they are regenerated, are reduced to ignorance, which is the desolation of truth, 2682:2. Men are kept in ignorance lest they profane holy things, 301-303. Holiness dwells in ignorance, also with the angels; not with the Lord, 1557:2. The good of infancy, the good of ignorance, and the good of intelligence; what the difference is, 2280:2.
To be ignorant and not to know d. to be obscure, 3717.
[Illusion. See FALLACIES.
Illustration. See ENLIGHTENMENT.]
Image (imago). The spiritual man is an image; the celestial man, a likeness, 50:3, 51. What an image of God is, and what a likeness is, 1013. An image of God is charity, or love towards the neighbour, a likeness is love to the Lord, 1013.
Immaterial (immateriale). What comes forth from phantasy respecting the immaterial, 1533.
Immersed, To be (immergi). See INUNDATION.
Impatience (impatientia). Impatience is a corporeal affection; and so far as a man is in it, he is in time, and so far as a man is not in it whilst he is in heavenly affection, he is not in time, 3827. To hasten s. impatience, 5766.
Imposthume. See ABSCESS.
Incantation. See ENCHANTMENT and MAGIC.]
Incense (suffitus). See ODOUR, SPICE, FRANKINCENSE. Because odour corresponds to perception, frankincense, incenses, and odours in ointments became representative, 4748:2. Incense d. those things of worship which are gratefully perceived: shown, 9475; and thence it was aromatic, 9474:3. See also FRANKINCENSE and SPICE. Incenses d. confessions, adorations, and prayers, which are from the truths of faith that are from love: shown, 9475:3. Incense d. spiritual worship, which is effected by means of confessions, adorations, and prayers, 10298. The aromatic scents of incense d. the affections of truth from good in worship, 10291; and they pertain to the spiritual class, 10295. The altar of incense d. a representative of the hearing and grateful reception of all things of worship, which are from love and charity from the Lord; thus a representative of such things of charity as are elevated by the Lord: illustrated and shown, 10177. To offer incense d. elevation of worship, because it is fume from a fire, which is love, 10198.
Incredulity (incredulitas). See FAITH.
Indefinite (indefinitum). See INFINITE.
[Indolence. See IDLENESS.]
Inertia (inertia). See IDLENESS.
Infant, Infancy (infans, infantia). Love towards infants, unless it be for the sake of the Lord’s kingdom, is not unlike that of brutes, 1272. Evil spirits cannot excite anything of evil and falsity with infants and the simple at heart, 1667:2. The Word when read by infant boys and girls is better perceived by the angels, 1776. How the states of infants succeed from the first which is a state of innocence, 3183. Changes of the affections from infancy even to adult age were seen in the face, and how much of infancy remained, 4797:2. The innocence of infancy became the innocence of wisdom, 4797:2. When a man becomes old and as if an infant, the innocence of wisdom should be conjoined with the innocence of ignorance which he had when an infant, and so he should pass into the other life, 5605e. True infancy is at the same time wisdom, 1616:5. Cognitions are implanted in the celestial things of infancy, 1616:4. By means of cognitions man is implanted with the celestial things of infancy at childhood, 1616:4. What are the goods and truths that are procured from infancy to youth, 5135:3. See REMAINS. Good is implanted in man from infancy that it may be a plane for receiving truth, 10110:4. The difference between the good of infancy, the good of ignorance, and the good of intelligence, 2280:2. The good of infancy is not spiritual good, but becomes so by the implantation of truth, 3504. Man without the goods of infancy would be a wild animal, 3494. What is imbued in infancy appears to be natural, 3494. Innocence with infants is outside, and hereditary evil inside; but innocence is inside with the regenerated, and hereditary evil outside, 4563:2. It is true that infants are sons of the Lord, and also adults who retain the goods of infancy in wisdom, 3494:2 Infants are instructed in heaven, and easily, 1802:3. Infants grow up in heaven from spiritual nourishment; concerning which, 4792e. Infants of some years are with those who constitute the interiors of the nostrils, 4627:3. The quality of those who at this day are against innocence was represented by an infant whom they treated very badly, 2126. An infant thrust the antediluvians down, 1271:2. The atmospheres of sporting infants, in the other life, 1621:2.
Concerning infants; from experience, 2289-2309. All infants are raised up into heaven; hence it is manifest how immense is the Lord’s heaven, 2289. Infants in heaven know nothing more than infants, but they are instructed; an experience, 2290. Their intellectual is tender, but their ideas can be opened by the Lord, because nothing has yet closed their ideas, 2291. They are instructed there according to all their faculty in a heavenly order, 2292. They are initiated into this, that they have no other Father than the – Lord, and that they have life from the Lord; [hence] they suppose that they have been born in heaven, 2293. Spirits urge them, but they resist; which is their temptation, 2294. Otherwise they cannot be infested by evil spirits, 2295. They are adorned with garlands of flowers, and they walk in paradisiacal gardens, 2296. Around infants there are most beautiful atmospheres, as it were living; hence they suppose all things to be alive, 2297. In the ideas of infants it is as if all things were living, 2298. Representatives for infants, whence is wisdom, and by means of which they are introduced into intelligence; concerning which, 2299. Infants are of a different genius, from hereditary nature, 2300. What infants are of a celestial genius, and what of a spiritual genius, 2301. Which societies have the care of infants, 2302, 2303. Who are the angels with infants successively on the earth, 2303. Infants are not angels, but become angels by means of intelligence and wisdom, 2304. Then they no more appear as infants, but as adults; an example of one, of a quality of mutual brotherly love, 2304. Infancy is not innocence, but innocence dwells in wisdom, 2305. The innocence of infancy represented as wooden, the innocence of wisdom as living; and these appear to themselves and others as infants, 2306. Infants are nothing but evil, and, that they may know this, they are remitted into their own hereditary evils, 2307, 2308. How very bad the education of infants and boys is on the earth; an experience of boys fighting, to which they were incited by their parents, 2309.
Infants d. innocences: shown, 5608; thence infants d. interior things, 5608. Infant, when sons, thus boys, youths, and young men are meant, d. truth, 7724. By sucklings, infants, and little children are sd. the three degrees of love and innocence, 430. One who gives suck and a nurse d. innocence: shown, 3183. When a man is about to be regenerated the case is similar to that of an infant, who first learns to speak, think, and understand, and then imbibes life; thus with one about to be regenerated spiritual things flow spontaneously, 3203. Good is the elder son, or first-born: illustrated from the state of infants, in that they are in a state of innocence, love to their parents and wet-nurse, and of mutual charity towards their infant companions, 3494.
Infestation (infestatio). See VASTATION and TEMPTATION.
Infinity (infinitas). Concerning the Infinite Divine, 1382. The indefinite is an image of the Infinite, 1590. Truths and goods, and all things are indefinite, because from the Infinite: illustrated, 6232:2.
Influx (influxus). See ORDER, [and under AFFIRMATIVE and ANGEL.] The Nature of Influx. Because anything respecting heaven is doubted, and also denied, it is not known that there is any influx therefrom, and a correspondence, 4322. That good is freely given by the Lord to man, men do not perceive to-day, both because they are in worldly things, and thus they do not believe in any influx, 5649:2. Angelic societies know this well; an experience, 5649:3. Of what nature influx is; it is from the Lord through celestial things, then through spiritual things into natural, 775:2. The quality of influx with the Lord, 1707:2. All influx with man is effected by means of societies of spirits and angels; concerning which, 4067:2. What influx is: illustrated by a comparison with the heat and light of the sun flowing into all things of the earth, and with other things, 6128, 6190. Influx and enlightenment are actual elevation by the Lord into heaven among angels, and communication there, 10330.
The Order of Influx. Influx is according to the three degrees of intellectual things, 657. Influx is according to successive order; concerning which order, 7270:2. Influx is from the Lord through the celestial, then the spiritual, and thereafter the natural, which so succeed each other, 880:2. The order of influx is from celestial things through spiritual into natural, 1096:2. There is an influx from the Lord through heaven in order even to man; and man is in the lowest place, 9216:2. There is influx from the Lord through man’s internal into his rational, and therefrom into scientifics, 1940:2. The things which are in the exteriors flow in from the interiors, and solely from the Lord, 1954. Influx is from the interior; and it appears that it is from the exterior through the external senses; but this is an appearance and fallacy, 3721. Exterior things cannot flow into interior, 5119. The exterior does not flow into the interior, but the interior into the exterior; thus the Divine into all things and every thing, 5259. The external does not flow into the internal, but the internal into the external: illustrated, 5779. The hells can be seen from the heavens, lower things from higher, and evils from good; but not contrariwise, 8237. The order of influx is about the same as instruction; 1495:2.
The Kinds of Influx. [Besides an influx according to successive order,] the Lord also flows immediately into the ultimate of order, 7270:4. The influx of the Divine is through the inmost into lower things, and into lower things mediately and immediately, 5147, 5150. The Lord flows into the ultimates of order, thus not only mediately by means of heaven, angels, and spirits, but also immediately: illustrated, 7004:2. That the natural may live, there must be immediate influx from the Lord, and mediate influx by means of the spiritual world, 6063:2. There is an immediate influx from the Lord into the most singular things, and a mediate influx by means of the spiritual world, 6058. The Lord flows immediately into good, and mediately into truth, 10153. Concerning the Lord’s mediate and immediate influx: references, 9682e; illustrated, 9683. There is a general influx, and a particular influx, 5850. General influx is with animals, because they are in order; particular influx is with man, because he is not in order, 5850. The corporeal things of man are ruled from a general influx, 5990, 6192, 6211. There is a spiritual, and not a physical, influx; an experience, 9110.
Influx from the Lord. There is an influx from the Lord through the internal, with man. See INTERNAL. Mediate influx is as well from the Lord as immediate, 8717:2. There are six degrees of Truth Divine, 8443. How the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord flows in: illustrated by means of radiant circles, which are spheres from Him; and how man is elevated into the light of heaven, 9407:14. The Divine in the highest regions is silent and peaceful, and by degrees becomes unquiet and tumultuous, when it descends: illustrated, 8823. Concerning the internal things which are in everything from the Lord, 8868. Everything of life with man flows in through heaven from the Lord: references, 9276e. The Lord is in His own, thus He dwells in the Divine with man: shown, 9338:6 Everything of worship, which is true worship, is from the Lord, and not from man, 10299.
The Connection of Influx with Good and Truth, and with Evil and Falsity. Divine influx is through good and truth, 5482. Celestial truth flows in with the celestial man, and spiritual truth with the spiritual man, 2069e. Divine Good and Truth are turned with everyone according to the quality of him who receives them: illustrated, 7343. The Lord flows in by means of angels as to everything good that becomes of faith and charity, and also as to all arrangement; and angels flow in from themselves with such things as agree with man’s affections not good, but still are means for introducing good, 8728. When a man is being regenerated, good is outer and truth is inner; but when he is regenerated, good is inner and truth is outer; the nature of influx in the first state, and that in the second, 3563. Spirits flow into thoughts, angels into ends, and, by means of good spirits, into those things which belong to faith and charity with man, 5854. What the manifestation by means of influx is, 5885. Angels flow into the truths of faith with man: illustrated, 5893:2. See REGENERATION. Concerning truth proceeding immediately from the Lord, and its conjunction with truth proceeding mediately from Him; the conjunction is with those who are in good: illustrated, 7055, 7056, 7058:2. Why truths ought to be confirmed gradually; of what nature the things which are believed instantaneously appear, is described, 7298. Good provides the faculty of receiving influx from the Lord, but not truth without good, 8321e. There is immediate influx of the Lord when a man acts from truth, but both immediate and mediate when he acts from good, 8685:2, 8701. Concerning the influx of good and truth from the Lord: references cited in one connection, 9223. Everything of life flows in; thus all evil from hell, and all good from the Lord: illustrated, 4151:3. Man believes all things are in himself, when yet they flow in; and he may know from the doctrinal that good and truth are from the Lord, and evil and falsity from hell, 4249:2. As good and truth flow in from the Lord, so evil and falsity are removed; and contrariwise, 2411. Good flows in from the Lord, when those things which belong to the love of self and the world, or the lusts of evil and the persuasions of falsity, are removed, 3142, 3147. They who are in Divine worship are averted by the influx of impure things, 7454:3.
The Connection of Influx with the Internal and External. Heaven corresponds to the Lord, and man as to all things and each thing to heaven, and therefrom heaven is the Grand Man, 3624-3649. See MAN (homo). Of what nature the influx of the internal man through the interior, or rational into the external, by means of celestial, or by means of spiritual things, is, 1702:2, 1707:2. Unless the natural is subordinated, as with the regenerate, interior things cannot be presented there; thus neither can there be faith in those things which are above sensual things, 5168:2. There is no conjunction of the Lord with the external apart from the internal, 9380. Truths are called forth from the natural man by means of influx; they are elevated and implanted in rational good; and how, 3085, 3086. Internal good flows into external good, not into truths, except by means of good, 6027. When the influx of good and truth from the Lord is not received in the natural, the internals are closed, 6564. Influx through the internal man, when not in the external, is stopped, that it may not be received; but evils and falsities oppose it: illustrated, 5828:2. Something concerning influx, 2701.
The Relation of Influx to Affection and Thought. That man can mentally view things, think, analytically conclude, and will, is from influx: illustrated, 5288. All things which a man thinks and wills flow in with him, 5846. Everything of thought and of will flows in thus the truth of life, 2886-2888. See LIFE and FREEDOM. All things that belong to the understanding and will flow in: illustrated, 10219:2. Those things with man which pass from thought and will into the body, flow into act by means of general influx according to correspondences, 5862. The exterior natural is a plane and, as it were, a face in which interior things see themselves; and thence a man is able to think, 5165:2. Everything of thought flows in, 7147:2. Thoughts flow in from within, not from without; an experience respecting some who fell from an angelic society, because they were in falsities, 3219. Evil is from hell, good from the Lord; thence there is an influx of all things into thought, 904:3.
Seriatim Statement of the Doctrine. Concerning influx and the intercourse of the soul with the body, 6053-6058, 6189-6215, 6307-6327, 6466-6496, and 6598-6626. See also SOUL, SPIRIT, MAN. Nothing can be known respecting influx and the intercourse of the soul with the body, when what the soul is is unknown, 6053. See SOUL. All things in general and particular flow in with man, 6189, [6206,] 6211e. All things in general and particular flow into the thought and will; from multiplied experience, 6191; they flow into the thought by means of spirits; an experience, 6194, 6197-6199. Spirits enter into all things of man’s memory, and believe them to be their own, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199. Spirits do not know that they are with man, 6192. Into the actions and speech of the body there is a general influx, 6192, 6211. General influx is a continual endeavour into every single thing of man’s life, 6211e. The angels know that every good and truth is from the Lord, and that all things flow in; but evil spirits are not at all willing to know this, 6193:2. Ideas which are called forth from the memory have a material nature in the middle, which round about appears as a wave, 6200; but it is not so when the thought is in the sensual, 6201. There is another influx, when a society of some speak among themselves, and this is communicated; when this comes to pass anxiety is induced in the region of the stomach, 6202. Man casts himself into hell when he does evil from consent, thereafter from purpose, and then from delight of the affection; therefrom he opens to himself a corresponding hell, which flows in, 6203. Hence evil inheres pertinaciously, 6203. Spirits rule a man as a servant, from absolute power; but the angels gently, by means of freedom, 6205. Evil is appropriated to man, because he believes, and thinks, and wills from himself; if otherwise it is not imputed, 6206. The influx of angels is into those things which belong to man’s conscience, 6207, 6213. The influx of angels is like that of a river, of light, and of flame, 6209. The quality of influx with prophets; from experience, 6212. It can hardly be believed that spirits know the thoughts; an experience, 6214. When yet in the other life the most singular things are known; concerning which matter, 6214. Influx is from the spiritual world by means of angels and spirits; from my own continued experience, 6307. Evil spirits assault, and angels disperse them; such is the order of influx, 6308. Nothing hurts which enters into the thought; but what enters into the will, and so goes forth, thus what goes forth, hurts, 6308. Influx when man is in sensual light, see SENSUAL. Angelic influx comes to pass by means of representatives; an experience, 6319. Spirits with man perceive as the man thinks, not as he sensates with the body, 6319:2. Angels flow in by means of the affections; and few things are received by man, 6320. Man cannot live unless there is angelic influx; an experience; they who in part carry away influx, 6321. External things do not flow into internal, so that there is no physical influx; an experience: illustrated, 6322. Although all things flow in, yet a man becomes guilty, because he appropriates evil to himself by believing that what he does is from himself, 6324; if he should believe otherwise then evil is not appropriated to him, 6325. If a man is in the state that he believes all good is from the Lord, and all evil from hell, he is gifted with peace, and is in freedom itself; concerning which freedom, 6325. Everything of life is from the Lord, and is as the principal and the instrumental cause, which act as one cause, and it is felt in the instrumental, 6325e. Mediate influx from heaven is from the Lord, 6466. All life flows in from the Lord, see LIFE. The Lord flows in through heaven mediately, and from Himself immediately; from Himself both into man’s interiors and into his exteriors, 6472: but as He is received, such is the life of thought and of will, 6472. The Lord rides the last things of man, and his first; which may be concluded from order, 6473. An experience of how influx is from the Lord, 6474. Influx is from the Lord into the most singular things: confirmed by means of various things, 6475-6478. When I was reading the Lord’s Prayer, I manifestly perceived the influx, 6476. Doubts about influx of life from the Lord cannot be removed, so long as there are fallacies and unknown things, and the negative reigns, 6479. Concerning the influx of life from the Lord, see LIFE. The Lord rules the world by means of the evil just as by means of the upright, leading them by their loves, 64812, 6495. Thought and affection extend themselves far into societies on both sides, 6599-6613. See THOUGHT. There are innumerable things present in the ideas of thought, 6613-6626.
Information (informatio). See SCIENCE, UNDERSTANDING, DOCTRINE. The order of influx around instruction is from scientifics, which meet intellectual, or spiritual, and celestial things, 1495:2. Concerning instruction after desolation, 2702:4, 2704. See REGENERATION.
Infundibulum (infundibulum). Concerning those who relate to the infundibulum, 4050.
[Inhabit, To. See DWELLING.]
Inhabitant (incola). [See also DWELLING.] To be a sojourner and an inhabitant d. to be unknown, and still to be with them, 2915.
[Inherit, To, and Inheritance. See HEIR.]
Iniquity (iniquitas). Transgression, iniquity, and sin; what is the difference, 9156. See SIN.
Inmost (intimum). The inmost is the all in its lower things, 3562. See also MIDDLE.
Inn (diversorium). Inn d. the exterior natural, 5495.
Innocence (innocentia). See INFANT. General Statements. What innocence is, 7902e. What and of what nature innocence is, seen by comparing infants’ behaviour towards parents, 6107:2. Innocence consists in acknowledging and loving the Lord, and in believing that all things are from the Lord, thus in being led by Him, and not by self, 10210. The process of man’s regeneration, from a state of external innocence to a state of internal innocence, is described there, 10021:2. There are three degrees of innocence, 5236:2. Some things concerning innocence, 3519:4.
Innocence, Infancy, and Wisdom. Innocent persons in heaven appear as infants variously adorned, 154e. The quality of those to-day who are against innocence was represented by an infant whom they treated very badly, 2126. Infancy is not innocence; but innocence dwells in wisdom, 2305. The innocence of infants was represented as wood; the innocence of wisdom, as living and naked; and they who are in the latter appear to themselves and others as infants, 2306. Concerning the innocence of infancy with those who are wise, 3494e. See INFANT. The innocence of infancy becomes the innocence of wisdom, 4797:2. The innocence of infancy is external, and in ignorance; and that of the regenerated is internal in wisdom: references, 10021:3. What their difference is, 10021:3. The cognitions of truth and good are implanted in the innocence of infancy, and is a plane: references, 10021:3; and several things concerning innocence referred to, 10021:3. How the states of infants follow from the first which is that of innocence, that innocence may be inmostly in all, 3183. Concerning the innocence of wisdom and the innocence of ignorance; their quality, 9301. The good of the innocence of wisdom must not be mixed with the truth of the innocence of ignorance, 9301e. The innocence of wisdom consists in knowing that in itself there is nothing of good and truth, but that all things are from the Lord, 9938:2.
Innocence and Good and Truth. Innocence makes good to be good, 2526. Good without innocence is not good, 7840. There is no good with man unless he is in innocence, 9262:2. Innocence is in the state of peace; and love and faith have innocence in themselves, which is their essential, 2780. There must be innocence and charity that truth may be received, 3111. Innocence is in charity and in love to the Lord, 3994. There must be innocence in truth with man that it may be genuine, 6013. Innocence is the uniting medium of good and truth; truth is not so without it, 6765e. There must be innocence in all good and truth therefrom, that they maybe good and truth, 10134:2. The good whose quality is from falsity is accepted by the Lord, if there be ignorance and therein innocence, and the end is good, 7887. What the truth of the good of innocence is, 7877:2. All purification, or removal from sins, is effected through the good of innocence, 10210.
Innocence and the Proprium. The proprium vivified by charity and innocence is beautiful and delightful, 164. The proprium of innocence consists in acknowledging that there is nothing but evil and falsity in self, and that everything good and true is from the Lord, 3994. What the black proprium of innocence is, 3994, 4001. How the case is with those who are admitted into heaven, and desire to be innocent from themselves, 546.
Innocence and Heaven. The nakedness of innocence is beautiful; examples showing that spirits testify innocence by means of nakedness, 165. Conjugial love is innocence; and they who are in it are in the heaven of innocence, which is the inmost, 2736. No one can enter heaven unless he has something of innocence, 4797:2. The influx of innocence arranges goods in heaven, that is, the societies of angels, 7836:4.
Significations. Innocent d. interior good; just d. exterior good, 9262. The innocent blood of one thrust through when lying in a field (Deut. xxi. 1-10) is explained, 9262:3. An old man d. wisdom in which is innocence, 3183.
Insect (insectum). See WORM. Insects in general d. falsities and evils in man’s outermost things: shown, 9331:3. Hence what the fly, bee, worm, moth, cockroach, and several others, s.: shown, 9331:4. Baneful flying thing d. the falsities in the extremes of the natural mind, or in the sensual, from evils there, thus the falsities of malevolence, 7441. The fly of Egypt d. falsity from evil in the sensual, 7441:2. The hornet d. the dread (laesio) of those who are in falsities of evil, thus the dread (formido) of them: shown, 9331.
Inspiration (inspiratio). [See also WORD (Verbum).] All things of the Word have an internal sense in them; and this is inspiration: illustrated, 9094e. By means of breathing the most ancient people perceived the state of love and faith, 97. What to breathe through the nostrils s., 96, 97. What breath s., 97.
[Instruct, To. See To COMMAND (praecipere).]
Instruction (instructio). See INFORMATION.
Instrumental (instrumentale). Essential things, not instrumental, ought to be as the end, 5948:2. Essential things so far perish as instrumental things are as the end, 5948:2. If essential things are as the end, there would be instrumental things in plenty, 5949. There is nothing essential in the nature of things, but only in the Lord, who is the Esse, or Jehovah; and all things beside are instrumental, 5948:3. Everything of life is from the Lord, and it is as the principal and instrumental cause which act as one cause; and it is felt in the instrumental, 6325.
[Insurgents. See MUTINEERS.]
Integrity (integritas). Righteousness and righteous have reference to the good of charity; integrity and entire, to the truth of charity, 612. What entire s., 1994. Integrity d. the Divine Truth in effect, or the life according to the Divine precepts, 9905:3.
[Intellectual. See UNDERSTANDING.
Intelligence. See UNDERSTANDING.]
Intercession (intercessio). The Lord in the state of humiliation interceded, not in the state of glorification: then He commiserated; mercy is intercession, 2250. What the intercession of the Lord with the Father is: it is the mercy which is in Divine Truth, which proceeds from the Lord: illustrated, 8573. What mediation and intercession are: illustrated, 8705. The idea of mediation and intercession with the simple is that of a son with a king-father: illustrated, 8705. Mediation and intercession are of the Lord with Himself; it is said of the son with the father, because the idea of the human is held, not the idea of the Divine without the human, 8705:4.
Interest, Money-Lender (faenus, faenerator). [See also USURY.]
Money-lender d. one who does good for gain; one who is not a money-lender d. one who does good from charity: shown, 9210.
[Interior. See ABOVE, To ARISE, and INTERNAL.]
Intermediate (intermediurn). See MIDDLE.
Internal (internum). See EXTERNAL, CHURCH, WORSHIP, LOVE CHARITY, FAITH, [and MAN (homo).] The Internal and the External. An example showing that the internal is in the external, 161. The internal must be in the external that it may exist; and thus the external has its quality from the internal, 9922:2. The external lives from the internal; but the internal clothes itself with such things by means of which it can enact effects in that lower sphere, 6275:2, 6284; illustrated, 6299:2. The internal can see all things which are in the external, but not contrariwise, unless there is a correspondence and medium: illustrated, 5427:2, 5428, 5477. Without correspondence the internal appears from the external as strange and hard, 5422, 5423, 5511. What it is to see internal things from external, 1806, 1807. Concerning those who are in externals without an internal, see EXTERNAL. What it is to be in externals alone, and what in internals: illustrated, 4459:4. They who are in external truths alone are feeble, they waver and are faltering; but they who are at the same time in internal truths are firm: illustrated, 3820. The Jews were not chosen, but obstinately insisted that they were the Church: shown, 4290:2, 4293:2; they are such that they can be in a holy external without an internal: shown, 4293:4. External things are further from the Lord than internal; wherefore they are comparatively disordered: illustrated, 3855. A delight becomes baser in proportion as it approaches to the external, 996. The internal is a lord, and the external comparatively a servant: illustrated, 10471. The internal is a man’s heaven; the external, his world, 10472. They who are in the external without the internal cannot endure internal things: illustrated, 10694, 10701; the reason, 10707. The Lord from the internal, where He is pacific, rules the external, where there are disordered and tumultuous things; from experience, 5396. The light of truth in the external of the Word is from the internal for those who are in the internal, 10691, 10694. In each heaven there are internal and external angels, 4286:2. In the other life external things are withdrawn, and all are remitted into their interiors, 8870:3.
Influx. Exterior things cannot flow into interior; but contrariwise, 5119. The external does not flow into the internal, but the internal into the external: illustrated from experience, 6322. What is holy flows from the internal into the external, with those who hold the Word holy, and partake of the Holy Supper holily; they being ignorant thereof, 6789:2.
The Internal Man. What the internal man is, and what the external; the internal man is not the thought; but he is known from such things in the other life, 978. What the internal, the interior, and the external man are, 1015. There is with everyone an internal, a rational, and a natural, 2181, 2183:2. That with everyone there is an internal, a rational which is the middle, and an external man, is known to-day, 1889, 1940:2. There is an internal and an external man, which may be known from several things, 6309. The internal man is described; it is of the Lord, 1999:3. The internal man is of the Lord, 1594. The internal man is of the Lord with man; the rational is, as it were, of man, 1904:3. What the spiritual and the natural man, or, what is the same, the internal and the external man, are: namely, the spiritual, or internal man is wise from the light of heaven, but the natural, or external man from the light of the world, 3167. The internal and the external man are altogether distinct; and the internal lives after separation from the external, 5883. The internal man is in the light of heaven, the external in shadow, as to spiritual things: illustrated, 10134:4. The internal man is an image of heaven; the external, an image of the world 10156:4. The external man is in hell, unless he becomes spiritual by means of regeneration, 10156. In the external man there are things which agree, and things which disagree, with the internal man, 1563:2, 1568. The external man is not united to the internal, only with the Lord, and so far as the Lord unites, 1577. What separates the external from the internal, 1587. What separates the external of man from the internal is the love of self; what conjoins them is mutual love, 1594. Man separates himself from that internal; and it is dissension, not disjunction, 1999:3; illustrated, 2018. The beauty of the external man conjoined to the internal, 1590. The internal man can perceive what is in the exterior, not contrariwise, 1914:2, 1953. The internal man thinks in the external, 3679:2. See THOUGHT. The internal man receives truths, when he is being regenerated, sooner than the external, and thence is the combat of temptations, 3321. So far as heavenly things, which are of the internal man, dominate, truths are multiplied; and so far as worldly things, which are of the external, dominate, truths are diminished, 4099:2. Unless the external man is conjoined with the internal there is no fructification: illustrated, 3987. The external man ought to be wholly subject to the internal, and to be without freedom from the proprium: illustrated, 5786. The internal man is open with those who are in faith and love to the Lord, but closed above and open beneath (thus to hell) with those who are in evil, 9128:3. It is not perceived by man in the world what is being transacted in the internal man, but what is in the external, 10237, 10240e. The internal man is actually in the internal sense of the Word, when he is open, but he cannot be enlightened, except according to the cognitions in which the external is: illustrated, 10400:3. The inhabitants of this earth are external sensual; concerning their combat with those who are internal sensual; an experience, 4330:2. Concerning the internal man, the regenerated and the not regenerated natural, 8744, 8745. See REGENERATION. Concerning the internal and the external man 9701-9709. It is believed that it is the internal man who thinks and wills, and the external who speaks and does, 9702; but the case is otherwise; in one way when conjointly, and another when separately, 9703. When a man thinks well, he thinks from the internal; when evilly, he thinks from the external, 9704; so far as he thinks from heavenly love, he thinks from the internal; so far as he thinks from the love of self and the world, he thinks from the external, 9705, because the internal man is formed to the image of heaven, and the external to the image of the world, 9706. So far as he thinks and wills from heaven, or the Lord, he does so from the internal, and the internal is opened; but so far as he does so from self and the world, the external is opened, and the internal is closed, 9707. The external is reduced to order by means of the internal, so far as it is subordinated, 9708. The quality of those whose internal man is closed, and of those with whom it is open, 9709.
The Internal Church and Worship. The quality of the man of the internal Church, and of one of the external, 1098. There is an internal and an external Church, 1242. The external Church is of no value if not internal, 1795. When the internal ceases, the Church ceases, 6587:3. The internal Church is charity towards the neighbour in willing, and from willing in acting, and therefrom faith in perceiving, 4899:4. The Church is in the internal, and not in the external apart from it, 10698. The internal things of the Church, which the Lord taught, were known to the ancients; and He abolished external representatives, 4904:2. They who are in the internal of the Word, of the Church, and of worship, love to do truth for the sake of truth; and also they who are in the external in which there is an internal, but with a difference; they who are in the external without an internal do truth for the sake of self and gain, 10683:2. What it is to do truth for the sake of truth: illustrated and shown, 10683:4. What internal and external worship are; and their quality, 1083:4. External worship apart from internal is no worship, 1094. They who are of the external Church have an internal in their worship, if they are in charity, 1083:4. From what things it may be known whether there is an internal in worship, 1102:3, 1151, 1153. What it is to make internal worship external, 1175. Internal things are those which vivify worship, 1175. In proportion as interiors are profane external worship is profane, 1182. They who do not believe in eternal life have no internal worship, 1200.
Interior. Interior things with man are distinct, and follow each other, 6342. What and of what quality the distinction according to degrees is; thus how the case is with interiors towards exteriors illustrated, 3691:2. One thing is formed from another successively and they do not become purer continuously; thence interior and exterior things are distinct among themselves; they follow in order; and interior things are in exterior, 6465. Interior things exist in exterior, and there they exist in such an order that the inmost may be in the middle, and so forth, 6451:2. Interior things cease and rest in exterior, and have a connection with them: illustrated, 9216. Interior things are they which produce exterior, 994:2, 995. Interiors in things successive arrange themselves in the middle, or centre, thus in order in simultaneous things, 5897. Exterior things should be subject to interior, or sensual and natural things to the rational illustrated, 5128. Exterior things ought to serve interior; and exteriors were formed for that end: illustrated, 5947. Perfection increases toward interiors: illustrated, 9666:2. Exterior things are relatively obscure, because they are general, 6451:3. What interior and exterior things are; and the interior are more perfect, because nearer to the Divine, 5146:2, 5147. There are a thousand things in the interior which appear as one in the exterior, 5707:2. Perception is clearer so far as it is more interior, 5920. Everyone has communication with interiors, wherein he is ruled for use, 1399. The interior man is the rational, intermediate between the internal and the external; concerning which, 1702:2, 1707, 1732. See RATIONAL. What is meant by the interior with the Lord, 1926. The interior is expressed by the higher, or the high, 2148. The exterior and the interior are the same as the lower and the higher, 3084. To know interior things was wisdom with the ancients; to-day there is no affection for them, on account of the affection for exterior things, 5224:2. The interiors of man actually turn themselves according to his loves, 10702:2. When men die the interiors lie open such as they had been, 4314e. The progress towards interiors appears manifestly in the other life, as from mist to light, 4598:2. When man is elevated toward interior things, he comes into a milder light; and this elevation from sensual things was known to the ancients, 6313. The man who is elevated by being in the good of faith, is alternately in this and in that light, 6315. See SENSUAL. When the influx of good and truth from the Lord is not received in the natural, the interiors are closed, and at length even to the sensual, 6564. The interiors of the evil are defiled, howsoever it appears otherwise exteriorly, 7046. The interiors are occupied by falsity, when the exteriors are, 7645. Good is in the interiors, and truth in the exteriors: illustrated, 7910; and the conjunction of good and truth is in the interiors, 7910e. Everything good, that it may be good, must have good interiorly in itself, 9912, 9975. Interior truths are those which are implanted in the life, and not those which are only in the memory, 10199:8. Interior truths in the memory only are exterior truths, 10199:8. Thought is interior and exterior: illustrated, 5127:2. The things which are born afterwards, from the internal, are more interior, 6239.
General Statements. Why a man ought to be in internals: illustrated, 4464:3. Concerning those who do not care for internal things; from experience, 4946. Man is such that he can look inwardly, or to the Lord, and outwardly, or to himself and the world, 7601:2, 7604, 7607. He who is led by means of good from the Lord, or he who is in order, has his internal opened by the Lord; but he who is not in order has it closed, 8513. Concerning the internal things which are in all things in general and particular from the Lord: illustrated, 8868, 8870. In all things in general and particular there must be an internal that they may exist and subsist: illustrated, 9473:3. The internal is closed by means of evils and falsities from the love of self and the world; and how: illustrated, 10492:2. Why the internal was closed with the Jews, and is closed with Christians, with whom and with the intelligent it is more so than with the simple, 10492:3.
[Internal Sense. See SENSE.]
Interpretation (interpretatio). The interpretation of a dream d. what it had in itself, or what is in it, 5093, 5107. To interpret d. to happen, or what should happen, 5141; and prediction, 5168. An interpreter between them d. that spiritual things are apprehended altogether differently, 5478.
[Interrogation. See To Asa.]
Intestine (intestinum). Concerning the correspondence of the intestines with the Grand Man, 5392-5395. How the case is with those who constitute the colon; they infest the peritoneum, 5379. Where and of what quality they are who constitute the colon intestine, 5393. See also EXCREMENTITIOUS. Intestines d. last and lowest things, 10030; illustrated, 10049. Why they were to be washed, 10049.
Inundation (inundalio). See FLOOD. A flood and inundation of waters s. temptations, as also desolations, 705, 739, 756, 790. What an inundation is; from experience, 5725. An inundation d. to be immersed in lusts, and also to be immersed in falsities, 5725. What to be immersed in falsities is; and how it appears, 6853.
[Invoke, To. See To CALL UPON.]
Iron (ferrum). Iron d. natural truth, 425, 426.
Isaac (Isacus). [See also under ABRAM.] Isaac means laughter, that is, the affection of truth, because the Divine Rational of the Lord, 2072:2. Isaac r. the Divine Rational of the Lord, 2083, 2630; d. the Divine Marriage as to the Lord’s Human, 2774; the Divine Rational as to good, 3012, 3194, 3210. Jehovah the God of Isaac d. the Divine Human of the Lord, 3704. The dread of Isaac d. the Divine Human of the Lord; whence, 4180. By Ishmael is sd. the rational first conceived with the Lord; by Isaac is sd. His Divine Rational, 1893:2, 2066.
Ishmael (Ismael). By Ishmael is sd. and sd. the first rational of the Lord; but by Isaac, the Divine Rational, 1893:2. What Ishmael s. is described: namely, rational truth, 1949-1951. By Ishmael is also sd. those who are truly rational, or spiritual, 2078, 2691:2. By Ishmael the Lord’s Spiritual Kingdom, or the spiritual Church is rd., 2699. Ishmael and the Ishmaelites d. the spiritual who are in simple good as to life, and therefrom are in natural good as to doctrine, 3263. The Ishmaelites d. those who are in simple good, 4747. By the twelve sons of Ishmael are rd. all things of the spiritual Church, especially with the gentiles, 3268. Mahalath the daughter of Ishmnael the son of Abraham d. truth from a Divine origin, 3687. [See MAHALATH.]
Islands (insulae). Islands d. the particular tracts of land, and more remote forms of worship, 1158.
Israel (Israel). See JACOB, [and under ARMY.] Israel d. the Lord, 3305:4; the Divine celestial-spiritual, 4286:4; the celestial-spiritual of the natural, or the good of truth, 4598; spiritual good, 5801, 5803, 5806, 5812, 5817, 5819, 5826, 5833; the spiritual Church, and, in the highest sense, the Spiritual Kingdom of the Lord, 6426.
The Holy One of Israel, also Israel, d. the Lord, 3305. The God of Israel and the Holy One of Israel d. the Lord: shown, 7091.
That he is at one called ‘Jacob,’ and at another ‘Israel’ is on account of the internal sense: shown, 5973. What Jacob and Israel s., 3305. Israel d. the internal of the Church; Jacob, the external: shown, 4286:7; no one is Israel except one who is made spiritual by means of temptations, 4286:8. The Lord, in the supreme sense, is Jacob and Israel: shown, 4286:7; because internal things are those which are represented, and external things represent them, therefore Jacob was named Israel, 4292:2, 4573:3. Jacob d. the external Natural of the Lord; Israel, the internal, 4570:2. What is sd. by the sons of Jacob were hearkening to Israel, when they were being blessed, 6339, 6340. See also TRIBE.
Judah d. the good of celestial love; Israel, the good of spiritual love, 3654:6.
The sons of Israel d. spiritual truths, 5414, 5879e; concerning which truths, 5951; d. the Church, 6637; those who are of the Spiritual Kingdom. 6862, 6868, 7035, 7198, 7201, 7215, 7223; those who are in truths by means of what is good, and in the truth which is from good. 7957; illustrated, 8234. By the sons of Israel was rd. the spiritual Church: see references, 9340:6. By the twelve sons of Israel are rd. all things of the spiritual Church; Israel is the celestial-spiritual man who is from the natural; Joseph is the celestial-spiritual man who is from the rational, 4286. The people of Israel d. the spiritual Church as to good in which are to be implanted the truths of faith, 8805:3.
Issachar (Jischar). [See also HIRE.] Issachar, in the supreme sense, d. the Divine Good of truth, and the truth of good; in the internal sense, celestial conjugial love; in the external sense, mutual love, 3956:2, 3957. Issachar d. remuneration, 6388.
Isthmus (isthmus). The quality of those who relate to the isthmus in the brain, and the glandular nodules, 4051. The quality of those who relate to the isthmus in the brain, and correspond to the ganghia in the body, 5189:3. See GANOLIA.
Ithamar (Ithanmar). See ELEAZAR, 9811:2, 9812.
Jabbok (Jabbock). The passage, river, or ford of Jabbok d. the first insinuation: shown, 4270, 4271.
Jacob (Jacobus). See also ESAU, ISRAEL, JEW, [and ABRAM.] Esau was understood when Isaac blessed Jacob, 3576. Jacob worshipped other gods, especially the God Shaddai, 3667:2. Jacob was not a servant with Laban, 3974:2, 4113. A bed is attributed to Jacob; and he appears in a bed; why, 6463. See BED. ‘Jacob’ means his posterity: shown, 4281. Because internal things are they which are represented, and external things represent them, therefore Jacob was named ‘Irsael,’ 4292:4, 4570. That he is sometimes called ‘Jacob,’ and sometimes ‘Israel,’ is on account of the internal sense: shown, 5973.
In the Word, Jacob himself, or through him the people, is nowhere meant, when he is named, 3305:2. By Jacob is sd. the Jewish Church and the external Church of the gentiles, 422. Jacob d. the Ancient Church, 4439, 4680:4; and also the primitive Christian Church, 4706; the external Ancient Church, 4614; in particular, the Church as to truth, 4520; the Jewish religion from the Ancient Church, 4700, 4703; the Church, 5536, 5540; the doctrine of natural truth; in the supreme sense, the Lord’s Natural as to truth: shown, 3305; natural truth, 3509, 3525, 3546, 6001; thus also the natural as to truth, 6236. Jacob at first r. the truth which was of the natural good of the Lord’s infancy, and after this the Divine made Divine Truth of the Lord’s Divine Natural, 3599. Jacob r. truth to which good is about to be conjoined, when he entered into the land of Canaan, 4234. Jacob rd., in the beginning, the Lord’s Natural as to truth; in progress, as to the good of truth; and, in the end, as to good, 4538; d. truth in general, 6641; r. the good of truth, 4273, 5506, 5533, 5535; d. the good of truth, that is, truth in the will and act, 4337:2. See also JEW. Jacob d. the truth of good, and variously r. it as far as good is in the natural, because even the state of truth and good is other in the beginning than it is in the progress and the end, 3775, 4234; general good, 3829; the good of the natural, which approaches nearer to the Divine, 4073; good, 4538:2.
Jacob and Israel. The Lord, in the supreme sense, is Jacob and Israel: shown, 4286:4. Jacob d. the external Natural of the Lord, and Israel the internal, 4570:2. Israel s. the Lord as to interior natural truth; Jacob, as to exterior; Israel also s. the interior Spiritual Kingdom of the Lord, and Jacob the exterior, 3305:7. Jacob d. the external of the Church; and Israel, the internal: shown, 4286:7.
Jacob and Esau. Esau and Jacob, after the Lord’s Natural was glorified, r. the Divine Natural as to good and truth, 3576:2. Jacob also d. the good of natural truth, after he took the primogeniture of Esau. and his blessing, 3659:2. The primogeniture and blessing which Jacob took away from Esau involve that his posterity succeeded to the promise respecting the land of Canaan; and it rd. Divine-celestial and Divine-spiritual things, but fraudulently, 3660. Jacob is rd. the good of truth, and Esau rd. the good from which is truth, 3669, 3677.
Jacob and Isaac. As by Isaac is rd. the rational, by Jacob is rd. the natural; and by the sons of Jacob, the sensual, 4009e.
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. By Abraham. Isaac, and Jacob is sd. the Lord and by Jacob, His Natural Man, 1893. What is rd. by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the supreme sense, or in the Lord; and what in the representative sense, or with man, 6098.
Sons of Jacob. Sons of Jacob, see TRIBE. How evil the sons of Jacob were: shown, 4316. Concerning the sons of Jacob; they rd. truths and goods, and the Church, see TRIBE. The sons of Jacob d. things alienated from the truth, 6557, 6571. The sons of Jacob, or the brothers of Joseph, d. the Church which turns away from charity to faith, and at length to faith separated, 4665, 4671, 4679, 4680, 4690. The ten sons of Jacob d. the natural, 5680, 5882; the truths, of the Church in the natural, 5403, [5409], 5419, 5427, 5458, 5512. Joseph and Benjamin d. the internal; the ten other sons, who were born of Leah, d. the external, 5469. [See also under Jacob and Isaac above.] The sons of Israel d. spiritual truths, 5414, 5877, 5879e.
Because Jacob went down into Egypt he sd. that natural truth was being initiated into the scientifics of the Church; concerning which, 6004. The Mighty One of Jacob d. the Divine Human of the Lord: shown, 6425.
Peter, James, and John. Peter, James, and John stand for faith, charity, and the goods of charity, see Preface to Genesis xviii.2 [ante 2135].
Jah (Jah). See JEHOVAH.
Japheth (Japhet). Japheth s. external worship in which there is internal, 1062, 1140, 1141; who is described, 1150.
Jasper (jaspis). Beryl, onyx, and jasper d. the spiritual love of truth, or the external good of the Spiritual Kingdom, 9872.
Javan (Javan). What Javan s., 1152, 1153:3, 1155.
Javelin, To Shoot (jaculum, jaculari). See Bow.
Jawbone (maxilla). An explanation of the Lord’s words concerning a blow on the right jaw, and concerning the coat, 9049:6. To smite the jawbone d. to destroy truth: shown, 9049:8.
Jebusite (Jebusaeus). Jebusite d. what is idolatrous in which there is something of truth, 6860.
Jegar-Sahadutha (Jegar Sahadutha). What Jegar-Sahadutha, the heap placed by Jacob and Laban, d., 4195.
Jehovah (Jehovah). See LORD and GOD. Respecting Jehovah nothing can be predicated but that He Is, all else is spoken of according to the appearance, 926. Jehovah, or the Infinite Esse, cannot be manifested to man, thus cannot flow into man, except by means of the Human Essence, so by means of the Lord, 1990:3. Concerning the Divine Esse and the Divine Existere, 6880. Jehovah, the Divine in Itself, is far above the Divine in heaven, 8760. The Essential is not in the nature of things, but only in the Lord, who is the Esse, or Jehovah; and all things beside are instrumental: illustrated, 5948:3. The Lord’s Divine Human from eternity was Jehovah passing through heaven, 6280. All things that are done by Jehovah are done by means of the Truth proceeding from Him, 7795. The Lord is called, and is Jehovah, 1736. Jehovah, in the Word, is the Lord, 3035. The Lord was and is Jehovah in the human form: shown, 9315:3. The Tine in the Lord is Jehovah, 2156:2, 2329:3. Jehovah is called the Redeemer; He is the Lord: shown, 6281. The Internal of the Lord was Jehovah, because conceived by Jehovah, 1815. The Lord was one with Jehovah His Father, who was His Internal, to whom He united the Human, 2004, 2005, 2018, 2025. So far as the Lord was united to Jehovah, He spake with Jehovah as with Himself; otherwise, as with another, 1745:2. Why in the Old Testament Jehovah is sometimes mentioned, Jehovah Zebaoth sometimes, the Lord Jehovih sometimes, and God sometimes, 2921. The Lord is called the Lord Jehovih especially in temptations, 1793. By Jehovah no other than the Lord was understood by the ancient and most ancient people, 5663:2. The Most Ancient and the Ancient Church called the Lord Jehovah, 1343. The Hebrew nation distinguished itself from others by this, that they called their God Jehovah, 1343. The posterity of Jacob, and even Moses, lost this name, 1343:2. The Jews place worship in this, that they name Jehovah; which effects nothing, 1094:3. The Jews worshipped Jehovah only as to name, 3732e. Jehovah was seen by Moses as a very old man sitting, with a long beard, 4299:5. The Jews had such an idea respecting Jehovah, and that He could do miracles above other gods, 4299e. No one can see Jehovah face to face and live; why: shown, 4299:4.
Jehovah s. love, 1735. By Jehovah is sd. the Lord’s Divine Itself, 5041. The Lord as to the Divine Human is what is meant by Jehovah, in the Word; the reason is that the Divine cannot otherwise be approached: illustrated, 8864. Jehovah, in the Word, d. the Lord: references, 9373. Jah d. the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord, 8267. The Lord Jehovih means, O Good Jehovah! 9167:3. ‘Jehovah Zebaoth,’ or of Hosts, is from Divine truths; and because He fights for man, 3448:6. in the Old Testament, the Lord is the same as Jehovah Zebaoth, and as Jehovah; and in the New Testament the Lord is mentioned instead of Jehovah: shown, 2921. ‘Jehovah’ is from essence, ‘God,’ is from power, 300. Why He is called ‘Jehovah,’ and why ‘God,’ 709, 732, 840e, 1096:2. ‘God’ is used where truth is spoken of; ‘Jehovah,’ where good is spoken of, 2586, 2769. Jehovah and God d. the Lord: shown, 6303. Jehovah God d. the Lord: Jehovah as to the Divine Esse, or Divine Good, and God as to the Existere, or Divine Truth, 6905. Jehovah, Jehovah God d. the Tine in the Lord, 10617. I am Jehovah the God d. every good of love and truth of faith is from the Lord, 10158. lain Jehovah, and Jehovah said, d. irrevocable confirmation from the Divine: shown, 7192, 7202. In like manner ‘Jehovah said’ occurs in the Prophets: shown, 7192. What ‘Jehovah saying’ d., 1791, 1815, 1819, 1822. What ‘Jehovah caused it to rain from Jehovah out of heaven’ s., [2444-2447]; it is the Lord as to the Trine, 2447:6. Jehovah the God of heaven d. the Lord as to the Divine Essence; and Jehovah the God of the earth d. the Lord as to the Human, 3023. To see God face to face d., in the internal historical sense, that the Lord is representatively present, 4311. Jehovah being seen d. the appearance of the Divine of the Lord in the Human, 6945, 6956. I am That I am d. the Esse and Existere of all things in the universe, 6880. There is none like Jehovah God d. there is one God, and none beside Him, 7401; and in like manner what else, 7444, 7544, 7598, 7636. The Song of Jah d. that everything of faith, and of glory therefrom is from Divine Truth, 8267. Jehovah is His name d. that it is the Lord alone from whom all things are, 8274. The throne of Jah d. the Spiritual Kingdom of the Lord, 8625. Before Jehovah d. from the Lord: illustrated, 10146.
Jerusalem (Hierosolyma). Jerusalem d. the Church, 3654:2; the doctrine of truth from the Word, 9166:6. What is sd. by the holy Jerusalem, 402. What the new Jerusalem d.; the new Church in general and particular, 2117. Concerning the filthy Jerusalem where the Jews are, 940:2.
[Jest, To. See To PLAY.]
Jesus (Jesus). See CHRIST. What the two names of the Lord Jesus Christ s., 3004-3011. See CHRIST. Jesus Christ is in each single thing of the Word, 5502.
Jethro (Jethro). Jethro the father-in-law of Moses d. the good of the Church which is in the truth of simple good, 7015. See also REUEL. Jethro d. Divine Good, 8643.
Jew and Judah (Judaeus et Jehudah). Why the Jews had all things by means of representatives; and it was not granted them to know the interior things of faith, 301-303. Why the interior things of the Word were not uncovered to the Jews, 2520:5. Interior things were not uncovered to the Jews lest they should profane them; and, therefore, they are also kept in unbelief to-day, 3398:3, 3479. The Word was altogether closed to the Jews, 3769:2. They could not receive interior truths, 4433:2. They extinguished interior truths, 4429:2, 4433:2. The posterity of Jacob could not receive the internal of the Church, 4680:4. The internal of the Church could not be given with the Jewish nation; the reason, 4544:2, 4845, 4547:2. The Jews consider the internal things of the Church not otherwise than false: illustrated, 4865:2. Interior things were veiled with the Israelitish and Jewish nation when they were in representatives; and this was their sanctification, 8788:2, 8806. The interiors were closed with the Jews when they were in what is holy, 9962. The internal was altogether closed with the Israelitish and Jewish nation, 10490:2. If the internal were opened with them they would perish, 10533. The internal of the Israelitish nation was filthy, thence it was closed in worship; the reason is that the internal might not be defiled, and the representative perish, 10575:2. Interior things were closed with the Israelitish nation when they were in worship, because they were filthy, 10629.
The worship of the Jews was only external, 1200. The Israelites and Jews wished to know nothing at all about the internal things of the Word, of the Church, and of worship, because they were in externals separated from the internal, 10396:2, 10401, 10407. Therefore the Church could not be instituted with them, but only a representative of the Church, 10396:4. [See below.] The Jews did not wish to know the internal things of worship and the Word, 3479. But still they could represent holy things and the Lord Himself; for the reason that they could be in a holy external, 3479:2; and, therefore, they have been preserved to this day, especially because they are in what is holy when they hear the Word, 3479:3. But nothing of the internal holiness affects them, 3479:4. They were surrounded by evil spirits, even when they were in what is holy, 4311:2. The Jews were mostly in external things, because they were in avarice, 4459:7. That they had an external without an internal is shown by their doctrinal principle that it was allowed them to treat their enemies cruelly, and also did so treat them, 4903:2. The Jews and Israelites above every other people could represent holy things, because they worshipped external things as Divine, without an internal, 8588:5. How the Israelites and Jews were in externals without internals; also a representative of the Church, not the Church, was instituted with them and they were the worst nation: references, 9320:4. The sons of Jacob were in an external without an internal: references, 9380. The Jews were in an external, and not in an internal: illustrated, 9373, 9391:18. They could be in external humiliation more than others, but still they were not in internal illustrated, 9377:2. The Israelitish nation could be in external things and at the same time in what is holy, and could obstinately insist that they were above others; but they were in the love of self, 10430. The external sense of the Word was changed and made other on account of the Israelitish nation, about whom it there treats: illustrated and shown, 10453:3, 10461. With the Jews the internal was closed that there might be communication by means of external things, and lest internal goods and truths should be profaned, 10492. A miraculous communication was made with heaven by means of their external things of worship; and for this two things were requisite: namely, that the internal should be closed, and that they could be in a holy external, 10500. The external of worship of the Israelitish nation could communicate with heaven miraculously; concerning which, 10602:2. This could not be granted them after the Lord’s advent, and, therefore, they were expelled from the land of Canaan: illustrated, 10500:3. The Jews saw the Word from the outside, not from the inside, 10549-10551. The Jewish nation, inasmuch as it was an external without an internal, did not sustain spiritual and internal things, because they relate to the Lord and His kingdom, and to love and faith in Him, 10694, 10701, 10707. Concerning those who are in an internal, those who are in an external in which is an internal, and those who are in an external without an internal, 10683:2. See INTERNAL.
With the posterity of Jacob there was a representative of the Church, not the Church, 4281:2. Their Divine worship was only external, and separated from the internal, thus idolatrous; but still they were able to represent, and they were driven to that worship through external means, 4281:2. With the posterity of Jacob there was not a representative Church, but a representative of the Church, 4288:2. A representative of the Church was not instituted with the posterity of Jacob until after they had been vastated as to internal holiness; otherwise they would have profaned what is holy: illustrated, 4289. The Church was not with the Jews, but a representative of the Church, 4500e, 4706. The representative of the Church had good in itself, but with respect to the posterity of Jacob it had no good, 4444:2. With the Jewish nation there was a church, but not in that nation: illustrated, 4899:2, 4912. With the Jews there could only be instituted the representative in an external form, not in an internal, and yet by this there was then a communication with heaven, 6304. With the Jewish and Israelitish nation there was a representative of the Church, not the Church, 7048. How the representative character passed from them first to simple angelic spirits who relate to the cuticle, and from these to interior angels, 8588:6. With the Israelitish and Jewish nation all things were representative of the interior things of the Church and heaven, 10149. The Church was not with them, but a representative of the Church, 10526, 10531. By means of representatives something of the Church was present with the Jews and Israelites, and in their rites they were strictly bound to present the representations, 3147:10. How unclean things with them were removed when th4ey represented, 3480.
The Jews are Canaanites, 1167. The Jews derived their origin from a Canaanite, and from whoredom with a daughter-in-law, 4818:2; and that origin involves evil from the falsity of evil with them, 4818. The Jews also were from whoredom with a Canaanite, 4820. With the Jews there was no conjugial principle, in either sense, 4837:2. The conjunction of their religious faith with the internal of the Church was not otherwise than with a harlot: illustrated, 4868. The conjunction of the external Jewish Church with the internal is as that with a harlot; also of the internal with the external, as of a daughter-in-law with a father-in-law under the pretext of doing the duty of a husband’s brother, 4874:2, 4913. The internal of their Church was conjoined with the external, as a daughter-in-law with a father-in-law under the pretext of doing the duty of a husband’s brother; but that of the external with the internal, as with a prostitute, 4899:4. It is explained that the conjunction of the external with the internal is as that with a prostitute, in that nation, 4911:2.
The Jews even from [the time of] their fathers were of such a character that each wished to have his own god; and they worshipped Jehovah only as to name, 3732:2. It was peculiar to the families of Abraham that each acknowledged his own god; and they were idolaters, 4208:2. See ABRAHAM. Still the genuine thing of the Church could be represented by them, 4208:3. The fathers of the Jews-Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-worshipped each one his own god; and their fathers in Syria did the same; and thence the Jews and Israelites were such, 5998. The Jews acknowledged several gods, and only worshipped the name of Jehovah; the reason, 6877. The Jews at heart believed in several gods, 7401. The worship of several gods was seated in the heart with the Jews more than all other nations: shown, 8301:4. The Israelitish nation worshipped Jehovah as to name only: illustrated, 10559-10561, 10566. They worshipped Jehovah that they might become more eminent than all others in the whole earth, 10566, 10570:2. They were idolaters continually, who only worshipped external things: illustrated, 4825; and this derives its rise from an idolatrous internal, which is of the love of self and the world, 4825:2. The posterity of Jacob was most prone to worship external things; why, 8871:3. They applied the Divine statutes to idolatrous things, 8882.
The Jews were not chosen, but obstinately insisted that they were the Church shown, 4290:2, 4293:2. They were such that they could be in a holy external without an internal: illustrated, 4293:2. How erroneously they think who believe that the Jews in the end of the Church will be converted and brought back to the land of Canaan, 4547:3. Converted Jews fluctuate, 788. It is believed, even by Christians, that the Jewish nation was chosen, and that it was introduced into the land of Canaan; there are several reasons; confirmatory passages from the Word here brought forward; and the quality of that nation is shown from the Word, 7051:2. The Jews and Israelites were not better than other nations, and in no respect chosen for heaven, though they were called the people of Jehovah: shown, 7439:2 The error that the Jews are to be chosen again, 8301:6. They insisted that Jehovah was with them, and so they were the Church, for the sake of their eminence over others shown, 10535.
The Jews were in corporeal and worldly love, without internal love, 4307. What the character of that nation was is clear from the Lord’s parables, and from several things which the Lord spoke concerning them, 4314:2. The Jews were such from the first of their fathers, and afterwards: shown, 4316:2. Their hereditary evil was such that they did not admit of regeneration: shown, 4317. They succumbed in temptations which were only external, 4317:6. In the Church with the posterity of Jacob all things were false and evil in general and in particular, 4503:2. The tribe of Judah declined into a worse state than the rest of the tribes: shown, 4815:3. With the posterity of Judah there was the falsity of evil, or the falsity of doctrine from the evil of life, 4832. The Lord appeared to the Israelitish people from Mount Sinai according to the quality of the people, thus in smoke, cloud, and thick darkness, 1861:10, 6832. It was permitted to the Israelites and Jews to destroy nations, because they were such, and the worst nation, 9320:2. The interior things of the Israelitish nation are described, 10454-10457, 10462-10466. The Jews could be in a holy external from the fire of the love of self, or for the sake of eminence above others, 10570:2. The sense of the letter of the Word was changed for the sake of the Jewish nation; how: illustrated by examples, 10603:3.
Matters respecting the Jews gathered into one, 10396:5. The Jews had an idea of Jehovah as of a very old man with a long beard, who could do miracles above other gods, 4299:5. The Lord was representatively present with them, that is, the holy external was miraculously elevated into heaven outside them, 4307:2, 4311:2. The statutes, judgments, and laws commanded to the posterity of Jacob were known in the Ancient Churches, 4449:2. The representatives in the Jewish Church were not new, but existed formerly in the Ancient Church, 4835. The Jews from their own religious faith also affirm internal truths, when they look upon them as their own; but how: shown by examples, 4911. What the kingdom of the judges, the kingdom of the priests, and thereafter the kingdom of the kings were with the posterity of Jacob; and they were ultimately divided into two kingdoms; what they represented, 8770:2. Because the Israelites were in the greatest obscurity as to the truths of faith, and in falsities from evil, therefore the Lord appeared to them in a dense cloud, in smoke, and in fire on Mount Sinai, 8814, 8819; and this was according to their quality, 8819. The Lord appears to all according to their love: as a creating and renewing fire to the good, and as a consuming fire to the evil; so to the Jews, 9434:3. The tribe of Judah was the first tribe, when Reuben, Simeon, and Levi were cursed, 10335:2. The worship of the Jewish nation will have an end at the end of the Christian Church in Europe, 10497e. Moses urged that the people be accepted, through which urgency it was consequently done, 10632.
Avaricious Jews are, as it were, where hogs are being scraped, 939. They are discerned by the stink of mice, 940. Robbers in the wilderness, 940. The filthy Jerusalem, 940:2. Concerning the other Jerusalem of the Jews, between Gehenna and the swamp, 941. I have spoken with Jews in the other life, concerning the Word, the land of Canaan, and the Messiah, 3481. Concerning the hell of cruel adulterers where such as are of the Jewish nation are, 5057. How cruelly the Jews treated the nations from delight, 5057. The Jews and Israelites were cruel towards their enemies; perceived from experience, 7248.
Judah is in general the nation from Jacob, in particular that from Judah, 4815, 4842. The Jews (in the first place Judah), in the supreme sense, d. the Lord and the Divine of His love; in the internal sense, the Word and the Lord’s Celestial Kingdom; in the external sense, doctrine from the Word which pertains to the celestial Church: shown, 3881. Judah (the Jewish nation), when it continued in the statutes, rd. the Celestial Kingdom of the Lord, and when it turned away to idolatrous practices, the kingdom of the devil shown, 3881:10. See also To CONFESS, from which Judah was named, 3880. When they became idolatrous they rd. infernal things, 4444:4. Judah d. the religious faith of that nation, 4864; the good of the external Church, 5583, 5603; the good of the Church, 5603; illustrated, 5782, 5794, 5833; the celestial Church and the Divine Celestial, 6363. The sons of Israel in the land of Canaan rd. celestial things; and the nations there, infernal things; and, therefore, they were given to their devotion; and it was forbidden them to enter into a covenant with them, 6306. When the Jews worshipped other gods they rd. infernal things, 9284. By the sons of Israel are sd. those who are in externals without an internal, 10692. The Israelitish nation rd. the Church; and the Church was not with it references, 10698e. The brothers of Judah d. the truths of the celestial Church, 6364.
Judaea d. the Church of the Lord, 3654. Judah d. those who are against all good whatsoever, 4750. By the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is not meant their posterity, because that nation was the worst of all, but those who are in goods and truths from the Lord, 3373:2. Such were Jews and such their church that they were rd. by Judas Iscariot, 4750, 4751e.
Job (Hiob, Job). The Book of Job is a book of the Ancient Church, not among those which are called The Law and the Prophets, 3540e, 9942:5.
Jobel (jobel). See TRUMPET. The jobel being prolonged, also to hear the trumpet, d. to be in a general perception of celestial good, 8802.
John (Johannes). John rd. the good of charity, Preface to Gen. xxii. 2 [ante 2760.] John reclined at Jesus’ breast, because he rd. good works, 3934e; because he rd. the good of charity, 10087:2. The Lord’s words to Peter and John, concerning Peter loving Him and feeding the lambs and sheep, and concerning John following Him, are explained; also what they s., 10087:2. Peter, James, and John stand for faith, charity, and the good of charity, see Preface to Gen. xviii. 2 [ante 2135.]
It is according to the order of heaven that a spirit is sent before the angels who come to men, and prepare them, as John the Baptist before the Lord, 8028:2. See JUPITER. John the Baptist d. the Word, and his dress and food sd. the external things of the Word, 7643:10; shown, and the things concerning him explained, 9372:2; also how he was Elias, 9372:2.
Jokshan (Jochschan). Jokshan and his sons; what they s., 3240.
Joint, To be Out of (luxari). What to be out of joint s., 4278.
Jordan (Jordanes). Jordan s. those things which are with the external man; why; Euphrates also s. external things, 1585 d. initiation into the cognitions of good and truth, and the first and last of the Lord’s kingdom, or Church: shown, 4255.
Joseph (Josephus). [See also ARK.] The sons Ephraim and Manasseh are meant by Joseph, 6275.
Joseph d., in the external sense, fructification and multiplication, 3971; d. the Divine Human Spiritual of the Lord, 4669. By Joseph the Divine Truth especially respecting the Divine Human of the Lord is rd., 4723, 4727. Joseph d. the celestial-spiritual man from the rational, or the Lord’s Internal, 4963; the celestial of the natural, 5086, 5087, 5106; the Lord as to the celestial of the spiritual, 5249; the celestial of the spiritual; concerning which, 5307 internal good, 5805, 5826, 5827; the celestial internal, 5869, 5877; the internal, 6177; or the celestial internal and internal good, relative to greater or less lower things, 6224; the spiritual Church; in the supreme sense, the Divine Spiritual of the Lord, 6417. The natural under the internal is rd. by Joseph, 6145. What the celestial of the spiritual is, which is Joseph, 5307, 5331, 5332. See CELESTIAL. The celestial of the spiritual, which is Joseph, is truth from the Divine: illustrated, 5417. Joseph, when he is called the man (vir), d. truth from the internal, or spiritual truth, 5584. The things mentioned about Joseph r. the glorification of the Lord’s Human, 5688:3. The house of Joseph d. celestial things of the spiritual, 6526.
Joseph and Benjamin d. the angelic societies constituting the uniting medium signified by the veil before the ark, 9671:2; the internal; and the remaining sons of Jacob d. the external, 5469. Benjamin d. the spiritual of the celestial: shown; and Joseph d. the celestial of the spiritual, 4592:5; each is intermediate, 4585:5, 4592:6, 4594:2. See CELESTIAL. Joseph d. the celestial-spiritual man who is from the rational; Israel d. the celestial-spiritual man who is from the natural, 4286:3. By the four first births of Leah-Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah-is rd. the progress of the celestial man’s regeneration; and by the seven remaining as far as Joseph, the progress of the spiritual man’s regeneration, 3921:3. By the words ‘God hath gathered the reproach, Joseph’ is rd., in the supreme sense, the Lord as to the Divine Spiritual; in the internal sense, the Spiritual Kingdom and the good of faith; in the external sense, salvation, also fructification and multiplication: shown, 3969.
Joshua (Joschua). Joshua d. Truth combating; concerning which, 8595; Divine Truth surveying and apperceiving, 10454; Divine Truth ministering in the absence of Moses, 10557. Joshua, as the minister of Moses, d. what is representative, 9419.
Journey, To (proficisci). See To SOJOURN, To DWELL, To WALK, To Go FORTH, SOJOURNER, PLACE, MOTION. What motions and progressions are in the other life, 9440. See PLACE. Journeyings in the other life are changes of the state of the interiors illustrated, 10734; and from experience, 1273-1277. To journey s. the order and purposes of life, 1293e; to progress, 1457; what is continuously successive, 8181, 8397; orderly arrangement; when, 8192; what is progressive of spiritual life, 8557. The journeyings and encampments of the Israelites in the wilderness s. spiritual states and their changes, 8103. According to the journeyings (namely, of the sons of Israel in the wilderness), d. according to the order to receive the life of heaven, 8559. To journey and to go d. what is successive, 4375, 8345: what is continuous, 4554, 4585, 5996. To go d. to live, 3335; whence: illustrated, 4882, 5493 life: illustrated, 5605; when spoken of the Lord, to give life, to be present, and to lead, 10567. To go and to walk d. to live; why, 8417, 8420. To go forth d. to live more remotely, 3690. To go forth to meet d. reception, 7000. To go from thence d. to leave, 3416. To enter d. communication, 6901.
Joy (gaudium). See HEAVEN. Many have so general an idea respecting heaven and heavenly joy that it is no idea, 449. The opinions of several concerning heavenly joy, see HEAVEN. Experiences concerning heavenly joy, see HEAVEN and HAPPINESS. Heavenly joy, its quality and whence it is, 10722-10724. See HEAVEN. The Divine joy on the reception of good and truth is infinite, because love, from which joy is, is infinite, 8672. Joy is predicated of good; gladness, of truth: shown, 8339e. Gladness d. the spiritual, or of truth; joy d. the celestial, or of good, 3118; shown, 4137.
[Judea. See under JEW.]
Judah (Jehudah). See JEW. The tribe of Judah declined into a worse state than the rest of the tribes: shown, 4815. The tribe of Judah was the first tribe when Reuben, Simeon, and Levi were cursed, 10335:2. ‘Judah’ is in general the nation derived from Jacob, and in particular that from Judah, 4815, 4842.
Judah d. the religious faith of that nation, 4864; the good of the external Church, 5583; the good of the Church, 5603 illustrated, 5782. Judah, in the Word, s. the good of celestial love and Israel, the good of spiritual love: shown. 3654. By the four sons of Jacob in order, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, is rd. the progress of the regeneration of the celestial man; and by the remaining seven to Joseph, the progress of the regeneration of the spiritual man, 3921:3. The brothers of Judah d. the truths of the celestial Church, 6364.
[Judas Iscariot. See under JEW.]
Judgment (judicium). What judgment is; it is the penalty of evil, 1311:2. Judgment belongs to the Lord’s Divine Human and the Holy proceeding, 2319-2321. Judgment is effected from Truth, 5068. Judgment is from good and truth; what judgment from good is, and what from truth; and the Lord never adjudges anyone to hell: shown, 2335:2. Judgment has relation to the upright and the wicked, 7206:2. Several matters concerning the separation of the good from the evil; how the case is, 2438. Damnation to hell takes place by degrees of exploration, 7273e, 7295e. The Lord does not judge anyone, but arranges him; he is judged according to reception, 8685. A man is judged according to the will, not according to acts, because the will is the man himself, 8911. The angels have a sort of jurisdiction, but still the Lord is the only Judge, 7811. The quality of Christians to-day; they are without faith and charity, in contempt, aversion, and enmity against the truths of faith and the Lord, and in inward hatred against one another, 3489. There is no destruction of the world, 4059. The distinction between the precepts which relate to life, the judgments which relate to the civil state, and the statutes which relate to worship; in general, between judgments and statutes: shown, 8972:3. The Lord’s appearance in a cloud, in the human form, and then in splendour, with the inhabitants of a certain earth; and spirits were gathered to the right and the left, and so separated, 10810; and at that time also in the lower parts of the earth there, 10810:2.
Last Judgment. What is meant by the Last Judgment, 900, 931:2, 1311:2, 1850. Concerning the Last Judgment, 2117-2133. Men suppose it will come with the destruction of the world, and this from the Word prophetic concerning the new heaven and the new earth, 2117. It is the last time of the Church, as every Church has had its own judgment, 2118. There is a last judgment to every man there; how man is resuscitated: he is received by angels in order, until he returns into his own life, and therefrom either descends into hell or is elevated into heaven, 2119. How it is to be understood what the Lord spoke concerning the sea, the sun and moon, the stars, and the nation against nation, 2120. The Last Judgment is at hand in the other life, when they who are from the Christian world fill the world of spirits and its interior sphere; the reason why they are there; what evils reign among them, 2121. Many who are from the Christian world are satiated with the love of self and the world; they are in deceits; and make nothing of faith, 2122. Hereditary evils are augmented, and equilibrium begins to hang to the side of evil, 2122. Goods and truths are turned in a moment into evils and falsities, 2123. In the most ancient times voluntary good was destroyed, and to-day intellectual good begins to perish, 2124. The quality of Christians to-day represented by black spirits, by boys who were being combed, by a tree into which a viper ascended, by a dog, and by women in a kitchen, 2125. Such as are against innocence represented by an infant whom they wished to treat very badly, and to kill, 2126. In the world such do not appear, but their internals are such things, 2126. In the other life there appears, as it were, a kind of last judgment, 2127. When societies badly crowded together were dissociated, it was by means of a flying company of spirits which dissipates; concerning which state, as it were, of the Last Judgment, 2128. Similarly there are conflicts of thoughts and reasonings; concerning which; what their qualities are, 2129. It is disputed whether the twelve apostles upon twelve thrones judge the twelve tribes of Israel, and whether others than those who have suffered misery and persecution enter heaven; how these things are to be understood, 2129:2. An idea of the Last Judgment, when they are intromitted into heaven; what went on respecting the wolf: they were delivered; the twelve, then eight, societies were admitted; and they who came afterwards were not; and others also wished to be admitted; so that it was understood what is meant by their coming too late, knocking, and lacking oil, 2130. How those who are intromitted are received into heaven; they are transferred from a society into others according to their desires, 2131. What one that entered not being clad in the wedding garment s.; it d. those who are in hypocritical deceit, who insinuate themselves into heavenly societies, but are cast of themselves into some hell, 2132. A general glorification of the Lord heard throughout an immense space, and seen like a down-flowing radiation, which takes place when they are in a state of tranquillity and peace, 2133. The Last Judgment is the end of the Church with one nation, and the commencement of it with another, 3353, 4057. At different times there has been a last judgment; concerning which, 4057. The Lord has come as often as there has been a last judgment, 4060:5. The Last Judgment is the rejection of the old Church and the establishment of a new, 4333. On this globe there has been a last judgment four times, 4333. The Last Judgment is not the destruction of the world, but the last time of the former Church and the first time of a new Church, 4535. It is the last judgment to everyone when he dies; and he does not rise again with the body: illustrated, 5078:6, 5079:2. Some believe that the soul is only thought, others that they will be like spectres, others that they are to rise again at the Last Judgment, and then with the body; concerning which matters, 4527. What things the Lord taught respecting the Last Judgment, or His Coming and the consummation of the age, in Matth. xxiv. 3-8, are explained, 3353-3356; what things are in that charter, verses 8-14, are explained, 3486-3489; verses 15-18 explained, 3650-3655; verses 19-22 explained, 3751-3757; verses 23-28 explained, 3897-3901; verses 29-31 explained, 4056-4060; verses 31-35 explained, 4229-4231; verses 36-41 explained, 4332-4335; verses 42-51 explained, 4422-4424; a summary of what things are in that chapter, 4422. The things which are in Matth. xxv. 1-13, respecting the Last Judgment, explained, 4635-4638; [verses 31-46 explained, 4661-4664;] verses 31-33 explained, 4807-4810. There is a last judgment for every man when he dies; concerning which the Lord spoke in Matth. xxv. 31-33, 4807, 4808. Verses 34-36 explained, 4954-4959; verses 37-46 explained, 5063-5071.
To judge d. the arrangement of truth, 8685. ‘God judging me, and also hearing my voice’ (from which Dan was named), d., in the highest sense, righteousness and mercy; in the internal sense, the holy of faith; in the external sense, the good of life, 3921. To judge the people d. truth in its own office, 6397. May Jehovah see and judge d. Divine arrangement, 7160. Judgment d. Divine Truth, doctrine and life: shown, 9857; also to judge to life or to death, 9857:10. Judgments d. exterior truths such as are in the civil state, where the representative Church is: shown, 8972; truths references, 9260; truths of the natural state, and ‘words’ d. truths of the spiritual state, 9383. Judgments and laws d. truths and truths of good, 8695. Great judgments d. according to the laws of order, thus according to Divine truths, 7206. Righteousness is predicated of good, judgment of truth, 2235. See also CONSUMMATION, VASTATION, and VISITATION. What consummation s., 1857. The day of visitation d. the last state of the Church, in particular and in general, when there is a judgment; how it then takes place briefly, 10509.
[Juggler. See SORCERESS.]
Jupiter (Jupiter). See PLANETS and EARTH (tellus). The Lord was seen by the spirits of Jupiter such as He appeared to them in their earth, 7173e. Concerning the spirits and inhabitants of the planet Jupiter, 7799-7813. Several things respecting them, 7799. They and the planet appear in front towards the left, at some distance, 7800. There are three kinds of spirits with whom I have spoken, chastisers, instructors, and holy angelic spirits, whose faces shine, 7801. Spirits speak with the inhabitants there, 7802. The chastising spirits come to man; and when they come they strike terror; their qualities are described, 7803. Instructing spirits also come; concerning whom, 7804. Angelic spirits are present, at the head, and govern the former, 7805. They see two signs: an old man with a white face, signifying that they speak the truth, and a face in a window, that they may depart, 7806. Then the face of a man there was kept cheerful and smiling, the mouth being open and the region of the lips prominent, 7807. A man is severely punished if he does evil again, 7808. Spirits speak with man, not man in return, except a few words; and to say to anyone that a spirit has spoken with him is forbidden, 7809. The kinds of punishments: shown, 7810. Angels have a sort of jurisdiction, but to the appearance only, 7811. Spirits afterwards come who urge contraries, from evils, 7812. A spirit applying himself under the left elbow, with a harsh speech, is sent before angels when they come to man, 8021. The speech of angels with me was at first grosser, then purer, and at length still purer; concerning which, 8022-8026. A spirit interrupted and admonished one to act modestly with angels, 8027. It is according to the order of heaven that a spirit is sent before the advent of angels, who prepares the way, as John the Baptist came before the Lord, 8028. Spirits are carried into heaven when they become angels, by means of bright horses as it were of fire, as Elijah was, 8029. Angels there in the first heaven appear clad in blue, and that colour is loved by them, 8030. These spirits cannot have consort with spirits of our earth; why, 8031. The approach and influx of a spirit of Jupiter is gentle and sweet, 8111. The signs when there are disagreements among them are a bright white radiation, or little wreaths, 8112. They kept my face smiling and cheerful, and they had tranquillity and delight, 8113. They have interior happiness, because the interiors are open to the Lord, 8114. Angelic choirs please them greatly, 8115. In that earth there is a great multitude of men, because they can be nourished, 8116. They are distinguished into nations, families, and houses, and do not desire to command, nor to possess the goods of others, 8117. It was similar in ancient times on our earth; concerning which, 8118. The faces of the inhabitants of Jupiter are beautiful, 8242. They believe that after their decease their faces will become larger, 8243; and that then the fire of heaven will make their face, 8244. Therefore they wash and cleanse the face many times, not so the body, 8245. The faces of the inhabitants of our earth do not please them, 8246. Smiling and cheerful faces they love; the reason is that they are such as themselves: not in solicitude concerning the future nor in care concerning worldly things, 8246, 8247. They love faces which are prominent about the lips, because they speak by means of the face, 8246, 8247. Their speech is by means of their faces: shown, 8248. They also have vocal speech, 8248. The most ancient people had speech by means of the face; and several things respecting its excellence above speech by words, 8249, [8250]. The inhabitants of Jupiter do not walk erect, but as it were leap; concerning which, 8371. They always keep the face forward, and never backward, 8372. How they sit, 8373. They freely desire the face to appear; why, 8373. Thence the spirits appear as if they were swimming, 8374. They are naked, and do not blush at it, because their minds are chaste, 8375. When they lie down, they turn their face towards the chamber; why, 8376. They eat for a long time, for the sake of discourse then, and at the time they sit upon the leaves of a fig tree, 8377. They do not prepare food for the taste, but for the use; concerning which, 8378. Of what character their dwellings are; inwardly [they are like] the face of heaven, 8379. Of what character their tents are, 8379. They want nothing beyond necessities; they love infants, 8380. They have great horses, but in forests, and they have a natural fear of them, 8381. The spirits of Jupiter are infested by the spirits of our earth, 8382, 8383. They meditate upon what they say; why, 8384. They are informed concerning printing, the Word, doctrinal matters, what is written, and thus published, 8385. They acknowledge our Lord, whom they call the only Lord, and say that He is a man; they have seen Him on their earth, 8541. The doctrine of faith is there derived from parents to children, 8541. Wrong thinking concerning the only Lord is most especially prevented, 8542. He is the same as our Lord, 8543, 8544. They do not attend to scandals injected by spirits of our earth, 8545. All good is from the Lord; a discourse with them, 8546. The Lord is the only man, and they are men so far as they are His images, 8547. Their wisdom is transferred from parents to children successively, 8627. They do not care for the sciences, because they say they are like clouds before the sun, and cause blindness, 8627, 8628. They cannot be with the spirits of our earth; why, 8630. They are distinguished from others by means of their spheres, 8630. An example of their perception and wisdom, from a representation of how the Lord turns evil into good, 8631. They asserted from their angels, that the Lord does evil to no one, 8632. They do not care for artificial things, 8633. They have no festal days, but hold worship at sunrise and sunset, 8633. The speech of the spirits of Jupiter is inwardly voluble finishing in a murmur, 8733. Concerning their saints; their quality, 8735-8740. They say they are mediatory lords, 8735; they call the Lord the supreme Lord, not the only Lord, 8735. They say the dwelling of the supreme Lord is in the sun, and, therefore, they adore the sun, 8736. The instructing and chastising spirits do not come to them; why, 8737. They have a turreted hair-cap, 8738. In the other life they sit, and shine from fire in the face, but still they are cold, 8739. They cut wood, because they ascribe merit to themselves, 8740. Who the spirits of Jupiter who are called sweepers of chimneys, are, 8846. They relate to the seminal vessels, and intensely desire [to be introduced] into heaven; concerning whom, 8846-8848. The conscience is made heavy with them from a trifling evil; an experience, 8849. They who are to die within a year see as it were a bony baldness, 8850. They who have lived well do not die from an evil, but as if in sleep, 8850. They do not care about death, because they know they will live afterwards, 8850. They do not live beyond thirty years, by reason of the great multitude of men on that earth, 8851.
[Just and Justice. See RIGHTEOUSNESS.]
Justification (justificatio). What justification is, 2116, 2694:4. Because men believe in justification, they know little respecting regeneration, 5398. See REGENERATION.
Kadesh (Kadesch). What Kadesh s., 1958; truths and contentions about truths, 1678; the affection for interior truths proceeding from rational things, 2503.
[Kadmonites. See KENITE.]
Kedar (Kedar). Kedar, which is Arabia, was named from the son of Ishmael, 3268:3. Nebaioth and Kedar d. those who are of the spiritual Church, especially with the nations: shown, 3268:2. The Arabs in the wilderness d. those who are not in good, 3268:5.
[Keep, To. See To GUARD.]
Keeper (custos). See CUSTODY.
[Kenite (Kenita). The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites d. the falsities which are to be expelled from the Lord’s kingdom, 1867.
Kenizzites. See KENITE.]
Kesithae (kesithae). Kesithae, which were coins, d. truths 4400.
Keturah (Keturah). [See also ABRAM.] What Keturah s., 3237, 3239-3242. The sons of Keturah d. doctrinals and worship of the Lord’s Spiritual Kingdom, 3243.
Key (clavis). Key d. power: shown, 94101. What ‘the key of the kingdom of the heavens’ s.; shown, Preface to Gen. xxii. [ante 2760], and 3750:2.
Kid (haedus). He-lambs and she-lambs s. the innocence of the internal, or spiritual man, and kids and she-goats s. the innocence of the external, or natural man, consequently their truths and goods: shown, 3519. A kid of the she-goats, because it s. the innocence of the external man, d. the conjugial pledge: shown, 4871.
Kidneys (renes). The operation of heaven into the kidneys observed, but obscurely, 3884:4. Concerning the correspondence of the kidneys, the ureters, and the bladder with the Grand Man, 5380-5386. The nature of those who constitute the peritoneum, when they are infested by renal spirits, 5378. They who constitute the kidneys, the ureters, and the bladder are they who explore and who chasten, 5381-5384. When it is said, in the Word, that Jehovah searcheth the kidneys and the heart it d. spiritual things, or what things belong to truth, and celestial things, or those that belong to good: shown, 5385; and also, in the Word, chastisement is ascribed to the kidneys, 5385. Succenturiate kidneys, or renal capsules; their use; and that chaste virgins constitute that province in the Grand Man; concerning which matters, 5391. Kidneys d. truth exploring, purifying, and chastening: shown, 10032.
Kill, To (occidere). To kill d. to deprive of life that which does not coincide with it, and thence vivification; so the contrary, 3607; to take away the spiritual life, or faith and charity: shown, 6767; not to receive, thus also not to choose, 7043; to withdraw spiritual life from anyone, also to extinguish faith and charity, thus to hold the neighbour in hatred: shown, 8902. To kill a brother and a companion d. to close the internal lest good and truth enter, because thus spiritual life is taken away, 10490, 10492. To be killed, when predicated of good and truth, d. not to be received, 3387, 3395. To slay a beast d. preparation for purification, 10024.
Kindle, To (accendere). See FIRE.
[Kine. See COW.
King (rex). See also KINGDOM, and under TO ANOINT. A merciful and mild king punishing the wicked, 2447. How far a king puts off the representative character of holy kingship, 3670:2. Kings are fathers; why, 3704:5. Kings were formerly adored; when, 5323:2. Glory is ascribed to kings in the Word; why, 5922:15. Kings are guardians of the law, 5323:2. What kingship in the world is, 6482:2, 10800. Who is a just and good king, 8717:2. What a king is, 10793. A king who is wise, and one who is not wise, 10802. What the priesthood, and what the kingship of the Lord are, 1728. What the Lord as a king is, and what as a priest, 2015:10. The Divine Spiritual of the Lord is that which is also called His kingship, 3969:15. The Divine Spiritual, or the Divine Truth is that which is also called the Lord’s kingship, 4669. The Lord is called King from Divine Truth, 4973:3. The Lord called Himself King; why, 5068. Kingship is the Law, which is in itself the truth of the kingdom, 5323:2. Kingship in heaven is Divine Truth, 9212:6.
Kings, kingdoms, and peoples s. truths, 1672. Kings d. truths: shown, 2015:3, 2069; references, 6745:3; truths in one complex, 2089 Divine truths: [references,] 10360. By kings are sd. those who are in the truths of faith: references, 9406:2. All kings whatsoever and whosoever they are, by means of their very kingship, r. the Lord, 3670:2. Kings, the evil equally with the good, r. the Lord’s kingship, 4281:3. The kings in the Jewish Church rd. the Lord as to the Divine Spiritual, or the Divine Truth, 4677:2. Kings r. the Lord as to Truth, 4876:10. The truth which king sd. is from good, 3009. King r. Divine Truth which is from Divine Good, 4966:3. King d. the Lord as to Divine Truth: references, 6125:6. By king is understood the truth of the faith of the Church in the complex, 9146:2. By king, in the genuine sense, is sd. truth, and, in the opposite sense, falsity, 7220e. By king is sd. the same as by people, 7224e. A judge is spoken of in the Word, also a prophet, as also a king, where truth is treated of; and a priest where good is treated of, 9806:2, 9809:9. King, in the internal sense, d. the truth which belongs to what is doctrinal; what the king of the Philistines s., 3365. Kings, and also the sons of a king, s. the interior truths of faith, 2069:2. What a king and at the same time a priest, d., 6148:3. Kings of the peoples who will be from Sarah s. spiritual truths which flow in from the Divine Truth of the Lord, 2069:4. The king of the south s. those who are in goods and truths; and the king of the north s. those who are in evils and falsities, 2468:3. The king of the south d. those who are in the true light; and the king of the north, those who are in shade and thick darkness, 3708. By the king of the south is sd. the light of truth from the Word; by the king of the north, reasoning from scientifics about truths, 9642:7. The king of the north stands for falsities, or for those who are in falsities, 3322:5. Kings from the loins s. truths from the Divine Marriage, 4575. What the king of Syria s., 4720:2. The kings of antiquity s. truths of the Ancient Church, 5044:4. The king of Egypt d. the natural man, 5077, 5079, 5095; separated scientifics which are against the truths of the Church, 6673; one who is in sheer falsities, 8142. Pharaoh, king of Egypt, s. scientific truth, 6015:7. A new king over Egypt d. a false scientific, 6651, 6799. The son of a king d. what is primary, 7779. What the King of the Jews s., 9144:10. The daughter of a king s. such things as pertain to the affection of truth and good from the Lord, in the Church, 9942:7. What the anointing of kings s., 9954:10. What the king of Asshur s., 9960:3. Kingship, in the internal sense, d. the holy of faith, 3875:4. Kingship r. the Lord as to Divine Truth, 5164:2; s. the Divine Truth which proceeds from the Lord, 5313:3. The Lord’s kingship c. to His Spiritual Kingdom, 8625. The kingdom of priests r. the Divine Good from which is the Divine Truth; but the kingdom of kings, the Divine Truth apart from the Divine Good, 8770:2.
The queen of the heavens d. all falsities, 4581:8.]
Kingdom (regnum). See HEAVEN. Man is the Lord’s kingdom, 29:2. The kingdom of the Lord is immense, 1810. Empires and kingdoms were made on account of the loves of self and the world, 7364:2. Concerning two forms of government,-from love towards the neighbour and from the love of self, 10814. See COMMAND.
By kings, kingdoms, and people are sd. truths, 1672. Kingdom d. the truth of doctrine, 2547. The kingdom of the priests d. those who are in the good of truth, 8770:2. To reign is predicated of truths which are of the intellectual; and to rule, of goods which are of the voluntary: shown, 4691:2. Jehovah shall reign, He shall reign to eternity, was a customary formula with the ancient Churches; and it d. that all things are from the Lord, and that the Lord is the Lord of heaven and earth: shown, 8331.
[Kingship. See under KING.]
Kirjatharba (Kiriath arba). Kirjatharba, which is Hebron, d. the Lord’s Church: Kirjatharba as to truth, Hebron as to good, 2909. See HEBRON.
Kiss, To (osculari). Kissing d. unition and conjunction from affection: shown, 3573, 3574, 4353; conjunction from affection, 4215; also hypocritical simulations and deceits, 4215:3; in like manner it d. love, 3800. To kiss d. adjunction from affection, 5929; conjunction from the affection of truth, 6260.
Kitchen (culina). Two women in a kitchen, 2125.
Kneading-Troughs (mactra). Kneading-troughs d. the delights of the affections, also of the lusts in the exterior natural, 7356.
Knee (genu). The knees d. of conjugial love, 3915. What to bear upon the knees s., 3915; d. to acknowledge as one’s own, 6585. To sink down upon the knees d. to dispose oneself to what is holy, 3054. Bending the knees and sinking down upon the knees c. to adoration from humiliation and holy fear, 5323.
Knife (culter). The knife used for sacrifices d. the truth of faith it is called a small sword, as is the knife made of stone for circumcisions, 2799. See SWORD. Knife is rarely mentioned in the Word, because there are [spirits called] ‘knifers’; concerning whom, 2799:22.
Know, To (scire). See SCIENCE, [also To ACKNOWLEDGE.
Knowledge. See COGNITIONS and SCIENCE.]
Known (notus). I have spoken for a long time with persons known to me, 5, 448, [1114.] I have spoken with nearly all who were known to me, 1636, 1880. They who are known to each other find each other in the other life, 1114; also they who are known from fame, 1114. They who are known are present in person immediately they are thought of, 1274. They who were known recollected all things, in the other life, 2486.
Laban (Laban). Laban d. the affection of good in the natural man, 3129, 3130, 3160; the affection of external good, and properly the collateral good of a common stock, 3665, 3778. Laban r. good at the side, such as is that of the nations, who are in the goods of works, 4189, 4206; and the good of the external, or natural man, [4189:2, 4211:2: references, 4395.] The good rd. by Laban is not genuine good, but still it serves for the introduction of genuine goods and truths, 3974, 3982, 3986:5. Concerning the middle good which is rd. by Laban; how it serves for the introduction of genuine goods and truths: illustrated, 4063:2. It is effected by means of societies of spirits and angels, 4067:4. Laban in Haran d. the affection of external, or corporeal good; properly the collateral good of a common stock, 3612. Laban the Arammean d. good in which there is no Divine good and truth, as formerly, 4112.
[Labour. See under SABBATH.]
Labour, To be in (parturire). See To BRING FORTH.
[Laceration. See RENDING.]
Ladder (scala). Ladder d. communication, and indeed of the lowest truth and good therefrom, 3699, 3701. The head of a ladder d. heaven, 3700.
[Lake (locus). Waters gathered together and lakes d., in the complex, cognitions by means of which intelligence is acquired, 7324. See also POOL.]
Lamb (agnus). Something concerning lambs, 3519:3. See KID. The lamb d. innocence: shown, 3994; the good of innocence shown, 10132. Lamb d. interior innocence, and a she-goat d. exterior, 3519:3, 7840. Lamb d. the inmost good of innocence, rain d. the interior, and bullock d. the outmost, 10132:12.
[Lame. See HALT.]
Lamech (Lainech). By Lamech is sd. vastation, 406.
Lamp (lampas). Lamps d. truths, and oil d. good, where the ten virgins are spoken of, 4638. Lamps with lights d. truths which shine from good, 7072. Lampstand d. the spiritual heaven, and light (lucerna) d. faith with the intelligence of truth and the wisdom of good, from the Lord only: shown, 9548, 9783.
Lampstand (candelabrum). A representative formed in heaven, 552. Lampstand d. the spiritual heaven, and light (lucerna) d. faith and the intelligence of truth and the wisdom of good, which are from the Lord only: shown, 9548; r. the Lord as a moon, 9684:2. Some parts of the lampstand s. spiritual things, 9551. The branches of the lampstand d. truths from good, 9555, 9558, 9561. Vessels of the lampstand, as the tongs and snuff-dishes, s. the things for purifying and discharging, 9572.
Land (terra). See also GROUND, CANAAN. Angels come immediately into the spiritual idea [of land], and the material idea is put off at the first threshold of heaven, 10568:2. The signification or land is varied, 2571, 3368, 3379; but still it retains the signification of Church, 8732. By land is s4. the nation there, and so its quality, thus the Church, 1262. Land, in the supreme sense, d. the Divine, 8732. Land d. the Lord’s kingdom, when the land of Canaan is meant, 1413, 1607. See CANAAN. Land d. rational things which being enlightened by the Divine are appearances of truth, 3368, 3404; the Lord’s kingdom and the Church, 4429; the Church, 8011; the reason it d. the Church, 5577; whence; from the most ancient times the Church was in the land of Canaan: references, 9325. The regenerated man in particular is the land: references, 9334. The land that appears where they are who are in falsities from evils, and where they are cast down into hell, 7418. The people of the land d. those who are from the spiritual Church, 2928. Ground d. the Church from the reception of seed, and from growth; and land d. the Church, from the nation there: shown, 10570:4.
The signification of earth is diverse, 620, 636. Earth is accepted for the Church, and all of the Church, also where the Church is not, also variously, 1066. Earth s. the region where the Church is, 662; the Church, 3355e, 4535:4, 9643:3; the external man: shortly, 913. The internal man is called heaven; the external, earth, 82, 1411. Heaven d. what is interior in man, and earth d. what is exterior, 1733. What the new heaven and the new earth s., 1733, 1850. See JUDGMENT. What the new heaven and the new earth s. is, the Church in general and particular, 2117, 2118e; the new internal and external Church, 3355e, 4535:2. To create a new heaven and a new earth d. to establish a new Church, 10373; and ‘to create’ there d. to establish: shown, 10373. By ground is sd. where the Church is; and by earth, where the Church is not, 566. How ground and earth are distinguished, 1068. The earth swallowed them up d. falling down into hell: shown, 8306.
The lower earth is the region beneath the feet, where upright spirits are, before they are elevated into heaven: shown, 4728. Concerning the lower earth; it is beneath the feet and soles; and they are there who are natural; concerning which and those who are there, 4940-4951. By far the greatest number of Christians are sent into the lower earth, because they are natural, 4944. Where the lower earth is situated; and by which hells it is surrounded, 7090. That there is a lower earth: shown from the Word, 7090:2. There also the vastation of falsity takes place to-day, 7090:2. The lower earth is girt with hells which infest, 7240.
Why men prostrate themselves to the ground, 2327.
Language (lingua). See TASTE and APPETITE. The Hebrew language adapts itself to the internal sense, 618. The language of spirits and angels, see SPEECH. Men, from the exterior memory, are in the languages of words; and spirits, from the interior memory, are in a universal language, 2472, 2476. See MEMORY. There are several things from the spiritual world in languages and the words of language, 5075:2.
Opinion flows into the tongue, 1159. Why the tongue serves both for nourishment and speech; from correspondence, 4795. Concerning the correspondence of the taste, the tongue, and the face, with the Grand Man, 4791-4805. The tongue in general c. to the affection of truth, and the affection of good from truth, 4791. Who they are that offer violence to the tongue, and their quality, 4801. Tongue s. opinion, 1159, 1215, 1216.
[Lapis Lazuhi. See LIGURE.]
Lasciviousness (lascivia). The penalties of lasciviousnesses, see HELL and ADULTERY. Conjugial love flows in according to reception; it is turned into lasciviousness and, adultery, 2741, 2742. Lascivious love emulates conjugial love, 2742.
Last (ultimum). See EXTREME.
Latchet (corrigia). What the latchet of a shoe s., 1748.
[Laugh, To, Laughter (ridere, risus). Concerning the origin and essence of laughter, 2072, 2216. Laughter d. the affection of truth, 2072, 2216. Isaac was named therefrom, 2072:2. To laugh d. to be affected with truth, 2641; the love, or affection of truth, 3392.]
Laver (labrum). The layer in which purification was made d. the natural of man: illustrated and shown, 3147:6. Concerning the brazen sea of Solomon, 10235:5. The base of the layer d. the sensual, 10236. What the ten layers placed near the temple, and their bases, s., 10236:3. See VESSEL.
Law (lex). The Law and the Prophets are the whole Word of the Old Testament,-also Moses and the Prophets, 2606. The Law, in the broad sense, is the whole Word; in the less broad sense, the historical Word; in the restricted sense, the Word which was written by Moses; and in the most restricted sense, the ten precepts of the Decalogue: shown, 6752. The Divine Law is the Word, thus the Divine Truth: shown, 7463:2. When the Law was promulgated on Mount Sinai, the precepts of the Decalogue were understood by the angels otherwise than by men, else such a promulgation would not have been necessary, 2609, 7089. The precepts of the Decalogue contain in themselves such things as are in heaven: illustrated, 8899.
The Law, also the precepts, d. truth in general and in particular, 9417. Laws d. all things of the Word in special, in the genuine sense, 3382. How the case is, in the internal sense, with the precept of the Decalogue relating to honouring parents, 3690:5. See also LAWGIVER. It is said, respecting the Lord, that He fulfilled all things of the Law, which d. all things which are in the Word concerning the Lord’s temptations, and concerning the glorification of His Human, 10239. Judgments and laws d. truth and truths of good, 8695.
Law, Skilled in the (legis periti). Concerning those skilled in the law formerly and at the present time, Preface to Gen. xviii., [ante, 2135.]
Lawgiver (legislator). Lawgiver d. truths: shown, 6372.
Layer (lamella). See PLATE.
[Lazure. See LIGURE.]
Lead (plumbum). Lead d. evil of the exterior natural, and conversely good of the same degree, 8298:2.
Lead, To (ducere). [See also BACKWARDS.] God led d. Providence and the Divine auspice, 8093, 8098.
Lead Astray, To (seducere). To lead astray d. contrary to order, 3529.
Leader (dux). Leaders d. chief things, thus also all things in general and particular; and they are spoken of respecting good and evil; but chiefs, respecting truth and falsity, 8314. Tertian leaders d. general things under which are particulars in a series, 8150.
Leaf (folium). Leaf s. truth: shown, 885.
Leah (Leah). Rachel d. the affection of interior truth; and Leah d. the affection of exterior truth: illustrated, 3793, 3819.
Learned, To Teach (dodus, docere). See also SCIENCE, DOCTRINE, UNDERSTANDING, WISDOM, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL. Examples showing that the learned do not know what the simple know, 206. The learned know less than the simple; and in what ignorance they are concerning good and truth, concerning heaven, and concerning several other things; from experience, 3747-3749. The erudite do not comprehend what the spirit is, and what the life after death is; an experience, 6317. The erudite believe less than the simple, because they consult scientifics from a negative spirit, and so deprive themselves of interior vision, 4760:4. The erudite are less wise than the simple, because they are sensual, and the scientifics are of sensual things, 5089:2. Very many of the erudite are in the persuasion of falsity, because they confirm falsities by means of scientifics, 5128:3. The erudite are, for the most part, sensual; the reason, 6316. Scientifics are the means of becoming wise, and the means of becoming insane; and therefrom the erudite, in the other life, are more stupid than the simple, 4156:2. The internal with the learned in the Christian world is more closed than it is with the simple; three reasons, 10492:4. Falsities flow from a false beginning: illustrated, 4717, 4721:2. To confirm a dogma is not the part of a wise man, but to see first whether it is true, is, 4741:3. The affection of eloquence and erudition beclouds matters, 6924e. The erudite believe they would receive the Word if it were otherwise written; but they are altogether deceived; and they more than others are atheists and naturalists, 8783. Several of the learned, who are in the truths of faith from the Word, are in hell-and they who are not in truths, also they who are in falsities, are in heaven-the reason is that they are not in good: illustrated and shown, 9192:2. The learned wander only in the bark [of the tree of knowledge], and only love to dispute whether a thing is, 3677:2.
The learned shall shine as the stars; what is meant, 3820:4. To teach d. to flow in; and when spoken respecting the Lord it d. to provide, 7007.
Least (minimus). See GREATEST. The least is greatest in heaven, 452, 1419. What it is to be great in heaven, and to be least, 3417:2. A man is in the least things what he is in the greatest, 6571, 6626.
Leather (cerium). See SKIN.
[Leave Oil, To. See FiNISHED.]
Leaven (fermentum). Unleavened (azyrna) and unfermented things s. purifications from falsities and evils, because leaven s. falsity and evil: shown, 2342. Leaven d. falsity: shown, 7906. Fermentation d. spiritual combat, because then there is the contest of truth and falsity: shown, 7906:3. Leavened d. falsified, 8051. Unleaven (azymum) d. good purified from falsity, 8058. Concerning the festival of unleavened things, or the paschal cake, 9286-9292. See FESTIVAL. Unleavened (azymum) d. purified, and leaven d. falsity from evil: shown, 9992.
Left Hand (sinistra). See RIGHT HAND.
Leg (crus). The head upon the legs and the middle d. from the inmost to the external: illustrated, 7859. The legs of beasts d. natural things, because they involve also the feet; it is otherwise men, 10050.
[Legislator. See LAWGIVER.
Lend. To. See MUTUAL.]
Length (longitudo). What length, breadth, and height s., 650. See BREADTH and HEIGHT. Length d. good, breadth d. truth, 1613, 4482; shown, 9487:2; illustrated from extensions in heaven, 10179. Days being prolonged d. the increase of good, 8898. Removal to a distance (elongatio) d. disagreement and aversion: illustrated, 9261.
Leprosy (lepra). Leprosy d. the profanation of truth: briefly shown, 6963. The leprous are they who are unclean, but wish to be cleansed: shortly, 9209:4.
Less (minor). [See also ELDER.] Greater d. good, less d. truth, 3296. The elder d. the external, because first learnt; younger d. internal, because learnt afterwards, 3819.
Levi, Levites (Levi, Levitae). Levi, in the highest sense, d. love and mercy; in the internal sense, charity, or spiritual love; in the external sense, conjunction; concerning which, 3875:4. What his quality is, 3877. Levi d. faith separated from charity, thus the contrary to charity, 6352. Simeon d. faith in the will, and Levi d. spiritual love, or charity; and in the opposite sense they d. falsity and evil, which in general pertain to a perishing Church, 4497, 4502:2, 4503:2. The priesthood of Aaron, of his sons, and of the Levites, d. the work of the Lord’s salvation, in successive order, 10017.
Leviathan (leviathan). Leviathan d. the scientific in general: shown, 7293:3, [10416e.
Liberty. See FREEDOM.]
Lice (pediculi). The stink of domestic lice, 1514e. Lice d. evils in the extremes, thus in the sensual, 7419.
Lie (mendacium). A lie d. what is false of faith and in life: shown, 8908. Not to answer to a neighbour the witness of a lie d. not to say that good is evil and truth falsity, and vice versa, 8908. Vanity d. false doctrine; a lie d. falsity of life, 9248:2.
Lie Down, To (cubare). To lie down d. a state of tranquillity: shown, 3696.
Life (vita). Life in the Lord. The Divine Good of the Lord is the Esse Itself, and His Divine Truth is life therefrom, 3619. The Lord as to the Human also has life in Himself, 2658. The Lord as to each Essence is life, but man is only a recipient of life from the Lord, 2021.
Life as from the Lord. There is one only life: namely, the Lord’s, 6467; it exists in man just as it is received, 6467, 6472. See also INFLUX. There is one only life, which is the Lord’s, to which the recipients of life ought to correspond; they are such things as just correspond, 3001. There is one only life, and to that forms correspond which are substances, or organs; and these are such things as just correspond to life; and this is the correspondence of organs with life, 3484. There is one only life, and all angels, spirits, and men are recipient forms of life: shown, 3742; and the Lord’s life is appropriated from the Lord’s love and mercy towards the whole human race, 3742. There is one only life, and that is from the Lord; and it is varied in subjects according to reception, 5847. There is no life and being, except in those things which are from the Lord, thus which are eternal, 726:2. All life is from the Lord, 1954. See INFLUX. All life is from the Lord: illustrated from things seen, 6468:2, 6470. Everything of life is from the Lord, 4524, 4882, 10196; illustrated from experience, 4882; and it is as the principal and instrumental cause, which act as one cause; and it is sensated in the instrumental, 6325. Everything of life with man flows in by means of heaven from the Lord: references, 9276:9. Man lives from the Lord by means of the goods and truths of doctrine, 2531. All life is from the Lord, and it diffuses itself into all and every form in an incomprehensible manner, 2886-2889. All in general and particular think and will from others thus finally from the Lord, 2886. If communication by means of spirits and angels were taken away from man he could not live, 2887. Life is diversified in objects according to their qualities, 2888. When the life of the lusts of evil, and of the persuasions of falsity, is taken away, then there is life for the time, 2889. All within the Church know that the life of evil and falsity is from hell, and the life of good and truth is from the Lord, 2893. The Grand Man is from the influx of the Lord’s life, and therefrom are celestial and spiritual things in heaven, 3741. The evil are not willing to be convinced that they do not live from themselves, 3743. Man does not live from himself: illustrated from the good and truth which flow in from the Lord, and the evil and falsity from hell, 4151:3. A man believes that he thinks and wills from himself; nevertheless the doctrinal declares that good and truth are from the Lord, and evil and falsity from hell, 4249:3. To know and perceive that all life is from the Lord, and that heaven relates to the Grand Man, is the chief thing of the intelligence of angels, 4318. All the life both of thought and of will is from the Lord, even as to hell, 4319, 4320. That life appears with everyone as if it were in himself is from the Lord’s love towards the whole human race, 4320. The evil also live from the Lord, but their life is spiritual death: shown, 4417. All things exist and subsist from things prior to themselves, thus from the First; consequently, from the Lord, by means of the spiritual world, 4523:3, 4524. Doubts respecting the influx of life from the Lord cannot be removed, so long as there are fallacies, unknown things, and a ruling negative state, 6479.
Man is a Recipient of Life. See also above. Man does not live from himself, but he is an organ recipient of life, 3318:2. The lights and heats with a man, a spirit, and an angel live from the influx of the Lord’s life, 3337, 3338. The evil and the infernals are also forms recipient of the Lord’s life, but they reject good and truth therefrom, or suffocate, or pervert them, 3743. No one thinks and speaks from himself, but from others; an experience; thus the Lord’s life flows into all and each; and it is varied according to the subjects, 5986. The sweetness of angels does not live from themselves; and I heard from heaven that it is so, 6469.
Life in Man. The life of man is according to the ends, 1909. All, even the worst, have life from the Lord, but according to reception, 2706. All speech lives from the Lord’s life, but according to the degree in which the speech is, 3344. There are two lives, which are spoken of in the plural, because there are two faculties of life, one of which belongs to the will, or good, and the other to the understanding, or truth: shown, 3623. Then first there is life when the life of the love of self and the world is extinguished, 3610. Concerning some who lived as beasts; how little they have of life; and the life breathed into them by means of angels, 3647. Life from the Lord is grievous with those who are not in the good of charity; from examples, 6471. If the life of the love of self and the world were taken away from the evil, they would be as an infant lately born, as to all things of life: an experience, 2871. The vital [essence] of man is from spiritual fire and heat, and this is love, 4906. Man can receive the Divine by means of thought and affection; and he has a reciprocal, that it may be appropriated to him, otherwise than to beasts, and, therefore, he cannot die, 5114:4. Spiritual light and spiritual heat make the life of man concerning which: illustrated, 6032. It is life to will good and believe truth; and they are alive who so will and believe; and it is death to will evil and believe falsity; and these are the dead: shown, 7494. The Lord dwells in His own, thus in the Divine with man: shown, 9335:6. Those things become of the life, which are received in the will, 9386, 9393. Matters which become of the life vanish from the external memory, 9394:4. They who are in falsities from evil have no real life, but they have the life of phantasy; and such a life they have who are in hell, 4623, 10284, 10286. Life consists in, and depends on, freedom. See FREEDOM. He who lives in good, and believes that truth, good, and life are from the Lord, can be gifted with freedom, 2892. Faith does not save, but the life of faith, which is charity, does; for the life remains after death, 2228:2. Life is what saves, but not preaching, 4683.
The Other Life. Man after death enters almost immediately into the other life, 70. How what is alive and what is dead appear in the other life, 671. Concerning the state of life after death, see STATE. His own life remains with everyone after death, 4227:5. The external things of life are put off when a man dies, and the internal are opened, 4314e. In the other life all things, in general and particular, of the life of each one lie opened, 4633. The life that remains after death is not external, but internal, 5128:4. A man, after death, appears as he had been in the interiors, not as he had been in externals, 6495e. Everyone is allotted to heaven according to his life, 7439:3. All in the other life are consociated according to life, 8700:4. The quality of the life of evil spirits, and whence it is, 1742:2.
Significations. Life d. a representative state, 3251, 3274. Lives s. times and states, 2904. To live to eternity also d. to live in damnation, 304. By living and life, in the Word, is understood spiritual life, which is intelligence and wisdom; in general, heaven and eternal happiness; but by death the contrary is understood, 5407. To vivify and life, in the Word, d. spiritual life: shown, 5890. Whilst he was yet living d. to give life, 3248. Eternal life d. to receive from the Lord that which is life: namely, the intelligence and wisdom of truth and good, 5070. ‘Let Pharaoh live’ is a form of asseverating, thus what is certain, 5449.
Light (lucerna). See LAMP and LAMPSTAND.
Light (lumen). See LIGHT (lux). Some suppose heaven to consist in the light of glory, 455.
Light (lux). See also LIGHT (lumen), SUN, MOON, RAINBOW. Light is from the Lord. The Lord is light: shown, 3195:4. The Lord is the Sun of heaven, and therefrom is the light in which is intelligence, and heat in which is love; and thence are the correspondents, 3636, 3643. Light is from the Lord, and that is the Divine Truth, from which is faith, intelligence, and wisdom: references, 9548, 9684.
Light in the Spiritual World. The light in which they live who are of the Most Ancient Church, 1117. The speech of angels sometimes appears in the world of spirits like a flame-coloured light, 1646. Spirits and angels see nothing that is in the solar world, nor, on the contrary, do men see [anything in the spiritual world]; they have seen through my eyes, 1880. In the other life all light is from the Lord, and all shade from the proprium; and variegations are therefrom, 3341. They who are in faith alone appear in snowy light, but winterly, which turns into darkness, when they approach towards heaven, 3412:3, 3413:2. Heaven is in light and heat; hell is in thick darkness and cold, 3643. Light in the other life has intelligence and wisdom in itself, hence the colours there, which signify, 3993:6. Progression towards interiors appears clearly in the other life, as from mist to light, 4598. Truths shine in the other life; concerning which, 5219. A great light seen by some, 7174. The light in the heavens is from the Lord, who is the Sun; its modifications, 1053:2. See also RAINBOW. Light in heaven is more luminous than light on earth; and this is from the Lord, 3195:2. Angels are in light and heat, and the more they are in them the more they are in intelligence and wisdom, 3339. The falsities and evils of the Church appear before Divine Light in heaven as they are, but not among those who are in them: illustrated from experience, 4674:2. Light in heaven is from the Divine Human of the Lord: shown, 9571e. Light in the inmost heaven is flame-coloured, because they who are there are in good, but in the middle heaven it is a dazzling white, because they are in truth, 9570. In the hells also there is light (lumen), but a fatuous one, 3340. See THICK DARKNESS. The loves of self and gain induce darkness and stupors, 3413. Concerning the light in which the angels live, 1521-1533, 1619-1632. There is a great light in heaven, which is from the Lord, who is the Sun, 1521:2. The light of the world is darkness, 1521:2. Light frequently seen, 1522. An experience in their abodes, 1523. The light of angels compared to the light of spirits is according to the intelligence and wisdom; what are the differences, 1524. Their lucidity who pertain to the province of the eye, 1525. How great light is when one is withdrawn from the ideas of particulars, 1526. The life of lusts is as a charcoal fire, falsity thence is as the light (lumen) thereof, 1528. Light is from the Lord who is the Sun to the celestial, and as the Moon to the spiritual, as testified in the Word, 1529, 1530. Wonderful things appear from the light in heaven, when the internal sight is opened, 1532. From phantasy concerning what is immaterial, light would be as something dark, 1533.
The Light of Heaven and the Light of the World. The light of heaven illuminates the sight and the understanding; and as is the proportion and quality of the light so is the proportion and quality of the understanding, 2776:3. That there is an internal sense appears in the light of heaven, not so in the light of the world, 3086. They who are only in the light of the world do not comprehend those things which are of the light of heaven, 3108. There are the light of heaven and the light of the world; the internal man has sight and understanding from the light of heaven, but the external man from the light of the world; but the light is vivified by means of love, which is spiritual heat, 3138. What the spiritual, or internal man is, and what the natural, or external: namely, the spiritual, or internal is wise from the light of heaven, the natural, or external from the light of the world, 3167. When truth is elevated from the natural into the rational, it passes from those things which are of the light of the world into those which are of the light of heaven, thus from the obscure to the clear; man is so in wisdom, 3190. There is wisdom and intelligence in the light of heaven, 3195:4. There are two lights: the light of heaven from the Lord, and the light of the world from the sun, 3223, 3224. The light of heaven is for the internal, or spiritual man; the light of the world is for the external, or natural man; several things concerning which light here, 3223, 3224. Between these lights there is a correspondence; and those things which exist in the light of the world are representations, 3225. So far as anyone is in the light of the world, those things which are in the light of heaven appear as thick darkness, 3337. Imagination and thought are modifications of each light, 3337. Appearances in the other life are appearances, but alive, thus real, because from the light of heaven, which is wisdom and life from the Lord; and those things which are from the light of the world are respectively not real things, except so far as they are conjoined with those which are of the light of heaven, 3485. The light of heaven is never extinguished, but always shines, though it appears extinct with those who are in contraries, 4060;3. They who are in the light of heaven are in intelligence and wisdom; not so they who are in natural light, except so far as the light of heaven flows into this, 4302:2. Very many things which are in the light of heaven do not fall into human ideas and words, 4609. What monsters infernals appear in the light of heaven; an experience, 5057:3, 5058. The light of heaven is from Divine Truth, a thousand times nmore dazzling than the light of the world, 5400. There is light in hell, but it is turned into darkness and thick darkness against the light of heaven, 6000. The illumination of the understanding from the light of heaven perceived, 6608. The light of the world glows red with the evil, and the light of heaven with them is thick darkness; with the good the light of heaven is a dazzling white, and becomes more and more so; and the light of the world is obscure, saving where truths are, 6907:3. The quality of the light (lumen) in hell; at the presence of the light of heaven it becomes thick darkness, 7870:2. The light of heaven is thick darkness to those who are in falsities: illustrated, 8197. A comparison with the sun and the light of the world to show the quality of the Divine Good of the Lord’s Divine Love and the Truth which proceeds therefrom, 8644. There must be a general illumination of the understanding from the light of heaven, as the illumination of the eye from the light of the world, that objects may appear, 8707. Those things which are in the light of heaven cannot be seen from the light of the world, because they are thick darkness; and vice versa, 9577:2.
Enlightenment and Influx. The Lord from the Divine Human illuminates the spiritual; this would not be the case unless the Human were united to the Divine, 2776:3. Enlightenment is from good, but by means of truth, 3094. The Lord willed to be born a man that they who were in dense darkness might have light: namely, they who removed themselves far from good and truth, 3195:3. The influx of the Lord’s life causes things to live, 3337e. Before the Lord’s coming there was light from the Divine by means of heaven; after His coining there was Divine Light from His Divine Human, 4180:5. There is a true light and a fatuous light (lumen); they who are good are in enlightenment from the true light; they who are in evil are in the fatuous light: illustrated, 4214:2. Spiritual light and heat make the life of man; concerning which: illustrated, 6032. Sight from heavenly light has spiritual, civil, and moral things for its objects, 8861:2. Divine Truth, which is from the Lord, or which is Light, makes the intellectual, 9399; and the heat of light gives life to the will, 9400:2. How the Divine Truth proceeds from the Divine Human of the Lord, and flows in: illustrated by radiant circles, which are spheres of light, 9407:14. How man is elevated into that light, 9407:15. Real light illuminates the understanding, 10569:2.
Sensual Light. Concerning his state when a man is in sensual light (lumen), 6310-6314. See SENSUAL [under SENSE.] When a man is elevated from sensual things, he comes into a milder light (lumen), and at length into heavenly light, 6313. A man who is elevated, because he is in the good of faith, is alternately in this and in that light (lumen); and thus he is elevated by the Lord, 6315.
Correspondence of Light. Concerning the correspondence of the sight of the eye and light in the Grand Man, [4405-4420,] 4523-4533. The sight of the eye c. to the understanding, and this comes to pass from the two lights; concerning which, 4405. The light of intelligence is what flows in by means of the internal man, and meets the light which has entered by means of the external man and his eye, 4408. There is a correspondence of the sight with truths, because these are of the understanding, and there is nothing that does not relate to truth and good, 4409. The sight of the left eye c. to the truths of faith, and that of the right eye to the goods of faith; the reason, 4410. The humours and coats of the eye with every single part of it correspond, 4411. Who represent the coat of the eye, 4412. The light of heaven has intelligence in it, 4413. The differences of light in the heavens are as many as the societies and the angels, 4414. There is light in the other life, and it is from the Lord; and in the light there is intelligence; an experience, 4415. What quality of light they have who have confirmed themselves in truth, and live the life of evil, or who are in a persuasive faith concerning which faith, 4416. Truth can never be conjoined with evil, but it can be with good: shown from light, 4416:2. Evils also live from the Lord, but that life is spiritual death; and it is shown of what quality they appear, 4417. The hells are said to be in darkness, because they are in falsities; and concerning their light (lumen) there, 4418. The quality of intelligence from the proprium appears, also that of intelligence from the Divine: shown by means of lights, 4419:2. The sight of the eye c. to the sight of the intellectual, and thence to the truths of faith; and this because the light of the world c. to the light of heaven, 4526. Concerning the light of heaven; it immensely surpasses the light of the world; an experience, 4527. Darkness is predicated of the hells, yet they have a light (lumen), but as the light (lumen) from a charcoal fire; it becomes as darkness at the presence of the light of heaven, 4531. They who are in hell appear in their own light (lumen) as men, but viewed by the angels they appear as devils and monsters; and whence it is, 4533. The loves of good are rd. by flames, but truths by lights, 3222. The variations of light by means of the Urim and Thummim, 3862:2. See URIM.
Lightnings (fulgura). Lightnings d. the splendours which truths have from the good of love, which splendours dazzle and penetrate, in both senses: shown, 8813. Thunders d. truths Divine; and lightnings d. splendours which truths have from good, 8914.
Ligure (cyanus). Ligure, agate, amethyst d. the spiritual hove of good, or the internal good of the Spiritual Kingdom, 9870.
Likeness (similitudo). The spiritual man is an image, the celestial man a likeness, 51, 473, 1013. See also IMAGE. To make likenesses of those things which are in heaven, earth, or sea, was forbidden; it d. a resemblance of those things which are from the Divine, as the deceitful, hypocrites, and dissemblers are, 8870-8872.
[Linen. See FLAX.
Linen, Fine (byssus). Fine linen d. truth from a celestial origin, 9942. Fine-linen flax d. truth from a celestial origin, 9469. Fine linen and garments of fine linen s. Truth from the Divine, 5319. Fine linen and silk s. truths from good, 5954:5. Fine linen woven together s. the intellectual, for this is, as it were, woven together from the truths of a celestial origin, 9744. By fine linen woven together is properly sd. the intellectual such as is the spiritual belonging to man, 9596:3.]
Linger, To (tardare). To linger d. to doubt: illustrated, 5613.
Lintel (superliminare). Posts d. truths of the natural; and lintel d. its goods: shown, 7847, 8989.
Lion (leo). Lion d. the truth of the Church in its power, and, in the opposite sense, falsity in its power, 6367; the good of celestial hove, and thence truth in its power, and, in the opposite sense, evil, 6367:2. A lion’s whelp d. innocence and its truth, 6367. To bow himself, when spoken respecting a lion, d. to put oneself into power, 6369.
Lip, Lips (labium, labia). The speech of the Most Ancient Church was not by means of words, but by the lips, 607:2. There are spirits from another globe who speak by means of changes of the face, principally about the lips; concerning whom, 4799. Lip d. doctrine, 1286, 1288.
[Listen, To. See HEARING.]
Little One (parvmilus). See BOY and INFANT.
Live, To (vivere). See LIFE.
Liver (hepar, jecur). Who correspond to the liver, 5183. Who correspond to the pancreatic, hepatic, and cystic duct, 5185. The liver (jecur) d. the interior purification of the natural man: illustrated and shown, 10031.
[Loam. See CLAY.]
Loan (commodatum). To ask and to give as a loan, see MUTUAL.
Locust (locusta). Locust d. falsity in the extremes; and the bruchus d. evil in the extremes, 7643.
Lodger (inquilinus). Lodger d. one who does good from natural disposition only: shown, 8002.
[Lofty. See HIGH.]
Logic (logica). See PHILOSOPHY.
Loins (lumbi). See THIGH.
[Look Above, To. See ABOVE.
Look At, To. See To SEE and BACKWARDS.
Look Back, To (respicere et retrospicere). See To SEE and BACKWARDS.
Look Forward, To. See To SEE.]
Loops (loramenta). Loops d. conjunction, 9605.
Lord (Dominus). See also GOD and JEHOVAH. The Lord is the Only God. The Lord is Lord, and is acknowledged in heaven as the Father, because He is One and the Same, 14, 15, 1729. The Lord is the Lord of heaven, 7086. The Lord alone is Life and the Living One, 290. There is one only life, which is the Lord’s, 3001. The Lord has all power in the heavens and on the earths, 1607. All power in the heavens and on the earths belongs to the Lord: shown, 10089. As to the Divine He had power from eternity, 1607:2. The Lord is, and is called Jehovah, 1738. The Lord is from eternity: shown, 3704:12. The Lord is the only God: illustrated and shown, 7209. The Lord is manifestly called God in the Old Testament: shown, 10154. Our Lord is the one only Lord with the inhabitants of Jupiter, 8541, 8547. See JUPITER.
The Divine Trinity. There is a Trine in the Lord, 2447:6; the Father in Him, the Holy Spirit from Him, 7182; the Divine Itself, the Human Itself, and the Proceeding; also this Tine is one, 2149, 2156. The whole Trine is in the Lord, 2320, 3704:7. The whole Trine in the Lord is Jehovah, 2156, 2329:3; is one, and the Divine Human and Holy Proceeding are Jehovah, 2329:3. The whole Trine is in the Lord, and the Holy Spirit is the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord: shown, 6993. When the learned were examined as to how far they had an idea of one God, [it was perceived that] they could not but have an idea of three; therefore the Jews said the Christians worship three gods, 2329. Christians in the other life speak of one God, but think of three; otherwise the gentiles, who adore the Lord alone; for they say that it cannot be other than that the supreme God has manifested Himself as a man, and that they cannot think otherwise of God than as of the Divine Man, 5256. For what proceeds immediately from the Divine Itself cannot be apprehended, but what proceeds from the Divine Human of the Lord can; how, 5321:2. Concerning the Trinity; the angels think of it otherwise than men do-they, that the Lord is the only and one God; and it is illustrated by means of the trine in an angel, 9303:2. The Lord is one with the Father: shown, 3704:8.
The Divine Man. The Lord alone is Man, and men are from the Lord, 1894. The Lord is the only Man, and men are men so far as they are His images, that is, so far as they are in good, 8547. The Lord is the Divine Man who is from eternity, or Jehovah, such as He is in heaven; and He took upon Him the Human that men might have an idea concerning the Divine, 5110:3. The Lord was and is Jehovah in the human form: shown, 9315. God is everywhere in the universe worshipped under the human form, and it is implanted from heaven where the Lord is heaven itself; concerning which matter, 10159. The spirits of other earths rejoice when they hear that the Lord is actually a man, 9361.
Good Itself and Truth Itself. The Lord is Good Itself and Truth Itself, 2011; shown, 10336:2; because He is Infinite: shown, 10618, 10619. The Divine Good is called the Father in the Word; and the Divine Truth, the Son: shown, 3704:2. The Lord is the Divine Good, and from this the Divine Truth; and thus in the Lord there is nothing else than Divine Good; but Divine Truth is from the Lord, 3704:2, 3712:2, 4577. In the Lord is Divine Good, and from the Lord proceeds Divine Truth: illustrated from the sun, 5704:2. The Divine Good is in the Lord, and the Divine Truth is from the Lord, 8241. In the Lord there is a Divine marriage of truth and good; concerning which; from which is the heavenly marriage, 2803. The Lord is the celestial itself and the spiritual itself, or good and truth abstractly, 5110:2. The Divine Love of the Lord is celestial and spiritual; but the distinction is with respect to those who receive, 3325:7. The Divine Good of the Lord is simply one, because infinite; that it is distinguished into celestial and spiritual is from dissimilar reception, 10261.
The Source of All. All things exist and subsist from a prior to themselves, thus from the First, or the Lord, consequently by means of the spiritual world from the Lord, 4523:3, 4524. All things exist from a prior to themselves, thus at length from the Lord, 6056. Everything existing is from a first and a supreme, thus from the Lord, 9128:3. Nothing exists from itself, but from a prior to itself, thus all things, in general and particular, exist from the Lord, 6040. All live from the Lord, 681. All life is from the Lord, 2886, 2888, 2889, 4318, 4319. See LIFE. Everything of life is from the Lord, 4524. All life flows in from the Lord; thence from the inmost things of man into his exteriors in order; thus it is with spirits and angels, 1954. That life appears as if in everyone is from the Lord’s love towards the whole human race, 4320. All order is from the Lord, and all laws of order, 2447:2. The Lord has nothing of power from evil and falsity, but only from Himself, because from Good and Truth, 1749, 1755. The Lord had all things from Himself, 3382:2. All good and truth are from the Lord, 1614, 2904, 2016. All good and truth are from the Lord alone, 2882, 2883, 2891, 2892. The angels know that all good and truth are from the Lord, and that all things flow in; but the evil are altogether unwilling to know this, 6193:2. The good of love to the Lord from the Lord is the only one good: illustrated, 9863. So far as good and truth flow in from the Lord evil and falsity are removed, 2411. From the Lord there is nothing but good; and the evil and the hells bring evil upon themselves by turning the Lord’s good into evil, 7643:3, 7679, 7710. Evils and falsities are not from the Lord: illustrated, 9128:3. From the Lord there is nothing evil, nor even harsh, 8632. Wisdom and intelligence are of the Lord alone, 109, 112, 121, 124. Conjugial love is from the Lord’s mercy towards the whole human race 686. Heavenly freedom is from the Lord, and man is led by the Lord, see FREEDOM. Heavenly love continually flows in from the Lord) but is impeded by the loves of sell and the world, 2041:2. The Lord is one with the Father; the whole heaven is His; from Him are all innocence, peace, love, charity, mercy, conjugial love, good and truth; Moses and the Prophets spoke concerning Him; and all the rites of the Jewish Church [represented Him], 2751.
Acknowledgment and Worship of the Lord. In the heavens no other Divine is acknowledged than the Lord’s Divine Human: shown, 10067:2. The angels acknowledge no other Divine than the Divine Human of the Lord, because they can think about it and love it; not so about the Divine which is the Father: shown, 10267. All in heaven acknowledge the Lord; and all in hell are against the Lord, and yet they acknowledge a supreme being, 6475. Gentiles, in the other life, who were in good, acknowledge the Lord, see NATIONS. The inhabitants of all the earths, if not idolaters, adore the Divine in the human form, thus the Lord; and they know that they cannot otherwise be conjoined to the Divine, 6700. Concerning those who worship an idol of stone, that they may think of the invisible God; to whom it was said that they might better worship the invisible God in the Lord, who is God visible, 9972. The Lord acknowledges all in the other life who worship God under the human form, 9359. The acknowledgment of the Lord is the first of all things and the most essential of the Church; and otherwise nothing of faith and love to God can be given in the Church, 10083:5. To acknowledge the Lord is the first thing of the Church, and without that acknowledgment there is nothing of truth and good: shown and illustrated, 10112. The essential of the Church is to acknowledge the Divine Human, and to worship it: shown, 10370. The Lord was the God of the Ancient Church, 6846. Ancient wise men, when they thought of God, thought of the Lord as to the Divine Human; also the angels: illustrated, 6876:2. The most ancient and the ancient people acknowledged no other than the Lord as Jehovah, 5663:2; and they adored the Divine Human in which also Jehovah appeared, because they could not be conjoined in thought and affection to another than the Divine Human, 5663:3. The Ancient Church acknowledged the Lord as the Divine Man, and thereupon called Him Jehovah, 4692:2. The Church does not do this, 4692:4. The Lord is accepted better outside the Church than inside, 9198:2. They who are in good acknowledge the Lord, but not they who are in evil, although they are in truths, 9193:2. The Divine Itself cannot be communicated to angel, spirit, or man, other than by means of the Divine Human of the Lord, 4724:3; and they acknowledge the Divine Human who are in the life of faith, not they who are in faith separated, 4724:4, 4731:2. They who are in no charity cannot acknowledge the Lord, except from hypocrisy, 2354:2. They who are in evil never acknowledge the Lord’s Divine Human; they can indeed understand that it can be so, but do not believe it is, 8878. In the Church the Divine Human of the Lord is not acknowledged; concerning which, 4689:2. Those within the Church who do not acknowledge the Lord have no conjunction with the Divine; otherwise those who are outside the Church, and live well, 10205:2. There is no church where it is not acknowledged by life and doctrine that the Lord’s Human is Divine; thus that the Lord is one with the Father: shown, 4766. They who worship an incomprehensible God acknowledge no God, 9356. Jehovah the Father cannot be comprehended by any idea, and hence cannot be believed in, consequently not loved: shown, 10067:2. He may be comprehended by means of the Divine Human of the Lord: shown, 10067:4. If anyone saw the Lord he would adore Him from external things, not from internal; but they who are affected by truths and do goods adore Him from internal things, 5066, 5067. If man be worshipped as God, and not the Lord, infernal spirits are worshipped: illustrated, 10642:2. The Lord alone is to be worshipped, and not another, 10645. The Lord desires worship and glory not for His own sake, but for the sake of man’s salvation; and this is the Lord’s glory: illustrated, 10646:3. The Lord requires humiliation and adoration, not for the sake of Himself, but for the sake of man, because then he is in a state to receive good, 5957. True worship and true love of the Lord consists in doing His precepts: illustrated and shown, 10143:5, 10578:3. To have faith in the Lord, and to love Him is to will and do His precepts: illustrated by many passages, and also shown, 10645.
Salvation. Some are accepted by the Lord immediately after death, 319. How the Lord holds a man back from evil lest he rush into hell, 789. The Lord subjugates evil and hell with man, 987:3. Men are held back from evil by the Lord with mighty strength, 2406. The Lord’s love towards the whole human race was the life of the Lord, when He was in the world, 2253. The Lord’s love transcends all human understanding; concerning which, 2077. The Lord continually draws the man of the Church towards the interior, into heaven, and so nearer to Himself; and this from love towards the human race; and He wills to have them with Himself: shown and illustrated, 6645:2. The Lord never judges anyone, except from good; thus He adjudges no one to hell, 2335:3. The Lord never sends anyone into hell, 696, 1683. It may be surprising that to believe in the Lord is to be saved, when yet faith in the Lord is what saves; but faith is not given except with those who are in the life of faith: namely, in love and charity, 2343:3, 2347. None are saved by means of the Father’s looking to the Son, but by the union of the Divine with the Human, in the Lord, 2854. The Lord wills to have the whole man, and not that man should be partly his own: shown why, 6138:2. That Jehovah, or the Lord, extols His power in the Word is not for His own sake, but for the sake of the human race, that they may be in humiliation, and so receive life and happiness, 7550e. The Divine power of the Lord is the power of saving the human race by removing the hells, and flowing through the heavens; and these things belong to the Lord alone: shown, 10019:3. The first state of those who are being reformed and regenerated is that they suppose good and truth to be from themselves, in which opinion they remain, for reasons; concerning whom; but when they are regenerated they believe these things are from the Lord; in which perception all angels are, 2946, 2960, 2974. So far as a man believes that all good and truth are from the Lord he is in His kingdom, 2904:2. They who have faith in the Lord have the heavenly kingdom; but they have the faith of charity, 1608.
The Divine Providence and Mercy. All are under the Lord’s view: illustrated, 1274e, 1277e. The Lord sees from mercy, 223. The Lord rules the universe: shown, 3704:14. The Lord rules the universe from His Divine, Divine Human, and Holy Proceeding, 2288e. The Lord rules the universe, both heaven and the things that depend therefrom, 2026, 2447:2. The Lord rules all things in general and particular with permission, admission, leave, good-pleasure, and will, 1755. Those things which are done by the Lord are said to be from the will, good-pleasure, leave, and permission, which are degrees of influx, 9940. The Lord turns evil into good; a representative, 8631. Concerning the Lord’s Providence in the most particular things, see PROVIDENCE.
The Divine Presence. The presence of the Lord with man is according to the charity which is the man’s, 904:2. The Lord’s presence in heaven and with man is according to the reception of good from the Lord, 9680:2, 9682:2, 9683. The Lord is present in all, even in hell, but the presence is according to the reception, 2706. The presence of the Lord is with all according to the reception, 4198. There are various things in the Lord, but they appear varied according to reception, 4206:2. Concerning the Lord’s presence in the heavens from the Sun, when yet He is in the Sun, 10106. The good, from the Lord’s presence, are in good, and the evil still more in evil, 7989. They who are in falsities from evil are surrounded in hell from the Lord’s presence alone:-illustrated and shown, 8137:3, 8266. The Lord dwells in His own, thus in the Divine with a man or an angel, not in their proprium: shown, 9338:6. The Lord is heaven and the Church, because He dwells in His own, and not in their proprium with them, thus He is the All in all things there, 10125; shown, 10151, 10157. The Lord’s presence is with man, not that of men with the Lord, 9415:2.
Divine Manifestations. The Lord speaks through angels, and they know not otherwise than that they are the Lord, 1925:2. The quality of the Lord’s Divine Human appeared when He was transfigured, 3212:2. The Lord appears to everyone as he is who receives, 3235. The Lord appears to everyone according to his quality, 8819:2; illustrated, 6832:2. The Lord does not hide Himself, but evils are they which make it appear as if He hides Himself, 5696. The angels are veiled with a thin and suitable cloud, lest they be injured by the Divine influx, 6849. The Lord appears to each one as his quality is, 1861.
The Lord in the Spiritual World. The Lord delivered the world [of spirits] from the antediluvians, 1266; their dire phantasies concerning the Lord, 1268, 1270. Judgment belongs to the Divine Human and Holy Proceeding of the Lord, 2319-2321. The good are at the Lord’s right, the evil at His left; so it is around a man and an angel, 1274, 1276. Some are further from the Lord, some are nearer, 1799:2, 1802. The Lord appears to the angels as the Sun and the Moon, and to the evil as darkness and a consuming fire, 1838, 1839. The Lord appears to the celestial angels as the Sun, and to the spiritual as the Moon, 1529-1531. The Lord appears as the Sun at a middle altitude, above the level of the right eye, 4321e. The Lord is the Sun of heaven, from which is love and faith, as heat and light are from the sun of the world, 7083. See CHARITY. The Lord appeared to the spirits of Mercury, in the Sun of heaven, to the spirits of Jupiter, and to those who have seen Him on this earth, 7173. The Divine proceeding immediately from the Lord, and the other successive, do not affect heaven, but they are as girdles from a flame-coloured zone around the Sun, which is the Lord, 7270:2. There is light in heaven more luminous than the light on earth, and that light is from the Lord, 3195:2. The Lord is Light: shown, 3195:4. The Divine Human of the Lord is what flows into heaven, and makes heaven, 3038. The Lord as to the Divine Human is He who reigns universally in all things of heaven, and in all things of the Word, 8864:3, 8865. The Divine Human of the Lord is the All in heaven, because they [who are there] cannot think of the Divine Itself illustrated, 7211. They who are in heaven are in the life of the Lord, 7212. In the hells they are against the Lord, but they are willing to hear the Father, the Creator of the universe, mentioned an indication that the Lord rules heaven, 6197:2. All in heaven look to the Lord, and they are kept looking to Him by means of love to Him, and also by charity towards the neighbour: illustrated, 9828:2. All in the heavens turn the face to the Lord, and they who are outside heaven turn backwards from Him, 9864:2. All turn themselves to those things which they love; thus they who are in the heavens turn to the Lord, 10130:4. All turn themselves according to their loves, and in heaven all turn to the Lord in every turning, since the Lord turns them to Himself, 10189:3. As soon as an angel is elevated into the Divine sphere he perceives the Lord as to the Divine Human, 9933:2.
Correspondence and Conjunction. All things in nature represent the Lord’s kingdom, see REPRESENTATION. The whole heaven relates to the Lord, 551, 552. With the Lord alone is there a correspondence of the Human with the Divine, 1414e. There exist a parallelism and a correspondence between the Lord and man as to celestial things, 1831; not as to spiritual things, 1832. Heaven corresponds to the Lord, and man as to all things in general and particular to heaven; and thence heaven is the Grand Man, 3624-3649. See MAN (homo). The Lord, in the supreme sense, is the Grand Man, and He came into the world to make the Human Divine, and that all things might have reference to Him, 3637. They who are in heaven are in the Lord, yea, in His body, 3637, 3638. The Lord is the Sun of heaven, and there is light therefrom in which is intelligence, and heat in which is love; and thence there are correspondents, 3636, 3643. The Lord is the common centre, and everyone in heaven is a centre of all influxes in the heavenly form, 3633, 3641. The Lord also rules the hells, 3642e. Man is so created that the Divine things of the Lord descend through him into nature, and ascend as it were from nature, 3702. Thus the Lord is the first and the last, 3702:2. What comes to pass from the influx of the Lord’s life, 3741-3743. See LIFE. Concerning the influx of life from the Lord, see LIFE. Concerning the Lord’s influx mediately through heaven, and immediately from Himself, see INFLUX. There is a conjunction of the Lord with man in his impurity, 2053:2. There is no conjunction with the Supreme Divine of the Lord, but with His Divine Human, because an idea respecting the Divine Human can be held, but respecting the Divine Itself there is none; concerning which, 4211:2. There is a conjunction with the Divine Rational of the Lord, and of the nations with the Divine Natural and the Divine Sensual, 4211e.
The Esse and Existere. Jehovah, or the Infinite Esse, cannot appear to man except by means of the Human; thus it was the Lord, who was seen of old time; neither can He flow in with man except by means of the Lord’s Human Essence, 1676e, 1990:3, 2016:2, 2034e. In the Lord is the Infinite, thus the Esse; and from the Lord, not in the Lord, is the Eternal, thus the Existere, 3938:2. The Most Ancient Church could not adore the Infinite Esse, but the Infinite Existere, because this is as a man; and the Lord came that He might become the Infinite Existing, in which was the Infinite Esse, 4687:2. The Divine of the Lord in Itself is far above His Divine in heaven; concerning which, 8760:2. The Human of the Lord is Divine, because from the Esse of the Father: illustrated by the likeness of fathers in children, 10269. Jehovah was intimately in all things in general and particular with the Lord, 1902:3.
The Internal and External. Concerning the Lord’s Internal, Rational, and External, or Material Man, see INTERNAL, RATIONAL, and EXTERNAL. Concerning the Internal Man of the Lord, 4963:2. What is meant by the Interior with the Lord, 1926. As to His Internal He was one with Jehovah the Father, 2004e, 2005, 2018, 2025:4; and the Lord is called the Father, 2005. The Lord’s Internal was Jehovah, because it was conceived and born of Jehovah as the Father, 1815. The Lord’s Internal was Jehovah when united to the Human, 1999:4. The Divine Human was not only conceived, but also born of Jehovah, that is, of the Lord Himself, 2803:4. The quality of the influx of the Internal Man by means of the Interior into the External, with the Lord, 1707.
Why Born into the World. The Lord is called the seed of the woman, 256. That the Lord was about to come into the world and make a sacrifice was known to the ancients, is plain from this, that they sacrificed their sons, 2818:2. The reason of the Lord’s coming into the world; He was born a man, 1676, 1990:3, 2016:2, 2034e. Why in the fulness of time the Lord came into the world, that is, in the consummation of the age, or when there was not any good, not even natural good, remaining, 3398:4. Unless the Lord had come into the world all things would have perished; several things it is not necessary to inquire into, 1676. They could not have been saved who were in external worship, unless the Lord had come into the world, 2457. The Lord came into the world that He might save the spiritual, 2661:2, 2716. The Lord willed to be born a man so that He also could be the Light to those who were in dense darkness,-namely, those who had removed themselves so far from good and truth, 3195:3. The Divine Truth flowed through heaven into the human race; but because this did not suffice, when man removed himself from good, the Lord came into the world, and made the Human Divine, so that Divine Truth might proceed from His Divine Human, and thus He might save the man who would receive good, 4180:5. The human race is of such a nature that men worship that of which they have some perception, and in which is the Divine, therefore also the Lord came into the world: illustrated, 4733. That the Lord willed to be born on our Earth was on account of the Word, 9350-9362. See WORD.
The Lord’s Heredity and State when Born. The Lord’s hereditary nature from Jehovah was Divine; from the mother it was evil, 1414, 1444:2. The Lord had hereditary evil from the mother, 1444; against which He fought, but He had no actual evil, 1444:2, 1573. The Lord expelled the evil and falsity which were from the hereditary nature from the mother, 3036. The Lord alone had celestial seed, 1438. The Lord alone was born a spiritual-celestial man, 4592:3, 4594:2. Concerning the Lord’s Natural Good, which was Divine to Himself from birth, 4641; which is represented by Esau, 4641. That Divine Good of the Lord does not fail under the apprehension of the understanding, but generally flows in, 4642. The Lord was born as another man as to those things which are from the mother, but Divine from the Father, 4963:3. The Inmost of the Lord in the world was Divine, but the clothings, or exteriors were the human from the mother, in which was evil, 5041. In the Lord the voluntary from conception was Divine Good, but the voluntary by means of birth from the mother was evil; wherefore it was rejected, and a new voluntary was prepared in its place by means of the intellectual; thus from His own power, 5157:3. In infancy the Lord was in ignorance, as another man; and He successively reclaimed Himself from its shade, and admitted wisdom into Himself, by His own power, 2523:2. That the Lord was instructed as another man is confirmed from the Word, 1457, 1461.
Temptations and Combats. The Lord admitted temptations into Himself, and prepared Himself for them, 2816. The Lord by means of temptations made all things with Himself Divine, even the vessels recipient of truth, 3318e. By means of temptations admitted into Himself the Lord subdued all the hells, and reduced all things to order, and made the Human in Himself Divine. 4286:8. The Lord admitted into Himself temptations from the angels, 4295:3. The Lord’s Internal Man was Jehovah; the Interior and External Man were made Jehovah by means of temptations and victories, 1725, 1729, 1733. The Lord was made Righteousness as to the Human Essence by means of temptations and victories, from His own power, 1813. That the Lord is Righteousness was foretold by the Prophets, 1813:3. When in temptations Jehovah appeared as if absent, 1815:2. The Divine of the Lord could not be tempted, with the Lord, 2795:2. The Lord as to Good could not be tempted, but as to Truth; the reason, 2813. Divine Truth could not be tempted, but rational truth, 2814. The Lord endured temptations the most grievous of all, 1663, 1668. The Lord’s temptations were the most monstrous, and had with them despair concerning the end, 1787, 1820. The Lord underwent the most grievous temptations, and this from love Divine, that He might save the human race; and so He made the Human in Himself Divine: references, 9528e. The Lord induced upon Himself various states when He underwent temptations; concerning which, 2786, 2795. The Lord’s state of humiliation, 1785. The passion of the cross was the last of the Lord’s temptations, by means of which the Human was fully united to the Divine, 2776:2. That the Lord suffered for the human race, and so took away their sins, is not the case; but the passion of the cross was the last of temptations, by means of which He united the Human to the Divine; and thus by the union men can be saved, 2776:2. The passion of the cross was not to reconcile the Father, and to do several other things which are believed, and which involve contradictions, but it was the last of the combat of temptation: illustrated, 10659. From love towards the whole human race the Lord fought against the love of self and the love of the world; concerning which loves, 1690:3, 1691e. From His first boyhood to the last hour of life the Lord fought, 1690. The angels were with the Lord when He fought; to whom He gave power, 1752. The Lord alone fought from Divine love, whilst all others fought from self out of the love of self and the world, 1812. Evil genii and spirits fought against the Lord’s love, which is only for the whole human race, 1820. The Lord fought with the hells, and reduced all things into order, when He was in the world, and does so to eternity; and thus He bore iniquities and sins: illustrated and shown, 9937:3.
Union of the Human and Divine. See also Glorification infra. The unition of the Lord with Jehovah is not such as that between two persons, but is real, so that they are one, 3737. There is a union of the Divine Itself with the Human of the Lord, and therefrom His Human is Divine: shown, 10372. The Lord successively progressed to union with Jehovah, 1864. The union was not made at once, but successively, 2033. The Lord advanced from the ultimates of order to the interiors progressively, when He made the human Divine, 4585:2. There is a union of the Divine Essence of the Lord with His Human, but the Lord’s union with man is conjunction, 2021. The Lord in the union of His Human Essence with the Divine looked to His conjunction with the human race, 2034:2. The union was made by means of temptations and victories, 1737. There was a reciprocal union from the Lord, of the Divine Essence with the Human, and of the Human with the Divine, 2004. In the Lord there was a reciprocal unition of the Divine Good and the Divine Truth, thus of His Divine and Divine Human: shown, 10067:5. The Lord united the Human Essence to the Divine from His own power: demonstrated, 1921:2. The Lord united the Divine Essence to the Human, and the Human to the Divine by His own power, 2025:2, 5; and so He alone was made Righteousness, 2025:2. The Lord made the Human in Himself Divine from His own power, 5005, 5045. In the Lord the inmost of life was Jehovah, and from that the Lord made His Human Divine, thus from His own power, 6716:2. Jehovah was His soul; and the Human Essence was made Divine 1921:2. The Lord’s Human Essence was made Divine from Divine Love, 6872:2. The Divine Love Itself made the Human of the Lord Divine, as heavenly love makes a man new; and the case is as the soul, which forms the body to its own image, and as the end forms the cause, and the cause forms the effect, 4727:2. Unless the Human of the Lord were Divine it could never be united to the Divine Itself, on account of the ardour of Infinite Love, which would otherwise consume it, 6849:5. The Lord made the Human Divine by means of mediums, but did not assume anything from the mediums 4065. The Lord also had societies of spirits and angels with Him, because He willed that all things should be done according to order, and because so He reduced heaven and hell to order; nevertheless He took nothing from them, but by means of them from the Divine: illustrated, 4075. The Divine Human came forth from the Divine Good, and was born from the Divine Truth, to which Good the Divine Truth from the Human was conjoined, 3194, 3210. Between the Good of the Lord’s Rational and the Truth conjoined to it there is not a marriage, but a covenant like the conjugial covenant; but the union of the Divine Essence with the Human, and the Human with the Divine, is a marriage, 3211. The Divine Rational of the Lord was and existed, 2625. How the Lord’s Rational was conceived and born, and made Divine, 2093. The Lord successively made His Rational Divine, 2632:2. The Lord willed to make His Rational Divine by means of the general life, as to truth, 3033:2. The Lord made His Rational Divine, both as to Good and as to Truth, by His own power; this in the ordinary way, 3141. The Divine Natural in the Lord came forth from the Divine Good of the Rational by means of the Divine Truth there, 3283. By means of cognitions the Lord was united to celestial things, and by His own power He conjoined the Divine Essence to the Human, 1616:3. He implanted cognitions in the celestial things of infancy, 1616:3. The Lord arranged all things with Him into a heavenly form, 1928:2. The state of the Lord’s Divine, when He made the Human Divine does not fall into the apprehension of anyone, not even the angelic, except by means of appearances and the representative of man’s regeneration, 4237. The Lord, so far as He was united to Jehovah, spake with Jehovah as with Himself; when otherwise, as with another, 1745. The Lord united the Divine Truth to the Divine Good, which was in Himself: illustrated, 10047:2, 10052. See also GLORIFICATION. The Lord, when He was in the world, made His Human Divine Truth, and then He called the Divine Good the Father, 7499; afterwards He made Himself Divine Good, and then the Divine Truth proceeded from His Divine Human, 7499. The Lord, when He was in the world, was Divine Truth, but, when He was glorified, was Divine Good; from these things several arcana in those things which the Lord has spoken concerning Himself and the Father, may be known; concerning which, 8724. The union of the Human with the Divine Itself in the Lord is the first truth of the Church, to which all things therein refer themselves, 10728, 10730. They within the Church who are in good and charity have not distinguished between the Divine and the Human of the Lord, but they who are not in the good of charity, 2326. He who is in worldly and corporeal loves cannot believe that the Human of the Lord was made Divine, 3212. As the spiritual disagree concerning the most essential, namely, the Divine Human and Holy of the Lord, what will they not do concerning the rest? 3241:3.
Glorification. The Lord by means of union even as to the external man is Jehovah and Life; which is glorification, 1603. Even as to the Human, the Lord has life in Himself, 2658:2. The Lord’s state of humiliation and His state of glorification; what the difference is; in the former state He spoke with Jehovah as if with another, in the latter as with Himself, 1999:2, [1745.] The Lord interceded in a state of humiliation, not in a state of glorification: then He showed mercy, 2250. The process of man’s regeneration is represented in that by which the Lord made His Human Divine, 3043:3. The regeneration of man is an image of the glorification of the Lord; a comparison 3138:2, [4237.] The Lord successively glorified Himself, and grew in wisdom; He was made Truth from the Divine, afterwards Divine Truth, and lastly Divine Good, 7014, [6864, 9199:5.] By means of the passion of the cross the Lord fully glorified His own Human, and subjugated the hells: shown, 10655:2. All man’s salvation is from this, that the Lord glorified His own Human, and subjugated the hells: shown, 10655:4, 10659.
The Maternal Human. The Lord, when He was in the world, made His own Human Divine: references, 9315e; and He expelled all the human which was from the mother, until at length He was not Mary’s son: references, 9315. The Lord put off all the human from the mother, so that He was no longer her son, 2159. The Lord put off everything human so that He was not the son of Mary, 2574:2. The Lord thus put off the maternal human so that He was no longer His mother’s son, 2649:2. The Divine in the Lord appeared, as it were, absent, so far as He was in the human from the mother. and yet present as far as He was in the Human made Divine, 7058:3. Servant is predicated respecting the Lord when He was in a state of humiliation in the Human, 2159:3. Natural domestic good with the Lord, after it had served as a medium, was rejected, 3518.
The Body, and Resurrection. The Lord alone rose again as to the body, 1729. The Lord, by His own power, made both the rational and the sensual, and the body itself Divine, wherefore He alone rose again with the body, 2083. The Lord made the body itself in Himself Divine, and He alone rose with the body also, 5078:2. That the Lord even as to the body is the Divine Itself is confirmed from the formation of the soul in a human being; thus that the Lord’s Human was not as the human of a man: illustrated, 10125:2.
The Divine Human. The obscurity of the spiritual is illuminated from the Divine Human of the Lord, 2716. The Divine Human of the Lord is everything of worship, and everything of doctrine, 2811. The Divine Human was from eternity, and before the Lord was born; and it was Jehovah in heaven, thus clad in the Human; and afterwards, when He was born a man, it became the Essence per se, 3061:2. The Divine Human of the Lord from eternity was Jehovah passing through heaven, 6280. The Lord from eternity was the Divine Itself passing through the heavens, 10579:4. This was in the human form, which He actually put on in the world, 10579:4. The Lord as to the Divine Human was called a servant, because He served and ministered: shown, 8241. Three arcana-the Divine Human of the Lord came forth from the Divine Itself; it was not only conceived, but also born; and the Divine Human of the Lord was the Name of Jehovah, 2628.
The Lord’s Perception and Thought. The Lord’s first perception, 1442. The Lord had perception of all things in general and particular, and that above all human perception, 1919:3. Why the unition of the Lord’s Divine Essence is so much treated of in the internal sense, and His perception and thought, 2249. The Lord knew all things in Himself; what they were, of what quality they were, and whence they were, 1701:2. The Lord thought from the Lord, or from His very Self, differently from other men, 1904:3, 1914, 1935. The Lord acquired to Himself wisdom and intelligence by means of continual revelations, from the Divine and the Divine Love, 2500:2. The Lord had infinite wisdom, because in Divine Love, 2572. In the Lord’s love there was a supereminence of all wisdom and intelligence, 2500e.
The Word and Divine Truth. Why the internal sense treats of the whole life of the Lord, 2528. The supreme sense has respect to the Lord; the relative sense, to His kingdom, 3245. The Lord is the Word in the supreme sense, in the internal sense, and the literal sense, 3393. The Lord is the Word and Divine Doctrine in the threefold sense-the supreme, the internal, and the literal, 3712. The Lord is the Word, or doctrine, 2533e. The Lord is doctrine itself, because He is the Word, 2859. The Lord as to the Divine Human was from eternity Truth itself, and the same after He was born in the world, 2803:4, 3195:3. What Divine Truth is, and what Truth Divine, 2814e. Truth Divine is that which was scourged and crucified by the Jews, 2813. The Divine Spiritual, or Divine Truth is not in the Lord, but proceeds from the Lord: illustrated, 3969:16. The Divine Truth is the Spirit of truth; concerning which in John, 3969:17. The Lord made Himself to be the Divine Law, or Divine Truth, while in the world, 6716:3. The Lord, when He was in the world, first made the Human in Himself Divine Truth, or the Divine Law, afterwards Divine Good, 6864, [7014] The Lord was Divine Truth when in the world: shown, 9199:3; and was made Divine Good when glorified, and He departed out of the world, 9199:5. References respecting these things, [9199]. Then the Divine Truth proceeds from the Divine Good, even as the light of the universe proceeds from the sun, 9199e. The Lord made His own Human Divine Truth, and by degrees Divine Good: illustrated by man’s regeneration, 10076:5; and the two states of the Lord’s glorification: illustrated by the two states of man’s regeneration, 10076. Concerning the conjunction of Truth proceeding immediately from the Lord with Truth proceeding mediately, 7055 7056, 7058. See INFLUX. The Divine Itself spake through the Divine Truth, which was the Lord in the world, and afterwards proceeded from the Lord, 8127. The Divine Truth proceeds from the Lord’s Divine Human: shown, 9398. How the Divine Truth proceeds from the Lord and flows in: illustrated by means of circles, 9407. The Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord cannot be heard or perceived by anyone until it has passed through the heavens, and then through spirits, who are called the Holy Spirit, 6982, 6996. The Divine Truth also, which is uttered, is from the Lord, not only mediately, but also immediately, 7004. The Lord spake by representatives and significatives, because from the Divine Itself, 2900. What the fruit of faith is; it is charity; this is love to the Lord, that is, the Lord, who is the internal sense of the Word, 1873.
The Coming of the Lord. It was known to the sons of the Most Ancient Church that the Lord was about to come, 1123. The worst part of them knew that the Lord was about to come, but expected He would be an old and bearded man, 1124. As often as the Lord comes the Church is vastated, and a new Church is established by means of manifest appearances, inspirations, and the Word; but once only in person, 4060:5. The representatives of the Church ceased by means of the coming of the Lord: illustrated, 4535:4. Before the Lord’s coming there was a Divine transflux through the Celestial Kingdom, and then they had power, 6371, 6372; and thus the Divine Human then ceased, 6371:2; but because it was weak, and thence disordered, the Lord came into the world, 6373:2. Before the Lord’s coming into the world there was no Spiritual Kingdom, 6372. The coming of the Son of Man is the Lord’s presence in everyone, 3900:9. The Lord appearing in a cloud in the human form, and in splendour, with the inhabitants of a certain earth in the universe, and spirits on the right and left with Him; separation and the Last Judgment, 10810, 10811; He descended into the lower earth and enacted similar things, 10810:2. He appeared according to reception, 10810:2.
The Lord’s Names. What the Son of Man and the Son of God are with respect to the Lord, 2159:2. Truth Divine is the Son of Man, who underwent temptations: shown, 2813. The Lord, in the Old Testament, is the same as Jehovah Zebaoth, and as Jehovah; and the Lord, in the New Testament, wherein Jehovah is not named for reasons, is the same as Jehovah; He would not have been believed to be Jehovah, 2921. The two names of the Lord, Jesus Christ; what they signify, 3004-3011. See CHRIST. In the sense of the letter a distinction is made between Jehovah and the Lord, but they are one in the internal sense; the reason, 3035: The Lord was distinguished by various names in the Ancient Church, and afterwards they worshipped each one separately, 3667. The Lord is called the Lord from Divine Good: shown, 9167:2; and good is the Lord: illustrated, 9167:2. The Lord is Jehovah in the Word; the Divine which He called the Father is the Divine Good in Him; and He is the only and one God, 9194: references, 9194e.
Appearances Respecting the Lord. The Lord is never angry with anyone, still less curses him, 245. Anger is predicated [of the Lord], and that He kills; how it is to be understood, 592. That the Lord is angry, punishes, or kills, is according to the letter; but it is altogether otherwise according to the internal sense, 1874. That the Lord is angry and does evil is a fallacy; when man does it himself; truths which in general explain this, 6071:2. To the Lord is attributed anger and evil; the reason, 6997. Evils, such as hatred, anger, wrath, and fury, are predicated of the Lord, when yet it is the contrary, 3605i, 3607, 3614:3. Many evils are ascribed to the Lord in the sense of the letter, but they are from permission; for He rules all things from will, good-pleasure, leave, and permission, 2447:3. The Lord never opposes Himself to anyone, but appears to do so when a man, or spirit opposes himself to the Divine: illustrated, 7042. Evil spirits ascribed the evil of penalty to the Lord; how the case is, 592:2. The Lord curses none, but is merciful to all, 1093. The Lord damns no one, curses no one, although it is so said in the literal sense of the Word, 2395. How it is, in the internal sense of the Word, that it is said, ‘Lead us not into temptation,’ 1875. Why the Lord questions man, when He knows all things in general and particular, 1931. Why the Lord questions men, when yet He first knows all things, 2693.
Seriatim Statements of the Doctrine. The doctrine concerning the Lord, 10815-10831. The primary of the Church is to acknowledge God, 10816. They who are within the Church ought to acknowledge the Lord, His Divine and Human, to believe in Him and hove Him: shown, 10817. They who do not acknowledge the Lord within the Church, cannot be saved: shown, 10818. No one can be conjoined to God, except by the Lord, and in the Lord: shown, 10818. The Lord is God: illustrated and shown, 10819. They who are in the light of heaven see the Divine in the Lord, not they who are in the light of the world alone, 10820. They who have an idea of three persons in the Divine think of three; otherwise they who have an idea of three in one person, 10821. What comes to pass when there is a tine in the Lord; concerning which, 10822. It may also be seen from this, that there is a likeness of a father in sons, 10823. The Divine and the Human are one person, from the received faith of the Creed of Athanasius, 10824. He rose again with the whole body, otherwise than men: shown, 10825. They who make the Lord’s Human the same as the human of another man, do not think of several matters; concerning which, 10826; and therefore all power belongs to Him in the heavens and on the earths, 10827. The Lord saved the human race by this power, subjugated the hells, and glorified His own Human: shown, 10828; and the passion of the cross was that by means of which the last victory was gained, 10828. To love the Lord is to live according to His precepts: shown, 10829. And then He put off the human from the mother, and put on the Human from the Father, 10830. Spirits from some earth in the universe on the Lord, 10736-10738. They are confounded by strangers through the idea of three persons in one God; the quality of which idea: illustrated, 10736. They can have the idea of three in one, as of an angel-the internal invisible, the external visible under the human form, and the proceeding; and they know that God is; they are also confirmed by reason that the ancients similarly acknowledged God as a man; concerning which in the Word, 10736, 10737. They think respecting God that He is a man, and perceive Him under the human form, and they know it; they are confirmed from the ancients on our earth perceiving God similarly, 10737. They can conceive the Tine in God, as the trine of an angel-his inmost invisible, his external visible under the human form, and his proceeding; so concerning the Divine, and concerning the Lord, 10738. That the Human of the Lord is Divine illustrated from many things from the Word and from rational consideration; thus that His Inmost is what is called the Father, His External, which is the Human, is called the Son, and the proceeding Divine, the Holy Spirit: illustrated, 10738.
Various Particulars. The Divine Human and Holy Proceeding of the Lord ought not to be violated; and the good of charity ought not to be violated; who they are that violate, 2359. Aristotle on the Lord, 4658:2. A distinction between the Divine and the Human of the Lord was made in a council, that the Papal power might subsist; from experience, 4738:3. The Lord is the Father when man is competent to judge for himself, and the natural father is no longer as before, 6492. With Christians the Lord must be the neighbour from whom [there is good,] thus the neighbour is the good which is from the Lord, 6706, 6711. See NEIGHBOUR. The Lord is Jacob and Israel, then He is the God of Jacob and the Holy One of Israel, 3305:7. Concerning the Lord’s Sensual, which is Lot, 1428, 1434, 1547.
Significations. To repent is predicated of the Lord when it d. to have mercy, 587, 588. What the priesthood and the kingship of the Lord s., 1728. What the Lord as a king is, and what as a priest, 2015:10. In the Holy Supper, by the body is sd. the Divine Human and Holy Proceeding of the Lord, that is, love itself, 2343:9. The Lord, in the highest sense, d. the nearer, and others as much as they have of the Lord, 2425:3. The Lord, in the highest sense, is the neighbour, thence good with discrimination, 3419:3. Several persons s. the Lord in the same context, 2535, 2580. By the Word (in John i. 1-14) which was with God, and God was the Word, is sd. the Lord as to the Divine Human, thus Truth, also all revelation, and so the Word, 2894. The Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and in the Temple rd. the Divine Human of the Lord; and its quality was rd. by those things which were therein, 3210. When to obey, or hearken to the voice of Jehovah is predicated of the Lord, it d. the union of the Divine Essence with the Human by means of temptations, 3381. When to observe ordinances, precepts, statutes, and laws is predicated of the Lord, it d. to unite the Divine Essence to the Human by means of continual temptations, from His very Self, 3382. By Abraham the servant, Israel the servant, Jacob the servant, and David the servant, the Divine Human of the Lord is understood, because it serves as that by means of which there is access to the Divine, and that by which there is salvation for the human race, 3441. By the Lord is sd. good: shown, 4973:2. The Lord as to the Divine Human is understood by Jehovah, because the Divine cannot otherwise be approached: illustrated, 8864. In the Lord the state of the Church was rd. when He was crucified; what the divided garments then rd., and what was rd. by blood and water, 9127:6; what by the divided garments, 9093:5; what by the crown of thorns, 9144:10. To see God d. the Lord’s presence in the Word, 9405, 9411. The Lord redeemed man by His blood in the external sense, the internal, and the inmost, 10152:2. See RIGHTEOUSNESS. It is said concerning the Lord, that He fulfilled all things of the Law; it d. all things which are said in the Word concerning the glorification of His Human, and concerning His temptations, 10239e. The union of the Divine Itself with the Divine Human of the Lord is the Sabbath; and the six days of works which precede are His combats with the hells: illustrated, 10356 and following. See SABBATH. The face of Jehovah d. the Lord: shown, 10579. The Lord is called an angel as to the Divine Human, 6831, 10528. To love the Lord is to live according to His precepts: illustrated and shown, 10578:3. Jehovah and Jehovah God d. the Trine in the Lord, 10617.
[Lord Jehovih. See JEHOVAH.]
Lot (Loth). What Lot s., 1428, 1434, 1547, 1597, 1598, 1698. Lot s. those who are in external worship, but still in charity, also the successive states of the Church, the end of which states is Moab and Ammon, 2317, 2324. See MOAB and AMMON. Lot s. the good of charity of the external Church, 2373, 2399; good, 2399. By Lot is rd. the several states of the Church successively, 2422, 2459.
Lots (sortes). The Lord’s kingdoms are spoken of, because the land which was divided by lots s. the Lord’s kingdom, 3239:2.
Love (amor). (Including Love in general, Love to God and towards the neighbour, Love of self and the world, and Affection.) See also CHARITY and AFFECTION. Love in General. Love is spiritual conjunction, 5807. Loves conjoin, whatever loves they are, 7501. Love is attractive, and most of all the Divine Love of the Lord, 8604:3. Love is the good resulting from changes of state and variations in forms or substances of which the human mind consists, 5807:2. Love is that from which man’s life is; and they are consociated according to loves in the other life; also heat and light in the natural world correspond to love and faith in the spiritual world, 7081-7086. See also CHARITY. A man is, and a spirit is altogether as his love: illustrated, 6872:2; thus the Lord as to the Human is Divine from Divine Love, 6872:2. In the other life all are forms of their own loves, 10153:2. A man, an angel, and a spirit are each as his love, 10177:4. A man is such as his love is, even as to the understanding, 10284:2. Nothing lives except love or affection, 1589:2. The good of love is the esse of a thing which conjoins, and the non-esse of a thing is that which disjoins, 5002. The good of love makes man’s life, 9954. All things are communicated, received, and rejected according to love: illustrated, 10130:5. All turn themselves to that which they love; in heaven, continually to the Lord, 10130:2. Presences are according to the affinities of love, in the other life; and thence also is the idea of space: illustrated, 10146:3. All turn themselves, in the other life, according to their loves; and in heaven all turn to the Lord so far as the Lord turns them to Himself, in every turning, 10189:3. As love constitutes heaven, so hatred constitutes hell, 693, 694. The love of self is hell, 4776:2. Concerning the extension of love into the heavens, collaterally and successively, from one heaven into another, 9961. Jehovah is love, 1735. The quality of the Lord’s love, 1799:2. That the Divine Love is love towards all may be clear from the influx of parents’ love towards their posterities successively, with increase, 1865:2. The Lord’s love transcends all human understanding; concerning which, 2077. The Lord’s love towards the whole human race, from which He fought, 1789. The Lord alone fought from love Divine, whilst all others fought from self, out of the love of self, 1813; they fought against the Lord’s love, which was for the salvation of the whole human race, 1820:4. Love towards the whole human race was the Lord’s life in the world, 2253. Angels are in wisdom and intelligence, because they are in love to the Lord, and because infinite things are in love Divine, 2572:3. Wisdom and intelligence are present in love, and in the Lord’s love all wisdom and intelligence are supereminent, 2572:4. Scientifics are arranged in a heavenly form from which man is in heavenly love, 6690. All scientifics are in loves: illustrated from brutes, 6323:2. Love arranges scientifics in a form suitable to itself, 6690. What a man loves reigns universally in his thought, although he does not know it, 5130. To have anything as an end is to love it above other things; and it reigns universally, and constitutes the interior life: illustrated, 5949:3. Loves are they which conjoin in the other life, 6195, 6196. Conjugial love is the fundamental of all loves, 686. What conjugial love is, see MARRIAGE. Conjugial love, love towards infants, and mutual love constitute the celestial things of the Lord’s kingdom, and succeed one another, 2039. Love is spiritual heat, but such as the love is so is the heat, 2146. Love and affection are heats inspired from the Lord’s life, 3338. Spiritual fire and spiritual heat are loves, and from that heat is man’s vitality, 4906. In universal nature there is love, from which there is union in all things save with man, 1055. The love of infants, see INFANT. Concerning the essence of celestial love, 1419:2. The quality of spheres in the other life is illustrated from those who love themselves, 1505. The Lord’s mercy, which is of love, is described, 1735. Conscience is the intermediate between the Lord and man if it is not, it is the love of self that occupies it, 1862. Heavenly love continually flows in from the Lord, but the love of self and the world impedes, 2041:2. With those who are not in the life of faith, love, when it is named, is as it were a darksome mist, 2343:7. They who are without love do not attend to all those things which the Lord said about love; to which references are cited, 2371e. By the influx of hove, and the affection therefrom, into the scientific, truths appear, and thence they are elevated into the rational, 3074. The Divine love of the Lord is celestial and spiritual; but that distinction is relative to those who receive it, 3325:7. With those things which enter into the memory, affections connect themselves; and they are adjoined and reproduced together; and so the affection of good is adjoined to truths from the Lord, 3336:2. See also REGENERATION. From the end the quality of a man’s love and affection is known; concerning which, 3796:2. Everything of science is present in loves, also everything of intelligence and wisdom; and these are receptacles of the influx of heaven: illustrated, 7750. Man is born into sheer ignorance; a sign that he is in contrary loves, 7750:2. The Lord and the Divine Love appear to everyone according to his love,-as a creating and renewing fire to those who are in goods; but as a consuming fire to those who are in evils, 9434:3 How the goods of love succeed in the heavens, 9873. There are three heavens, in each of which there is an internal, and an external; and what loves are in each, 9933:2. Worship is not to be applied to the loves of man, but to heavenly loves, 10307-10309.
Love to the Lord and the Neighbour. Love to the Lord is the likeness, and charity is the image, 1013:2. They who place the essential of salvation in faith do not even see, nor do they attend to those things which the Lord often said concerning love and charity; concerning which passages are adduced, 1017. Love to the Lord and towards the neighbour is the celestial, 1824. The difference between love and charity, 2023. He who is in love to the Lord cannot be otherwise than in love towards the neighbour, 2227. Heavenly freedom is love to the Lord and towards the neighbour, see FREEDOM. There are men of three kinds within the Church-they who are in love to the Lord, they who are in charity towards the neighbour, and they who are in the affection of truths, 3653. How the case is with the three heavens; in the first there are they who are in the affection of truth, in the second they who are in charity towards the neighbour, and in the third they who are in love to the Lord, 3691:3. Man would be born into all intelligence and wisdom if he were in love towards the neighbour and in love to God, thus if according to his own order, 6323:3. No one can know what good is, unless he knows what love to God and towards the neighbour is; and no one knows what evil is, unless he knows what the love of self and the world is, 7178. Love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour constitute the whole heaven, and in them there is infinite variety, 9002. To love good and truth is to love the neighbour and God, 10310. Love to the Lord is holiness itself, 3852. The good of love to the Lord from the Lord is the one only good: illustrated, 9863. True worship and true love of the Lord consist in doing His precepts: illustrated and shown, 10143:5, 10153e. To love the Lord is to live according to His precepts, 10578:3. To have faith in the Lord and to love Him is to will and do His precepts: illustrated and shown from many things, 10645:2. Angelic love is to love the neighbour more than oneself, and such love may be given; from experience, 548. Love is the greater luminary, and never by any means faith, except by means of love from the Lord, 30-38. Celestial angels perceive whatever pertains to faith by means of love, from the Lord, 202. The celestial Church has faith by means of love, 337, 393, 398. There are consanguinities and affinities of love, so also of faith, 917. What the fruit of faith is; it is charity, and this is love to the Lord, which is the Lord, who is the internal sense of the Word, 1873.
Mutual Love. Heaven and the joys therefrom are mutual love, 547. See HEAVEN. Heaven is mutual love, 2130:2, 2131. The case of societies in heaven is according to the differences of all mutual love, 684; as comparatively is the case with consanguinities and affinities on earth, 685, 917. All mutual love and all loves exist from the marriage of good and truth, 2733:2, 2737, 2738. The case of loves born therefrom is as consanguinities and affinities in marriage, 2739. See AFFINITY and MARRIAGE. By means of mutual love in the other life there is all consociation; by the love of self there is all destruction; described, 2057. That mutual love conjoins is from the Lord by means of the internal man, 1594:4. So far as men are in mutual love they become heirs of the Lord’s kingdom, 1802:2. They who are in mutual love have the life of the Lord, 1799, 1803.
To love the Lord d. to receive the good of love, 8880. To love d. the delight of remembrance, when used respecting those who are in truths, and not in good, 8986.
Love of Self and of the World (amor sui et mundi). [See also LOVE.] What the love of self is, 2444. The love of self is contrary to mutual love, 760. The loves of self and the world are contrary to heavenly love; and so far as they are discerned and removed, heavenly love appears and operates, 2041:2. They who are in the evil of the love of self are against all good whatsoever, 4750:3. Heavenly good vanishes according to the degree of increasing concupiscence from the loves of self and the world, 8487:2. Where the loves of self and the world reign, there the truths and goods of the Church are always fought against: illustrated, 10455. The quality of the love of self in worship, 1304, 1306, 1308, 1321, 1322. Worship applied to man’s loves is infernal; and it must be applied to heavenly loves, 10307-10309. To imitate affections, as if they were heavenly, from the proprium, is infernal, 10309. Spheres in the other life illustrated from those who love themselves, 1505. An example of one who, moved by the love of self, was puffed up; how, 1506. The quality of the sphere of authority, 1507, 1508. See AUTHORITY. The love of self most of all disjoins the external man from the internal; which love is described, 1594. Lust is of some filthy love, 1666:2. The Lord alone fought from heavenly love, whilst all others fought from self, out of the love of self and the world, 1813. Conscience is intermediate between the Lord and man, if it is not, it is the love of self that occupies, 1862. See PROPRIUM, HATRED, HELL. They who place merit in good acts are in the love of self; which is described, 2027. They who are within the Church must most especially be purified from these loves; the reason, 2051. The love of self is destructive of heavenly order and form, 2057. All they who come into the other life are eaten up with the love of self and the world, 2122. See JUDGMENT. How filthy the love of self is, is described; and from what things they who are in the love of self may be known, 2219:2. Everyone can see what diabolical forms they are who are in the love of self, 2363:3. Infernal freedom belongs to the love of self and the world, see FREEDOM. What it is to be great in heaven, and what to be least, 3417:2. The loves of self and gain are earthly, and induce darkness, 3413. For the first time there is life when the life of the love of self and the world is extinguished, 3610. Concerning corporeal spirits who regard themselves in all things; and they have no intelligence, 4221. They who are in the love of self and the world are outside the Grand Man, 4225. Concerning those who are in the life of the body; they wish to rule over others; several things from experience, 4227. They who are in avarice are more in the love of self than others, although it does not appear outwardly, 4751:2. The quality of those who have been proud outwardly, but not inwardly; from experience, 4947. They who have despised others in comparison with themselves endeavour to ascend; from experience, 4949. Concerning those who have appeared just and grave, and yet have lived only the life of the love of self and the world; their quality and their hells, 5721. See DISEASE. Thoughts concerning corporeal and worldly things draw a man down so that he cannot have communication with heaven; an experience, 6210. Hatred is hidden in the love of self, 6667. No one can know what good is, unless he knows what love to God and towards the neighbour is; and no one knows what evil is unless he knows what the love of self and the world is, 7178. Societies have been made empires and kingdoms for the sake of the love of self and the world; concerning which, 7364. These loves begin to reign when a man judges for himself and makes his own decision, 7493. They who are in the loves of self and the world have not life in themselves; their life is called death, and they the dead: shown, 7494. They are detained in the other life by evil spirits by means of insinuations into the loves; and then they can never be separated, except by the Lord’s Divine aid, 7501. Evil is from man, because the good that flows in from the Lord he turns to self, 7643. If the loves of self and the world are as means, and not as the end, they are good, 7819, 7820. Pride is an endeavour and effort to domineer, 8678. The love of self rushes to every degree of possibility, even to the Divine; and that in the hells is restrained, 8678. See also what things have been said and shown respecting the love of self, 2041; and other references cited, 8678e. When man is being regenerated the loves of self and the world are to be inverted, so that they are as means, and not as the end, 8995:4. To do good for the sake of self and the world ought to be the sole of the foot, and not the head, 9210. The most ancient people lived distinctly in nations, families, and houses, and knew nothing of commanding from the love of self and the world; concerning their happy state of life, 10160. They who are in the love of self and the world are in externals separated from the internal, 10396; and their quality, 10396:2, 10400, 10407, 10409, 10412, 10422, 10423, 10429. See EXTERNAL, PROPRIUM. In the other life they turn themselves according to their loves, and men do so as to their interiors, 10420:2. The interiors of man actually turn themselves according to his loves, 10702:2. He who is led from self and his loves, thus from the proprium, cannot be saved: illustrated, 10731. Why love makes the life of man, 10740. They deny all things of the Church, 10744; and they have external bonds, and no internal, 10744; when these are taken away they rush into every wickedness, 10745; because this is the delight of their life which they concealed in the world, 10746.
Concerning the loves of self and the world, 7366-7377. The loves of self and the world with man make hell, 7366. The love of self reigns when a man regards himself in all things that he thinks and does, 7367. Love towards our own and friends is the love of self, because they constitute one, 7368. So far as a man is in the love of self, he removes himself from the love of the neighbour, thus from heaven, and is in hell, 7369. They who are in the love of self despise the neighbour, have hatred, are in revenge, and they are cruel, 7370. Their delight is the delight of that love, 7371. These things are the signs of the love of self, whatever they may appear in the external form, 7372. He is in the love of the world who only thinks and intends gain, caring nothing for the injury of the neighbour, 7373. They who by means of arts and cunning divert to themselves the goods of others, who envy others, and covet those things which belong to others, 7374. These two loves, so far as their curbs are relaxed, rush on; and man advances so far, even to the ends of the earth, yea, even to the throne of God, and are willing to be worshipped as gods, 7375. These loves are the origin of all evils, and they make hell with man, 7376. They are not in these loves who aspire to honours for the sake of the country, and also for opulence, because honours and wealth are the means of well-doing, 7377.
Love of Self and the World the Source of Evils. From the love of self and the world are all evils, 1307, 1308, 1691; and all falsities, 1321; and all persuasions of falsity, 1675:5. Evils and falsities are from the loves of self and the world, 7255. From the loves of self and the world exist all evils and falsities, 7488; therefore, so far as a man is in them he is not in charity, 7489; and to the same extent he does not know what charity, faith, conscience, the spiritual, heaven, hell, and the life after death are, 7490; for where they are, there the good of love and the truth of faith are rejected, extinguished, or perverted, 7491, 7492. The origins of evil are the loves of self and of the world, 8318:2. From the loves of self and the world flow all evils and falsities, and several things: references, 9335. From the love of self are all evils, which are enumerated, and hence there are diabolical things from them, 9348. From the love of self are all evils, especially from the love of commanding: somewhat illustrated, 10038:2. There are persuasions of falsity either of the love of self or of the love of the world; the difference, 1675:5. The love of self is destructive of human society, because all evils and disgraceful acts are therefrom, 2045:2. The love of sell and the world, when it reigns, makes the life of hell, 10741; from which are all evils; which are recounted, 10472. As mutual love constitutes heaven, so the love of self, or hatred, constitutes hell, 693, 694. The love of self is hell, 4776:8.
Babel d. worship in which there is the love of self, thus in which
there is profanity, 1326.
[Low, Lower. See ABOVE.
Lud. See LUDIM.]
Ludim or Lydians (Ludim seu Ludii). What Ludim s., 1195:2.
Lud d. the cognitions of truth, 1231.
Lukewarm (tepidus). The quality of the sphere of one who is lukewarm, 1513. Concerning one who is lukewarm: briefly, 5217e.
Luminary (luminare). The great luminary d. love, and the less luminary d. faith, 30-38. See SUN and MOON.
Lunar (lunaris). See EARTH.
[Lunar Spirits. See CARTILAGE and MOON.]
Lungs (pulmones). See BREATHING, HEART. The heart c. to celestial things, and the lungs c. to spiritual things, 3635, 3887:2. There is a communication and reciprocation of good and truth from the understanding into the will; and reciprocally as it is with the heart and lungs: illustrated, 9300:2.
Lust, To Covet (cupiditas, concupiscere). Lust is of some filthy love, 1666:2. To covet d. to will; and concupiscence is of the will in the understanding, and is what is continuous of love and the life of its breathing: shown, 8910. To covet those things which belong to the neighbour d. that they should not pass into the will, 8910.
Luz (Lus). Luz d. [that which takes place] when truth is put in the first place, and good is neglected, 3730; thus the natural in the former state, 4556.
Lybia (Lybia). What Put, or Lybia, s., 1163, 1166.
[Lydians. See LUDIM.]
Lyxnphatics (lymphatica). See CHYLE, MESENTRY.
Machir (Machir). Machir d. truth from good: shown, 6584.
Machpelah (Machpelah). Machpelah d. the faith which is in obscurity, 2935; regeneration, 2970. The cave of the field Machpelah d. the beginning of regeneration, 6548. The spiritual signification that lies concealed in it is the reason that reference to the cave Machpelah is so often repeated, 6551.
[Magi. See WISDOM.]
Magic (magia). See SORCERESS. Magical things are effected by means of the abuse of correspondences, 6052. Sorceries, incantations, and magic are the abuse of Divine order; how it is effected: illustrated, 7296, 7337:3. Sorceries and incantations are the arts of presenting truths as falsities, and falsities as truths, 7297. Concerning the hieroglyphics and magical things of the Egyptians, 6692:2. That there was a representative Church with the Egyptians is evident from their hieroglyphics and magical things, 7097. They are prone to magic who ascribe all things to themselves, and contrive evil arts to arrive at honours, 6692:2. Rods were assigned to magicians from representatives in the other life, 7026. Magicians can induce dulness of perceiving truths; how, 7298. The power of exercising magical things is at length taken away from magicians, 7299. They learn magic in the other life, who in the world have contrived and devised several arts against the neighbour, 7097:3. Sorceries and magics are learned in the other life by many of those who from cunning contrived arts defrauding others, and ascribed all things to their own prudence, 7296. What it is to imitate Divine things from study and art: illustrated from phantastic imitation with spirits; but they so appear in external things, though in internal they are filthy and diabolical, 10284:5, 10286.
Magicians, in the good sense, d. interior scientifics, and wise men d. exterior scientifics: shown, 5223; and, in the opposite sense, they who pervert spiritual things, 5223:5. Magic d. the perverted application of such things as are of order in the spiritual world, 5223e. That by Egypt are sd. scientifics contrary to the truths of the Church, is because they turn the scientifics of the Church into magical things, 6692.
Magog (Magog). What Gog and Magog s., 1151.
Mahalath (Machalath). Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael, the son of Abraham, d. the affection of truth from a Divine origin, 3687.
Mahanaim (Mahaneim). What Mahanaim s., 4237.
Maid-Servant (ancilla). [See also AFFECTION.] In the Ancient Church offspring who were born of maid-servants with the consent of the wife were acknowledged as legitimate, 3915. To procreate children by maid-servants was tolerated, so that they might be represented who were outside the Church, and such maid-servants were called concubines, 2868. Maid-servants betrothed to their lord or his son were representative, 8995:5. Maid-servants d. external affections, or external bonds, 3835, 3849. Handmaid (famula) and maid-servant d. the affirmative medium, thus serving for the conjunction of good and truth, or of the external and internal man, 3913, 3917, 3931. Rational and scientific things are servants, and their affections are maid-servants, 2567. When the intellectual part is the mistress, or lady, the affection of sciences and cognitions which belongs to the exterior man is the maid-servant, 1895. A maid-servant behind the mill-stones d. that faith is altogether in the last place, 7780. An Israelitish daughter sold as a maidservant d. the affection of truth from natural delight, 8993:2; what its quality is, 8994:2. The sons of a maid-servant d. those who are outside the Church, 9281.
Make, To (facere). [See also To CREATE.] What the distinction is between to create and to make, 472. They did d. the effect, 5951. It came to pass involves a new state, 4979, 4987, 4999, 5074, 5466; is used in the Hebrew language in place of a distinction, 4987, 5074. It came to pass involves a new state; and ‘it was’ or ‘it came to pass’ is used in the place of a distinction, as also ‘and’ is, 5578. God doing d. providence, 5264, 5273; and thence the event, 5284. To do, when spoken of God, d. order, 6573. To do d. the will, 9282. See WILL.
Make Ready, To (parare). See To PREPARE.
Male (masculus). What is sd. by male, 749. See MAN (vir). Male d. the truth of faith, 2046, 7838. Male, in general, thus in animals, s. truths; female s. goods, 4005:2.
Malice (malitia). Concerning the most malicious at a depth beneath the heel of the foot; their quality, from experience, 4951. The malicious who sit in an intermediate chamber, 4951e.
Mamre (Mamre). What the oak-groves of Mamre s., 2144, 2145. The oak-groves of Mamre d. interior perception, 1616. Mamre d. the quality and quantity of the thing to which it is adjoined, 2970:2, 4613.
Man (homo). [See also ADAM and ANGEL.] The Lord is the Man. The Lord alone is Man; the regenerated are men therefrom, 49, 288; shown, 477. The Lord alone is Man; all others are called men therefrom, 565. The Lord alone is Man; and men are called men therefrom, 1894:2. The Lord is the only Man; and men are men so far as they are His images, consequently so far as they are in good, 8547.
Man’s Conjunction with the Lord. Man is so created that the Divine of the Lord may descend through him into nature, and, as it were, ascend from nature, 3702. The Lord in the union of His Human Essence with the Divine regarded His own conjunction with the human race, 2034:2. The Lord’s conjunction with the human race takes place by means of those who are in the good of love and charity, thus by means of the Church: illustrated, 9276:3. Without the Church, where the Word is, the human race would perish, 10452:3.
Man’s Nature. Man is recipient of life; he is not life, 2021. Man does not live from himself, but is an organ recipient of life, 3318:2. Man can receive the Divine by means of affection; and he has a reciprocation by means of which he appropriates it to himself, otherwise than the beasts do; wherefore he cannot die, 5114:4. Man in not a man from his form, speech, and thought, but from good and truth; and in these he can view the Divine, and receive it perceptibly: illustrated, 5302; it is otherwise with a beast; from experience, 5302. Man is born into no exercise of life, but is imbued with all things, otherwise than the brutes, 1050:2. Man is not born into natural truth, still less into spiritual truth, but must learn everything; otherwise he would be viler than the brutes, 3175. In man there are three things: the corporeal, the natural, and the rational; and they communicate, 4038. There are with man steps, as of a ladder, from interior to exterior things, 5114:3. What reigns universally with man is in all things in general and particular, thus what the quality of the man is in general is such in all things and each thing, 6159. Man is as the quality of his love is: illustrated from angels and spirits, 10177:4. Man is as the quality of his love is, also as to the understanding, 10284:2. Man is nothing else than the affection of good and truth, if he be as he ought, 10264:2. The whole man is a resemblance of his will, and therefrom of his understanding: illustrated from end, cause, and effect, 10076:2. In every idea of thought there is the whole man, 10298:5. Man is such as he is as to good, not such as he is as to truth without it: illustrated, 10367:2. A man, or spirit is nothing else than his own truth and his own good: illustrated, 10298. The end makes the man, 10284:2. Concerning man’s freedom, and how he lives and is led from the Lord by means of angels and evil spirits, see FREEDOM. Concerning the successive states of man according to his ages, 10225. See AGE. Man’s ideas are relatively very obscure, 2367. The states of life are inverted with the righteous and the unrighteous, 9283e. The interiors of man look outward, or downward from the man, but are elevated inward, or upward from the Lord, 10330:2.
Man’s State by Heredity. Man would he born in the rational but that order is destroyed with him, 1902; but he is now miraculously made rational by an external way, 1902:2. Man is worse than the brute animals, 637:2. Man is nothing but evil, 987; illustrated; wherefore he must be regenerated, 3701:2. The life of the natural man is contrary to the life of the spiritual man, before the man is regenerated: illustrated, 3913:3. A man feels it irksome to think about celestial and spiritual things, not so about sensual and worldly things, 4096:2. He who is in inverted order is little sensible respecting heaven; examples; because the world rules heaven with him: illustrated, 9278:2.
Man in relation to the Spiritual World. Man after death appears as a man from head to foot, and is endowed with the same faculties, 5883. Angels appear in the human form according to the truth from good which they receive from the Lord, 8988:3. Men as to their souls have their situation in the Lord’s kingdom, 1277. Good men as to their souls are in one angelic society, 2379. Heaven has a continual and inseparable connection with the human race illustrated, 9216:3; and this by means of the Word, 9216:3. The Word appears before the Lord as the image of a man, in which heaven is represented, 1871e. The arrangement of truths with man is according to the order of angelic societies, 10303:3. In the other life, so far as spirits are in order, or in good, they appear as men, and so far as they are not in order, or in evil, they appear as monsters, 4839:2. Empires and kingdoms, as to their spiritual things, are represented as one man, and the Lord’s Church through the whole world is so represented, 7396. Men, if they were in the spirit, would be able to converse at any distance, 1277. When spirits come to a man, and enter into his affections, they know not otherwise than that those things which belong to the man are their own, 4186. With every man there are at least two spirits and two angels, 697. Concerning the spirits and angels with man, 5846-5866, [5976-5993.] All things flow in with man that he thinks and wills, 5846. With a man there are two spirits from hell and two spirits from heaven, 5848. By means of them there is communication, 5849. If the spirits from hell were taken away the man would die, 5849, 5854:3. What man’s order should be, and what it is, 5850. The spirits with man vary according to his affections, 5851. When spirits from hell are with a man, they are in the world of spirits, and then in the man’s loves, 5852. When spirits come, they instantly enter into all things of his memory, 5853, 5857, 5859, 5860. Spirits suppose that the things belonging to a man are their own, 5853, 5858. Spirits flow into the things thought, and angels into ends, and by means of good spirits into those things which are of faith and charity with man, 5854. Man is in the fellowship of spirits as to the interiors; and the societies in which he has been are shown to him, 5861. Spirits do not know that they are with man, 5862. If they knew they would destroy him, 5863, 5864. Man’s corporeal appears to spirits as a black mass, and that of those who are in faith as woody; an experience, 5865. [The intercourse of the soul and the body, 6053-6058, 6189-6215, 6307-6327, 6466-6496, 6598-6626.] The soul is the man himself who lives after death; and it is better to call it the spirit, or interior man, than the soul, 6054. A spirit appears in the other life as a man, with all things which belong to a man, 6054:2. The internal man is created to the image of heaven, and the external to the image of the world: illustrated, 6057. So that in man the spiritual world is conjoined with the natural world, 6057:3. Spirits enter into all things of man’s memory, and suppose them to be their own, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199; and they know not that they are with man, 6192. See INFLUX. Everyone appears in the human form according to the reception of good and truth from the Lord; and so angels of heaven are in a beautiful form, but infernal spirits are in a form scarcely human, and so as to the whole hell, any society, and each one in a society there, 6605, 6626. A man is in the least things as in the greatest, 6571, 6626.
Internal and External Man. Concerning the internal and external man, 9701-9709. See INTERNAL. Concerning being in externals with an internal, see EXTERNAL. The internal is heaven in man, and the external is the world in him, 10472. Man is internal and external; the former is in heaven, the latter in the world, and this latter ought to obey, 5368. The internal man is formed to the image of heaven; and the external, to the image of the world, [6057,] 9706; and the intellectual and voluntary things are opened successively; concerning which, 9279:2. Man is formed to the image of the world, and to the image of heaven: references, 9279:3. Man is a heaven in the least form; and he is created to the image of heaven as to his interiors, and to the image of the world as to his exteriors, 6013. Man is a little heaven, 4279:2. Man is a heaven and the Church in the least form: references, 9279:3. In the man of the Church in particular, the case is as in the Church in general, because man is a small heaven, and because the Church is as the heart and lungs, 9276:5.
The Grand Man. All the societies in the heavens together constitute as it were one man, 684. Therefore heaven is called the Grand Man, as well as on account of the correspondence of all things with man, 1276. They who are in the Grand Man make one in the heavens and on the earths, 2853:2. All heavenly societies pertain to some region in the body; and heaven is the Grand Man, 2996, 2998. See REPRESENTATION. In the Grand Man the head is the celestial, the body the spiritual, and the feet the natural, 5328. There must be many earths to constitute the Grand Man, 6807. Heaven before the Lord is as one man, and also the Church in general: references, 9276:8. The heavens are as a man as to voluntary things, and as to intellectual things; the Celestial Kingdom being the voluntary, and the Spiritual Kingdom being the intellectual, 9835.
Man’s Correspondence with the Grand Man. All parts of the body correspond to the Grand Man, 3021. Heaven corresponds to the Lord, and man as to all things in general and particular corresponds to heaven, thence heaven is the Grand Man, 3624-3649, 3741-3750, [3883-3896, 4039-4055, 4218-4228, 4318-4331, 4403-4421, 4523-4534, 4622-4634, 4652-4660, 4791-4806, 4931-4953, 5050-5062, 5171-5190, 5377-5396, 5552-5573.] From heavenly order the angels know all things that are in man, 3626. Everything exists and subsists by means of another, and there is a connection by means of a former with the First, 3627, 3628. Outer and inner forces act into all forms that they may subsist; outer forces are not alive, and inner forces are alive, which correspond to each other, 3628:2. There are several societies of heaven to which one organ and member corresponds, and the more there are the stronger they are, 3629. It cannot be known that natural effects are from spiritual things, because it appears altogether otherwise, 3630, 3632. Influx into the muscles of the face; an experience, 3631. Heaven is immense, and relatively few, there, are from this earth, 3631. Spiritual things flow into natural things, as is evident from actions flowing from the will, and speech from thought, 3632. Divine order terminates in external things with man, 3632. Spirits and angels appear as men; whence, 3633. The Lord is the common centre, and everyone is a centre of influxes in the heavenly form, 3633. Man is a little heaven from love and charity, 3634. The heart corresponds to celestial things, and the lungs to spiritual thugs, 3635. The Lord is the Sun of heaven, and the light therefrom in which is intelligence, and the heat in which is love; and there are correspondents therefrom 3636, 3643. The Lord, in the supreme sense, is the Grand Man; and He came into the world and made the Human Divine, that all things might relate to Him, 3637. They who are in heaven are in the Lord, yea, in His body, 3637e, 3638. The societies of heaven keep a constant situation, howsoever man, spirit, or angel is turned; and from this it is evident that heaven is the Grand Man from the Lord, 3638, 3639. The hells also have a constant situation, under the soles of the feet; and that some therefrom appear above and elsewhere is a phantasy, 3640. They who are in the hells have an opposite situation-with the head downward and the feet upward; thus they act in unity, 3641. Thought and speech with angels penetrated towards hell, but on the way it was changed into the opposite: namely, good and truth into evils and falsities; and so they also made one, 3642. A man has his situation in the Grand Man, as to his soul, while he lives in the body, 3644, 3645. The Lord’s kingdom is a kingdom of ends and uses, 3645. There is an influx and correspondence of the Grand Man with the beasts also, but it is according to their souls, thus otherwise than with man; several things concerning which, 3646. Concerning some who lived as beasts; they had little of life, but life from the angels was successively breathed into them, 3647. There is a correspondence of the Grand Man with subjects of the vegetable kingdom; concerning which, 3648. The Grand Man is from the influx of the Lord’s life, who is the only Man, and celestial and spiritual things flow in therefrom with man, 3741. There are varieties of the Grand Man, as of organs members, and viscera in the human body, 3744, 3745; in general they relate to those things which belong to the head, the breast, the abdomen, the genitals, and to the internals and externals, 3746. There are three degrees of life in man; from experience, 3747:2. The erudite know nothing about the Grand Man, 3747-3749. See LEARNED. Concerning the Grand Man and the correspondence of the heart and lungs, 3883-3896. See HEART and BREATHING. The correspondence with the Grand Man, 3883. Heaven is in man, 3884. Man is a small heaven in the least form, 4041e. By means of man ascent into heaven is given, and descent into the world, 4042. Spirits and angels are men, and a man is a man from intelligence and wisdom 4051. Concerning the Grand Man, and concerning correspondence in general, 4218-4228. The Lord alone is Man; and angels, spirits, and men are men so far as they receive Divine things from the Lord, 4219, 4220. There is a correspondence in each single organic form, and in the parts of their parts, 4222; and with the functions of the organs; and for that reason with the organs themselves, because they act in unity, 4223, 4224. It is not only with the visible organic forms, but also with the invisible, by means of which there are internal senses and affections, 4224. They who are in love to the Lord and in charity towards the neighbour are within the Grand Man, and they who are in the love of self and the world are outside him; concerning which, 4225. From the situation of spirits and their application to myself I was able to know what was their quality, 4403. Concerning the correspondence of the eye and of light with the Grand Man, 4523-4533. Man is a small natural and spiritual world, 4523:2, 4524. Man has connection with the Lord more than the beasts, and therefrom he cannot die, 4525. Concerning the correspondence of the taste, tongue, and face with the Grand Man, 4791-4805. Concerning the correspondence of the hands, arms, shoulders, feet, soles, and heels with the Grand Man, 4931-4953. Concerning the correspondence of the loins and genitals with the Grand Man, 5050-5062. Concerning the correspondence of the viscera and the interiors of the body with the Grand Man, 5171-5189. From the situation and the influx it may be known to what province angelic societies pertain, 5171.
Human Correspondences. Concerning the correspondence of man and all things in man with the heavens: references, 10030e. All representatives in nature relate to the human form, and they signify according to their relation to those things: illustrated, 9496, 10185. Those things which are on the right side with man relate to good from which is truth; and those things which are on the left relate to truth from good, 9604; and thus by both conjoined is signified the marriage of good and truth, 9604.
Significations. He is not named Adam, but man, and is the Most Ancient Church, 478, 479. By man is sd. the Church, and everything of the Church, 768. Man d. good: shown, 4287. Man-man (vir homo) d. truth from good, 4287e. Man (vir) d. the intellectual, thus truth; and man (homo) d. the voluntary, thus good: illustrated, 9007. Man and beast d. the interior and exterior evil of lusts, 7424, 7523; also interior and exterior good or evil, 7424; shown, 7523. From man even unto beast d. interior and exterior lusts, 7872.
Man (vir). Man s. the internal man (homo), or intelligence, 158. By man the intellectual and the rational are sd., 265, 749, 1007. Man stands for intelligence and for truth, 3134. Man d. the intellectual, thus truth; and man (homo) d. the voluntary, or good: illustrated, 9007. What is sd. by man and wife, and by man (homo) and wife, 915, 2517. Husband r. good, wife truth; why, 3236. When man is named, wife d. the affection of good; when a married man, wife d. the affection of truth, 4510. When it is said man and woman man d. truth, or falsity, woman good, or evil; when it is said husband and wife, husband d. good, or evil, wife truth, or falsity; the reason is in the celestial and spiritual Church, 4823. A knowing man is predicated of the affection of truths, 3309. A man of the field d. the good of life from doctrinals, 3310. A man with his brother d. the good of truth, 3459. A man to his brother d. mutually, 4725. A man said to his brother d. a general perception, 5502. They saw not a man his brother d. they did not perceive the truth of any good, 7716. A man his companion is not to be understood with respect to two, but with respect to one person, 9149. A man to a neighbour, or to a companion d. mutually, and the conjunction of truth and good, 10555.
Manasseh (Menascheh). See EPHRAIM. Manasach d. the new will in the natural, 5351, 5353; shown, 5354:11, 6222; the voluntary of the Church, 6222:6, 6238e; the good which is of the voluntary, born in the natural from the internal, 6234, 6238, 6267. See EPHRAIM. The new voluntary, which is Manasseh, is the good of charity, 6222:6. Ephraim d. the man of the external spiritual Church, and Manasseh d. the man of the external celestial Church, 6296.
[Mandrakes. See DUDAIM.]
Manna (manna). It is called manna [Heb., man = what ?] from what is unknown, because it is not known by one not regenerated what the good of truth is, 8462. Manna d. spiritual good, or the good of truth; in the supreme sense, the Lord: shown, 8464:2.
[Manner. See WAY (modus).
Man-Servant. See SERVANT.]
Mansions (mansiones). See also SOCIETIES.
Marah (Marah). Marah d. the state and quality of temptation; concerning which here, 8350.
Marriage (conjugium). Conjugial Love. Conjugial love is from the Lord’s love towards the whole human race, 686. Conjugial love is the fundamental of all loves, 686. See what is said respecting LOVE. Conjugial love was the heavenly happiness of the Most Ancient Church, 995:3. They who are of the spiritual Church are not in a conjugial [relation] before they are in good and therefrom in truths, 8809. The conjugial [principle] was not with the Jews for the reason that they were interiorly in falsity and evil, 8809.
The Doctrine respecting Marriage, 10167-10175. Love truly conjugial is the union of two minds from the marriage of good and truth: illustrated, 10168, 10169. Its delight is internal and external, and it is heavenly; but external without internal is earthly, such as is that of animals, 10170. One does not know what conjugial love is unless he be in good and truth from the Lord, 10171. It must by between one husband and one wife, 10172. To rule in marriage destroys it, 10173. Marriages are holy, and, therefore, not to be injured, 10174. Adulteries are profane, and from hell, 10174. They who take delight in adulteries do not believe those things which are of the Church and heaven, because the love of adultery is from the marriage of evil and falsity, which is infernal, 10175.
The Divine and the heavenly Marriage. Between the Rational Good of the Lord and Truth from the Natural there was not a marriage, but a covenant like the conjugial covenant; though the union of the Divine Essence with the Human and of the Human with the Divine is the Divine marriage, 3211. In the Lord there is the Divine marriage of good and truth, from which is the heavenly marriage: shown, 2803. Concerning the Divine marriage, and concerning the heavenly marriage, 2803. The celestial marriage is solely between the Divine Good and the Divine Truth, and only in the Lord and several other things, 2508. The heavenly marriage is from the marriage of Divine Good and Truth, and of the Divine Truth and Good, in the Lord, 2618. The nature of the heavenly marriage; and that it is in the proprium, 155, 252, 253. Every doctrinal of faith has in itself the heavenly marriage, 2516. The heavenly marriage, or the conjugial [relation] of good and truth is not effected between the good and truth of one degree, but between those of the higher and the lower, as between that of the external man and the internal man, and so forth: illustrated, 3952. The law of marriages is the celestial from the Lord’s kingdom, 162. Marriages with the most ancient people were heavenly; but with their posterity for the sake of offspring, because from heaven on account of the Lord’s coming, 1123. Betrothing is the first conjunction, which is of the internal man without the external; marriage is the conjunction of the external also: shown, 9182:4.
Marriages in Heaven and in the World. Concerning marriages; how they are considered in heaven; and concerning adulteries, 2727-2759. What conjugial love is, and whence it is, are not known at the present time, 2727. Conjugial love is from the marriage of the Divine Good and Truth, and of Truth and Good, 2728, 2729. The Most Ancient Church was in that love, not its posterity, 2730. Conjugial love is to will to be another’s, and this reciprocally, or mutually and alternately; the marriage between conjugial partners is as that between the understanding and will, 2731. They who are in conjugial love dwell together in the inmost things of life, 2732. They who are in conjugial love are together in heaven; but they who are not, are separated, 2732. Marriages are the seminaries of each kingdom; mutual love is therefrom, and several other things; adulteries are against heaven, laws, and order, 2733:2. The happiness of marriage is happiness in each life, 2734. Conjugial love is represented by means of the beauty of a virgin, and by the adamantine auras, 2735. Conjugial love is innocence, and they who are in that are in the inmost heaven, 2736. They who are in conjugial love have the interiors opened, and the Lord’s kingdom is in them, and they are receptive of heavenly loves, 2737. Mutual love is from conjugial love, 2733:2, 2737, 2738. From the marriage of good and truth exist all loves, the varieties of which are ineffable; the qualities in the marriages are according to the consanguinities and affinities, 2739. Conjugial love cannot be given except between two conjugial partners, 1907, 2740. Conjugial love, or good and truth, continually flows in, but it is turned according to reception, 2741. There is a resemblance of conjugial love with some, from many causes, which are recounted, but still it is not conjugial love, 2742. Lascivious love emulates conjugial love, 2742. The dog Cerberus signifies a guard lest anyone should pass from the delight of heavenly conjugial love to the delight of infernal conjugial love, 2743. In what manner progressions from conjugial love to heavenly things, and on the other side to infernal things, by means of delights and freedom, are made, 2744. What is the quality of those who do not love their husbands, but think meanly of them, 2745; concerning adulteries, 2746-2757. See ADULTERY. Conjugial love is heaven; it is represented in the kingdoms of nature, in pupae which become flying insects, 2758. The simple in faith, who have lived in conjugial love and have had conscience, come into heaven, 2759.
Why marriages were contracted within families, 471e, 453e Some from a certain earth have a perception whether there be the conjugial, from the idea of the conjunction of good and truth in their minds; concerning which, 10756. Concerning their manner of choosing to themselves a wife in a certain earth in the universe, 10837. They have only one wife, because having several is against Divine order, 10837e.
Laws of Marriage. The marriage of a man with one wife is clearly perceived by him who has perception, not so by him who has conscience, 865. Conjugial love exists in the marriage of one wife with one man; if between several it is lasciviousness, 1907. Where the Church is, it is not permitted to have several wives, except with the Jews, because the Church was not with them, 4537:2. At this day it is not allowed to have several wives, nor to have a concubine for a wife; the reasons, 9002e. They were not to contract marriages with the nations, lest they should become idolatrous, and evils and falsities should be mingled with goods and truths, 4444:4; it was allowed to make marriages with the nations which received the worship of Jehovah, who were called sojourners, 4444:5. Marriages between those who are of different religions are heinous, 8998. Marriages are most holy, and adulteries are most profane, 9961:4. He who has pressed a virgin must take her to wife, 4444:3.
The Universal Marriage. There is a marriage of celestial and spiritual things in heaven, in the Church, with every individual, in each thing of nature, and in each thing of the Word, 2173. The most ancient people likened all things to marriages, 54; thus the understanding and the will, 54, 55. There is in the universe in each thing a likeness to marriage, 718, 747, 917. A likeness of marriage is all things in general and particular of nature, 5194. In all things in general and particular there is a likeness of marriage illustrated, 7022. In every particular of the Word there is a likeness of a marriage, 683e, 793, 801:2, 2516:2, 2712:3. In every particular of the Word there is a heavenly and a Divine marriage shown, 6343:2, 8339e. In every particular of the Word there is a heavenly marriage, and, in the supreme sense, the Divine marriage, or the Lord, 4137e. There is a heavenly marriage, and, in the supreme sense, the Divine marriage, in all things in general and particular of the Word, 7945 shown, 8339. In every particular of the Word there is a marriage of good and truth: references, 9263e, 9314. A marriage of good and truth is in every particular of the Word; thus the Lord, or Jesus Christ, is in the particulars, 5502. In the Word where good is treated of, truth is also treated of, and where evil is treated of, falsity is also treated of; on account of the marriage, 5138.
Marriage of Good and Truth. Between a man and his wife there is as it were a natural marriage as of the understanding and the will, 568:2, 718. There is a marriage between good and truth, 2063. Spiritual good cannot be conjoined to those who are in the truths of faith alone, and not in good, otherwise than as concubines, 8981:2, 8986. Marriage between those who are in truths without affection, who are men, and those who are in the affection of truth from the delight of natural love, if with love, is to them as a means and not as an end, 8994. How the illegitimate conjunction of good and truth becomes legitimate: illustrated, 9182, 9184.
Correspondences, Representations, and Significations. The loins correspond to conjugial love, and also the organs of generation; from experience, 5050-5062. See LOINS, GENITALS. They are in a state of peace, 5050, 5051. They are in the inmost heaven, and most wise, 5052; because conjugial love is the fundamental of all loves, 5054. They who are in the contraries to conjugial love, inflict pain in the loins and members there, 5059, 5060.
By Jesus Christ is sd. the Divine marriage, 3004-3010. See CHRIST. That they should not contract matrimony with the nations was representative that good and falsity, and evil and truth, should not be conjoined, 3024:6. Where, in the Word, marriages are treated of, the heavenly marriage, which is of good and truth, is sd., and, in the supreme sense, the Divine marriage which is in the Lord, 3132. Reformation, which is the initiation and conjunction of truth and good, is as a virgin when she is betrothed, and afterwards when she is coupled to a husband, 3155. It was permitted to those who were in externals, for the sake of representation, to add a concubine to a wife, but not to those who are in internals, and who are in good and truth; therefore not to Christians, to whom it is adultery, 3246:3. The celestial are from the marriage of good and truth, not the spiritual, who are called the sons of concubines, 3246:4. Marriages were contracted between families of their own nation, so that they might represent heaven, and the conjunctions of societies there as to good and truth, 3665:4. Marriages and the things pertaining to marriages s. the conjunctions of good with truth, and of truth with good: shown, 4434. Marriage rd. the heavenly marriage, which is of good and truth, 4535:3. Marriage, in the supreme sense, is the Divine Itself and the Divine Human, in the Lord; in the relative sense, the Lord and heaven, that is, the Divine Good and the Divine Truth there, 6179. The conjunction of good and truth was rd. by two conjugial partners, and by two brothers, with a difference; concerning which, 9806:2.
[Married Partner. See under WIFE.
Marrow (medulla). Who and of what quality they are that relate to the spinal marrow, 5717, 8593; and who and of what quality they are that relate to the medulla oblongata, 9670:2.]
Mars (Mars). Concerning the inhabitants and spirits of the planet Mars, 7358-7365, 7475-7486, 7620-7622, [and 7742-7750.] Where it appears to spirits, 7358. They speak very softly; the speech is internal, or by means of the Eustachian tube, 7359, 7360. The face and eyes correspond, and they have no hypocrisy whatever, 7360. Such speech the most ancient people on this earth had; concerning which, 7361. They have internal breathing, 7362. Hence they are of a celestial genius, 7362. In that earth there are societies, and not empires; they who agree in mind consociate with each other, 7363. They who think and will evilly are ejected from the society, 7364. Thence lusting for dominion and gain, and of ruining their consociation, is obviated, 7364. They appear to themselves as men, such as they were in the world; the reasons, 7475. They are the best among those who are in the world of this sun, 7476. They more than others acknowledge and adore the Lord, and believe that He rules heaven and the universe, 7477. Their humiliation is inmost and profound; concerning which, 7478. See HUMILIATION. They believe that there is nothing with themselves but what is unclean and infernal, and that all good is from the Lord, 7479. They relate to the medium between the thought from affection and the affection of thought, thus the medium between the cerebellum and cerebrum, 7480, 7481; and therefore they cannot dissemble, 7480, 7481. Spirits of our earth are, as it were, insane within their sphere, 7482. The lower part of the face of the inhabitants, in the place of the beard, is black, but the upper part is as the faces of the inhabitants of our earth, 7483. They feed on fruits and pulse, 7484. They are dressed in garments woven from bark fibres, 7485. They know how to make fluid fires, by which they have light in the time of evening and night, 7486. I saw a flaming object of various colours adhering to the hand, which sd. celestial love with several of the inhabitants, and that flaming object was changed into a bird of beautiful colours, but which at length became stony, which sd. spiritual love with the inhabitants there who receded from love, 7620, 7622. I also saw a spirit rising up through the region of the loins to that of the breast, who sought to persuade that he was in the Lord, and he sought to take that bird away; but presently he set it at liberty, signifying that they are in such a persuasion, 7621, 7622. A beautiful bird s. the inhabitants of Mars who are in celestial love, and its becoming stony s. those there who love cognitions, and not a life according to them, 7742, 7743; especially those who contrive to speak by means of the lips and countenance, and to remove themselves from affections, and to withdraw the thoughts from others, 7745. By this they judge evilly of others and heaven, and well of themselves, 7747. They relate to the interior membrane of the skull made bony, 7748.
[Marvel. See MIRACLE.]
Massah (Massah). Massah d. the quality of the state of temptation as to truth, 8587; temptation against the Divine with respect to the Jews, 8588.
Mater, Dura and Pia (mater dura et pia). Concerning the correspondence of the dura and pia mater in the brain, 4046, 4047.
[Matrix (vulva). See WOMB. A miscarrying matrix d. the per. version of good and truth, 9325:4.]
Me (me). As for me d. what is certain, 6981, 6995.
[Meal. See FLOUR.]
Measure (mensura). Everyone has his own measure of evil and good, and it is infilled in the other life: shown, 7984:3. Concerning measures for liquid and dry things, which were the hin, the cor, the bath, the ephah, the homer, and the omer, 10262. Measure d. the state of a thing as to truth and good: shown, 9603:2. Hin d. the quantity of conjunction, 1026:2. Numbers and measures s. spiritual and celestial things, 647-650. Weight d. the state of a thing as to good; measure, as to truth, 3104:2.
[Meat. See FOOD.]
Meat-Offering (mincha). What the meat-offering of flour, fine flour, and cake, in the sacrifices, s., 2177. The meat-offering d. celestial good, and the drink-offering spiritual good, similar to the bread and wine in the Holy Supper: shown, 4581:4. The meat-offering, which was bread, and the drink-offering, which was wine, s. such as pertain to the Church, thus good and truth: illustrated and shown, 10137:8. The bread of which the meat-offering consisted, upon the burnt-offerings and sacrifices, d. the purification of the celestial man in the inmost; the cake, in the internal and the wafers, in the external: shown, 9993, 9994. That not only flesh but also meat-offerings which were breads, were offered in sacrifices, was because sacrifices were not accepted in heaven, but breads, therefore both were offered, 10079:2. Flesh in particular s. spiritual good, but breads, celestial good, 10079e. Celestial things in their order are rd. by bread, cakes, and wafers of unleavened things, 9992.
Mediation (mediatio). What mediation is: illustrated, 8705. See INTERCESSION.
[Medicine. See PHYSICIAN.]
Meditate, To (meditari). See To THINK.
[Medium. See MIDDLE.
Medulla. See MARROW.]
Meet, To, Meeting (convenire, conventus). To meet, when used in reference to the Lord, d. His presence and influx, 10147, 10148, 10197. The tent of meeting, which was placed outside the camp, d. the external of the Word, of the Church, and of worship in which are internals, 10547. See TENT.
Meet, To (occurrere). [See also To RUN.] To meet d. to command, 7099; thought, 7158. To meet him d. influx, 4235. To meet anyone in the way d. opposition, 7042. To run to meet d. agreement, 3806. To go to meet d. to be conjoined, 7054. To stand to meet d. manifestation, 7159; influx, 7308. To go forth to meet d. application, 8662.
Melchizedek (Malchizedech). Melchizedek d. the celestial things of the Interior Man with the Lord, 1725:2.
Memorial (memoriale). When memorial is spoken of respecting the Lord it d. the quality in worship, and is predicated of truth, 6888. Memorial d. the quality of the state, 7881. For a sign and for a memorial d. that it should be perpetually remembered, 8066, 8067.
Memory (memoria). [See also under AFFECTION and ANGEL.] Concerning the two memories of a man and a spirit, the exterior, or that of the body, and the interior, or that of the rational man, 2469-2494. Man has two memories, 2469-2471. He does not know this, 2470, 2471. What things pertain to the exterior memory, and what to the interior, 2471, 2480. A man speaks from the exterior memory by means of the language of words; a spirit speaks from the interior memory by means of a universal language, 2472, 2476. How much the interior memory excels the exterior, 2473. All things which a man has seen, heard, thought, spoken, and transacted, are inscribed on the interior memory; and that is his book of life, 2474. A man has with him after death all things of the exterior and interior memory, 2475; but it is not allowed him to use in the other life those things which are of the exterior memory, for several reasons; concerning which, 2476, 2477, 2479. How it is when a spirit flows in from the exterior memory; an experience, 2478. Languages and sciences pertain to the exterior memory, which are of no use to man, but he cultivates the rational by means of them, 2480. After death man loses nothing from the exterior memory, nor from those things which belong to it; experiences, 2481-2483, 2485, 2486. The exterior memory, also the interior, which are organic, are described, 2487. Spirits know all things which are in man’s memory and thought, 2488. The timings of the interior memory manifest themselves by means of a sphere, 2489; on the interior memory also are imprinted those things which a spirit hears and sees in the other life, but with a difference; concerning which; and so spirits can be instructed, 2490. Concerning spirits which relate to the interior memory, 2491. In the other life memories are made visible as hard substances; concerning which; the quality of the hardness with several classes, 2492. Angels do not care for the past and the future, but still they receive from the Lord the most perfect memory; in everything of their present there is the past and the future, 2493. Men who are in the good of love and of charity have angelic intelligence and wisdom, but they do not come into them until they successively put off corporeal and worldly things, 2494.
The things in the exterior memory are scientifics, and those in the interior memory are truths; the former are in the light of the world, but the latter in the light of heaven, 5212. The things which induce habit are separated from the external memory, and stored in the internal, 9723. There is an interior memory, from which spirits speak, 1639. Those things which are inscribed on the interior memory are impressed on the life, 4841. Scientifics which are of the exterior memory are most perplexed and shady, 2831:10. The things which become of the life vanish from the external memory, 9394:4. Truths are vessels recipient of good, or they are perceptions of variations of form, according to the changes of state, 3318:2. Spirits and angels retain in the memory what they see and hear, and therefrom they increase wisdom to eternity, 6931. The spirits of Mercury relate to the memory of subjects not material, 6696. See MERCURY. All things in general and particular which enter with man by means of the senses, remain in his memory, 7398. The evils which have been done by infernals in the life of the body, from time to time come before them, 7721. Spirits and angels know all things which are in man’s memory, when they are present, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199, 6214. The things which are of faith and love are seated continually in the memory, even when other things are thought of and transacted, 8067. These things are said to be perpetually in the understanding and in the will, 8067. The things of the memory serve the intellectual part as a mirror for seeing timings spiritually: illustrated, 9394; but the intellectual does not call forth anything but what favours its loves and preconceived principles, 9394. The scientifics of the memory compared to muscles, 9394:5, Various things concerning the scientifics which are the things of the memory, 9922:2. See SCIENCE. The things which are impressed on the memory with the good, are according to the heavenly form, 9931.
The sea d. a collection of scientifics from which there is reasoning about truths, and also the natural and sensual which are the containants: shown, 9755.
Menstruous Things (menstrua). Menstruous things d. what are unclean, 4161.
[Mercenary. See HIRELING.]
Merchant, Merchandise (mercator, mercatura). Merchants d. those who have cognitions of good and truth; and merchandise, those cognitions themselves: shown, 2967. To trade d. to procure cognitions, and to communicate them: shown, 4453. To wander through the land trading d. also to fructify truths from good, 5527.
Mercury (Mercurius). Something concerning the spirits of Mercury, 2491. Concerning the spirits of Mercury, 6808-6817, 6921-6932, 7069-7079, 7170-7177. In the Grand Man they constitute the memory of abstract things from merely material things, 6808. When they excited cities and places from my memory, they did not remain about temples and palaces, but about the facts and transactions there, 6809. They care nothing about terrestrial and corporeal things, 6810. What a great desire they have to acquire cognitions to themselves; an experience 6811. They know more than others what is in the universe, 6812. They inquire in societies of such things as they know, 6813. They are conceited, 6813. They are not willing to use vocal speech, 6814. Although they have abundant cognitions, they have not strength of judgment, 6814. This was said to them, that they should perform a use from cognitions, but they said that cognitions are uses, 6815. They cannot be together with spirits of our earth, because these love worldly and material, not so abstract subjects, 6816. In perspicuity, thinking, and speaking they surpass others, because they are not in material things, 6921. How quickly they ran through the things which were in my memory, 6922. They use such quickness when they speak in a volume, 6923. How quickly they judge respecting the discourse of others if there is an affection of elegance or erudition, 6924. They wander through the universe for the purpose of acquiring cognitions, 6925, 6926. They flee from spirits who are in material things, 6925, 6926. They go in companies, 6926. They told me that there are some hundred thousand earths, 6927. They differ exceedingly from spirits of our earth, 6928. I spoke with them respecting the inhabitants of our earth, saying how material they are, 6929. They know that knowledges are printed on this earth, and they twice sent me a printed sheet, to indicate that they know, 6930. Spirits retain in the memory all things which they see and hear, 6931. When anyone speaks with them concerning terrestrial and material things, they then change them into others, and often into opposites, 7070. An example of how they darkened meadows, forests, streams, when represented to them, 7071. Not so birds, because they signified cognitions, 7072; nor lamps of light, because they signify truths which are from good, 7072. Nor were they willing to hear about sheep and lambs, because they did not know what innocence, which is the lamb, is, 7073. They do so-namely, change topics,-not for the sake of deceiving, but from other reasons; concerning which, 7074, 7075. They speak with men of their own earth, 7075. They do not tell others what they know, but communicate all to their own, 7076. Because they are conceited from cognitions, spirits from our earth told them what they knew and what they did not know, 7077. Afterwards an angel told several things which they did not know, and that they could not know even the generals to eternity, 7077. The quality of their humiliation in the mass was seen, 7077:2. The spirits of Mercury do not appear at a definite distance and quarter, as others do, because they wander through the universe, 7078. Their planet with the sun appears at the back, 7078. They applied themselves to the spirits of Venus on the other side; and they were in concord; and then a change in the brain was felt therefrom, 7170. The spirits of Mercury say that they believe in God, and that very many spirits from our earth believe in none, 7172. The Lord appeared to the spirits of Mercury in the Sun, and then also to others, when they were humbled, 7173. Then a great light was seen by some, 7174. A female from their earth was seen; her quality; both her way and in what she was clothed, 7175. The spirits of Mercury wish to appear as crystalline globes, 7175. Oxen and cows there; of what form, 7176. The sun of the world appears large with those there, and then there is a temperature not too hot, because heat comes from the height and density of the atmosphere, and from the incidence of the sun’s rays being direct or oblique, 7177. The spirits of Mercury often come to the spirits of Saturn to elicit cognitions, 9106.
Merit (meritum). See RIGHTEOUSNESS, HIRE, CHARITY (where it is shown that Charity is apart from Merit), THEFT. A man is not saved by means of temptations, if he places anything of merit in them, for then he dismisses the thoughts which he receives in temptations, to which other thoughts can be bent, 2273. True charity is apart from all merit, 2371:2, 2373:2, 2380:2. To believe that good is from self, and that we merit salvation from self, is in the beginning of reformation, but is not confirmed; and he who confirms it with himself is not amendable, 4174. See also RIGHTEOUSNESS. They who are in the love of self and the world do not know that there is so great happiness in doing well to others without remuneration, 6392:2. They who do good for the sake of reward wish to be served, and are never contented, 6393. To do good for the sake of self and the world ought to be in the last place, thus the foot, not in the first, thus not the head, 9210:2. Good should be done without remuneration: shown, 6392:2, 6478. See also HIRE. Man is wise so far as he ascribes all truths and goods within himself to the Lord, 10227:2. Good from the Lord has heaven and the Lord in itself; and good from self has the hells within, 8480. A doctrinal statement respecting merit, 9974-9984. They who believe that they merit heaven do good from self, and not from the Lord, 9974. Goods from self, and not from the Lord, are not good, 9975. These despise the neighbour, and are angry with God Himself, if they do not receive reward, 9976. They who do merit-seeking goods, do them from evil; and they who do goods from self, do them from evil, 9980; such cannot receive heaven into themselves, 9977; because from self they cannot fight against the hells; but for those who do not place merit in goods the Lord fights, 9978. The Lord alone has merit and righteousness, 9979. It is shown in the Word that good ought not to be done for the sake of reward; also that all good is from the Lord, 9981. Infants and the simple may believe in remuneration on account of doing well, but not adults, 9982. Illustrated from the goods which are wrought to friends, a brother, one’s country, a wife, and children, with an end of remuneration, 9983. Heaven and eternal happiness are implanted in the affection of that love, 9984.
They who do not wish for the interior things of the Word, interpreting the letter accordingly, are they who place merit in works; how they are represented, 1771. Of what quality they are who place merit in works, and mock the interior things of the Word, 1877. Of what quality they are who place merit in acts well done, in the other life, 2017. They who have done well for the sake of self and the world merit nothing in the other life, 1835. See also RIGHTEOUSNESS. They who place merit in works, hew wood; concerning whom, 4943. They who do good for the sake of remuneration, are in the lowest service in the Lord’s kingdom, 6389, 6390. They who separate faith from charity, in the other life make this meritorious, 2376. See also HIRE. They who ascribe truths and goods to themselves, and so believe that they have merit, are followed by penalties: namely, those which are sd. by famine, flight before enemies, and pestilence, 10219:4. They who enter heaven put off the proprium and self-merit, 4007e. The happiness of heaven consists in doing well to others apart from remuneration, 6388. The one only good that reigns in heaven is the good of the Lord’s merit and righteousness: shown, 9486. What the good of the Lord’s merit, or the Lord’s righteousness, is: shown, 9715. See RIGHTEOUSNESS.
They who place merit in works are hewers of wood, 1110; and who are mowers of grass, 1111. Reward d. a means of conjunction, and they who are in the affection of good do not think about reward: illustrated, 3816. See also HIRE.
Mercy (misericordia). See GRACE. The celestial acknowledge mercy; the spiritual, grace; why, 598:2. The celestial implore the Lord’s mercy; the spiritual, His grace, 981:2. Who speak of grace; and who, of mercy, 2423. The Lord is merciful to all; He is angry with none, 1093. The quality of the Lord’s mercy, which is of love, 1735. Love is turned into mercy, when anyone who needs aid is regarded from love, 3063. The Lord’s love is mercy, because it is towards the human race sunk in so great miseries, 3875. Mercy is the Divine love, 5132:2. Mercy is love grieving, 5480. Mercy is of love 6180. Immediate mercy is not given, but mediate; thus only to those who live according to the Lord’s precepts, and accept him: illustrated, 10659:4.
Mercy, in the internal sense, d. love there, 3063, 3073, 3120 charity, because it is of charity shown and illustrated, 5132; the influx of good and truth, 8879. What mercy and truth s., 3122. Mercy and truth d. love and faith: shown, 10577e. To do mercy and truth d. good and truth; a form of expression with the ancients, 6180. To lead the people in mercy d. the Divine influx with those who abstain from evils, and so receive good, 8307. To do grace, when spoken of the Lord, d. to gift with spiritual good; and to do mercy d. to gift with celestial good: shown and illustrated, 10577. To have mercy is predicated, because man is infernal, 1049. To have mercy d. an admonition from the Divine, 6737. The spirit of God d. mercy, 19. To remember d. to have mercy, with the Lord, 840, 1049.
Meribah (Meribah). Meribah d. the quality of complaint, in the state of temptation as to truth, 8588; and with respect to the Jews it d. that they provoked Jehovah: shown, 8588:2.
Mesentry (mesenterium). See CHYLE. Concerning the correspondence of the mesentry in the Grand Man, 5181.
Mesha (Meschah). What Mesha s., 1249.
Meshech (Meschach). What Meshech s., 1151:2.
Messenger (nuntius). To send messengers d. to communicate, 4239.
Messiah (Messias). [See also under APOSTLES and CHRIST.]
Messiah is the same as Christ, 3008. See CHRIST. Discourse with the Jews concerning the Word, the land of Canaan, and the Messiah 3481. How pompous the Jews feel about the Messiah who was to come, 8780:3. Messiah, the Anointed, and King s. the Divine Truth, 3009. See CHRIST.
Metal (metallum). What metals s., 643. The Church is compared also to metals, 1837. See GOLD, SILVER, BRASS, IRON.
Metaphysics (metaphysica). See PHILOSOPHY, [and ARISTOTLE.]
Micah (Micha). Concerning a gentile who heard about Micah and his graven image, 2598.
[Michael. See under ANGEL.
Mid-Day. See under SOUTH.]
Middle (medium). See also CENTRE throughout. The inmost in the successive things is the middle, or centre in the simultaneous things, 5897. The truths which are directly under the view of internal sight are in the middle, 6068, 6084:2. Thence the middle, or inmost, d. the best, 6084:2, 6103. Truths are in the middle with the good, and falsities with the evil, 9164. Falsities hold the circumference within the good, and truths the circumference with the evil, 3436. Middle d. the inmost, 1074; the primary and inmost, 2940, 2973:3. To do in the midst of them d. that it may touch them directly, 6911. To go forth through the midst of the land d. through the whole everywhere, 7777.
There is a medium between the internal and the external; concerning which, 5411. The medium proceeds from the internal, and conjoins the external to itself; concerning which, 5413. There must be a medium that the external may perceive what is in the internal shown, 5427, 5428. That the internal and the external may be conjoined there must be a medium, 5586e. There is neither good nor truth of the Church without a medium, 5612. The Lord does not appear before conjunction is made by means of a medium, 5696. See also BENJAMIN. A medium, to be a medium, must derive from both the lower and the higher, 5822. There are intermediates in the heavens for the sake of influx and communication, 8787, 8802:2.
Midian, Midianites (Midian, Midianitae). Midianites d. those who are in favour of the truths of faith, and constantly in the good of life, or who are in the truth of simple good; and, in the opposite sense, who are in truth that is not truth, because not in the good of life: shown, 3242; those who are in the truth of simple good, 4756, 4788:2, 6773. Midian d. those who are in the external things of the Church, 6775.
[Midst. See MIDDLE.]
Midwife (obstetrix). Midwife d. the natural: shown, 4588. Midwives d. the natural where scientific truths are, 6673, 6678, 6686.
Mighty One, Power (potens, potentia). [See also STRENGTH.] Who are called the mighty ones, 1179:2. Mighty ones in heaven, 1877. The powers, or faculties, of receiving truth are altogether according to good: illustrated, 5623. Power is present in truths, 8304. Power is predicated of truth, 3091:2. Truth has all power from good: illustrated, 6344, 6423:2. See also HAND. All power is from truth which is from the Lord: shown, 9410:5. All power is from truths which are from the Lord; and therefore there is no power whatever from falsities: illustrated, 9327:2. All power is of good by means of truth: references, 10019. All power is of truth from good; its quality: illustrated, 10182:2. Good has power by means of truth: shown, 9643. Evils and falsities have nothing whatever of power: shown, 10481:2. The angels are called powers from the reception of Divine Truth from the Lord, 9639. Divine Power is Divine Truth, 6948:2, 8200. Divine Truth has all power, so that it is power itself; and it is the veriest essential, 8200. The Divine Power of the Lord is to save man by removing the hells, and that power belongs to the Lord alone: shown, 10019:3. Power d. what is with one, thus himself, 9133.
Milcah (Milkah). Milcah the wife of Nahor. See NAHOR.
Milcah d. the truth with the nations, 2863.
Milk (lac). [See also NURSE.] Milk d. the celestial-spiritual: shown, 2184:4. A land flowing with milk and honey d. the pleasantness and delight of truth and good, which belong to the Church, 5620:9, 6857. See HONEY.
Mill, To Grind (mola, molere). A certain one sat at a mill who supposed all things to be phantasies, 1510:3. An experience respecting those who grind; they were those who collect many truths without use as an end, 4335:5. To grind is predicated of those who are in truth from the affection of good, and, in the opposite sense, of those who are in truth from the affection of evil: shown, 4335. To grind d. to choose, and also to explain in favour of the loves of self: shown, 9995e. To grind and mill, also to bruise, d. the arrangement of truths in a series, and preparation of good, so that they may serve for uses, 10303. A maid-servant behind the mills d. that which is of faith in the last place, 7780. To sit at the mills d. to learn such things as are to be serviceable to faith and afterwards to charity: briefly shown, 7780.
Mind (mens). See UNDERSTANDING, WILL, IDEA, THOUGHT. A representation of the human mind, 3348. The mind of man is the man himself: illustrated, 5302, 6158. The will and understanding ought to constitute one mind, but they are separated, 35. There are two faculties, the understanding and the will, which constitute one mind; they with whom they constitute one, and they with whom they do not, 7179:2. It is not allowable to divide and draw these two faculties from each other, 7180. The mind ought to be one, and not divided; and to this state they are reduced in the other life, 8250:2. There is a natural mind, and a rational mind; concerning which, 7130.
Mindful, To be (meminisse). See To REMEMBER.
Minister, To Minister (minister, ministrare). To minister is predicated of truth and the scientific, which is also a minister with respect to good, 4976. To minister d. to instruct, 5088; when spoken of a priest, it d. worship and evangelization, 9925. Ministers, the stewards of Pharaoh, d. sensual things of both kinds, 5081, 5100.
[Minute. See SMALL.]
Miracles (miracula). See also SIGN. There are no miracles with the Jews at the present time; the reason, 5508:3. Signs and miracles were wrought with such as were in external worship apart from internal; if with those who were in internal worship they were harmful: illustrated, 7290. Miracles accomplish nothing on behalf of faith: shown, 7290:3. Magical miracles are abuses of Divine order, 7337. Signs and prodigies d. confirming and persuading from external appearances and fallacies, 3900:3. Marvels, or miracles, d. means of Divine power, 6910; shown, 8304. Signs and miracles d. admonitions, 7273. All Divine miracles involve those things which belong to the Lord’s kingdom and Church; and magical miracles regard evils, and so differ altogether, but they appear similar in external form, 7337. The miracles in Egypt s. their states in the other life who are in falsities, and infest, 7465. The Lord’s miracles were healings of diseases, and involved and sd. the state of the Church, 8364:6, 9086:2, 9051e.
Miriam (Miriam). Miriam d. the good of faith, 8337.
[Miscarriage. See ABORTION.
Misery (miseria). How it is to be understood that the miserable and they who have suffered persecutions shall enter heaven, when the rich and they who have been established in dignity are there, 2129:2.
Mist (nimbus). Concerning the thick dark mist in the hells, 3340. See THICK DARKNESS and CLOUDS. Falsities from evils in the hells appear as mists; there are clouds and waters around them there, 8137:2, 8138.
Mitre (cidaris). Mitre d. intelligence and wisdom: illustrated, 9827. Tiara d. intelligence, 9949, [10016.]
Mizpah (Mizpah). Mizpah, a heap set up by Jacob and Laban; what it s., 4198.
Moab (Moabus). Moab stands for those who adulterate goods; the sons of Ammon, for those who falsify truths; also, in the good sense, for those who are in natural good and easily suffer themselves to be led astray, 2468. The mighty ones of Moab d. those who are in the life of falsity from the love of self, 8315.
[Mock, To. See To PLAY. Mode. See WAY (modus).
Moderator. See DIRECTOR.
Molten Image (fusile). See IDOL.
[Money-Lender. See INTEREST and USURY.]
Monk (monachus). Concerning the monks who lead the inhabitants of other earths astray for the sake of domination and gain, 10812, 10813.
Month (mensis). [See also ABIB.] Month, in particular, d. the end of a first state and the beginning of the following, thus a new state: shown, 3814. The month Ahib, which is the first month of the year, d. the beginning of a new state, 8053, 9291. The head of a month, or the first of it, d. the principal state, 7827, 7828.
Moon (luna). [See also SUN and ANGEL.] A moon seen by me is described, 1531. The Lord appears to the celestial angels as the Sun, and to the spiritual angels as the Moon, 1529, 1530. From this the spiritual is rd. by the moon, 1529, 1530. Speech sounding like thunder and as of many voices is that of lunar spirits, 1763. Concerning lunar spirits; they thunder, and relate to the ensiform cartilage, 5564. Concerning the inhabitants of the moon, 9232-9238. They make a noise like thunders, 9232. They are small, 9233. Thus they thunder: shown; and that from the abdomen, 9233, 9234. Whence it is; this is because they have another atmosphere there, 9235. They relate to the ensiform, or xiphoid cartilage, 9236. There are inhabitants in the moon: illustrated, 9237. The sun d. love; and the moon, faith, 30-38. Sun d. the celestial of love, moon its spiritual, 2495:2. Sun d. love to the Lord, and the moon charity towards the neighbour, because the Lord is the Sun and the Moon in the heavens, 4060:2. What are understood by the sea, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the nations, when the Lord speaks of the Last Judgment, 2120, 2495.
Moreh (Moreh). What the oak-grove of Moreh s., 1442, 1443.
Moriah (Moriah). The land of Moriah d. the place and state of temptation, 2775. Several things concerning the mountain of Moriah, 2777; in the mountain of Moriah, where Isaac was to be offered up, a temple was built, 2775, 2777.
Morning (mane). See DAY, [and To ARISE.] Peace in the heavens is like dawn on the earths, 2780. States in the other life are as the times of day in the world: illustrated, 10605e. In heaven there are morning, mid-day, evening, and twilight, but spiritually, 5962:2. When they are in the morning they are in love, and when in the mid-day they are in light, 8426:2. It is the state of morning to be in truth and good in heaven, 7218. In the time of morning the spiritual is in clearness, and the natural in obscurity; conversely, in the time of evening, 8431. When morning involves mid-day as well, and evening involves night, 10135:4.
What morning s. in the internal sense, 2333, 2540; clear perception, 2540; the Lord, and his kingdom, also the state of peace and innocence, 2780; what is revealed and clear, 5097; the beginning of a new state, 8427; a new state; and a new state is another state with man, a state of love in heaven, and a state of the new Church, 10114:2; a state of the good of love; the reason, 8812; a state of love and light in the internal man: illustrated and shown, 10134; a state of thick darkness and destruction to the evil, and a state of enlightenment and salvation to the good, 8211; also it d. the last time of the Church, and the first of the new Church, or the Last Judgment: shown, 8211:4. What evening and morning s., 22. Dawn and morning d. the Lord, His kingdom, the Church, and, in the universal sense, the celestial of love: shown, 2333, 2405. What the morning, the sun, the moon, the stars, and a nation s., where the Last Judgment is treated of, 2120. In the morning they rose early (in malulino) d. a state of enlightenment, 3458, 3723. To rise in the morning early (in matutino) d. elevation to attention, when spoken of the evil, 7435, 7538. To rise in the morning d. to be elevated; in the opposite sense, to be depressed; because morning, in the opposite sense, d. when they are in infernal loves, and then in hatreds, 10413. In the morning it was light d. a state of enlightenment, 5740. It was morning d. heaven in order, 7681. From evening even unto the morning d. continually in every state: illustrated, 9787. Not to leave till the morning, in relation to the paschal lamb, d. the duration of that state before the state of elevation into heaven, and of enlightenment there, 7860. The fat of the feast shall not remain over night till the morning d. the good of worship is not from the proprium, but always new from the Lord, 9299. What is left till the morning d. that which is not adjoined in good to a new state, 10114. What is left till the morning shall not be eaten d. that it ought not to be commingled with the proprium: shown, 10115, 10116; else there would be profanation, 10117e. Dawn d. the conjunction of good after temptation has ceased, 4283. Early morning (matutinum) d. elevation, 7306. Cock-crowing is [the same as] morning, 10134e.
[Morrow. See TO-MORROW.]
Moses (Moses). [See also AARON and ARK.] Moses r. the Lord as to the Divine Law, and in particular as to the Historical Word shown, 6752; and also Divine truth with the man who is being regenerated, 6752; rd. the Lord, first as to the Law, or Truth from the Divine, afterwards as to Divine Truth, 7014; r. the posterity of Jacob, and the representative of the Church with that posterity, 7041; the head of the Israelitish nation, 10556. Moses stands for the Law, or the Word, and is called the Law, 4859:2. Moses d. the Law, and the Word, or the Lord, 5922:5; truth which is of the Law from the Divine, 6772; Law from the Divine, 6827; the Divine Truth proceeding immediately from the Lord, 7010; Truth from the Divine which is under heaven, 8760, 8787; mediating, 8787; Truth from the Divine beneath heaven conjoining Truth Divine in heaven, thus a mediating [agent] between the Divine in heaven and the good in which truths are to be implanted, which belongs to the spiritual Church, thus between the Lord and the people, 8805:4; the Word: references, 9372; the Word in general, 9372; a holy external which is a mediating [agent] between the Lord and the representative in which the Israelitish people were: shown, 9414, 9419, 9435. What and of what quality that holy external is, 9419. Moses d. the external of the Church, of worship, and of the Word, not so separated from the internal as the Israelitish nation was, 10563, 10571; the external of the Word, of the Church, and of worship, which receives the internal: shown, 10607. Moses and Elias stand for all the hooks of the Old Testament, Preface to Gen. xviii. [ante 2135.] Moses d. the Word in the internal sense, Aaron d. doctrine therefrom, when they are named together, 7089. Moses d. internal law, or internal truth; Aaron d. the external law, or external truth, 7382. Moses d. the internal, and Aaron the external, 10468. Moses, Aaron, and Hur d. Divine truths in order, 8600. Moses d. the external of the Word, of the Church, and of worship, which receive the internal, and the Israelitish people d. the external which does not receive the internal; observed, 10607, 10614. The infant Moses was placed in a little ark, because he represented the Lord as to the Divine Law: illustrated, 6723:3. Jehovah spake to Moses saying d. what is perceptive from enlightenment by means of the Word from the Lord, 10234.
Moth (tinea). See INSECT.
Mother (mater). Man receives what is internal from the father, and what is external from the mother, 1815. By mother is sd. the Church, 289. Mother, from the affection of truth, d. the spiritual Church, 2691, 2717. Father d. good, and mother d. truth: shown, 3703:2; and, in the opposite sense, evil and falsity: shown, 3703:20. The Divine Good of the Lord is what is called the Father in the Word, 3703:10. Father d. the Lord as to Divine Good, and thence Good, and mother d. the Lord’s kingdom, and thus truth, 8897. Father d. the Church as to good, and mother the Church as to truth, 5581. By father, mother, brothers, and children, and by several other names of relationship are sd. goods and truths, falsities and evils: shown, 10490:4. To strike the mother upon the Sons d. to destroy all things of the Church, 4257.
Motion (motus). See PLACE, To JOURNEY, SITUATION, DISTANCE. Motion of the earth, see EARTH, MOTION OF. Motion d. change of state, 3356. See also TIME and PLACE. What motions and progressions are in the other life, see PLACE. See also To BE WAVED.
[Mound. See HEAP.]
Mountain (mons). The ancients held holy worship upon mountains and in groves, but afterwards it was prohibited when the worship became idolatrous, 2722. Concerning the mountains, hills, rocks, and valleys in the other life, 10438. There are land, mountains, rocks, and valleys in heaven: illustrated, 10608.
Mountain s. the Lord, thence celestial things, 795, 1430. The rite of sacrificing on mountains was therefrom, 796. Mountain d. the love of self and the world, 1691; Divine celestial good, 8758. Mountains d. the good of love, 4210; heaven, also celestial good: illustrated and shown, 10438; and hills d. spiritual good: shown, 10438. Mountain d. the good of celestial hove; and hill d. the good of spiritual love; and the hills of an age d. the good of mutual love, which is of the celestial Church: shown and illustrated, 6435:4. The mountain of inheritance d. heaven where the good of love is, 8327. The mountain of God d. the good of truth, 8658. To encamp at the mountain of God d. near the good of truth, thus when at the second state of regeneration, 8658. The top of a mountain d. the inmost of heaven, 9422, 7434. Mountain d. celestial love, and this from appearances which are in the other life; and concerning the tops of the mountains there, 10608.
Mourn, To (lugere). See MOURNING. What to mourn and to weep, when they are predicated of the Church, s., 2910.
Mourning (luctus). Mourning d. grief, in the spiritual sense, 6539-6542.
Mouse (mus). The avaricious are infested by mice, 938e. Their scent is therefrom, 1514:2.
Mouth (os). The mouth d. the voice, 6987. Things that pertain to the mouth d. utterances of truth, 9049e; they c. to the intellectual part, 9384. To be in the mouth d. that which is exterior, and proceeds from truth; to be in the heart d. that which is interior, and proceeds from good, 3313. To be in the mouth d. what proceeds from the understanding and will, 8068. At the mouth of Jehovah d. Divine Providence, 8560. At the mouth of an infant d. everything according to the quality of innocence, 6107.
Mowers (serratores). Mowers of grass; who they are, 1111.
Mucus of the Nostrils (mucus narium). What the mucus of the nostrils s., 4627:3. See NOSE.
Mule (mulus, mula). See Ass. Natural truth is the ass, rational truth the mule, 2781:2. A judge rode upon a she-ass, his sons upon asses’ colts, a king upon a she-mule, and his sons upon mules, 2781:6.
Multiplied, To be (multiplicari). By multiplication is sd. the fructification of good with the Lord, 1940. To be fruitful s. goods, to be multiplied s. truths, 43, 55, 913; to be fruitful s. the goods of charity, to be multiplied s. truths of faith, 983. To be fruitful is predicated of good; to be multiplied, of truth, 2846, 2847.
Multitude (multitudo). [See also CROWD.] Multitude d. multiplication, 1941. To grow into a multitude d. extension from the inmost, 6285.
Murmur, To (murmurare). To murmur d. complaint and a feeling of pain from the bitterness of temptation: shown, 8351.
Muscle (musculus). The scientifics of the memory compared with muscles, 9394:5.
Music (musica). By stringed instruments are sd. the spiritual things of faith; by wind instruments, the celestial things, 418-420. Musical instruments were formerly used in the Churches; some belonging to the class of spiritual things, some to the class of celestial things, 4138:2; shown, 8337:2.
Must (mustum). Corn d. natural good, and must d. natural truth: shown, 3580.
Mutineers (insurgentes). See ENEMIES.
Mutual (mutuum). To ask and to give as a loan, or in return, d. to communicate the goods of heaven from the affection of charity, and also the goods of the world according to the laws of charity: illustrated and shown, 9174. To give in return d. instruction, 9209.
Myriad (myrias). Myriads and thousands of myriads stand for innumerable things, and for the infinite, 3186:2.
Myrrh (myrrha). The best myrrh d. the perception of sensual truth: shown, 10252. [See also STACTE.]
Mystical (mysticum). [See also WORD (Verbum).] The mystical [sense] of the Word is no other than the spiritual and celestial, thus that which treats of the Lord, His kingdom, and the Church, 4923:2.
Nadab and Abiliu (Nadab et Abihu). Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, d. doctrines from the Word, 9374, 9375, 9403; the Divine Spiritual from the Divine Celestial, 9811.
Nahor (Nachor). Nahor was an idolater, 1356. What Nahor s., 1351. Nahor d. what is related, 3052; the common stock from which are the goods of the Churches with the nations, 3778, 4206, 4207. The sons of Nahor by his wife Milcah d. those outside the Church who are in brotherhood from good, 2863, 2864, 3778:2. They who were born to Nahor of Reumah, the concubine, d. those who are in idolatrous worship and in good, 2868.
Nail (clavus). Nail d. a fastening and adjunction, 8990e. Nails d. things conjoining and strengthening: shown, 9777.
Nakedness (nuditas). Nakedness is of innocence, and without innocence it is a disgrace, 165. To the chaste and innocent nakedness is not a matter of shame and scandal, but to the lascivious and shameless, 8375e. See also INNOCENCE. Nakedness, to the degree that they are ashamed, d. evil, because it is a disgrace and scandal, 213, 214. Nakedness d. to be without truths: shown, 5433; the interiors of hove its signification is according to the parts which appear naked: shown, 9960. Nakedness of the body d. deprivation of the truths of faith, 9960:2. Nakedness of the loins and genitals d. deprivation of the good of hove: shown, 9960:2. The nakedness of Noah is explained here, 9960:16. Nakedness, when used respecting those who are in celestial good, d. the good of celestial love: shown, 9960. The nakedness of Adam is explained here, 9960:19. Stripped of garments d. deprived of the truths of faith, 1073. He is naked who acknowledges that nothing of good and truth is in himself: briefly, 4958. Baldness d. deprivation of the intelligence of truth and of the wisdom of good: shown, 9960:3.
Name (nomen). The ancients involved in their names what they signified, 340. In ancient time names were given which were significative of states, 1946. Formerly names significative of state were bestowed on infants, 2643:2. In ancient time names were all significative of a thing or a state, 3422, 4298. At length they worshipped the name only, 2724. Names do not penetrate into heaven, 1876; nor can any name be uttered, 1876:2. The name of a person does not enter heaven, 10282e. Names do not enter into heaven, but the things which they signify; and the names of things are perceived from the series, because in the inmost heaven the Lord is understood by means of several names, 10216. How elegant the internal sense is even though there be mere names, 1224, 1264. What names of places and persons in the Words. is perceived immediately in heaven; whence this is, 6516:2.
When anyone is named in the Word, the man of the Church, or whatever is of the Church is sd. 768. When a name is mentioned in the Word it d. to know what the quality is, 1896. A name in the Word s. what the quality of anyone is: shown, 2009. In the Word, by names are sd. things; and also in the writings of the old and the ancient peoples: shown, 4442:2. Names of places do not s. the same in one sense as in the other, 4310. The idea of a person is turned, in the internal sense, into the idea of a thing, 5225. Several names of a person represent one person; and several names express one thing, 5095. The Divine Human of the Lord is the Name of Jehovah, 2628e. This arcanum is only mentioned, 2628e. The Name of Jehovah d. the Divine Human of the Lord: shown, 6887. What is sd. by the names of the Lord, Jesus Christ, 3004-3011. See CHRIST. By His Name is sd. everything in one complex by which the Lord is worshipped, 3006. The Name of God d. everything in one complex by which God is worshipped; thus the quality: shown, 2724. The Name of the Lord, or of Jehovah, d. everything of faith and charity, from which He is worshipped: shown, 6674:2. Jehovah is his Name d. that the Lord alone is He from whom are all things, 8274. The Name of the Lord d. every good of love and every truth of faith, which is from the Lord: shown, 9310. To take the Name of God into vanity d. to profane, blaspheme, and apply the Divine statutes to idolatrous worship, as the Jews did when they adored a calf, 8882.
Name s. essence, or what the quality is, 1754; essence, when used respecting the Lord, 3237. Names, in the Word, s. nothing else than things: illustrated by example, 1888; things, 10329. Name and to call by name d. to know what the quality is, 144, 145. By to call upon the Name of Jehovah is sd. all worship, 440. To call on the Name of God d. worship, 2724. To call, without a name, d. to be such: shown, 3221. What to make a name s., 1419.
[Nape. See CERVICAL.]
Naphtali (Naphtali). Naphtali, named from ‘wrestlings’ and ‘she wrestled,’ d., in the highest sense, one’s own power; in the internal sense, temptation in which he conquers; and, in the external sense, resistance from the natural man, 3928, 4608. Naphtali also s. the state after temptations: shown, 3928:3, 6412.
Nations, Gentiles (gentes, gentiles). See also PEOPLES, FAMILIES, TRIBE, HOUSE, STRANGERS. In the most ancient time a distinction was made between houses, families, and nations, 470, 1159, 1246. The reason why they thus dwelt distinct, 471, 483:2. In the earth Jupiter time inhabitants are distinguished into nations, families, and houses, 8117; similarly on this our earth in ancient times; and they were then accepted by the Lord; concerning which, 8118. The good with the nations is from the Lord; and the nations are more easily reformed (for they are in heaven) than Christians, 932:2, 1032:3. All, of whatsoever religion, may be saved; and the nations more than Christians, if only they have the remains of good, 2284e. The nations are in many truths, even more than Christians, and they can be easily imbued hereafter with the truths of faith, 2863:2, 3263:2. The nations, who are in mutual charity, are more easily saved than Christians, who are not in it; an experience, 4190:2. Something concerning the nations, 593. With the nations there is not so great a cloud as with the Christians, 1059:2. The Lord is equally present with them, in charity, 1059:2. With the nations the interiors are not closed, as they are with those who are within the Church, 9256:2. The good of the nations can be opened, and it is opened in the other life, with those who have lived in charity; it is otherwise with Christians who are not in charity, 4197. The nations cannot profane, and therefore their lot is better, 1327:4, 1328. The nations cannot profane holy things, as they who are within the Church do, 2051e. The nations may be in truths, but not in the truths of faith, though they who live in charity easily receive the truths of faith, 2049. The nations are not truly spiritual before they are instructed in the truths of faith; and those who have lived in good are instructed in the other life, and become spiritual, 2861. Truths with the nations are external appearances, from illusions of sense; but still they who are in good are saved; concerning which truths, 3778:2. The nations have external truths such as those of the Decalogue, and also internal truths by a certain reasoning, 4190. The nations, if they are in the good of works, are in the collateral line; if they are within the Church, they are in the direct line, 4189:3. Good with the nations is at the side, but with Christians it is in the direct line, 4197. The Church of the Lord is also among the nations, 3263:2. The Church is restored with the nations; why, 1366:2. A new Church is always established with the nations; the reason, 2986:2. A new Church is established with the nations, because the old is in a state that it cannot receive truth, 4747:3. A new Church is established with the nations, because they acknowledge the Lord: shown and illustrated, 9256:5. The nations were they who acknowledged a common father, 1362. There is conjunction of the nations with the Lord’s Divine Natural and Sensual, 4211. They were not to contract marriages with the nations lest they became idolaters, and evils and falsities were conjoined with goods and truths, 4444:4. Many who are learned in the truths of faith are in hell, and they who are not in truths and also who are in falsities are in hell, by reason that they are not in good: 8hown, 9192:2. They who are outside the Church are called foes, haters, and enemies, from spiritual disagreement, 9255, 9256. Charity ought to be exercised towards those who are outside the Church, 9256. After the loves of self and the world have entered and begun to reign, they are gathered together to dwell in cities, and to subject themselves to commands, that they may be secure, 7364e, 10130:3, 10814.
Concerning the state and condition, in the other life, of the nations and peoples outside the Church, 2589-2605. The general opinion is that they are not saved; concerning which, 2589. They who have lived the life of good are saved, 2590:2. What is the difference, in the other life, between gentiles and Christians, 2590:2; there are wise and simple; in ancient times they were wise, 2591. A discourse with a certain wise gentile concerning wisdom, intelligence, order, the Word, and the Lord, 2592. Concerning the wise of the Ancient Church; that their only manner of thinking, speaking, and writing was representative and significative, 2593. They who at the present day are simple, 2594. Gentiles are initiated into a choir within a few hours, 2595. Chinese gentiles, from their representations of choirs, are known; how far they were in the affection of charity; and that they dread Christians on account of their life, 2596, 2597. Concerning a gentile who heard of Micah; the quality of his affection of grief; and he rejected the idea of a graven image, 2598. Of a gentile who said he knew from good all truths, 2599. The gentiles are reformed according to their own religious system, and according to their state of life, 2600. Concerning those who build cities; they conceal an arcanum therein, and they give the cities, 2601. They who make themselves great, when they adore, immediately prostrate themselves as worms, and suppose their greatest God to be moving around on high and looking at all things, 2602. They who hove to be treated hardly that they may come to paradisiacal places; in what manner they are reformed, 2603. They say they are black in body, but dazzling white in soul, 2603. The gentiles are carried to some who were substituted for those whom they worshipped under an image, as an idol, 2604. Concerning those in the Ancient Church who became idolaters, 2605.
Nations s. in general voluntary and intellectual things, or goods and truths, 622, 1159:3, 1258; goods and evils in worship, 1259, 1260. Nation d. celestial good, thus the Lord’s kingdom; in the supreme sense, the Lord, 1416; good, 6005; good and evil, 1849. What is sd. by the nations which were driven out of the land of Canaan, 1868. What the nations despoiled and their goods possessed s., 2588:16. The assembly of the nations d. truths from good, and the Divine forms, 4574. Holy nation d. the Spiritual Kingdom, 8771. The sons of Israel in the land of Canaan rd. celestial things, and the nations there rd. infernal things; and they were on that account given to the curse; and the sons of Israel were forbidden to enter into a covenant with them, 6306. When nation and people are spoken of, by nation is understood they who are in celestial good; by people, they who are in spiritual good, 10288e. See PEOPLES.
[Nativity. See BIRTH.]
Nature, Natural (natura, naturale). The Natural World, or Nature. How perverse the world is, in that at the present time it attributes so much to nature, and nothing to the Lord, 3483. Neither from the light of nature, nor from natural theology is anything known respecting God and heaven; but all things are known from revelation: illustrated, 8944. In universal nature there are representatives of the Lord’s kingdom; an example, 2758. Universal nature is a theatre representative of the Lord’s kingdom, and this is a theatre representative of the Lord, 3483. Nature is a theatre representative of the Lord’s kingdom, 4939; because spiritual and celestial things terminate there, 4939. All things in nature represent and correspond: references, 9280. See REPRESENTATIONS and CORRESPONDENCES. Spiritual things are presented in natural, and correspondences and representations are therefrom, 2987-3002. See REPRESENTATIONS. Representatives in nature relate to the human form: illustrated, 10185. Actual representatives in nature are from the Lord’s influx, 1632. Man is so created that by means of him Divine things of the Lord descend into nature, and from nature, as it were, ascend, 3702. There is an endeavour in natural things from the spiritual world, without which nothing would exist that does exist, 5173:2. Whatever there is in nature had its rise and origin from those things which are in the spiritual world: shown, 8211:2.
Natural Man or Mind. The natural man, see also SCIENTIFIC and RATIONAL. By the natural simply spoken of is to be understood the natural mind, 5301. That the natural of man may live there must be an immediate influx from the Lord, and a mediate influx by means of the spiritual world, 6063:2. To the natural man pertain scientifics, the imaginative faculty, such things as are principally in childhood, and the natural affections which a man has in common with the brutes, 3020:2. The natural man is the elder of the house, and the administrator, 3020. Concerning the obedience of the natural; it then exists when it looks to heaven, not to the world, 5368. Concerning the subjugation of the natural, 6567. See REGENERATION. The natural is a plane in which influx terminates, therefore the old must be subjugated, and the new is given, when the man is regenerated, which is the spiritual-natural, 5651:2. Concerning the regeneration of the natural man, 8742-8747. The quality of the natural man not regenerated, and the quality of him regenerated, 8744, 8745. See REGENERATION. Man is not regenerated until the natural is, 9043, 9046e, 9061. Those things which are in the natural are relatively obscure, 6686. The whole natural is in falsity and evil in its outermost things, and there are no truths there, 7645. The natural communicates on the one part through sensual things with the world, and on the other part through rational things with heaven; and there are communicating intermediates, 4009. All things in the natural are arranged according to ends; concerning which, 4104:4. The natural is external, middle, and internal; concerning which, 4570:2. What the natural is exteriorly and interiorly: illustrated, 5497. The natural is interior and exterior; and man does not know this, but angelic societies know it well, 5649:3. The natural is interior, exterior, or middle, and outermost; and interior things cease end are at rest in exterior; they also have a connection with exterior things, 9216. In the interior there are thousands and thousands of things which appear as one in the exterior, 5707:2. The natural as to good is interior and exterior; concerning which, 3293; also as to truth it is interior and exterior, 3294. The natural, especially the interior, is a plane and as it were a surface in which the interiors see themselves; and otherwise a man could not think, 5165:2. In the natural there are both good and truth, 2184:7. The natural consists of good and truth, and its good is called delightful, but its truth is called scientific, 3293. The truths of the natural are sensual, scientific, and doctrinal; and these follow, 3309, 3310:4. The doctrinal truths are based upon the scientific truths, and these upon the sensual; otherwise the idea of doctrinals cannot be held, 3310e. In the natural there must be a marriage of good and truth; and what it is, 3793; and the natural is interior and exterior, 2793:2. The first affection of truth in the natural man is not that of genuine truth, but this comes successively, 3040.
Natural and Rational Man. With man there is a rational and a natural; the former is internal, the latter external, 5150:2. The natural is interior and exterior; and the interior communicates with the rational, and the exterior with the world, 5118, 5126. What the distinction of the natural and rational man is, 3020. The rational is distinct from the natural, so much so that the rational can exist apart from the natural life, but not the natural without the rational life, 3498. To man, while he hives in the body, it appears as if the rational lived in the natural; and the rational does not appear distinct from the natural, 3498:2. The natural is as a body, the end in the rational is as a soul, and the things which are in the natural are relatively as the body of their soul, 3570:3. Concerning the combat of man’s rational and natural; and what is the man’s quality if the former, or if the latter conquers, 2183:2. The natural is regenerated by means of the rational, and so far as the natural does not fight against the rational it is regenerated, 3286. The natural is regenerated from rational good as a father, and from rational truth as a mother, 3286, 3288. The rational receives truths sooner than the natural, because the natural is to be regenerated by means of influx from the rational, 3321. The rational receives truths and goods sooner than the natural, 4612:2. Several reasons why the natural is regenerated later, and with more difficulty, than the rational, 3321:3. The rational is regenerated sooner than the natural; why, 3493. Unless the natural is regenerated, the rational cannot produce anything of truth and good, 4588. The natural must be regenerated before it can he conjoined to the rational; the reason, 4612:4. The good of the rational flows into the good of the natural immediately, and into the truth of the natural mediately; and this is signified by Isaac loved Esau, and Rebekah loved Jacob, 3314, 3573, 3616, 3969:2. From the inmost good of the rational the goods and truths in the natural come forth, 3576. Concerning this see TRUTH and REGENERATION. It is the rational whence the seeds of good and truth are, and the natural whence the ground is, 3671. The rational appears to itself to see nothing, unless the natural corresponds, 3493:2, 3620, 3623. In the natural there are general things, in the rational their particulars; and the natural is formed from the particulars of the rational, 3513. The rational man thinks in the natural; concerning which, 3679:2. See THOUGHT. The rational lives in the natural: illustrated, 4618:3. The natural is beneath the rational; and if they harmonise, the natural is nothing but the formation of those things which are in the rational as being common, 4667:2. Unless this natural is subordinate, and thus in correspondence, the interior man cannot think, thus cannot believe anything, nor have faith, 5168:2. The natural does not look forward to, and do anything from itself (although it so appears), but from the interior, 5286. The Divine Natural of the Lord came forth from the Divine Rational Good by means of the Divine Truth therein, 3283.
Natural and Spiritual Man. Concerning the internal and external man, or the natural and spiritual man, 9701-9709. See INTERNAL. What the spiritual and the natural man are, or what is the same, the internal and the external: the spiritual man is wise from the light of heaven, and the natural from the light of the world, 3167. By the fall they were separated, and the natural man exalts himself above the spiritual; wherefore there must be regeneration, 3167. Whence it is that the internal man is called spiritual, and the external, natural, 9383. The internal hives in the natural man, but it clothes itself with those things by means of which it can accomplish the effect in a lower sphere, 6275, 6284; illustrated, 6299:2. The natural is opposed to the spiritual: illustrated, 3913:3, 3928. Nothing appears to the natural man that is in the spiritual, unless there is a correspondence and medium; and conversely all things which are in the natural appear to the spiritual, 5427, 5428:2, 5477. The natural is in the light of the world; the spiritual, in the light of heaven; the former is the external of the Church, the latter is the internal, 5965. The natural must necessarily be regenerated that influx may be through the internal, otherwise the internal is closed, 6299:3. The natural man separated from the internal cannot endure a spiritual sphere, 9109. Temptation is combat between the natural and the spiritual man, 3927, 3928. Purifications and evacuations of the internal man take place in the natural: illustrated, 9572. The natural is constituted of the spiritual with the regenerated, as effect is of cause 5326. The life of the natural, although in good, does not give salvation, but the life of faith, which is spiritual life: illustrated, 8772. There must be a correspondence of the natural man with the spiritual, or internal, that man may be regenerated; and a man is not regenerated until the natural is regenerated: references, 9325e. The spiritual is prior, and the natural posterior: illustrated, 5013. There are with everyone an internal, a rational, and a natural, 2181.
Natural Degree. In man there are three things,-the corporeal, the natural, and the rational; and they communicate, 4038. The celestial, spiritual, and natural follow each other in order; concerning which, 9992, 10005; but the good of love, of charity, and of faith follow in their own order, 4938, 4939, 9992, 10005, 10017:2, 10266. The celestial, spiritual, and natural succeed each other, 8802. Every natural is from a spiritual, thence from a celestial, thus from the Lord, 775. The natural is the ultimate of order, 4240. Celestial things are the head, spiritual things the body, and natural things the feet; and thus they succeed and flow in, 4938, 4939. In the natural of the memory, as in their own ground, are implanted the cognitions of truth and good by means of life, 3762:2. Natural good and truth are of a twofold origin-from hereditary nature and from doctrine; the former is good and truth, natural not spiritual; but the latter is good and truth natural-spiritual: illustrated, 4988:2, 4992. Concerning natural good, which is of a fourfold kind, and is extirpated when a man is regenerated, 3470, 3471. See GOOD. The distinction between natural good and the good of the natural; the former is from parents, the latter from the Lord, 3518. Concerning those who are in natural good and not at the same time in spiritual good; and their lot in the other life, relatively to those who are in spiritual good; or in good from religion; concerning which, 5116. They who do good from natural good, and not from religious doctrine, cannot be saved; concerning whom, 6208; they have no conscience into which angels flow, 6208. The quality of those who do good from natural disposition alone; they cannot be in heaven, 8002. A life according to natural good does not save, but a life according to the precepts of faith and charity, 7197. Spiritual truth agrees with natural truth in ultimates; and then there is not conjunction, but only affinity: illustrated, 5008, 5028. Concerning faith merely natural; it is sensual faith, the faith of miracles and authority, and is not of the Lord; but the truth of innocence is therein, 8078.
Naturally-Minded Men. Who have only a natural idea respecting spiritual things, and who have a sensual idea; and they do not acknowledge spiritual things, 4046. The merely natural sicken at those things which belong to heaven, and at the bare mention of spiritual things; from experience, 5006:2. The natural do not regard spiritual good and truth but as a servant, 5013, 5025. They who are purely natural have something hairy in the place of a face, 5571. Concerning the Dutch; some of them are purely natural, 5573. A stench of teeth, and the odour of burnt bone are smelt from those who are altogether natural, 4630. The natural are unseen; who they are, 4630. The natural dwell beneath the feet and soles, where the lower earth is, 4940-4951. Concerning those who ascribe all things to nature, and nothing to the Divine, 4941. The largest part of Christians are sent into the lower earth, because they are natural, 4944. They who ascribe all things to nature, and speak of a Supreme Being, cannot have an idea of a living Deity, 4950.
Siqnifications. The natural man is the servant, and all things which are therein are services, 3019. Washings d. purifications of the external, or natural man: illustrated, 3147.
Nazarite (Naziraeus). Why the Nazarites had long hair, 3301:3; whence Samson had his strength; it was because it is truth that fights, before it becomes good; and this was strongly with the celestial man; on that account chiefly he rd. the Lord, 3301:4. See also HAIR. The Nazarites rd. the Lord as to the Divine Human, especially as to His Divine Natural, and therefrom the celestial man, 3301:3. Nazarites d. the Divine Truth in ultimates, 9407:9. A Nazarite rd. the Lord’s Divine Natural: shown, 6437. The crown of a Nazarite’s head d. the exteriors, 6437.
Near (propinquus). See To APPROACH. To be near d. perpetual conjunction, 5911. Near d. that it first presents itself, 8094. To approach and be near d. conjunction and presence: illustrated and shown, 9506:3. To approach towards God d. to think about the Divine by means of the faith of charity, 6843.
Nebaioth (Nebajoth). Nebaioth and Kedar d. those things which are of the spiritual Church, especially with the nations: shown, 3268, 3686. Nebaioth d. the affection of celestial truth, or of spiritual good, 3688.
Neck (collum). The neck c. to the influx of the Celestial Kingdom into the Spiritual Kingdom, 9913, 9914:2. Neck d. influx, the communication of higher and lower things, and thence conjunction: shown, 3542:2; the conjunction of interior with exterior things, in particular, of celestial with spiritual things, 5320, 5328:2. Bonds of the neck d. a stopping, or interception, of good and truth, thus vastation, thus also bondage, 3542:4, 3603. To fall upon the neck d. close and inmost conjunction, 5926, 6033. To break the neck d. to separate and to throw out, 8079. Stiff-necked d. not to receive influx from the Lord; why, 10429. Pillows (cervicalia) d. the most general communication, 3695, 3725.
Neck, To Break the (decollare). See NECK.
Necklace (torques). Necklace upon the neck d. a representative of the conjunction of interior things with exterior, 5320. [See also NOSE-RING.
Needlework. See EMBROIDERY.]
Needy (egenus). See POOR.
[Negative. See under AFFIRMATIVE.]
Neighbour (proxrimus). He who thinks evil against anyone is among infernals; he who thinks good is among the heavenly, 1680. From the doctrinal statement of charity, not from that of faith, it may be known what the neighbour is; and the Ancient Church knew this; thus what the poor, orphans, widows, etc., are, 2417:4. Who is neighbour to those who are in the affection of truth; who is neighbour to those who are in the affection of good; and who is neighbour to those who are in evil, 2425:2. The neighbour is every man, a society, a country, the Church, the Lord’s kingdom, and the Lord above all things; thus what is good and righteous, 8123. A good person is the neighbour; and in what manner an evil person is, 8120, 8121. Good is the neighbour that ought to be loved: illustrated, 10336:4. To love good and truth for the sake of good and truth is to love God, 10310. To do good and truth for the sake of good and truth is to love God above all things and the neighbour as oneself, 10336:4. Something concerning the neighbour, 3820:3. Concerning the neighbour, 6703-6712, 6818-6824, 6933-6938. It is supposed that everyone is equally the neighbour, when yet there are distinctions, 6704. The ancients reduced the neighbour into classes, and taught in what manner charity was to be exercised towards one and another, 6705. With Christians the Lord is He from whom the neighbour is, thus is the good which is from Him, 6706, 6711. The distinctions of neighbour are according to the quality of good, thus according to the Lord’s presence, 6707, 6708. Each is the neighbour according to the quality of his love, because according to the quality of good, 6709; illustrated, 6710. Every man is the neighbour, but in a different manner, 6818. A society greater or less is more the neighbour, with the like difference, 6819, 6820. One’s country is the neighbour still more; why, 6819, 6821. The Church is even still more the neighbour, 6819, 6822. The neighbour is loved if he is led to good, 6822. The Lord’s kingdom is yet more the neighbour, 6819, 6823. The Lord is the neighbour above all, 6819, 6824. How the case is with this: that everyone is a neighbour to himself, and should at first consider himself, 6933, 6938. Everyone is a neighbour to himself, not in the first place, but in the last, 6933. Everyone should provide for himself, that he might have the necessities of life, and be in a state to exercise charity, 6934. If this be for sell in the first place, the end is evil, 6935; illustrated by the fact that the body ought to be provided for, for the sake of the mind (that a healthy mind may be in a healthy body), and this ought to be imbued with wisdom, and thus be provided for, that it may serve the Lord, 6936; illustrated also by a house, insomuch that the foundation ought to be the first, though habitation is the first and last end, and so the foundation is the means, 6937. The case is similar with honours in the world, which are to be sought, not for the sake of self, but for the neighbour, 6938.
The Lord, in the supreme sense, is the neighbour, 2425:3; and from Him is good, with discrimination, 3419:3. The common good is the neighbour, and, in the supreme sense, the Lord, 2425:3. The neighbour d. good: illustrated, 5067.
Nephilim (Nephilim). The Nephilim were in the land of Canaan, 567. They were called Anakim and Rephaim, 581. Respecting the antediluvians in hell, see FLOOD. Falsity with those who infest was direful before the Lord’s coming, on account of the Nephilim, 7686:2. The Nephilim were cast into hell by the Lord, when He was in the world, 7686:2. Nephilim d. those who, from their own persuasion of height and pre-eminence, made nothing of holy things and truths, who also were imbued with dire persuasions, 581. Rephaim, Susim, and Emim d. false persuasions, 1673.
Nerve (nervus). Ends are represented by the beginnings of fibres; thoughts therefrom, by fibres; and acts therefrom, by nerves, 5189e. Nerves d. truths: shown, 4303. The nerve of what is put out upon the hollow of the thigh d. falsity, 4303:2.
Net (rete). See also SNARE. A sieve, a network which was around the altar, d. the sensual: illustrated, 9726.
[Nettle (urtica). A place abandoned to the nettle d. vastated good; and a pit of salt d. vastated truth, 2455:3. A place abandoned to the nettle d. the ardour and burning of man’s life from the love of self, 10300:6.
Net-Work. See under ALTAR and NET.
Nigh. See NEAR.]
Night. (nox). In heaven there are evening and twilight, but not night, which is in hell, 6110:6. Night d. a state of shade, 1712; also the literal sense of the Word, 3438; obscurity as to truth, and also falsity, and the last time of the Church: shown, 6000; damnation, 7851; a state of evil, 7870; a state of falsity from evil, 7947; a state of obscurity, 8199. It is night when it is the last time, and then there is nothing but falsity and evil, 2353. What the first of the night is; it d. the first time of visitation, 2345. The middle of the night d. total devastation, 7776. The vision of the night d. obscure revelation: shown, 6000. Day d. a state of faith, night d. a state of no faith, 221:2, 709. The changes with the regenerated, as to voluntary things, are as summer and winter, but as to intellectual things, they are as day and night, 935, 936. [To pass the night in the street d. to judge from truth, 2335. See To PASS THE NIGHT.]
Nile, River (Nilus fluvius). See RIVER.
Nimrod (Nimrod). What Nimrod s., 1175, 1179.
Nine (novem). What nine or ninety-nine s., when they come before ten and a hundred, 1988. Nine s. conjunction, 2075.
Ninety (nonaginta). What ninety-nine s., 1988. Ninety s. conjunction, 2075.
Nineveh (Ninive). Nineveh s. falsities, but from the illusions of the senses, 1188.
No One, or None (nemo vel nullus). No one, or none d. the purely negative, 5225, 5253, 5310.
Noah (Noachus). [See also ARK.] Noah is so called from rest 851e. The quality of the man of the Church called Noah, 736, 773. Concerning those who were called Noah; what their quality was; they were like the Jews, fluctuating, 788. How Noah was represented, 1126. The nakedness of Noah is explained, 9960. See NAKEDNESS.
[Noise. See BLAST.]
None (nullus). See NO ONE.
[Noon. See Mid-Day.]
North (septentrio). The north d. an obscure state as to truth, in the good sense: shown, 3708; and a dark state, thus a state of falsity, in the opposite sense, 3708:4. What the north, south, east, and west signify, 1605. The east and west d. states of good, north and south d. states of truth: shown, 3708.
Nose (nasus). Continuation concerning the Grand Man and concerning the correspondence of smell and the nostrils, with him, 4624-4634. They pertain to the province of the nostrils who are in general perception, 4624, 4625. Holes appear to those who relate to the interiors of the nostrils; described from experience, 4627. Who they are who relate to the mucus of the nostrils, and their quality; and they insinuate themselves insidiously with those who constitute the interiors of the nostrils, and are cast down, 4627:3. What to breathe through the nostrils s., and what inspiration is, 96, 97. The nose d. the life of good, from respiration, and from smell, 3103; therefore a nose-ring was given to a bride, and placed upon the nose, 3103. The wind of the nostrils of Jehovah d. life from the Divine, and heaven: shown, 8286.
Nose-Ring (monile). Nose-rings and bracelets were given to brides; the nose-ring upon the nose sd. good, the bracelets upon the hand sd. truth, because these constitute the Church, 3103, 3105. Ear-rings were tokens representative of obedience; and they were of two kinds, those which were worn above the nose and rd. good, which were nose-rings; and those which were worn on the ears, and which rd. actual truths and falsities, because they were of obedience, 4551. Ear-rings d. the tokens of obedience and of apperception: shown, 10402. See EAR and BRACELETS.
Nostrils (nares). See NOSE.
[Nourish, To. See To SUSTAIN.]
Novitiate (novitius). A certain novitiate, 1708.
[Now (nunc). See under TO-DAY.]
Number (numerus). See also To NUMBER. Years and numbers do not signify years and numbers, 482, 487. The most ancient people made a computation of ecclesiastical matters in numbers, 575.
Numbers s. spiritual and celestial things, 647, 648, 755, 813; things, 1963, 1988, 2075, 2252, 10127:2. Numbers in the Word s. things: illustrated, 4264, 6175, 9659; references, 9488, 10127:2. All numbers s. things: shown; and from experience, 4495:2, 5265:2. Number d. the quality and state of a thing: shown, 10217:9. Multiplied numbers signify the same as simple numbers, 5291; exemplified, 5335, 5708, 7973. The half of each number d. the corresponding quantity, as much as is sufficient, and somewhat, 10255:2. What the number 666 s., 10217:8. The numbers of the years of an age, in the Word, also s. things and states, 4670:2. Mortals of number d. easily, 4518.
Number, To (numerare). To number d. ordination and arrangement; and to number the Israelites d. to ordain and arrange the truths and goods of faith and love: illustrated and shores, 10217, 10218.
Numerous (numerosum). Great is predicated respecting good; numerous, respecting truth, 2227.
Nurse, One who gives Suck, Suckling (lactatrix, lactans, lactens). Nurse d. the insinuation of good: shown, 6740; the insinuation of innocence by means of the celestial-spiritual, and also hereditary evil, 4563. A suckling and one who gives suck, or a nurse, d. innocence: shown, 3183. Sucklings d. those recently born, who have not yet gained Divine life, 4378. To give suck d. to insinuate good: shown, 6745. A land flowing with milk and honey d. pleasantness and delight, 6857. See INFANT.
Nurse, Wet (nutrix). See NURSE.
Nut (nux). Turpentine nuts d. the goods of life corresponding to the truths of natural good, 5622.
Nymph (nympha). See BUTTERFLY and WORM.
Oak (quercus). To hide under an oak d. in perpetuity, 4552. Oak d. the truths and goods which are in the lowest things of the natural, and, in the opposite sense, the falsities and evils therein: shown, 4552; what is entangled, 4552.
Oak-Grove (quercetum). See OAK. Oak-groves s. perceptions, but from scientifics, 2144. The oak-grove of Moreh d. the Lord’s first perception; what oak-grove signifies, 1442, 1443. The oak-groves of Mamre d. interior perception, 1616, [2144.]
[Oath, See To SWEAR.]
Obey, To, Obedience (obedire, obedientia). To hearken to the voice d. the union of the Lord’s Divine Essence with His Human by means of temptations: shown, 3381. Concerning the Hebrew servants and freemen, or lords: illustrated, 8990:3. Hebrew servants d. those who act from the obedience of faith, or from truths, and not from a corresponding good; but freemen and lords d. those who act from the affection of charity, 8987. The distinction between them, 8987, 8988. There is no knowledge of the distinction to-day; why, 8987:3. To bore through the ear at the door d. to assign to perpetual obedience, 8990.
Obscure (obscurum). Natural and spiritual obscurity; what the difference is; and spiritual obscurity is from the falsity of evil, ignorance of truth, and in exterior things being preferred to interior things, 5092. See also THICK DARKNESS, DARKNESS, SHADE.
Obscurity is where truths are exterminated; and this obscurity can be enlightened, but not obscurity from falsities, 5219.
Observe, To, Ordinances (observare, observanda). Ordinances d. all the things of the Word in general: shown, 3382. To observe [the ordinance] is the same as to keep those things which are to be kept, 3382:3.
Obsession (obsessio). There are not external obsessions at the present time, but internal, by sirens, 1983:4. There are interior obsessions at the present time; concerning which, 4793. Whence obsessions are; spirits flow in from their own exterior memory, 2477:2, 2478. Sirens attempt to obsess the interiors of man, 4793. Adulterers wish more than others to obsess man, 2752. Adulterous and cruel spirits wish to flow into the corporeal things of man, thus to obsess him, but they are kept shut up in the hells, 5990. An evil man is obsessed interiorly as to thoughts, and only restrained by means of external bonds, 5990.
[Odour. See SCENT.
Offering. See PRESENT.]
Oil (oleum). See OLIVE and ANOINTING. The reason why aromatic oil was made was on account of agreeable perception, 9474:2 The aromatics from which the oil of anointing was made, pertain to the celestial class: shown, 10254:3. They poured oil upon the head of a pillar to d. the good from which is truth, 3728. The olive s. the good of charity; oil s. the celestial of love: shown, 886. Oil d. the good of love; and by setting up a pillar, offering a drink-offering, and pouring oil upon it was rd. the progress of the Lord’s glorification, and of man’s regeneration, from truth to celestial good, 4582. Oil of the olive d. good both celestial and spiritual: shown, 9780; Divine Celestial Good, 10261. Where the ten virgins are spoken of, lamps d. truths; and oil d. good, 4638:3.
Ointment (unguentum). See To ANOINT, [and SPICE.]
Old, Old Age, Elder (senex, senectus, senior). From a boy to an old man d. recent and confirming things, 2348. Old man d. wisdom in which is innocence, 3183. Old d. what is new of life, 4620; illustrated from experience, 4676. What it is to be buried in a good old age; and what old age s., in the internal sense, 1854. What old age s., 2198:2. Old age d. to put off the human, 2198, 3016; what is new of representation, 3254; the putting off of a former state and the putting on of a new one, 3492; the end of a representation, 6257. Elders d. the principal things of wisdom, thus the things which agree with good, and old men d. wisdom: shown, 6524. Elders also d. the things which agree with truth, 6625; the intelligent, 6890; those who are in good from truths, 9404; those who are in the external sense alone, 9421. The elders of Israel d. primary truths, 8578, 8585. Moses called the elders of Israel d. that they had enlightenment of the understanding who are of the spiritual Church, 7912. Seventy elders d. the principal truths of the Church, 9376.
Olive and Olive Tree (oliva et olea). The olive d. the good of charity; oil d. the celestial of love: shown, 886. See OIL. The olive d. celestial love, and the olive tree d. the perception and affection of that love: shown, 10261. The vine d. the good of the spiritual Church, and the olive tree d. the good of the celestial Church: shown, 9277:4.
Olive Tree, Olivet (alea, Olivetum). See OIL and OLIVE.
Omer (omer). Omer d. as much as is sufficient: illustrated, 8468, 8473. See HOMER. Omer d. power, 8473.
Omnipotence (omnipotentia). Omnipotence is predicated respecting the quantity of magnitude, concerning the Divine Will, concerning the Divine Love, and the Infinite Good therefrom; but omniscience is predicated respecting the quantity of multitude, concerning the Divine Intelligence, and concerning the Divine Truth, 3934.
Omniscience (omniscientia). See OMNIPOTENCE.
Onan (Onan). Onan, the son of Judah, rd. evil from the falsity of evil, 4823, 4824, 4836, 4837.
Once (semel). Once in a year d. perpetually, 10209.
One (unum). Every one thing is from several harmonious things; and the whole heaven forms one, 457, 687. The Trine is one: namely, the Divine Itself, the Human Divine, and the Proceeding, 2149, 2156. All things are kept in connection and form when they have respect to one end, 9828. One and a half d. what is full, 9488, 9489. One d. something, when it is a half, 9530.
Onycha (onycha). Fragrant onycha d. the affection of interior natural truth, 10293.
Onyx Stone (schoham lapis). What the onyx s., see STONE. Onyx stones d. the truths of faith from love, 9476, 9872:3; what further, 9873:7. See JASPER and BERYL.
Oppress, To (opprimere). To afflict d. to infest by falsities of doctrine; to oppress d. to infest by evils of life, 9196.
[Oracles (oracula), 1574e. See Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture, 44.]
Order (ordo). See INFLUX and DEGREE. Principles of Order. What wisdom, intelligence, and order are, from a wise gentile, 2592. What successive order is: illustrated from fruits; the interior and exterior things are distinct, and yet conjoined, 8603. How the case is with successive order according to degrees, 10099. See DEGREES. The laws of order are the Divine truths and the statutes in externals, 7995. He who is led by the Lord by means of good, is led according to order, and is in the Lord, 8512. See also BACKWARDS. There is an opening from the Lord to him who is in Divine order, and a closing to him who is not in Divine order, 8513. Evil is contrary to order, and good is in order; and so far as men are in evil, or contrary to order, they appear in the other life as monsters, but so far as they are in good, or in order, they appear as men, 4839:2. Order is, that truths and goods which are directly under the view of the internal sight are in the middle, as, comparatively, are the things which are directly under the external sight; concerning which, 6068. Higher things are together in the ultimate of order, 3739. Everything is possible which is according to Divine order, and impossible which is against it: illustrated, 8700:2.
Order of Influx. What the order of influx is, see INFLUX. The order of influx and of instruction is from scientifics, in which intellectual and celestial things present themselves, 1495:2. The order of influx about instruction, 1495:2.
Order in Relation to the Divine. The Lord is order itself thus above order in the heavens, 1919:4. The Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord makes order, and is order, 8700:2, 8988:3. The Divine Truth is order, and the Divine Good is the essential of order, 1728. The essential thing of order is the Divine Good, which raises all into heaven, and the second thing is Divine Truth, which condemns all to hell; concerning which, 2258:2. All order is from the Lord, and all things are ruled from good and truth; its laws are therefrom; and they are ruled from will, good-pleasure, leave, and permission, 2447:2. Where order is, there the Lord is present, and where the Lord is present, there life is, 5703:2. Where order is not, there the Lord is not, 5703:2. The universal, in which are the most particular things, proceeding from the Lord, arranges all things into order, in general and in every part, 6338.
Order in Heaven and Human Society. The order of heaven is a life of uses, and doctrine, so far as it is from that life, 7884. The order of heaven, after the Lord began to govern heaven and earth from His own Divine Human, 7931:2. Order cannot be kept in the world without governors, 10790. If there were no governors the human race would perish, 10791; among the governors there ought to be order, 10792.
Goods and Truths arranged in Order. Concerning the order in which truths must be, that they may enter into good, 4302:3. The man who is being regenerated has many falsities mixed with truths which are arranged into order, when he is regenerated, and acts from good; the truths are then in the inmost, and the falsities are rejected to the ultimate circumferences; it is contrariwise with the evil, 4551, 4552:2. Scientifics which are in genuine order, are arranged to the form of heaven, but those who are in inverted order, are arranged to the form of hell, 5700:2.
[Ordinances. See To OBSERVE.]
Ordure (stercus). See EXCREMENT.
[Ornament. See ADORNMENT.]
Orphan (pupillus). In the celestial sense, orphan d. one who is in good, but not yet in truth, and who is led by means of truth into the good of life, or of wisdom, 4544:5, 9198. In the spiritual sense orphan d. one who is in truth, and not yet in good, and still desires good: shown, 9199. What in the opposite sense, 9207. When a sojourner, widow, and orphan are spoken of, in one sense, they d. the reciprocal conjunction of good and truth within the Church, 9200.
[Ouches. See SOCKETS.]
Oven (clibanus). Oven d. the delights of the affections, and, in the opposite sense, the delights of lusts in the natural: shown, 7356.
Oven (furnus). See FURNACE.
Over Against (obviam). See To MEET (occurrere).
[Own. See PROPRIUM.]
Ox, Bullock (bos, juvencus). [See also under ASS. Ox s. the good of the Church, 4502:2; the natural, or external, good of charity, 6357; the affection of natural good, 8912, 8937; the affection of good in the natural, and, in the opposite sense, the affection of evil in the natural, 9065, 9083. Oxen d. goods in their own power, 10236:5.] Oxen, the sons of an ox, and bullocks, in the Word and in sacrifices, s. celestial-natural things, 2180. [Ox and bullock s. goods of the natural, 5642. Oxen by which ploughing was done s. goods in the natural, 5895. Beasts which constituted the herd, as oxen and bullocks, in the sacrifices, sd. the external goods of charity and goods of the external man, 5913. An ox wont to attack with his horn d. an affection of evil, 9070. A live ox s. the affection of truth which injured another’s affection of truth, 9092. A dead ox d. the affection of evil and falsity in the natural, 9094. The ox of an enemy d. the good of the external man, not genuine, 9255. Twelve oxen drinking at the brazen sea s. all the goods of the natural and sensual man in the complex, 10235:6. Cows, or heifers s. truths of the natural; oxen, or bullocks s. goods of the natural, 5198. By an ox and an ass are sd. the natural man as to good and truth, 2781:10. Ox d. exterior natural good, and ass d. exterior natural truth, 4244. Ox or ass d. good or truth in the natural 9086.] Flock d. rational goods, herd d. natural goods, 2566. [Flock s. interior good, herd s. exterior natural good, 5913.]
Padan-Aram (Padan Ararn). Padan-Aram d. the cognitions of truth, 3664; the cognitions of good, 3680; the cognitions of both, 4107. Padan d. a state of cognitions, 6242.
Pain (dolor). Pain after circumcision d. lusts, 4496. Grief d. anxiety of heart, or of the will, 5887. [Pains are felt in various places of the skull, from falsities which are from lusts, 5563.
Pairs. See TWO.]
Palaces (palatia). See HOUSE. Towns and palaces which were seen in the other life, 1626, 1627. The decorations of the steps, and of the gates seen, 1627, 1628. The rich who are without charity first dwell in palaces, but afterwards in meaner houses, and at length they seek aid, 1631. They who are of the Most Ancient Church dwell in magnificent palaces, 1116.
Pall as (Pall as). Pallases with the ancients; whence they were, 4658:5.
Palm Tree (palma arbor). Palm tree d. spiritual good, or the good of truth: shown, 8369.
[Palms. See HAND.]
Pancreas (pancreas). Who correspond to the pancreas, 5184. Who correspond to the pancreatic, the hepatic, and the cystic ducts, 5185.
Pannicle (panniculus). Pannicle d. lowest truth, 4875.
Paps. See BREASTS.]
Parables (paraboics). In the Lord’s parables all things are Divine, and thence celestial and spiritual, 4637.
[Paracleto. See COMFORTER.]
Paradise (paradisus). Whence were the paradisiacal things of the Most Ancient Church, 1122. Paradisiacal things in the other life; their beauty and representations; these delight angels, 1622. Infants walk in paradisiacal gardens; concerning which, 2296. When angels discourse on the things relating to intelligence and wisdom, paradises, vineyards, and forests are represented, 3220. The sight of the eye corresponds to those societies which are in paradisiacal places, 4528. How magnificent paradisiacal places are; a description from experience, 4528, 4529.
Parallelism (parallelismus). What the parallelism is as to celestial things; it is given, 1831. There is no parallelism between the Lord and man as to spiritual things, 1832, 3514. There is a parallelism between interior and exterior good, not between interior good and exterior truth, unless it be such as when it is in genuine order, 3564.
Paran (Paran). What Mount Paran s., 1675:2, 1676. Paran d. the Divine Human of the Lord with respect to the spiritual: shown, 2714.
Parasite (parasita). See FLATTERY.
Particulars (particularia). See GENERAL.
Partition (panes). Partitions d. interior, or middle things: illustrated, 10185.
Pass Over, To (transire). To pass over d. to be saved, 8321, 8322. What further to pass over s., 8321, 8322. To pass over before d. to lead and to teach, 8577.
Pass the Night, To (pernoctare). To pass the night d. to have peace, 3170; to live in obscurity, 3693; also tranquillity; and what that is, 4213. To pass the night in the street d. to judge from truth, 2335.
Passover (pascha). The passover was instituted on account of the deliverance from Egypt, thus on account of the deliverance of the spiritual from damnation, by the Lord, 7093:6. Concerning the feast of unleavened things, or the passover, 9286-9292. See FESTIVAL. The feast of passover was instituted for the remembrance of the glorification of the Lord’s Human, and of the deliverance from evils and from the falsities of evil, and was a rejoicing on account of it, 10655:3. The statutes of the passover are the laws of order for those who are delivered from damnation, 7995. The passover d. the Lord’s presence and the deliverance of those who are of the spiritual Church by means of the Lord’s Divine Human when He rose again, 7867. To eat the passover d. to be one with them, thus to be consociated, 8001. The paschal supper rd. consociations in heaven, 7996, 7997.
Pasture (pascuum). Pasture d. that which sustains the spiritual life of man, 6078; the scientifics in which are the goods of truth, 6078.
Pasture, To (pascere). See SHEPHERD.
[Path. See WAY.
Pattern. See FORM.
Pawn, To. See PLEDGE.]
Peace (pax). See also TRANQUILLITY. The nature of a state of peace, 92, 93. Peace is like dawn or spring, 1726. Peace in the heavens is like dawn on the earths, 2780. Peace is the universal reigning inmostly in the heavens, and it insensibly affects all with blessedness, as the spring and dawn, 5662:2. This peace is not given, except when lusts are taken away, for these destroy peace and place rest in unrest: illustrated, 5662:2. What peace is, is described; it is the inmost affecting lower things, and it is the Divine Truth in heaven from the Lord, 8455. The conjunction of good and truth is effected in a state of peace, 8517e. Man, when he is in good, is in peace, and not so when yet in truth, 8722. All unrest is from evil and falsity, but peace is from good and truth, 3170. The truth of faith has its rise from the truth of peace, 8456.
Peace, in the supreme sense, d. the Lord; in the representative sense, His kingdom, and good which is from the Lord there, thus the Divine of the Lord affecting good from the inmost: shown, 3780:2. See also TRANQUILLITY. Peace d. the Lord, His kingdom, and a life in that kingdom, or salvation, and it d. health in the world, 4681. Peace, when used with respect to the Divine in heaven, d. a Divine celestial state, 8665. The peaceable d. concord as to doctrine, 4479.
A state of tranquillity is a state of external peace, 3696. All who are being regenerated are at first in that state, and also at last, 3696. See REGENERATION. By sabbath is sd. peace in the heavens and on the earths, because it d. the union of the Lord’s Human and His Divine in Him, and the conjunction of man with Him, 10730:2.
[Peculiar Treasure. See SPECIAL TREASURE.
Peeling (decorticatio). What peeling s., 4015.
Peg (paxillus). See KEY.
Peleg (Peleg). What is sd. by Peleg, 1345.
Penalty (poena). [See also under ANGEL.] Concerning infernal penalties, see HELL. The infernals desire nothing more than to punish and torment, 695. All penalty is turned into good and use by the Lord, 696. Concerning different penalties in the other life, 955. The penalty of tearing; that those enduring it become as a rag, and are carried about in the view of the angels, 956. The penalties of rending; for whom, 957; and their quality, 958, 961. The penalty of conglutination; for whom, and their quality, 960. The penalty of rending as to thoughts, 962. The throwing on of a veil; for whom, and its quality, 963. The wrapping of the rag; its quality, 964. They [who are in hell] cannot be tormented as to conscience, 965. Penalties are not endured on account of hereditary, but actual, evils, 966. Angels are present who moderate penalties, 967. Angels cannot take penalty away, 967. In evil there is penalty; from experience, 696, 697, 1857:2, 6559. The punishment of those who constitute the sphincter of the bladder, or urethra, which extends itself upward in the form of a cone, 5389. It was usual with the gentiles to punish all the companions and the whole house on account of the crime of one; the reason that it is so done with the evil in the other life, but with man it is against the Divine Law, 5764. There is a law of retaliation, whence in this manner there is penalty in evil, and in good there is remuneration: illustrated, 8214.
Peniel (Penid). Peniel d. a state of temptations, 4298; in the internal historical sense, a state that they should put on representations, 4310.
[Penitence. See REPENTANCE.]
Penuel (Penuel). Penuel d. a state of truth in good, 4301. When he passed over Penuel d., in the historical sense, when he came into the land of Canaan, 4313.
Peoples (populi). Peoples d. truths and falsities, 1259, 1260. People also s. the good of truth, but which in its first existence is truth, 3295, those who are of the spiritual Church; nation, those who are of the celestial Church, 10288e. Peoples d. the truths of the Church, and also the truths of good, but the latter is expressed by another, though a related word, 3581. The people of the land d. those who are of the spiritual Church, 2928. What to be gathered to the fathers, or to the peoples, s., 3255. See SOCIETY. To be gathered to his own people d. to be in the goods and truths of the lower natural, 6451, 6465. Gathered to the peoples, when used with respect to representatives, means that it no longer relates to him, 3255, 3276. Gathered to the peoples d. to his own in the other life, and to the truths and goods in which they are, 4619. Unto an assembly of peoples d. to an indefinite increase, 6232. To receive to himself for a people d. to be added to those in heaven who serve the Lord there; concerning those there who are of the spiritual Church, 7207. By servants and people are sd. all and each, 7396.
Perception (perceptio). See COMMUNICATION and CONSCIENCE. Concerning perception; its quality, 495, 503, 521, 536. What perception is, 104. Perception is something other than thought, though thought is from perception, 1919. There are innumerable kinds of perceptions, as in heaven, 483. Perceptions are exterior and interior more and more, 2145. Perception is more and more interior, 2171. Perception is clearer in proportion as it is interior, 5920. Concerning the Lord’s perception, and perception in general; whence it is, 1616. The quality of the Lord’s perception, 1791; and it is above all perception, 1919:3. Why the union of the Lord’s Divine Essence with the Human Essence, and His perception and thought, are so much treated of in the internal sense; it is for the angels, 2249.
Celestial Perception. The perception of the Most Ancient Church; its nature and whence it was, 125, 495, 503, 521. Concerning the perception of the Most Ancient Church; its nature, 597, 607. There was a communication of the Most Ancient Church with heaven; whence there was perception, which afterwards there was not, 784. What is the quality of the perception of the Most Ancient Church, 895:2. What the sons of the Most Ancient Church said respecting perception, 1121. The celestial angels perceive by means of love whatever belongs to faith, from the Lord, 202. There is perception when love is the principal, 371. Perception is given when it is turned to the celestial things of love, 1442. There is the perception of good and truth with the celestial, the perception of what is righteous and equitable in the civil life, and the perception of what is honest in the moral life; concerning which, 2831:2.
Spiritual Perception. The perception of the spiritual is the influx of the speech of angels with men, 5228. It is not with others than those who are in love and charity; with them there is thought from perception, 5228. The spiritual can have the perception of civil and moral truth and good, but not the perception of spiritual good and truth, 7977. Revelation from perception, and revelation from speech with angels; what the difference is, 5121. The quality of perception then, 5121:2. See REVELATION.
Common Perception. Perception is from the faculty of concluding, and it is exercised about matters in the world, but not about spiritual things; the reason: illustrated, 5937:2. Perception consists in seeing what is true and what is false, not in confirming either, 7680:2. The light of perception is Divine, not the light of confirmation, which is merely sensual: illustrated, 8780:2. Concerning sight from the interior, 9128. See To SEE.
Perception, Conscience, and Sense. He who has perception knows the minute parts of particulars, and the particular parts of generals, not so he who has conscience, 865:2. Perception is described; and conscience succeeded it; what the difference is, 2144. What thought from perception, from conscience, and from no conscience is, 2515. The sense of touch is the general of all sense, arising from the perceptive which is the internal sensitive, 3528. Everything that is sensitive and perceptive is from good, not from truth, 3528.
Perception in the Spiritual World. There is a perception of all things that belong to any ideas, in the other life, 1008. Perceptions in the other life; the quality of another is known immediately, 1504. See concerning these under SPHERE. The truths of the Church are comprehended altogether otherwise by those who are in good than by those who are not in good, 5478. What the quality of a spirit is, is known when he approaches, 4626.
General Facts. Where spirits were, and several other things, also their quality, perceived, 1640. With those who have perception the interior rational is terminated, 5145:4.
Seriatim Statement. There is a twofold perception in the other life: they perceive what is good and true, and they perceive what their qualities are, 1383. Concerning the perception of celestial angels and of spiritual angels, 1384. They who reason perceive little, 1385. They who suppose that they know from themselves, do not perceive, 1386. The learned do not perceive what perception is, 1387. They perceive what the quality of another is: illustrated from those things which are therefrom; it is known from the speech, gesture, and face what another thinks, 1388. Whence these things are, 1388e; they also come into a more perfect state than when in the body, 1389. There is a communication of all thoughts and affections, 1390-1392. The quality of love and faith is perceived, 1394. Consociations are according to perceptions, 1394. Whatever there is in deceit is perceived, 1395. An example of perception from afar off, 1396. By reason of perception, the evil cannot approach to heaven; an example, 1397. The evil cannot sustain the presence of an angel, 1398.
Significations Involved. Concerning the perception which turned into scents, see SCENT. Trees d. perceptions, 103.
[Perfect. See ENTIRE.]
Perfection (perfectio). A man cannot be perfected to eternity, 675. Perfection grows to immensity in the other life, 1610.
Perfidy (perfidia). To act perfidiously d. to act against Divine order: shown, 8999.
[Perfume. See OINTMENT and SCENT.
Periphery. See CIRCUMFERENCE.]
Peritoneum (peritonaeum). Concerning the correspondence of the peritoneum, and concerning those who constitute the peritoneum in the Grand Man; what their quality is when they are infested by renal spirits, 5378; and what their quality is when infested by those who constitute the colon there, 5379.
Perizzite (Perisita). [See also AMORITE.] Perizzite d. falsity from evil, 6859. Canaanite d. evil; Perizzite d. falsity, 1573, 1574. Canaanite d. the Church as to good, and Perizzite, the Church as to truth, 4517.
Permission (permissio). See ORDER. Something concerning permission, 592e. Why evils are attributed to the Lord, and in what manner it is to be understood that they come to pass by permission; the reason, 2447. In temptations the Lord does not concur by permitting according to the idea that man has of permission, 2768. The permission of evil by the Lord is not as of one who wills, but as of one who cannot bring aid, while urging the end which is the salvation of the human race, 7877e. To leave a man to do evil from his own freedom is to permit, 10778.
Perplexed (perplexum). See ENTWINED.
Person (persona). Angels think abstractly from persons, 8343e; the reason, 8985, 9007. See ABSTRACT. The name of a person does not enter heaven, 10282. The idea of a person is turned into the idea of a thing, in the internal sense; why, 5225, 5287, 5434:2.
Persuasion (persuasio). See also BEGINNING and PHANTASY. Concerning the dire persuasions of the antediluvians, who are called Nephilim, Anakim, and Rephaim; and they were such, 581, 1268, 1270, 1271, 1673, 7686. See NEPHILIM. How injurious the persuasion of falsity is, 794, 806. The persuasive sphere of falsity continually excites things which confirm falsity, 1510, 1511. There are several kinds of persuasions of falsity, 1673:3, 1675:5. What is the quality of the persuasive, or a persuasive faith, 2343:6, 2682:2, 2689:4. The quality of the persuasive which counterfeits faith, 3865:3; but which is not faith, 3865:3. The persuasive sphere in the other life suffocates; an experience, 3895. A persuasive of truth is with those who are in the life of evil, 3895. The things which have been confirmed by doctrine and life remain to eternity, 4747:2. They who are in the persuasion of falsity are interiorly bound: illustrated, 5096. Concerning the persuasion of falsity; of what quality it appears, and what it is, 5128:3. They who ascend from a lower part through the region of the loins and of the breast believe themselves to be in the Lord, and that whatever they do, even infamous things, are done from Him, 7621, 7622:2. See MARS.
Perturb, To (perturbare). See To DISTURB.
Pestilence (pestis). Pestilence d. the vastation of good and truth, and damnation, 7102, 7505; thence consumption, 7505, 7507, 7511. To die by the pestilence d. to be consumed, 7507, 7511.
Peter (Petrus). That Peter denied the Lord d. that in the last time faith rejected the Lord, 6000:5, 6073e. What the keys given to Peter s.; it d. the faith of charity which is from the Lord alone, Pref. to Gen. xxii. [ante 2760,] 3750:2, 4738e. The keys given to Peter d. the faith of charity from the Lord, 6344e. See also ROCK. Peter, James, and John stand for faith, charity, and the good of charity, Pref. to Gen. xviii. [ante 2135.] Peter rd. faith, James charity, and John the works of charity, Pref. to Gen. xviii. [ante 2135.] The Lord’s words relating to Peter and John, whether he loved Him, and that he should feed His sheep and lambs, and should follow Him, are explained, 10087:2.
Petitions (preces). See PRAYER.
Phantasy (phantasia), How dire are the phantasies of the antediluvians, 1270. He who supposed all things to be phantasies, and nothing real, sat at a mill, 1510e. The sphere of phantasies is like a mist, 1512. Spirits induce visions by means of phantasies, 1967. Evil spirits torment each other by means of phantasies, 1969. In the other life, the sensitive faculty is real in heaven, and not real in hell: illustrated, 4623. What it is to imitate Divine things by study and art: illustrated from fantastic imitation with spirits who then appear so in externals, but in internals are filthy and diabolical, 10284, 10286.
Pharaoh (Pharao). See EGYPT, [and under ARMY.]
Pharez (Perez). Phares son of Tamar; what is sd., 4927.
Philistia (Philistaea). Philistia d. the science of cognitions: shown, 1197, 1198. Philistines d. those who are in the science of cognitions alone, and not in the life, and who have rejected the doctrinal things of charity, and acknowledged the doctrinal things of faith; and because they are in the loves of self and of gain, they are called the uncircumcised, 3412, 3413 in the good sense, those who are in the doctrine of faith, and as to life in the good of truth, 3463; those who are in the truth of faith, which is not from good: shown, 8093. The habitation of those who are such in the other life, 8096:2, 8099:2. They infest the upright, 8096:2. Philistines d. those who are in faith alone separated from good; their errors and quality; 8313; the interior truths of faith: illustrated and shown, 9340. From the sea Suph to the sea of the Philistines d. from scientific truths to the interior truths of faith, 9340.
[Philistines, King of the. See ABIMELECH.]
Philosophy (philosophia). Those who reason from sensual, scientific, and philosophical things are described; what the spirit is, 196. Intellectual good perishes by means of philosophy, 2124. Philosophy, namely, metaphysics and logic, drags the understanding down to the dust, and is an unclean froth, 3348. Several things concerning the scholastics, or logic and metaphysics, and concerning Aristotle, 4658:2. Philosophy makes men fatuous, if they stick in terms; but is otherwise, if they proceed from thought to them: illustrated, 4658:3. See ARISTOTLE. Philosophical matters, which are cultivated at the present time, are of no use, because they do not go beyond terms, 4966:4.
Phlegm (pituita). Concerning the correspondence of the pituitary glands of the brain, 5386.
Physician, Medicine, Medicament (medicus, medicino, medicamentum). Physician d. preservation from evils: shown, 6502.
[Pia Mater. See MATER.]
Pieces (frusta). See SEGMENTS.
Piety (pietas). A life of piety without the life of charity avails nothing, but with it conduces to all things, 8252. What the life of piety is, 8253.
[Pig. See SOW.
Pigeon. See DOVE.]
Pile (cumulus). See HEAP (acervus).
Pillar (statua). See ALTAR and STONE, [also COLUMN and To ANOINT.] The origin of pillars was from the most ancient times; and in what manner they were afterwards made for worship; concerning which, 4580:2. Pillars were in use with the ancients, and rd. holy worship from truths, and afterwards idolatrous worship from falsities: illustrated and shown, 10643; they sd. worship from truths, because they were stones, and these s. truths, 10643:2. Pillar d. the holy of truth, 4580; a holy boundary, thus the ultimate of order, consequently truth: shown, 3727; they were erected for a sign, for a witness, and for worship: shown, 3727:2; in the opposite sense, they d. worship from falsity: shown, 3727:5. They poured oil on the head of a pillar,